If Only He Had

Barack Obama’s alien (and British subject) father was here on a student visa and managed to game the system long enough to stay here though he attracted the attention of Immigration officials who were worried about his multiple marriages and “playboy ways.” Obama, possibly to avoid deportation, stated that he intended to put his son up for adoption once he was born.

When he was questioned by the school’s foreign student adviser, the 24-year-old Obama insisted that he had divorced his wife in his native Kenya. Although his new wife, Ann Dunham, was five months pregnant with their child – who would be called Barack Obama II – Obama declared that they intended to put their child up for adoption. Boston.com

No one in the family and none of the friends of Obama Sr’s wife recall any such talk so the speculation is that Obama Sr. stated this to game the system and avoid deportation.

Imagine how much better the country would be had the elder Obama actually carried through with his words. Obama the younger would have made his way to a family and lived a life of relative obscurity and he would likely NOT have been elected.

But, daddy Obama was probably lying to keep his status.

The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Name calling Leads To Ban From Entry Into US

A 17 year old British ladd is not allowed to enter the US. He has been banned from entering the US for LIFE.

What did this young man do? Did he commit an act of terror? Did he provide arms to our enemies? Did he hijack an American airplane?

No, he called Barack Obama a p***k. I don’t know what word that is and there are some who are saying it was punk. That could very well be but I see too many “*”s for that. I think it might be a word that means to poke a small hole with a sharp object that rhymes with thick.

The Ladd got drunk one evening (and that is a problem in and of itself) and sent an email to the White House calling Barack Obama a name.

So now he has been banned form coming to America for LIFE. Isn’t that just a bit extreme? Is Obama so sensitive that he and his henchmen have to worry about a teenager calling Obama names? Hell, American citizens call him worse every day (maybe throwing them out is next). Some teen calls him a name and he can never come here.

If only this regime were as strict and aggressive with people who are actually at threat to this country. Imagine how things would work out if they enforced our immigration laws and banned the illegals from here for life.

No, you call Obama a name and you are banned but if you come here illegally and actually have a negative impact on this country you are coddled and made a victim. The regime is working hard to keep from deporting them but banning kids who call names.

We do not need immigration reform, we need to enforce the laws we have.

But until we do this kid can sneak into the US and he will be welcomed with open arms by the regime.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Federal Government Looking Out For You

The fact that Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) refuses to secure the border and has chosen to sue Arizona rather than do his job clearly demonstrates his contempt for America. He is working on a plan for backdoor amnesty and his Immigration services are not aggressively tackling the illegal immigrant issue.

If the government took the illegal alien problem seriously then one nun would not be dead and two in critical condition. An illegal who had been released on his own recognizance by immigration services, following his third drunk driving incident, hit a car carrying the nuns.

The man suspected of drunken driving and killing a Catholic nun in Prince William County this weekend is an illegal immigrant who was awaiting deportation and who federal immigration authorities had released pending further proceedings, police said Monday. Washington Times

One function of the federal government is to protect the citizens of this country. Unfortunately, Obama and his Democrats are more interested in increasing their voter base than ensuring the citizens of this country are safe.

Jan Brewer of Arizona has the right idea. Unfortunately the guy who rides around in an armored vehicle surrounded by a plethora of armed guards cares little about those of us who have no such protection.

And yes, I know that the nuns could have been hurt by a citizen but the fact is if the government were doing its job then this accident would not have happened.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Judicial Activism Strikes Part Of Arizona Law

Parts of the Arizona law that only enforced federal immigration laws were struck down by an activist judge who fails to understand that state laws which are identical to or do not change federal law, are perfectly legal. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, obviously bowing to behind the scenes pressure from the Obama regime, ruled that police officers cannot be required to check immigration status. What she has basically said is that police officers are not allowed to do their jobs.

Suppose these police officers told the federal government that they would no longer go after bank robbers because bank robbery is a federal crime and it might impact the federal laws. Would that make sense?

What Judge Bolton said today is that the rule of law does not matter and that states do not have control over their own territory. She basically told people it is OK to break federal law and then cause havoc in states and she told the states they have no right to protect themselves against federal impotence.

