Between Barack And A Hard Place In Syria

Barack Obama discussed the movement or use of chemical weapons in Syria as a red line that would be crossed and require action. The red line was crossed and now something has to be done or Obama will look like all talk and no action. He will lose face if he does not do something and this is of his own doing.

Obama is weighing options with regard to a military strike in Syria. He has not recalled Congress to get its approval for such an action and it appears as if he might not do so. The use of chemical weapons in Syria is not an attack on the US and there is not an imminent threat to this country so he is required to get Congressional approval for any military action.

Whether you agree with George Bush’s decision to go into Iraq or not he did get Congressional approval for the use of military force. No matter what the outcome or how one feels about it Bush did what he was supposed to do.

The reality is that if Obama strikes Syria then Syria and Iran will strike Israel. This will draw in players like Russia and China as well as the UK, France and the US. In other words, this situation is a powder keg with a short fuse that could result in World War III.

Obama is in a tight spot because of his mouth.

His Democrats are in a tight spot because after years of bashing Bush for actions in Iraq they are now faced with a nearly identical situation (and the WMD in Syria likely came from Iraq). These Democrats will have to rationalize any yes vote on military action because they all eventually expressed their disapproval.

When there was talk about going into Iran Joe Biden said he would push for impeachment of Bush if he did so without Congressional approval. Barack Obama said that the president could not use military force without congressional approval unless there was an attack on our country or a threat of imminent attack. Now he is pushing to do that which he said was illegal and that which his VP (who was a Senator at the time) said would cause him to push for impeachment.

How will Democrats reconcile the conflict between doing the exact opposite of what they railed about and their desire to keep Obama from looking weaker than he already looks to the rest of the world?

If Barack Obama orders military force be used in Syria without Congressional approval then the military has an obligation not to carry out the orders and Obama should be impeached. If anyone in the military carries out those orders they should be prosecuted for obeying unlawful orders.

If Obama calls on Congress and Congress gives the approval then we have to live with the consequences though Democrats will still have to explain how their change of heart was for national security and not to cover Obama’s rear end.

If Obama goes to Congress and does not get approval then he is stuck with his foot in his mouth looking like a paper tiger.

In addition, all the anti war, anti Bush protesters will have to show the same reaction to Obama as they did to Bush. To do otherwise would show their blatant anti American hypocrisy.

Keep in mind, Bush got approval from Congress.

Now it is time for the alleged Constitutional law professor to follow the Constitution.

I know why should he start now?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Another News Round Up

Looks like Obama is not so keen on following his rules about lobbyists:

Despite the job title, McLaughlin wasn’t a registered lobbyist. Still, ethics rules created by an Obama executive order prohibit McLaughlin from “participat[ing] in any particular matter involving specific parties that is directly and substantially related to” Google. But the e-mails show McLaughlin has been involved with formulating policy that directly affects Google, regularly trading e-mails with Google’s “evangelist,” and lobbyist.


And only when I followed up with a question about the e-mails with lobbyist Davidson did Weiss admit “they did violate the President’s Ethics Pledge,” and note that McLaughlin had been reprimanded. [emphasis mine] Washington Examiner

Well so much for the no lobbyists lobbying for their special interests. How’s that transparency thing working out for ya?

Iran blinks after much bluster:

Iran will not be sending a blockade-busting ship to Gaza in defiance of Israeli warnings, an Iranian lawmaker said Saturday, citing Israeli “restrictions.” Yahoo News

Iran was going to send the blockade buster to help get “humanitarian” aid ships through. Perhaps the idea of being sunk by the Israeli Navy did not appeal to Iran. Imagine the humiliation if that happened.

Maybe the Islamic radicals don’t care who is leading our country:

As for the revolutionary Islamists–be they al-Qaida, Hamas, Hizballah, the Taliban, and the Muslim Brotherhoods–or the radical regimes–be they Iran, Syria, the de facto Islamic Republic of Gaza, or others–all the U.S. governments are definitely the same. Indeed, they make this point explicitly in their declarations and media every day.

To them, the American people are “all the same” and the American governments are “all the same.” The argument between liberals and conservatives on this point is irrelevant. They hate the United States because of its values and they also hate the United States because of its policies. Gloria Center

While liberals love to exclaim that George Bush made the world, particularly the world of Islam, hate us, the reality is they hated us long before Bush was president. They bombed the WTC the first time under Clinton, attacked the Cole and other targets under Clinton and planned 9/11 under him. They do not like us no matter who is elected to lead us and they will continue to attack us until they are defeated.

