American Jews Betrayed Israel

I have always been a friend of Israel and a strong supporter of the Jewish religion. I have also expressed how I am mystified by the support Jews give the Democratic party here in America. Democrats are not friendly to Jews and only court them around election time. I can’t understand how such a fairly well educated group of successful people can be so willing to back people who care little about them or their country of origin.

Barack Obama is no friend of Israel. The video the LA Times refuses to release would show Obama blaming Israel for genocide and saying that it has no right to some claimed land. Obama has aligned himself with people who are anti Semitic like Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright as well as Hymietown Jackson. And yet, American Jews overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president.

Looks like Jews in Israel did not support the idea of a president Obama and now they are quite worried about his victory. Given recent statements by Iran about an Obama victory meaning the end of the Zionists one can readily understand the apprehension of those Jews who live in Israel:

Then Israel warned last night that the new U.S. Commander-in-Chief’s campaign claim that he was ready to open talks with Iran could be seen in the Middle East as a sign of weakness.


In a step that will further increase Israel’s anxiety about Obama, Tehran announced last night that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had broken a 29-year tradition and sent his congratulations to the President-elect – the first time an Iranian leader has offered such wishes since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad congratulated the Democrat on ‘attracting the majority of voters in the election’.

He said he hoped Obama will ‘use the opportunity to serve the (American) people and leave a good name for history’ during his term in office. Daily Mail UK

The tell tale signs were present all along and yet the Jews in America refused to heed them. In Hitler’s Germany there were tell tale signs and non Jews around the world ignored them until millions of Jews had been murdered by Hitler and his henchmen.

In our time the people ignoring the dangers to Israel’s Jews are the Jews who have made a good life for themselves in America. They voted overwhelmingly to put a man who poses a threat to millions of Jews in Israel in charge of America. The overwhelming support for Obama by American Jews has placed Israel in grave danger and guaranteed that it will have no peace for quite some time. The acts of American Jews have further emboldened murderous tyrants like Ahmadinejad.

Jews selling out other Jews. That was the scenario that sent Jesus to the cross and it might be the scenario that sends Israel a lot of death and destruction.

I wonder if these American Jews got their 30 pieces of silver?

Big Dog

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And Jews Will Still Vote For Obama

I have never been able to figure out the American Jewish community. They are a bunch of hard working people who own businesses and live good lives but they continue to support the Democratic party year after year even though the Democrats take a crap on them every chance they get. Every four years it is the same thing. Democratic candidates pander to the Jews and promise them that they are strong supporters of Israel and then once they get elected they forget the Jews until the next election. When problems arise that require America to stand with Israel the Democrats cause all kinds of problems.

Barack Obama is no supporter of Israel. Sure, he went there and prayed and said all the right things but he has a long history of associating with anti Semites. His associations include Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farakhan and Jesse Jackson, all of whom are anti Semites. Obama himself has made promises to the Jewish community only to backtrack the next day and leaders of Muslim countries are praying for an Obama win because they know he will not be as kind to Israel as Republicans are. Muslim leaders hope to be able to rid the world of Israel and under an Obama administration, they might just do it.

Jesse Jackson, who is not a spokesperson for Obama, was interviewed recently and he stated that Obama would stop the practice of putting Israel’s needs above those of other nations in the Middle East.

He promised “fundamental changes” in US foreign policy – saying America must “heal wounds” it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the “arrogance of the Bush administration.”

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end. New York Post [emphasis mine]

Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.

Israel is our ally. No other country in the Middle East is and they all love when Americans suffer. Several of them tolerate us but they would be more than happy to see America’s demise. Jackson, true to his anti Semite beliefs, says that Zionists have too much control in America and that Obama will end that. How much more do American Jews need to hear to oppose this guy? It is not like Jackson is not in touch with Obama. Obama and Jackson’s son are friends and his daughter went to school with Michelle Obama. They live near each other and Jackson has been a big supporter of The One. Jackson views this election as all about race and America finally doing what blacks want. He calls it a redemptive election but states that race issues will not be solved should Obama win. Why would he believe that? If race issues are solved this master race hustler would be out of a job. He lives to extort money from companies based on trumped up allegations of racism.

Jackson also said something that should infuriate any member of the military. Jackson, while saying why Obama’s chances are good, stated that we have a collapsing economy and a war that we lost in Iraq. He also stated that the US would have to keep troops there for a long time. When asked about Obama’s pledge to bring them all home by 2010 Jackson said that would have to “evolve, reflecting realities on the ground.”

So let’s get this straight. George Bush has kept troops in Iraq based on the realities on the ground and that drives the moonbats bananas. Obama promises to bring them home in short order, in fact that was the basis of his entire primary campaign (his sound judgment and all), but he might have to leave them there because of the conditions on the ground. This seems to be OK with Jackson though he is never short of negative words when referring to George Bush and Iraq. Let’s also be clear about this; WE HAVE NOT LOST THE WAR IN IRAQ. The only people who see a loss are the Democrats because they pray we will lose there. You can bet that if Obama wins and brings the troops home Jackson and his ilk will be claiming Barack brought us victory.

