More Little Timmy Geithners Got Stimulus Money

Money Burn

The Federal Government runs a lot of programs and it continually looks for more and more to get involved in. While government tells us that it is capable of running things it fails us when it comes to running things well. Every program in the government has waste, fraud, and abuse. The programs get so big and have so many layers of red tape that money is wasted left and right and the government only finds out (if it ever finds out) after millions of dollars have been lost.

The Government Accounting Office released a report that indicated that 1.6 BILLION dollars in Stimulus money went to people who should not have received it. The money was designed to help people who were behind on their mortgages but they had to be current on their taxes. No one bothered to check and 1.6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer money went to people who, like Tim Geithner, cheated on their taxes (whether they committed fraud or just decided not to pay it is still cheating the government out of what is due).

Not only are these people, like the bottom 49% of wage earners, unpatriotic (VP Biden said it was patriotic to pay taxes), they scammed the federal government and the federal government was unable to detect the scam until after BILLIONS had been lost.

Does anyone really think the government will get that money back? It went to people who did not pay taxes in the first place so it is unlikely they would pay anything else they might owe.

Interestingly, those folks were not detected as tax cheats by the government’s money Mafioso, the IRS. In other words, not only did the government NOT detect that the money was going to tax cheats, it did not detect that these folks were tax cheats when taxes were filed.

Once again, government does not run things well.

The Stimulus was a waste of money as any thinking being knew it would be. It is bad enough that the waste of money known as the Stimulus happened in the first place but to have it wasted on people to whom it should not have gone and who are not paying their taxes is ridiculous.

I thought Vice President Joe Biden, Sheriff Joe as it were (not the real Sheriff Joe who actually follows the law) was supposed to be the public’s watchdog. I thought he was supposed to track the money and ensure that it was not wasted.

We need smaller government and we need government to stay out of things it is not designed to “manage”.

Really, does anyone think that a government that can’t find tax evaders and can’t track money that was not supposed to go to such people will be able to ensure there is no waste and fraud in a government run healthcare scheme (Obamacare) that will involve TRILLIONS of dollars?

Hell, Medicare has been around for decades. It has cost many multiples of what was originally estimated (no government estimate is ever right) and it has had BILLIONS in waste over the decades including a recent discovery of fraud worth 4.2 MILLION dollars. It involved penis pumps and seems appropriate considering what happens to taxpayers every time government runs a program.

Remember, the Stimulus (like all Obama spending) is like the Obama Meal. You order and someone behind you has to pay for it…

I recommend that people regularly check in with Citizens Against Government Waste.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Men In Barack III, Will Smith And Taxes

Actor Will Smith (Fresh Prince, Men in Black) is a supporter of Barack Obama so much so that Smith believes in Obama’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy (where wealthy is redefined to get money from those of modest means). Smith, in fact, is “very supportive of that idea [raising taxes]”.

“I’m very supportive of that idea,” Smith told The Associated Press in an interview. “America has been fantastic to me. I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country growing.” Comcast via the AP

Will Smith has not always felt that way because he, like many liberals, did not pay enough in taxes (he evidently had a problem paying what was needed to keep the country growing). When Smith started making a lot of money he underpaid his taxes. He ended up owing 2.8 MILLION dollars to the IRS and had most of his property confiscated and his wages garnished to pay his tax bill.

I guess when he was making all that money and spending it like there was no tomorrow he was not concerned or “supportive” of taxes. He was nearly bankrupt when the IRS got done with him, or as he said, they took all my stuff.

Smith is now supportive of higher taxes because he will, no doubt, find ways to exempt some of his income by giving it to the Church of Scientology. Smith could pay more if he was truly supportive.

Hey Will, the Treasury will accept money from folks to pay off the debt. Here is a link to the Treasury website where you can read about the program and then make a donation of as much money as you wish. You can even give them the entire 20 million dollars you will make for MIB III, if you are really supportive.

I am willing to bet that Smith will not be writing a check to the Treasury to help with the debt. He is supportive because this is an election year and he wants to help Obama. He was not supportive when he failed to pay his taxes and he will not be supportive by donating to the Treasury.

Will, I am supportive of cutting spending. I am supportive of getting government out of things it has no business in. I am supportive of limited government and people being able to keep the fruits of their labor.

You obviously believe that for yourself despite your support for higher taxes.

Who knows? Maybe Smith used a flashy thing to erase his memory…

Lord knows Obama would like to have one of those to use on the public before election day.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare Adds Employees To The IRS

Obamacare will cost a lot of money instead of saving money like we were told (lied to) when it was introduced. We are already seeing this as the IRS will need thousands of new agents to implement the law. The IRS will effectively become an enforcer of a health care law that has been ruled unconstitutional.

The IRS will need 81 new agents just to keep track of the new tax on tanning salons and 76 will keep track on those who make and import drugs to make sure they pay the new fees imposed on them. Does anyone with a brain actually think these taxes and fees will NOT be passed on to the consumer?

This increase on consumers will add to the misery being felt by consumers who are paying a lot more for things since Obama took office. Dick Morris has a very sobering chart posted at his website. This chart shows how bad things have gotten under Obama.

The law will not create private sector jobs but it will certainly add to an already inflated federal payroll.

