Reid His Lips, No Weekends Off (Except For Fundraiser)

The debate in the Senate over health care is dragging on and the pressure is on Harry Reid to get a bill passed. He has met stiff resistance and no matter what he does he alienates another segment of the Senate so that he does not have the number of votes needed to pass the bill. Reid feels the debate is so important that he recently decided that the Senate would work weekends because this issue is just so darned important:

“The American people don’t get weekends off from this injustice,” Reid said. “Bankruptcy doesn’t keep bankers’ hours. The bills don’t go away just because it’s a Saturday; the pain doesn’t go away just because it’s a Sunday.” Las Vegas Sun

Reid probably figured that Republicans would cave because they had to work weekends but that will not happen but I have felt from the start that it would not be long before all of the Senators grew restless. They will all want to get home for Christmas and will stop debate.

Harry Reid has however, found one thing that is more important than the health care debate and that would be his political career. Reid is in a fight for his seat and it appears, unless something drastic happens, that he will lose next November. If the comments in the linked article are any indication, the people in Nevada can’t wait.

Yes, health care is very important to Harry Reid and he mandated weekend work but his career is more important so he has asked that the Republicans agree to taking this weekend off so that Harry can attend a fundraiser in New Orleans. Political whore Mary Landrieu and Harry Reid will be in the Big Easy at a $1000 (plus) per plate dinner in order to raise money for their reelections.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, a political fundraiser is more important than the health care debate. The American people might not get the weekend off from the “injustice” but Harry Reid wants the weekend off so he can raise money for his political career. Remember this the next time the morons tell you how important this issue is. It is not too important for Reid to stop work so he can raise money for his reelection campaign. Reelecting him would be the true injustice.

This should say all that needs to be said about the priorities of Harry Reid and for that matter, most other politicians. Their first two priorities, no matter what, are to get elected and to get reelected.

Reid can see the writing on the wall. He knows that he is toast next year and that he will have to give up his plush job. He knows that he is pushing an agenda that most Americans do not support and he knows that the reason that it is being pushed is to make Obama look good. This will backfire.

The stimulus was so important that it had to be passed immediately and before anyone had time to read it. Then it sat on Obama’s desk for four days while he took his wife on a date.

Health care is so important that it must be done immediately (even though no benefits will be seen until 2013 or 2014) and it is so important that the Senate must work weekends.

Until Harry Reid needs some time off to raise money for his reelection.

Self serving is a good description of Harry Reid.

LATE WORD: Late word from the linked article is that Republicans did not agree to the weekend off. Senator Mitch McConnell said that Reid told them they would be working every weekend and Republicans took him at his word.

Republicans rejected Reid’s request Thursday morning to fast track several spending bills, clear the floor for health reform votes next week, and take the weekend off.

“Republicans are prepared to provide a platform for the debate as long as it takes,” said Sen. Mitch McConnell, noting that “The majority leader said we would be working every weekend and we took him at his word.”

We expect to be here this weekend and we look forward to it. Republicans believe there is nothing more important we can do than stop this bill and start over… we are eager to continue the debate.”

“I know people have fundraisers because they are running for reelection and people have other important things to do, but there is nothing more important to do than this,” said McConnell.

What a nice way to make Reid choke on his own words. I have issues with McConnell but I agree with him on this one. Shove Reid’s words down his throat and make him choke on them just as the Democrats are doing to the American people with the health care bill.

UPDATE: The fundraiser has been canceled. This is outstanding. Of course Reid and Landrieu will make it appear as if they are doing such important work that they could not be pulled away. The reality is that Republicans held Reid to his word. This is getting fun. Perhaps ole Harry should have thought about this when he mandated the weekend work (not that I am opposed to them working weekends). I mean, he had to have known the fundraiser was scheduled…

Big Dog


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The Climate Summit Hypocrisy

They are gathering from around the world to discuss climate change and how the wealthier countries can be raped in order to provide money to countries that are poor. The leaders will gather and discuss ways to spend trillions of dollars in an effort to reduce CO2 emissions that they claim are warming the planet. The massive spending will reduce temperatures less than 1 degree but it sounds good in theory and if they don’t like the way things are they have scientists who know how to cook the books.

The problem is, these people are going to the Summit to discuss ways to reduce carbon footprints and they will generate tons of CO2:

On a normal day, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen’s biggest limousine company, says her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the “summit to save the world”, which opens here tomorrow, she will have 200.

“We thought they were not going to have many cars, due to it being a climate convention,” she says. “But it seems that somebody last week looked at the weather report.”