How is that citizen of the world plan working out?

Another broken Obama promise? Gitmo remains open.

Stymied by political opposition and focused on competing priorities, the Obama administration has sidelined efforts to close the Guantánamo prison, making it unlikely that President Obama will fulfill his promise to close it before his term ends in 2013.

“The president can’t just wave a magic wand to say that Gitmo will be closed,” said a senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss internal thinking on a sensitive issue. The New York Times

Obama can’t wave a magic wand and make things happen but he sure acted like it when, with much fanfare, he signed the Executive Order to close it within one year of him taking office. That pen was his magic wand and he waved as if his deeming it so would make it happen.

This is what you get when you put someone with no leadership experience in charge.

Joe Biden Admits they can’t recover the jobs.

Vice President Joe Biden gave a stark assessment of the economy today, telling an audience of supporters, “there’s no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession.” CBS News

Biden goes on to do what has become the main theme of this regime, blame it all on Bush. That excuse is getting old. Hey Joe, the mess belongs to you and you and Obama got it because you convinced America you could fix things.

Now you admit that you can’t.

Is ACORN running the Census?

Two Census Bureau managers from a Brooklyn field office were fired after their bosses found they faked household surveys to meet deadlines, the Daily News learned.

Instead of pounding the pavement and knocking on doors, the corner-cutting people-counters mined the phone book and Internet to make up answers to questionnaires, regional director Tony Farthing said. NY Daily News

This census has been poorly run and has cost billions more than any previous census. Perhaps that is because the Obama regime is using numbers of census employees to artificially lower the unemployment rate. These people are counted as new jobs but will be gone in a few months.

The folks who did this should be prosecuted for falsifying a government record. This is what happens when a corrupt regime runs things.

Biden calls store manager a Smart ass. Custard’s last stand:

Joe Biden, VP of the Obama regime, was out getting a frozen custard (he thought he was getting ice cream) and when he asked how much he owed the manager said not to worry about it, “It’s on us.” Then the manager told Biden to lower our taxes and we will call it even. Biden told the man to say something nice instead of being a smart ass. I thought the request for lower taxes was saying something nice.

This is the disdain the regime has for the average guy on the street. If you think you are paying too much in taxes and express that thought you are being a smart ass. This is because the regime, with people like Biden who have NO business experience, think they know better than you. Shut up you serfs and quit being smart asses. We know what is best for you.

Video at Real Clear Politics

Extending an open hand to Iran:

CIA Director Leon Panetta says Iran probably has enough low-enriched uranium for two nuclear weapons, but that it likely would take two years to build the bombs.

Panetta also says he is doubtful that recent U.N. penalties will put an end to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Yahoo News

It would seem as if the Obama doctrine of bowing to all the world leaders and extending an open hand to the bad people of the world has not paid off.

The Iranian leadership knows Obama is weak and they are pushing the limits. They have enough nuclear material for two bombs and will have those bombs in the near future (and probably sooner than the estimated two years).

How is that world experience working out for ya?

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Flotilla Might Be Blessing For Israel’s Iranian Dispute

The Iranians have been threatening to wipe Israel off the map for a number of years now and Israel has had to listen to the trash talk with little or no support from the international “community.” Iran has been working its way toward nuclear weapons as the world pretends to care and pretends to be working to stop them.

There was once word that Israel would attack Iran before allowing it to produce nuclear weapons but any discussion of that is poo pooed by the US government. No matter what happens and no matter what is said, Israel turns out to be the one blamed in any conflict.

An unrelated situation might give Israel the chance to knock off Iran without having to be the ones to start the conflict. The so called peaceful humanitarians have been attempting to run Israeli blockades and have been turned away. A recent attempt ended in bloodshed and death as the “peaceful” people attacked Israeli soldiers and were justly sent to meet their makers. The group has vowed to keep sending ships until it is able to break the blockade. A recent ship was boarded and taken to an Israeli port for inspection. The people on that ship learned from the deaths of the others and did not attack the Israeli soldiers.

This particular situation might be what pits Israel against Iran. The Iranians have stated that they would send their Navy to escort the humanitarian aid vessels.

“Iran’s Revolutionary Guard naval forces are prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys that carry humanitarian assistance for the defenceless and oppressed people of Gaza with all their strength,” pledged Hojjatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khamenei’s personal representative to the guards corps. Guardian UK

If the Iranians escort those vessels and refuse to stop then the Israeli Navy will be pitted against the Iranian Navy and the Iranians will not stand a chance in that particular engagement. The Iranians are only offering to help in order to provoke the Israelis but the ploy might benefit the Jewish state.

