Should Monica Sue The Cigar Company?

Hillary Clinton and the rest of the anti-gun zealots in this nation want the ability to sue gun manufacturers if their products are used in any manner that causes harm. One assumes they mean unlawful harm as I doubt anyone would want a gun manufacturer to be sued for a police officer that shot someone in the performance of his duty.

Regardless what they really want the entire idea is stupid. Firearms are manufactured and sold in this country. So long as the manufacturer provided them legally and they were not in some way defective then that manufacturer should not be held accountable for what the end user does with the product.

This is another overreach by the people who routinely violate the US Constitution. These people are tyrants and they will try everything they can, legal or not, in order to rule over people with an iron fist and they can’t quite do that until they can disarm people and make it tougher for them to get firearms.

How many firearms companies would go out of business if they could be sued because some moron uses a gun illegally and someone gets harmed? How many could stay in business if a legal owner shoots a home invader and the invader’s family sues the firearms company because the product caused harm?

It is moronic to hold the companies responsible in these instances.

The law in place has many provisions that would allow manufacturers to be sued but she [Hillary] wanted the version that allowed lawsuits for improper use of the gun by the end user (Sanders voted against that one and she is attacking him for it). Someone using the product in a manner that harms others SHOULD NEVER BE something a company can be sued for.

For those of you who think this is a good idea let me ask:

  • Should Microsoft or Dell be sued if someone uses Microsoft software and a Dell computer to steal identities?
  • Should Apple be sued because a person using a cell phone and not paying attention walks off a cliff?
  • Should a sports company be sued because a person uses baseball bats to beat the hell out of people?
  • Should condom companies be sued because rapists use their condoms when committing rape?
  • Should a small appliance company be sued because an idiot used a hair dryer in the tub and died of electrocution?

The obvious answer to these questions is no. The companies did not do anything wrong and the companies did not use its products in a manner that harmed someone. This is just as true for the gun makers.

But guns are scary and liberal bed wetters do not like them so they have to have ways to do it. They don’t like guns so they want to sue the people who make them rather than go after the people who use them illegally.

This is the liberal mind set. It is never the fault of the person who did it. There must be some reason and the blame game begins. No matter what problems people have in life liberals will always find someone or something to blame for those problems. Look at any person in Baltimore picked up for a violent crime and that person has a record a mile long for other violent or gun related crimes (along with drugs) and the joker is still on the street. The problem is not some other thing, the problem is the person who did it and a liberal justice system that refuses to punish offenders.


But I am latching onto Hillary’s idea here. I think we should be allowed to sue politicians who enact laws and make decisions that harm the public. We should be able to sue the hell out of any politician who does anything that violates the Constitution.

Then we might get some reform in this country.

As for Hillary and suing gun makers, a stupid idea from a stupid person and makes as much sense as Monica suing the cigar company for the harm done to her…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Clinton Sexism Deniers Miss The Point

There are a number of articles describing the ongoing word battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Clinton claimed Trump was a sexist (while she was boo hooing about being bullied) and Trump indicated that if she was going to throw accusations like that around her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was fair game with regard to his abuse of women.

The people defending Hillary range from those saying Trump is absolutely a sexist who treats women badly to those who claim all this stuff with Bill happened a long time ago and should not have any bearing on Hillary and her campaign. It should be, according to them, left out of the equation.

All these folks are missing he point. There is absolutely no doubt that Bill Clinton abused women and sexually assaulted them. Far too many women have accused Bill of abuse or rape to ignore and even though it happened a long time ago it still has bearing on this race and that is because of Hillary.

[note]It is easy for Clinton supporters to dismiss the allegations as women going after a powerful man and that they are liars but let us not forget the only one caught lying in all of this was BILL CLINTON and he was caught at least twice. He lied about the Lewinsky affair and if she had not kept that dress she would be the one who was a liar and starstruck. Instead she proved he did what he claimed he did not. Jennifer Flowers was also vindicated. When Bill first ran for office she claimed to have been his mistress. He denied it basically calling her a liar. During the Lewinsky affair Bill had to admit he had a many year sexual relationship with Flowers. Accusers 2 Clinton 0. There is less evidence against Bill Cosby than Bill Clinton and Cosby has been indicted.[/note]

You see, Hillary claimed that ALL women who claim to have been sexually abused by some man deserve to be heard and taken seriously.

