Public Health Crisis On Horizon

The Obama Regime has allowed tens of thousands of illegals to enter this country and it is all part of his plan to overwhelm the system and crash the US. It is all part of the Cloward-Piven strategy and it will hurt us if he is successful.

His efforts to bring this great nation down a notch will have many price tags associated with it and one of those is in regard to our health. The people that Obama is allowing to come here are full of disease. They have scabies, lice, chicken pox, and who knows how many other communicable diseases. There is a real possibility that many of these people carry drug resistant TB. If that is the case we will se a big uptick in TB infections and they will be difficult and costly to treat.

The crisis is going to blossom because Obama is shipping these sick people all around the country. It was bad enough that he allowed them here and that he concentrated them in the border states but now he is shipping them all over the country which means these people can infect everyone they come in contact with. To make a bad situation worse, the illegals are being transported on public conveyances. They are in airplanes and buses with the general public or that the general public will use.

All those folks with lice and scabies on airplanes and buses means that many more people have the chance for being affected. If someone with TB gets on one of these transports than everyone on board is at risk.

How many people around the nation will get sick because of the Obama Regime’s lawlessness? How many people will be affected because Obama refuses to follow the law and because the toothless Congress refuses to hold him accountable?

If you use public transportation from buses, to trains to plains then you are at risk of infection from people who are coming here with diseases and who are allowed to enter unabated by the tyrant in the White House.

Is it any wonder the brown shirts at the immigration holding facilities have warned health care professionals not to discuss the health of these people under serious threat of arrest?

When will America stand up to this tyrant and hold him accountable? When will Congress grow a pair of testicles and strike back?

Be prepared America. A health crisis is on the horizon and Obamacare will not protect you from it…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Importing Disease

It looks like Barack Obama is waging biological warfare on the American public by placing us at risk for infection. His policies have provided incentive for tens of thousands of illegals (mostly children) to cross into this country under the belief they will be provided amnesty and be cared for.

With those illegals comes a great deal of public health issues. Border patrol agents have already been infested with scabies and now there is concern that other diseases might reemerge here in the US along with their unwanted hosts.

“We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections; we are starting to see different viruses,” said Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera said, ABC 15 reported. Washington Times

This is a manufactured crisis. The false impression Obama has given these young people and the families who send them is that they will receive amnesty. Additionally, Obama is having them sent to states where they are not wanted and where his government has battled to prevent enforcement of immigration law. He is ramping up this crisis so that he can demand action on immigration reform to help these people out.

He is preying on the sympathies of Americans in order to push a political agenda. Imagine how he will crow if some kind of reform passes. He will crow loudly and the illegal alien supporters, particularly the illegals in the Hispanic community, will rally to help him and his Democrats.

While he is doing this though, he is placing thousands of children at risk. He is also placing a lot of Americans at risk of disease.

He is allowing diseased people to come here and he is housing them like livestock in close quarters where disease will run rampant.

His is waging biological warfare on us.

Enforce our immigration laws. Put all the kids on buses or planes and ship them back to their home countries.

Then arrest Obama and Holder for trafficking illegal aliens and waging biological warfare.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Border Security Will NOT Happen

The people in Congress talk a good game but it is all talk. Democrats claim that border security is important but then do everything to keep it from happening and Republicans pretend to be tough but care little about it. The overall goal, as it was in past illegal immigration debates, is to talk tough about security in order to grant amnesty. In the last two debates on the issue we were promised that once amnesty was granted the border would be secured and we would not need to worry about the issue again.

There will be no more illegals we were told.

And now there are upwards of 20 million who are, like those illegals before them, on a path to amnesty.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York has made the bold claim that the bill the Senate is working on will solve the immigration problem and secure the border.

Let me translate. Solve the immigration problem does not mean solve the problem of them coming here illegally. We have seen that this is not the case based on the last two immigration reforms. What Schumer means is that it will solve the immigration problem for Democrats because now more immigrants will be on the dole and voting Democrat.

Schumer’s claim that the border will be secured is negated by his next statement. In the article he is quoted as saying that border security measures will be maintained. Then he goes on to say that the Gang of Eight will not compromise by conditioning the path to citizenship on factors that might not happen, as in border security.

You see, he says the border will be secured but then says there should be no condition for border security because once they make millions of lawbreakers legal they will not care about border security.

Why would they? How can rich Republicans get cheap labor to care for their lawns and build homes and how can Democrats get millions of new voters if they close the border? They need a pool of new laborers and voters from which to draw.

We have been promised that the border would be secure and that there would no longer be an illegal immigrant problem since they started granting amnesty in the 1960s. Each time millions of lawbreakers receive a free gift and their crimes are absolved as they bring in more and more family members and take jobs while the border remains wide open inviting millions more illegals who hide until the next amnesty.

