Michael Moore, Closet Capitalist

Michael Moore likes to dress in raggedy clothes and pretend he is like everyone else. He is an every man and he is out there in the fight against the establishment. To Moore, capitalism is bad and the people deserve more through wealth redistribution. But Moore has another side. He likes to make money and he does not like it when someone else gets his money.

Moere is suing the people who handled his production of Fahrenheit 9/11 for $2.9 MILLION that he says they kept instead of giving to him. It is his money and he wants it.

Let me be clear, if the money is his he is entitled to it and he should get it.

But why is he all up in arms about this? He made $19 MILLION off the movie. Isn’t that enough for him to live on? How much more does he actually need?

After all, this is the guy who made a movie about corporate America and how terrible it is that the Wall Street executives make lots and lots of money. Moore is not happy that the Wall Street tycoons get millions of dollars in salaries and millions more in bonuses. He believes that they are not entitled to that money even though it is theirs.

Why is he entitled to what he has earned when he thinks others should not be granted the same consideration?

Moore is a hypocrite and he is a closet capitalist. He likes to pretend that he is looking out for you but he is looking out for himself.

He is entitled to all that he earns and I will never dispute that no matter what I think of him.

But so is everyone else no matter what Moore thinks of them…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Should Take His Own Advice

The situation in Egypt is hitting critical mass and no matter the outcome things will be unsettled there for some time to come. Barack Obama has been cautious in commenting on the situation but has given every indication (without directly stating it) that he wants President Mubarak to step down. Obama, laughably, said that Mubarak should listen to the people of his country:

“He needs to listen to what is being voiced by the Egyptian people, and make a judgment about a pathway forward that is orderly, but that is meaningful and serious.” AFP via Google News

This “advice” comes from a man who blatantly disregarded the will of the people with regard to the Stimulus package and the health care takeover known as Obamacare. The majority of the population opposed these things, particularly Obamacare, and yet he and his Democrats pressed forward and rammed this down our throats.

If Obama thinks that a leader should listen to what is voiced by his people then Obama failed miserably. He ignored the will of the people (and has done so on more than one occasion) and did what he wanted rather than what the populace wanted.

If an uprising among the population is enough for Obama to advise a country’s leader to step down and listen to the people then perhaps we need millions of people to march on DC and demand that Obama step down. Want to bet his tune would change then?

Obama is disingenuous and hypocritical. He advises a leader to listen to what his people are saying when he has done nothing but turn a deaf ear to what the people of his own country have said.

Can the Egyptians actually take this guy seriously?

More importantly, can we?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Worst Person Of The Decade; Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann, one of the morons over at MSNBC, has a segment where he names the worst person of the week. The winner is usually some conservative who did something Keith did not agree with. He throws a tantrum and spews all kinds of hatred, the Kind Nancy Pelosi has heard and that leads to violence, and then he names the worst person.

Olbermann and his network have been critics of the media getting involved in politics (siding with a party rather than just reporting):

Olbermann, as well as MSNBC executives, was a vocal critic of the $1 million donation by Fox News’ parent News Corp. to the Republican Governor’s Association earlier this year, saying at the time, “We now have another million reasons Fox News is the Republican news channel.”

In a subsequent show, Olbermann also pressed House Majority Whip James Clyburn if there was a “legislative response” to a networks that “starts to shill for partisan causes.” CNN

The parent company of FOX donates and this is reason to show them as the Republican channel and he pressed a Congress critter for a legislative response for networks that shill.

MSNBC is the media wing of the Democrat party. They are in the tank for anything Democrat and routinely bash Republicans. Olbermann should be careful what he asks for because he might be the one to get a legislative response. As an aside, isn’t it interesting that Olbermann would want Congress to get involved in suppressing First Amendment rights? Typical lib.

In any event, Olbermann seems to have a bit of a shill problem himself. CNN (in the above linked article) is reporting that Olbermann has been suspended indefinitely for violating MSNBC’s ethics policies.

Who knew MSNBC would have an ethics policy? You have to be ethical for one of those.

As for Olbermann, he donated money to three different candidates (all Democrats). Evidently he was supposed to get permission before he did that (which is probably MSNBC’s way of ensuring money only goes to Democrats) and he didn’t so he was suspended. I am not surprised that Olbermann would rail against FOX making a donation and then turn around and make one himself. He is a hypocrite.

