Global Warming Hoax Is Dying A Slow Death

The lies, the misrepresentations, the Nobel Peace Prizes, and the billions of dollars spent will soon be reminders of a hoax perpetrated on the world by a bunch of snake oil salesmen who only wanted to make a buck.

Al Gore and his followers beat the drum for man-made global warming and often claimed that the science was settled but it is more unsettled than ever now that the movement has been exposed. It is a hoax. It is a lie. It is not true.

β€œThe global warming movement as we have known it is dead,” the brilliant analyst Walter Russell Mead says in his blog on The American Interest. It was done in by a combination of bad science and bad politics.


Meantime, the IPCC – the body widely regarded, until now, as the ultimate authority on climate science – is looking worse and worse. After it was forced to retract its claim about melting glaciers, Mr. Pachauri dismissed the error as a one-off. But other IPCC claims have turned out to be just as groundless. The Globe and Mail

The fabric had a loose thread and someone pulled at it. Suddenly the entire thing started coming apart.

Some day future generations will look at all of this and wonder why we never tarred and feathered these people…

Big Dog


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Junk Science And The Himalayan Glacier

Those global warming alarmists will do anything to push their hoax.

A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it.

Two years ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a benchmark report that was claimed to incorporate the latest and most detailed research into the impact of global warming. A central claim was the world’s glaciers were melting so fast that those in the Himalayas could vanish by 2035.

In the past few days the scientists behind the warning have admitted that it was based on a news story in the New Scientist, a popular science journal, published eight years before the IPCC’s 2007 report.

It has also emerged that the New Scientist report was itself based on a short telephone interview with Syed Hasnain, a little-known Indian scientist then based at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.

Hasnain has since admitted that the claim was “speculation” and was not supported by any formal research. If confirmed it would be one of the most serious failures yet seen in climate research. The IPCC was set up precisely to ensure that world leaders had the best possible scientific advice on climate change. [Read the rest at The Times UK]

Best possible advice? It looks like that is not exactly what they are getting. Instead they have hidden declines, manipulated data and warnings based on phone interviews with little known scientists.

The hits just keep on coming.

Big Dog


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If There Is Nothing To Hide, Why Cut Off Debate?

The global warming crowd stands by its assertions that the science is settled and that we no longer need to debate the issue. This despite growing concern about the shenanigans that have taken place with manipulated and hidden data. Science should not need to have tricks and should not allow the conclusion to dictate the “facts.” The facts should lead to the conclusion.

When the conclusion is in doubt or when there is disagreement then scientists should continue to do research to discover a truth. When the truth is invented, or if it looks like the truth was invented, then people are naturally skeptical.

Thus is the case with global warming and the people like Al Gore who spout about disasters of apocalyptic proportions. We are all going to die as the world melts. Yeah, right.

What is more likely is that Al Gore and many others stand to get very rich by hyping up this “crisis.” It sort of reminds me of all the Swine Flu hysteria which now turns out to be not so bad. When all is said and done the Swine Flu will likely not be any worse than the regular seasonal flu, just like I said when the hype first started.

One question people need to ask is, if this is settled and the science is sound why are people who are seeking answers cut off? Security guards in Copenhagen stopped a reporter from asking questions about Climategate and the issue of global warming. The guard threatened to take camera equipment and throw the reporter out.

This is how the settled science is debated. If you disagree, jackbooted Nazis storm in and remove you. Al Gore says he will debate the issue but he rejects requests to debate it and always says the science is settled.

At one time the science was settled that the Earth was flat. At one time the science was settled that heavier than air flight was impossible. At one time the science was settled that smoking was OK and doctors even hawked cigarette brands.

Science changes as new information becomes available. The only time an issue is cut off from debate is when people have something to hide.

Video (Big Government)
Iowahawk discusses the Hockey Stick (Thanks to Ace)
Violent Lefties riot at Copenhagen (such a peaceful group. Probably despise war these folks…)
One global warming nut thinks we should restrict the number of kids people have to ONE. She has two, which one will she want to kill off?

Big Dog


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Global Warming Science That Hides The Truth

Looks like the Global Warming science that is “settled” became a bit unsettled after a large amount of data from climate scientists was either hacked into or released by an insider. The email messages among climate scientists paints a picture of deception and cover-up.