And it will add more costs to consumers.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Health Care Shell Game

The CBO numbers came out and Democrats are giddy. They believe the numbers reported mean that the health care takeover bill will save money and reduce the deficit. This is far from the truth. The CBO can only grade what they are given and they are only given items that are expected to give the desired result. It is a shell game that all politicians play when they want to hide the true cost of any legislation.

The reality of the health care takeover is that it will increase the deficit. The doc-fix is something that has been going on for a long time. In order to reimburse doctors the amount needed for Medicare patients, a separate bill is introduced each year to fix the problem. The fix is usually added to some other spending bill to reduce the cost of Medicare. Last year it was added to the Defense bill so the cost, on paper, was not borne by Medicare.

The doc-fix was supposed to be a part of the health care takeover bill and it should be. It would have been a permanent part of health care so that there would be no future need for doc-fixes. But that fix caused a deficit so the Democrats removed it from the bill and made it a separate piece of legislation. The money must still be spent but removing it from the health care takeover bill kept the CBO from scoring it against the bill. Keep in mind, this is still a cost that must be borne no matter what bill it appears in.

The CBO states, despite what Democrats claim (Obama made the claim today), that the health care takeover would increase the deficit. This is an assessment based on including the doc-fix in the health care takeover bill.

The Congressional Budget Office said Friday that rolling back a programmed cut in Medicare fees to doctors would cost $208 billion over 10 years. If added back to the health care overhaul bill, it would wipe out all the deficit reduction, leaving the legislation $59 billion in the red.

The so-called doc fix was part of the original House bill. Because of its high cost, Democrats decided to pursue it separately. Republicans say the cost should not be ignored. Congress has usually waived the cuts to doctors year by year. Yahoo News

Republicans are correct in saying that this cost should not be ignored because it is a cost associated with health care. Democrats are deliberately ignoring it to give the false impression that the health care takeover bill will reduce the deficit.

It will actually cause the takeover to be 59 BILLION dollars in the red. That is 59 Billion more dollars added to the deficit.

This is a shell game being played in order to get this takeover passed. The bill is not about health and it is not about care. It is about control. Once the government controls health care it will control the people and this is what Democrats want, control over you.

Keep in mind that VP Biden said that the government would control the health care companies (it is about control) and Nancy Pelosi said that this was the start and that more would be done after this passes. They want the public option and this is what she is talking about. When Obama was being skewered by Bret Baier this week he disclosed that this is a start and that they were working incrementally to get more. He has stated in the past that the public option was the goal and he alluded to that in the interview. He pointed out that Canada did not get where it is all at once, that they did it in steps. This health care takeover is the first of many steps to get to a public option and take complete control of our lives.

To ensure that we are controlled by the government the bill puts the IRS in charge of checking on each of us every month to make sure we are insured. If we do not have insurance they will fine us and take the money from any refund due or otherwise fine us. The government will use the IRS to enforce the dictatorial rules on us and that will cost about 10 BILLION more dollars that will have to be paid but will not be counted against the cost of the legislation even though the expense is a direct result of it.

The process is unconstitutional and it is contrary to what a free people expect. Once government controls our lives we have lost our freedom and this is what Democrats want.

We also need to understand that Obama is in favor of using the same jaded and unconstitutional processes to pass the rest of his agenda. How far will this go? How far does it have to go before Americans revolt?

I do not know the answer but I know that I will not relinquish my freedom without a fight.

And all true Americans feel the same.

We will teach these people that they work for us and that we are not their servants.

One way or another they are going to learn this lesson.

Big Dog


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Where Were They For Geithner And Rangel?

Two IRS agents showed up at a car wash in Sacramento to collect back taxes. The agents incurred travel expenses and were paid their salaries in order to collect a whopping 4 cents.

It was every businessperson’s nightmare.

Arriving at Harv’s Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. “They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending,” says Harv’s owner, Aaron Zeff.

The really odd part of this: The letter that was hand-delivered to Zeff’s on-site manager showed the amount of money owed to the feds was … 4 cents.

Inexplicably, penalties and taxes accruing on the debt – stemming from the 2006 tax year – were listed as $202.31, leaving Harv’s with an obligation of $202.35. The Sacramento Bee

OK, so with penalties the balance was a little over 200 dollars which begs the question, how much interest and penalties are levied to turn 4 cents into 200 dollars in just four years?

The troubling thing here is that the IRS would waste time and money to collect 4 cents (plus the penalties and interest) when it ignored Tim Geithner and Charlie Rangel along with who knows how many others who failed to pay their taxes. And to top it off, the IRS waived any penalties and interest for Geithner.

This is nothing more than an abuse of power and whoever authorized this should be fired. Let’s face it, the 4 cents that was originally owed would not make a dent in the budget deficit and the IRS does not require anyone to pay taxes owed if the amount due is less than one dollar (and it will not refund any amount overpaid if it is under a dollar unless a refund is requested).

This also means that the owner should not have had interest and penalties assessed.

From the IRS:
How To Pay

If you have an amount due on your tax return, you can pay by check, money order, credit or debit card. If you filed electronically, you also may be able to make your payment electronically.
You do not have to pay if the amount you owe is less than $1. [This emphasis mine]

I guess this is a sign of the times to come. The government is so anxious to spend our money that it will go to any length to squeeze out every last cent from us.

I don’t know how this happened but it is wrong no matter how one views it.

Big Dog


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