So it looks like one of the nicest things to come from this election is that Olbermann will not be on TV. Not that very many people watch him or anything. More people will see him during his suspension than see him on TV.

Unless, of course, he spends his time curled up on his bed in the fetal position as he is wont to do when he is chastened by his boss.

So Keith, for being a hypocrite, for being a shill for Democrats, for violating your company’s policies and for being a regular puke, you are hereby named the worst person of the decade.


Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Jesse’s Not So Green Machine Stolen

Jesse Jackson is like all the other climate agitators out there in that he tells each of us we need to be green and save the planet while he drives around in an SUV that is not so green. Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, and all the other morons from the church of climate revival fly in private jets, drive big cars and live in houses that use more electricity than small towns but they make sure to tell us what to do.

Michelle Obama is in that category as well. We all need to drive smaller vehicles and turn our heat down so she can create a carbon footprint the size of China while flying off to Spain for a vacation.

Eat cake you peasants…

Funny thing about Jackson though. He was in Detroit to promote government funded (what else) green jobs when his not so green SUV was stolen and stripped down.

This is hysterical and shows a few things. There is no honor among thieves as certain car thieves stole the SUV of a race baiting thief. Jackson is another hypocrite who drives a huge car but wants taxpayers to live green and fund green jobs. And finally, Detroit is a crime-ridden city that has been driven into the ground by liberals.

This Jackson story is funny and the only thing that would have made it better would have been if Jackson was in the car when it was taken and they stripped him for parts as well…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Let Them Eat Birthday Cake

Michelle My Belle Obama is on a four day vacation with her youngest daughter while hubby Barry spends time away from family but with his friends, in Chicago. Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) spent his birthday in Chicago while the rest of his family did something else. While Barry told the country to visit the Gulf for vacation his wife, Michelle, evidently did not get the memo. She is spending time in Spain at a posh $2500 a night hotel.

Yes, while millions of people are unemployed, while her husband destroys the economy, while the near future is bleak, Michelle Obama is spending time at a hotel in which her room will cost $10,000 for the four days. That is more money than some people make a year. You’ve gotta love royalty…

And it gets worse because MO took up 60 rooms for 40 of her friends. I assume the other 20 rooms were for Secret Service Agents. Don’t be fooled by anything you read in the MSM. Michelle Obama is on a political trip paying off political friends and looking for more support. Hubby is sinking in the polls and most Democrats are avoiding him like the plague so MO is the one to garner support.

The big question is, who is paying for this? We know that part of the bill is being paid for by taxpayers. The plane ride over was on the taxpayer and the 20 or so Secret Service Agents are being paid for by the taxpayer. I don’t know who paid for the rest but if it is her vacation she shouild be paying for the entire trip out of her pocket (with the exception of reasonable items afforded her position as First Lady).

Somehow I feel like the bill will go to the taxpayer.

I do not begrudge anyone a vacation. I don’t really care how people spend their money (if she is indeed spending her money on this) but I can’t stand hypocrites and elitist pigs who tell us one thing and do another. The Clintons bash rich people all the time and discuss how terrible they are and how they should be giving more and why do they need so much and then they spend $5 million dollars on their daughter’s wedding. Think of how many of the poor folks and children that kind of money would have helped.

MO is the same way. She and her husband are liberal elitists who think that the government can decide how much a person can make. They believe that government should provide cradle to grave care for people. They think the evil rich make too much and spend it on lavish things. Then MO spends tens of thousands of dollars on a vacation. What do you expect from a woman whose husband eats $100 a pound steak?

To top all this off, MO did not spend the tens of thousands of dollars here in the United States. She could have gone to California where they could certainly use the money. She could show that she believes what her husband says and vacationed in the Gulf. Think of how welcomed that kind of spending would have been in an area devestated by the oil spill and the ensuing ineptitude of the Obama regime. The people down there are hurting and could have used an influx of money. The presence of MO could have sparked the rest of the country to vacation in the Gulf and help out our fellow Americans.

No, MO went to Spain where the State Department had determined that racist cops were arresting people for being black. Fortunately for Michelle, the State Department lifted the look out black folks memo in time for her to walk around Spain without worry (as if a platoon of Secret Service would ever let anything happen).

With more people claiming unemployment benefits (unexpectedly, of course), and more people using food stamps it would have been nice to see the First Lady spend money at home.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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