I know How To Swim

The Islamic Terrorist group (but I repeat myself) causing havoc in the Middle East is setting its sights on America. The US finally did something to slow the advance of ISIS and allowed the affected people to fight back and recapture some land and an important dam. The terrorists are not happy and vow to kill Americans if the bombings result in hits on the terror members.

In fact, the group states that it will drown all of us in blood.

The video, which shows a photograph of an American who was beheaded during the U.S. occupation of Iraq and victims of snipers, featured a statement which said in English “we will drown all of you in blood”. Yahoo News

Well good luck trying you little pukes. The American public is armed and there are millions of us who are ready, willing and able to take you out. It has been said that there are more people with firearms in the woods on the opening day of hunting season in Pennsylvania than we have in our armed forces and that is only in one state.

Come on over here and try to take OUR country and see what happens to you. There will be lots of blood but it will be yours and we won’t drown because we can swim.

I guess living in a desert puts you at a disadvantage in that regard.

We are not afraid of you. I know I am not afraid of you and look forward to finally putting an end to you.

You see, I came into this world through another person covered in that person’s blood.

I am not afraid to go out the same way…

So bring it boys and not with the cowardly little terror attacks with airplanes and bomb vests. No sir, come here as a somewhat organized herd of camel shaggers and fight like men.

Don’t worry, you still have the virgins to look forward to. Though I doubt there are many virgins in Hell…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama’s Failure In Iraq

Obama ran as a guy who opposed action in Iraq and he vowed to remove our troops from that country as soon as he could. Once he decided to leave he announced it to the world and he did not entertain ideas about leaving security forces to ensure the peace.

The man who has never run anything and who has no military experience was warned that announcing a departure date was stupid because the enemy would know when the chance of running into American forces would end. It had the end date.

The bad guys also knew that if none of our forces remained then they would be able to regroup and attack.

That has now all happened. Iraqis in many parts of the country are being attacked and murdered by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis). That group is taking cities at a fast pace and leaving murder and mayhem in its path. The decapitated heads of policemen and soldiers line the streets of Mosul as the carnage continues.

Sharia Law is being imposed and anyone who refuses or breaks the law will be murdered.

This is what Barack Obama has given the people of Iraq and it is because of his ego. He thinks the world loves us because he is in charge. He thinks all he has to do is make nice and others will do the same. The enemy knows that America does not have the stomach to recommit troops to Iraq after many years of war and it is taking advantage of our (Obama’s) weakness.

Members of Congress who fought in Iraq are wondering aloud what the point of their (indicating our armed forces) effort was if Obama was just going to allow it to disintegrate into chaos.

Joe Biden once said that Iraq was one of Obama’s great achievements. Well how great is the achievement now that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are being displaced and untold numbers are being murdered?

I don’t know what can be done for Iraq short of sending military assistance (drones and air power) but it is a good bet that we will not be sending ground troops. I am not advocating that but I know even if it were one hundred percent right to do so Obama would not. That would be admitting that his policies and what he did all resulted in failure and Obama does not admit his mistakes.

I am curious how many Democrats will be screaming that we need to do something to help those folks after spending years screaming about our involvement there and saying we needed to get out. How long before they blame George W Bush for the chaos? [UPDATE: That did not take long]

During the last presidential election debates Mitt Romney said it would be a mistake to remove all our troops from Iraq.

How many more times do his past utterances, ones ridiculed by liberals, have to come to fruition before people who worship Obama realize Romney was right and Obama was wrong?

How long before people begin to realize he does not know what he is doing?

How long before they realize the Emperor has no clothes?

How many people in Iraq will be murdered because Obama is a weak inept leader with no real experience?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