As an aside, Howard Stern sent someone on the street to ask people about who they are voting for. When they found people saying they were voting for Obama they were then asked questions about Obama’s positions but the questioner inserted McCain’s positions instead. The people were fine with everything as long as it was attributed to Obama. Pro life, banning embryonic stem cell research, and Sarah Palin as VP were all fine with Obama supporters. Now tell me again that people are not voting for him just because of his color or that they have no real clue and would vote for anything so long as they believed it was an Obama position. Kool Aid runs freely in Obama land.

Anyway, the Jews in America need to wake up and realize that the people in the Republican party have always been friends to Israel and when we say we will defend our ally, we mean it. They need to pay attention to the Democrats who promise them everything and then ignore them when the election is over.

If Obama wins and the “Zionists” in America get screwed and if Israel gets raked over the coals then the American Jewish community will have no one to blame but itself. For God’s sake, how many times do you folks have to be screwed before you fight back? Maybe this will help:

“Bush was so afraid of a snafu and of upsetting Israel that he gave the whole thing a miss,” Jackson says. “Barack will change that,” because, as long as the Palestinians haven’t seen justice, the Middle East will “remain a source of danger to us all.”

“Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims,” Jackson says. “Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith.” (author: and that would be?) [same article]

As long as Palestinians have not seen justice? What kind of justice is it when Israel gets a little piece of land and attempts to live in peace on it only to have Palestine lobbing rockets in all day and demanding that Israel give up its land. Each time Israel capitulates it gets attacked again and more concessions are demanded of them. God forbid Israel uses it military or the UN and the Democrats have conniptions. How long will Jews allow this to continue before they see that Democrats are as much a threat to the survival of Israel as Ahmadinejad? Barack Obama will repair our relations with the Islamic world but they will not be healed until Israel is gone. That will be a precondition Obama will have to meet.

Big Dog

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Friar

Senator Barack Obama is fighting for his political life after the racist rants and views of his longtime pastor caused an uproar in our country. Obama’s core vote remains the same but he is losing support among independents and the white community in general. People are disillusioned by support for a man who has, and continues, to make racist remarks. Obama is an empty suit and the only thing going for him was his charm and message of unity. The message from Jeremiah Wright is anything but unifying and Obama, who listened to these messages for 20 years, is guilty by association in this disunity. Once the message is gone, there is nothing left of Obama but an empty shell.

The speech on race that Obama gave was an effort to stop the hemorrhaging of support but to many, the speech was nothing more than excuses for the way Wright feels and a comparison of his support for Wright to the love he has for his white grandmother. Obama seems to think people do not understand that we cannot choose our blood relatives but we can choose who we associate with outside of our families.

While Obama is trying to beat down the alligators that have surfaced around him another so-called religious leader has reared his ugly head in support of Obama. The race baiting poverty pimp Reverend Al Sharpton is supporting Senator Obama’s bid for the presidency. Sharpton is noting more than another antisemitic racist who blames white people for all the woes in the black community. Sharpton claims he will not endorse Obama because that would tie the Senator to what Sharpton says and does but that he will be working to help Obama win the presidency. To me it is a non endorsement, endorsement.

Sharpton wanted to keep his support quiet but this article pretty much puts it out in the open. Interestingly, Sharpton claims that Obama asked him to publicly endorse but Sharpton said it would work better if he did not. Now, Obama can claim that he was unaware of the racist remarks made by Pastor Wright, a claim I find suspect, but there is no way he is unaware of Sharpton’s record of racist and antisemitic remarks. Sharpton has been in the news for decades and his rants against Jews and whites are well known. They are part of the public record and Obama, who is not a stupid man, has to know how people view the Reverend Al.

Herein lies the problem. Obama gives a speech where he claims not to have known of Wright’s words and that he [Obama] would have told him that they were inappropriate if he had heard them. Obama claims that these words are inappropriate but that he cannot cast Wright off any more than he could cast off the black community or his white grandmother (as if the black community as a whole is offensive like Wright). At the same time he is giving his “I have a nightmare” speech he is seeking the endorsement of another divisive racist black man. When Obama jumps from one racist to another it makes it very difficult to believe his claim that he would never condone the kinds of offensive things Wright said.

Senator Obama is worried that people will paint him with the same brush as they do Wright and for him that is a very valid concern. But one finds it hard to see how any other brush can be used when Obama seeks the endorsement of a man who is as ugly and as racist as Wright.

There were those who said that race would be an issue in this campaign. Only an idiot would say it has not but very few figured that the defining issue on race would be the hatred and racism toward whites. Obama, by aligning himself with these racists, is showing his true color.

Big Dog