Ms Jorgensen reckons that between her and her rivals the total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier. The French alone rang up on Thursday and ordered another 42. “We haven’t got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand,” she says. “We’re having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden.”

And the total number of electric cars or hybrids among that number? “Five,” says Ms Jorgensen. “The government has some alternative fuel cars but the rest will be petrol or diesel. We don’t have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all, but it’s very Danish.”

The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers. Telegraph UK

So, few hybrids, a fleet of limos and an air force worth of private jets will descend upon Copenhagen spewing tons of CO2.

They hope to be able to get rules in place to tell us how to live, what to drive and how to fly but they have a hard time putting that into practice.

Another example of “do as I say, not as I do.”

All in the name of a hoax.

Big Dog

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Vetting? Not So Much

I have to say right here, right now, that whoever is doing the vetting in the White House for all these Czarships, has a strange sense of humor, if that is what you want to call the gross incompetence that has been on exhibit since the Van Jones debacle. I mean, really?

The White House has to have a rather bizarre sense of humor to nominate the “Safe Schools” Czar, Kevin Jennings.

A teacher was told by a 15-year-old high school sophomore that he was having homosexual sex with an “older man.” At the very least, statutory rape occurred. Fox News reported that the teacher violated a state law requiring that he report the abuse. That former teacher, Kevin Jennings, is President Obama’s “safe school czar.” It’s getting hard to keep track of all of this president’s problematic appointments. Clearly, the process for vetting White House employees has broken down.

In this one case in which Mr. Jennings had a real chance to protect a young boy from a sexual predator, he not only failed to do what the law required but actually encouraged the relationship.

It would be funny if it were not disgusting- is this what a liberal agenda means? This boy, 15 years old, was asking for advice about sex with a man in his 40’s- a situation that Kevin Jennings rightly should have reported to the authorities- it was, after all, statutory rape, as the child was not of the legal age of consent, but no- in a decision that would have made Roman Polanski proud, he merely asked the student to remember condoms. What? 

Are you freaking kidding me? And this same person is nominated as the “Safe Schools” Czar? Is this level of insanity actually deliberate?  Can we all agree that this man is about as poor a choice as anyone could be?

According to Mr. Jennings’ own description in a new audiotape discovered by Fox News, the 15-year-old boy met the “older man” in a “bus station bathroom” and was taken to the older man’s home that night. When some details about the case became public, Mr. Jennings threatened to sue another teacher who called his failure to report the statutory rape “unethical.” Mr. Jennings’ defenders asserted that there was no evidence that he was aware the student had sex with the older man.

However, the new audiotape contradicts this claim. In 2000, Mr. Jennings gave a talk to the Iowa chapter of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, an advocacy group that promotes homosexuality in schools. On the tape, Mr. Jennings recollected that he told the student to make sure “to use a condom” when he was with the older man. That he actively encouraged the relationship is reinforced by Mr. Jennings’ own description in his 1994 book, “One Teacher in 10.” In that account, the teacher boasts how he allayed the student’s concerns about the relationship to such a degree that the 15-year-old “left my office with a smile on his face that I would see every time I saw him on the campus for the next two years, until he graduated.”

Oh, the warm and fuzzy feelings that Mr. Jennings has- or is that someone’s hand? In any event, this man, like any other pervert, or pervert- enabler,  should not be anywhere close to schools- indeed, he should stay at least 1,000 feet from any children, including any he has managed to spawn- he is obviously unfit. And quite possibly insane.

Personally, I have no problem with gay people- I do have a problem with permissive teachers giving the thumbs up to any relationship that involves statutory rape- period. Gay, straight, it matters not to me- but giving children the chance to stay children for just a little bit longer before they have to discover how cruel the world can be is, in my mind, a good thing.

People will always try to take advantage of others less able to defend themselves- what we do not need is a “Safe Schools” Czar that has absolutely no capacity to live up to his title.

His title should be “Statutory Rape Enabler” Czar.

Try, try again.

This won’t do.
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The New “Prohibition”

I have just now figured out how I am going to get rich and rule the world. Smuggling- and not just smuggling the mundane things like drugs and guns- they are so yesterday- but the new currency- I am talking toilet paper.

Not just any toilet paper either- this stuff will be worth the money, believe you me- it will be all long- strand only- no recycled paper products. No, if you buy my product, I’ll even make sure you get the stuff with aloe– now that’s some plushness. I will have to stake out my turf, though- and have a posse to protect the product. I’m sure I can do that. I’ll pay ’em in rolls. That’ll ensure their loyalty.

Now all I have to do is worry about the revenuers.