Scientists lamented about data that showed cooling rather than warming, discussed tricks to manipulate data to get the results they wanted, lamented over data that showed a cooling trend, cheered the death of a scientist critical of global warming, and discussed ways of breaking the law to avoid freedom of information requests as well as ways to keep critics from publishing peer reviewed papers.

Not that any of this has been thoroughly investigated by the main stream media.

Does this mean that man made global warming is a hoax? Not in and of itself though it is highly suggestive that the so called settled science is anything but settled.

The so called reputable scientists that global warming supporters point to as the beacons of truth have taken a serious hit because they demonstrated that they are not so reputable after all. Their leaked emails show a group of people who manipulated science to push an agenda rather than people who used science to prove or disprove global warming.

This shows what I have said all along and that is the science is not settled. It can’t be when the data used to settle it is flawed. It also shows that while we need to continue using good science to investigate the climate, we do not need to commit trillions of dollars to something that is quite unsettled.

The global warming crowd tried to squeeze out scientists who did not toe the line for the cause and this has come back to bite them.

The hockey stick graph has been discredited and now the scientists involved in global warming study have been discredited as well.

Al Gore needs a new line because the science is not settled.

If anything, the dishonesty is quite unsettling.

Daily Mail UK
Washington Times
Guardian UK (Lamenting about how this hurts and throwing blame to deniers)
WSJ (very damning article)

Big Dog


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My Global Warming Carbon Offset Plan

Global warming is an issue that creates mass hysteria among those of the left as they parade around slavishly following Al Gore and his over hyped PowerPoint show of black magic, lies, and distortions. The people who advocate for man to do something, anything, to stop the onslaught of catastrophe that will ensue unless we spend money we do not have on items that have yet to be invented, have yet to be demonstrated as effective and are based on something that is a theory are clueless. They insist that we must act because the science is settled and every scientist in the world worth anything has signed on board the Gore express.

The inconvenient truth is that as many scientists disagree with the idea of man made global warming as agree with it and the science is definitely not settled. Lest we forget, these reputable scientists were warning of an approaching ICE AGE only 35 or so years ago. Never mind that it has been colder lately and that we are not actually warming up (though this is strangely blamed on global warming) and never mind that it all seems to coincide with sunspot activity. The major issue with these folks is that Carbon Dioxide is dangerous. They call it a greenhouse gas and blame it for most of the problems. In the late 60s and early 70s it was CFCs used in aerosol cans as a propellant. That stuff was banned so now those who want to control your lives need a new villain. CO2 is the villain because it can never be eliminated and they won’t have to look for a new one in the future like they did after CFCs were banned.

CO2 is necessary for life to exist. It is the waste gas expired after Oxygen is processed in the body. Amazingly, there is a system on the planet that uses it and makes Oxygen. Plants use CO2 and return O2 for us to breathe and we do the opposite for them. It is amazing the way that this works. It is almost like a higher being designed it all or something…

In any event, the global warming zealots are looking to put into place these cap and trade schemes as well as others to charge us more money and to try to end this scourge of global warming. King Hussein of America is now looking to do it. They are all spending money we don’t have to end something that is not a problem all in the name of control.

The global warming hoax will make a handful of people very rich and will condemn us to poverty for a very long time. It will enslave us to government even more than we are now and when added to the trillion dollar deficits King Hussein is racking up (he has tripled a debt in one month) the recession will be turned into a depression.

But what about your offset plan Big Dog?

CO2 is a necessary gas but liberals want to eliminate it. Some of them have this idea about buying a carbon offset (a fancy way for them to make money for nothing) so my offset program involves all the liberals signing up for my program. Their names will be randomly selected to help allow those guilty of “polluting” with CO2 to alleviate that guilt. Here is how it works:

People who produce CO2 will send me money to purchase carbon offsets. I will randomly select a liberal from the list of those who want to help the environment (and all good libs want that, right). Then, they will be sent to the Final Exit Network where their carbon output will end. This will be a great offset program that allows libs to sacrifice for the cause and allow the rest of us to live how we want without a lot of problems.

But mostly, it will help me get rich through the sale of the offsets.

This is no more ridiculous than any of the other scams out there and mine actually helps decrease the surplus liberal population.

Big Dog

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