Governor Brewer plans to appeal the ruling but she should just put the law into place anyway and say screw the ruling. Isn’t this what Obama did with the drilling moratorium in the Gulf? He decided that he would ignore the court. Brewer should just tell her officers that they are not REQUIRED to ask immigration status but are free to do so if they wish. Then it would be a different issue and they can press on.

Immigration groups were jumping with joy at the ruling because now illegals will not be held accountable for the lawbreaking they are doing. They have been given free reign by a judge who made a moronic decision.

At least there is a sheriff in Arizona who intends to continue arresting illegals and putting them in tents.

Judge Bolton failed to rule on the merits of the law and legislated from the bench. She did not look at the merits of the law or she would have seen that it mirrors federal law. Perhaps she is unaware that states are sovereign places and have rights.

This is what happens when people who live in gated communities apart from the real world are placed in positions that require life experiences. This is also what happens when judges are worried about being removed from the bench by the White House.

Eric Holder and the Obama regime can all take a long walk off a short pier and keep walking until their hats float. And the good people of Arizona can take matters into their own hands.

Clean up your state by getting rid of the illegal trash and tell the White House to go screw itself. You folks in Arizona should start asking for papers on your own before you do business with anyone. If they do not have them then no jobs, no apartments, no sales, no cars, no nothing. Ask for proof before issuing a driver’s license.

If anyone says you can’t do that because it is against the law just tell them laws don’t apply in this case because it deals with immigration. Bolton and the feds have shown us that they have no regard for the law and that there is no need to actually follow the law.

I guess Arizona can take solace in the fact that at least these illegals did not come from Kenya…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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This Is Why We Have An Illegal Immigrant Problem

The reason we have a problem with illegals running all over the place is that the federal government has refused to do its job. The federal government has few actual duties but one of them is to protect our nation. They are failing miserably in that duty and this failure goes back many decades and through many presidents.

We the People are sold a bill of goods each time this issue comes up. The Democrats want more people who will vote for them and the Republicans like the idea of a cheap source of labor so they both work to keep from closing the border. The problem is, they promise to close it each time they grant amnesty. They say that we will never again need to grant amnesty because the laws will be enforced and the border secured. Then they ignore it until 10 million new Democrat voting cheap labor illegals file back in and the cycle starts over.

The people are tired of it and are holding politicians accountable. The governor of Arizona signed a bill into law that will allow the state to legally investigate and check the status of any person believed to be in the state illegally. There are strict provisions in the bill requiring that the person already be in contact with law enforcement for another infraction of the law and the list of documents that prove legal status is extensive. But this has not stopped the morons on the left from yelling about racial profiling and how the law might be abused.

These morons are OK with immigration laws being abused by illegal immigrants with the help of the Mexican government (all the way up to and including the president of Mexico) but are worried that this law might be abused.

It is so bad now that the federal government has indicated that it might not process illegal immigrants that are referred from Arizona. That is right folks, the same people who are ignoring the illegal immigrant problem will ignore the state of Arizona when it refers illegals to Immigration because the feds do not like the Arizona law:

“I don’t think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution,” [John] Morton told the newspaper.

The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach, he said, and not a patchwork of state laws. FOX News

Mr. Morton (remove the ‘t’ in his last name and it is more accurate) does not think that the Arizona law or ones like it are the solution. What he thinks is the solution has not been done by the federal government and it is not likely to be done by the federal government as long as there are votes to be had and illegals to pander to. To demonstrate further stupidity, Morton will ignore illegals referred by Arizona. How can ignoring referrals make things BETTER?

The referrals would not make things worse. They would represent people caught here illegally and who could be sent home thus making the job of the feds easier.

No Mr. Morton, the answer is not federal government inaction and waffling. What will it take before you people decide that you should do your job? What will it take until you secure the border and start dealing with the illegals?

As for Arizona, they should just keep illegals in jail until Immigration picks them up. If the feds don’t show then those people will be in jail for a long time.

Better yet, take them to LA and drop them off. Maybe Arizona could dump them all off in DC somewhere around where all the politicians live. I am sure they will not mind the illegals there and most of them probably need yard work done…

Here is a message for Obama and the rest of the federal government”


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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