Once the Israelis get rid of the Iranian Naval vessels escorting the flotilla the encounter will be more than enough reason for the Israelis to attack Iran and keep on attacking until that place is unable to mount any future offensive operations. It might even be sufficient enough to end the Iranian’s nuclear ambitions.

This potential situation can only be a good thing for Israel. It will have reason to take care of Iran and will not have started the conflict.

All because the people who refuse to do things the proper way insist on breaking the blockade.

See, some good can come from this whole mess.

Maybe the Iranian plan is what Hillary was talking about

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Other Nuclear Talks

Barack Obama is in DC with the heads of other countries to discuss the need to reduce the nuclear arsenals that countries have and to make it harder for terrorist groups to obtain nuclear material. It has been reported that great progress has been made.

The progress in Iran, that is.

In what seems to be a recurring theme, Russia made an announcement that looks like it was timed to embarrass Obama. The nuclear reactor that Russia is building in Iran will be up and running by August. Not to worry though, we have been assured that the reactor is for peaceful purposes and we have no doubt that is the truth because the peaceful, sane, leader of Iran has told us so. If he were some kind of Holocaust denier who wanted Israel wiped off the map then we might have something to worry about.

Interestingly, there seems to be a great deal of concern that Iran might have other ideas on how to use the reactor and could — Wait for it–use it to produce nuclear weapons.

And to top it off, Syria has delivered long range missiles to Hezbollah. Hmm, long range missiles and nuclear material, I wonder what could happen if some nut put those two together…

Good thing the rational leader of Iran and the anti terrorist group Hezbollah are the ones in possession or things might get bad for places like Israel.

It is also fortunate that Obama had all these leaders here to tell them America would be reducing its number of nukes and got these folks to sign on that they would make it harder for terrorists to get their hands on nuclear material. Otherwise a country like Russia might build a nuclear reactor in a country that sponsors terrorism.

Thank God Obama is on the case.

Kind of makes me wonder though, why there was discussion about what Americans should expect in the event a nuke detonated here. As an aside, the 72 hours discussed here is standard for a federal response (like it was in Katrina, which was met). However, I am willing to bet (and I hope I never have to find out) that it will be much longer than 24-72 hours if a nuke detonates here.

But we have nothing to worry about. The Russians have told us that they will work hard to keep terrorists from getting nuclear material and I am sure they will get right on that right after they get paid for building terrorists a reactor to make their own nuclear material.

Looks like Israel will be making a surprise visit to Iran sometime around September.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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US Gearing Up For Trouble With Iran

The United States under Barack Obama is beginning to take the threat from Iran seriously. The administration is sending missile defense systems to four countries and placing two ships capable of shooting Iranian missiles down, in the area. After trying the diplomacy route the adminsitration must have realized that it will not work.

The US is dispatching Patriot defensive missiles to four countries – Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait – and keeping two ships in the Gulf capable of shooting down Iranian missiles. Washington is also helping Saudi Arabia develop a force to protect its oil installations.


The deployment comes after Obama’s attempts to emphasise diplomacy over confrontation in dealing with Iran – a contrast to the Bush administration’s approach – have failed to persuade Tehran to open its nuclear installations to international controls. The White House is now trying to engineer agreement for sanctions focused on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, believed to be in charge of the atomic programme. Guardian UK

It is interesting that the Guardian points out that Obama’s approach has been different than Mr. Bush’s because Obama tried diplomacy first. I think the Bush administration tried diplomacy but not very much of it because George Bush understood the threat and knew that Iran would not respond.

Now, 12 months into his term, Obama has realized the same thing. Obama has ended where Bush was after a 12 month delay that involved an unsuccessful attempt at diplomacy.

Don’t get me wrong, if Obama thought this was best then that was his call to make but now that it has failed we can all see that Bush was pretty much on target. Iran is not interested in diplomacy.

Wow, one year in and Obama is gearing up for a conflict with Iran. He promised to get us out of war but might be getting into another.

I have no problem with the US protecting people in that region, especially our friends in Israel (though this country is not mentioned and is probably the last thing on Obama’s mind) but I have never been one of the Code Pinko anti war types that supported Obama.

They must be taking gas over this.

If Iran launches a missile we should shoot it down and then send about ten thousand Tomahawks into the country divided among their nuclear facilities.

That would send a message…

I hope Iran shoots first. Obama can’t really be a preemptive war kind of guy and still curry favor with the dope smoking peaceniks on the left…

Big Dog


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