It is a fight over toilet paper: the kind that is blanket-fluffy and getting fluffier so fast that manufacturers are running out of synonyms for “soft” (Quilted Northern Ultra Plush is the first big brand to go three-ply and three-adjective).

It’s a menace, environmental groups say — and a dark-comedy example of American excess.

The reason, they say, is that plush U.S. toilet paper is usually made by chopping down and grinding up trees that were decades or even a century old. They want Americans, like Europeans, to wipe with tissue made from recycled paper goods.

No, no, no– we are not the Europeans- we don’t use soviet- bloc stuff with the chernobyl bark pressed into the weave here. No, or dare I say Nyet! We are better than that- we are the USA, and we demand softness (and adjectives). If the Europeans want some factory seconds, I will have a warehouse  that will specialize in paper bags and the Sheryl Crow commemorative Square At A Time dispenser, complete with napkin size, No Tidy Whitey sheets (may contain up to 20% bark and/ or leaves- not responsible for poison ivy).That is your choice.

The reason for this fight lies in toilet-paper engineering. Each sheet is a web of wood fibers, and fibers from old trees are longer, which produces a smoother and more supple web. Fibers made from recycled paper — in this case magazines, newspapers or computer printouts — are shorter. The web often is rougher.

So, when toilet paper is made for the “away from home” market, the no-choice bathrooms in restaurants, offices and schools, manufacturers use recycled fiber about 75 percent of the time.

But for the “at home” market, the paper customers buy for themselves, 5 percent at most is fully recycled. The rest is mostly or totally “virgin” fiber, taken from newly cut trees, according to the market analysis firm RISI Inc.

See, that’s what I am talkin’ about, Willis- we’ve got the corner on the “at homers”- and we will protect this market with all the viciousness of a momma wolverine protecting her cubs, or a liberal protecting his hypocrisy (your choice).

I figure after about four years of some really phat TP-ing, I can probably retire, sock my money in MUNIs and stuff, and move down to Belize, if it hasn’t become a leftist “worker’s paradise”– if it has, I will have to bring my own stash of TP- God knows socialists don’t even know how to make even toilet paper.

I’ll get the good stuff, the Canadian stuff- oh, it’s so fluffy you could sleep on it- that stuff will go for gold only, preferably unmarked ingots- one ounce, one roll. Aaaahhh, I love the good stuff-

“The problem is not yet getting better,” said Chris Henschel, of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, talking about logging in Canada’s boreal forests. He said real change will come only when consumers change their habits: “It’s unbelievable that this global treasure of Canadian boreal forests is being turned into toilet paper. . . . I think every reasonable person would have trouble understanding how that would be okay.”

Okay? Okay? It is more than okay with me- good God man, do you even know what you are saying? You keep talkin’ like that, you are gonna have to meet my little friend. I am gonna be the next Kennedy dynasty- they did it with whiskey and cigarettes, I will do it with TP- just don’t mess with me- I’ll have the money to hire some goons- you reckon SEIU is for hire? I hear they work cheap- or maybe I heard their work ethic is cheap-  am not sure, but I do know I am gonna be rich as soon as the enviro- nuts begin to convince everyone in government to switch to cheaper, rougher, tougher toilet paper.

I will be the one  in Hollywood, selling the good stuff to Johnny Depp and George Clooney- what- you don’t think they will be using the cheap stuff do you?

Their commitment to the environment is only skin deep.

Maybe not even that.
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How To Abuse Power (Liberal Version)

In the urge to assume total control of the people and reduce our freedom- loving population to serfdom, while the Bi- coastal “Elites” keep on living their hypocritical lifestyle, complete with their Gulfstream jets, and entourage of SUVs on their way to some red carpet event, the government is seeking to quash any semblance of freedom of speech, because that “freedom” might actually adhere to constitutional law.

In order to cram their bastardized version of “Healthcare” down our throats, Max Baucus and the HHS Secretary Sebelius have throttled the Insurance companies- forbidding them from telling their clients that there will be, under Obama’s plan, drastic cuts in the Medicare Advantage plan, and this might cut some procedures and treatments from their plan- not a good thing if you are a senior.

But somehow, AARP has been granted an exemption- curious, huh? Perhaps it is to buy their support for this betrayal of their members- betrayal is expensive, huh?

“This is American — citizens, either as individuals or grouped together in companies, have a fundamental right – a fundamental right – to talk about legislation they favor or oppose in this country,” Mr. McConnell added. “This is the core of the First Amendment’s protection of speech.”

Mr. McConnell also challenged Democrats to explain how Humana’s advocacy around the health care issue was any different than The Washington Post or The New York Times lobbying Congress in favor of a law shielding reporters from prosecution or contempt of court citations for refusing to disclose confidential sources.