It is all a sham. They have no intention of securing the border. They only want to pander to people who should not be here.

The border security issue should be a separate bill. Pass it and implement it while debating the immigration issue. This way the border gets secured and that security is not held hostage to the political posturing of both parties.

And while we are at it let’s make it a felony to be here illegally. Let’s make sure it is a felony to get caught crossing the border illegally AND a felony to be here illegally.

I am waiting for a border state to pass legislation that makes it a felony to be in the state illegally and thus bypass the federal government all together. Since the feds claim only they can enforce the immigration laws of the country the states should enforce immigration laws for their state. Pass legislation that says if you are in the state illegally (which means in the country illegally and then in the state) you are not allowed to stay. They should be arrested for illegal entry into the state and then deported to a sanctuary city. Funny how sanctuary cities are a clear violation of the law but the Obama Regime does not go after them.

That should tell you their intent…

In any event, whatever they come up with will screw citizens while rewarding illegals with welfare.

And pricks like Schumer will bask in the glow of new Democrat voters as more and more cross the border. In 10 years Schumer (if he is still alive) will be screaming about immigration reform and the need to do something and how we will never have to do it again.

It is the same song we have been hearing for decades.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama’s Catch And Release Is Deadly

It is no secret that Obama panders to the illegal community. He has enacted his version of the DREAM Act via Executive Order, he has ignored their presence in the country and he has sued a sovereign state to keep that state from enacting and enforcing immigration laws that are EXACTLY LIKE THE FEDERAL LAWS.

Obama does not look at illegals as being here in violation of the law. He looks at them as Democrat voters. They are no problem to him and his party because they are viewed as people who deserve a chance and, well, if they happen to vote Democrat that is all the better.


Obama has no issue with illegals being here because he can feel a kinship with them in that none of them have their papers.

Obama tells us not to worry and that these folks are no problem. According to a report from the House Judiciary Committee:

Those who could have been deported but were released later went on to commit the 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the Judiciary Committee said

Those crimes could have been prevented (like the murder of our Border Patrol Agent and hundreds of Mexicans by Fast and Furious could have been prevented) but Obama chose to ignore the law. Democrats are perfectly happy with the catch and release program and keeping illegals here. In fact, they are upset at programs that would deport those here illegally:

Many Democrats say it [Secure Communities program] casts its net too wide, which means illegal immigrants who have committed relatively minor offenses could be deported.

If they are here illegally then they committed a crime that is not relatively minor and they should be deported.

While Americans are subject to violent crimes committed by people Obama allows to stay here illegally he is protected from the violence by a large number of armed guards.

Typical liberal.

Washington Times
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


More From The Unlawful Regime

It is no secret that Barack Obama has little regard for the Constitution. He thinks it puts up to many barriers to redistributive change (taking from one to give to another). He believes that there should not only be a level playing field (everyone has the same chance) but that outcomes should be equal. This is one of the things Socialists like and they particularly like the part where they live like kings while the rest of the population lives in poverty.

So there is little regard for the Constitution, no surprise there. Democrats do not like the thing because it makes it harder for them to run roughshod over us.

Eric Holder, the lawless Attorney General, made a speech today discussing voting rights. He was with the head of the NAACP in South Carolina where the US has blocked voter laws. Yes, the US has blocked ID laws because Democrats think it will discriminate against voters (OK, they think Democrat voters or they would not care). They might have a point, illegals are voting in our elections. This is the Democrat voting base so yes, laws would discriminate against them but not in a bad way. They are not allowed to vote.

This is what laws are for and this is one of the reasons states are getting tougher. They are doing it because the system is broken and is wide open for fraud despite what the morons in DC say. The regime knows that it is in deep stuff and that it needs every vote it can get, legal or otherwise, in order to win. Voter laws that improve the integrity of the system are a barrier that the regime does not like. Then again, integrity is not a strong point of these people (and by these people I mean Democrats).

To Democrats the Constitution is a document of convenience. If it suits their purpose they will use it and if it does not they will ignore it.

Eric Holder does not even know the thing. He filed suit in a federal court to block Arizona’s immigration law but the Constitution clearly states that the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction when any state is a party.

Article III, Sec. 2, clause 2 says:

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction…

From an article in Canada Free Press. Bold as appears in the article.

This regime is lawless and will do whatever it can get away with in order to push its agenda of making America a Socialist nation. Many Americans are too blind or too deluded to see this but those who lived under an oppressive government can see what is going on. Russian immigrants are not thrilled with Democrats and are flocking to the GOP.

The states need to push back against the tyranny of the federal government. States need to enact whatever voting laws they desire and take the feds to court if they interfere. Arizona needs to continue with its immigration laws and ignore the court that decided against the state because that court and its judge had no Constitutional authority to act.

It is time for the states to take control and to put the federal government and the Obama regime in their place.

The Examiner

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