“Using the full weight of the federal government’s enforcement powers to stifle free speech should trouble all Americans and all of us even more,” Mr. McConnell told his Senate colleagues.

The cat’s out of the bag now- that is, if there are any seniors who still read these leftist rags that pass for news organizations these days- the gag order, it would seem, is moot- but the government keeps on plugging on in auto mode.

“This is so clearly an outrage,” McConnell said on the Senate floor. “For explaining to seniors how legislation might affect them, the federal government has now issued a gag order on that company, and any other company that communicates with clients on the issue, telling them to shut up — or else.

“This is precisely the kind of thing Americans are worried about with the administration’s health care plan. They’re worried that government agencies which were created to enforce violations even-handedly will instead be used against those who voice a different point of view,” he said.

The investigation was first suggested by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, whose committee has jurisdiction over Medicare. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) — which officiates over the Medicare program for seniors and Medicare Advantage options — ordered a “cease and desist” order on all of Humana’s health care mailings until the investigation is concluded.

Yes, Virginia, Liberals are being punitive to anyone who gets in their way- talk about abuses of power- they really push the envelope, and if they aren’t careful, they will overreach. The Supreme Court has ruled in the past that Corporations are “people” in the eyes of the law, thusly entitled to freedom of speech, which cannot be muzzled by the government. Indeed, these companies have a duty to inform their customers of anything that might adversely affect their relationship with their customers.  And yet, here we are, with the government acting like Chicago union goons. What a pitiful vision they have for our country.

Proposed health reform legislation would sharply reduce funding for Medicare Advantage plans, and the insurance industry has been battling to prevent that from happening. The bill unveiled last week by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, would directly cut payments to Medicare Advantage plans by an estimated $123 billion over 10 years, and it would indirectly reduce funding for those plans by another $15.6 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

The big insurer Humana triggered the HHS crackdown with a letter to Medicare enrollees claiming that health reform proposals could hurt “millions of seniors and disabled individuals” who “could lose many of the important benefits and services that make Medicare Advantage plans so valuable.” The letter was sent in envelopes marked “important information about your Medicare Advantage plan — open today!”

The fascist state is beginning- the gagging shall commence- it doesn’t matter to these dregs of humanity that what they are doing is unconstitutional, they just continue to do this as if there was no such thing to prohibit them, even other parts of the government. The Congressional Budget Office has backed up the assertions of Humana, where they said there would be drastic cuts in the benefits if the Baucus plan passed in the Senate.

Obama has insisted that despite planned cuts to Medicare providers, seniors would not see their benefits reduced under a health care overhaul. But CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf contradicted that Tuesday under questioning by Finance Committee Republicans, saying seniors in the private Medicare Advantage plans could see reduced benefits under Baucus’ legislation. Proposed changes “would reduce the extra benefits that would be made available to beneficiaries through Medicare Advantage plans,” Elmendorf said.

Humana spokesman Jim Turner said Wednesday that the company is cooperating with CMS in its investigation. But, Turner added, “We also believe Medicare Advantage members deserve to know the impact that funding cuts of the magnitude being discussed would have on benefits and premiums.”

A Republican aide told that the investigation is a clear breach of First Amendment rights and said the Republican leader is asking the CMS to provide legal justification for its investigation. The aide said CMS’s investigation follows a pattern of intimidation put forth by the administration for any kind of dissent in the health care debate.

Yes, it is true- they are clearly ignoring the Constitution, and indeed have been for some time, in several key areas- our freedoms have been and are continuing to be curtailed- this Medicare Advantage dustup is just the latest manifestation of their contempt for the Constitution and their equal contempt for the people they are supposed to govern.

This struggle here is all about power, nothing else- it is about the direction of our country, and the treatment of our citizens. The Liberal Progressives really do not care about our citizens, this is becoming plain to see, as they increasingly tighten their grip, and figure they do not have to act like they care anymore.

Take a real good look at our future with these POSs- is this the change you envisioned? Less of everything? Less opportunity, less money, less healthcare? Because this is the truth here- there is only so much butter for the bread here- instead of getting more butter, they just want to spread it thinner and thinner, until there is just the scent of butter, and little else. That is the “Progressive” way.

Oh, the “elites” will still have plenty of butter- they will justify that their having the butter is “essential” to running the government well- and the Hollywood types will justify their butter because they entertain, and well, they are just so damn handsome that they should have the butter.

Not so much for us- we have to get used to less.

Somehow, this doesn’t seem right to me.
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