But this is the same Hillary Clinton who attacked the women who made those claims about her husband. Hillary had a war room set up for what she called bimbo eruptions and she and her people attacked any woman who came forward to accuse Bill of sexual misconduct. Hillary did not allow these women the opportunity to be heard and did everything she could to discredit and strike fear into them.

Now, all of the sudden, she is the champion of women’s rights and a defender of women who have been abused by men? Get real people. Hillary Clinton does not care about anyone but herself. She does not care if Bill pokes everything with breasts as long as it does not interfere with her ambitions.

The Trump incident only brings this to light. Hillary accused Trump of being a sexist (as do all of Hill’s defenders) but they all ignore the fact that Bill is actually a sexual predator. Trump merely stated that if they were going to try and pin sexism on him he was going to turn it around on them by bringing Bill into the discussion.

Trump is a businessman who has had thousands of people working for him. A heck of a lot of those people were women. How many stories have we heard from these women indicating that Trump was a sexist? Remember that the Democrats were able to find women willing to accuse Herman Cain of sexual impropriety and Gloria Alred rode out to defend an accuser in an effort to quash a Republican candidate (who happened to be black and possibly a threat to Obama’s hold on power) so that Obama and the Democrats could win.

Where are these women with regard to Trump? It seems to me if Trump were a sexist who abused women that there would be a lot of women to poll and see if he abused them. Seems to me that any woman who he did this to would be eager to discredit him and sink his campaign. I have no doubt the Democrats will find women willing to manufacture a claim against Trump (like they did with Cain) but so far no woman has voluntarily reported that Trump abused her, sexually or otherwise.

The Hillary apologists are trying to point the discussion in a different direction by claiming that Bill is not running, what he did should not be held against her and that it is not fair.

The reality is Hillary was the one who cleaned up Bill’s messes by attacking the very women she says deserve to be heard. She was responsible for the lives that were shattered and the women who were left bruised and battered (figuratively and literally) by her abusive rapist husband. She enabled him by protecting him and attacking them.

As the candidate’s wife and later First Lady these women were bimbos who needed to be destroyed. Now that she is the candidate they are people who must be heard.

Imagine if they were heard and taken seriously back then. We might have never had a President Clinton and his wife would not be running now.

In any event, Hillary is crying that she was attacked and boo hoo she is a woman and she can’t be attacked because that is sexist. Isn’t it amazing that Hillary screams about being treated fairly but when she is treated by Trump the way he treats everyone else she cries that it is not fair boo hoo I’m a woman? Hill, if you want to be treated equally then you can’t ask for special treatment because you are a woman. It is particularly amusing that she cries about Trump’s choice of words (schlonged, used by Democrats before) but she uses the “F bomb” regularly and has many worse words she uses to describe people, just ask some of her former Secret Service detail. Hell, Hillary once shouted to Bill to put his d*ck back in his pants he could not f*ck her here about a woman he was talking to

The pay gap Hillary talks about is complete nonsense but she uses it to push her women are not treated equally meme and there are plenty of mush heads who believe it. There is no pay gap but if we have to treat Hillary differently because she is a woman then perhaps we do need to pay her less…

Washington Post

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Liberals Must Not Have Carbon Footprints

Liberals are always screaming about global warming and they are sure to tell us that there is a consensus of scientists who say it is a major problem. Of course the planet warms and cools all the time but these folks are talking about man made global warming due to carbon production.

These folks neglect to tell us that many of the scientists on their list of those in agreement are not climate scientists and they also neglect to report that of those climate scientists who do agree many receive taxpayer money to do research on global warming.

Liberals want us to change our lifestyles by driving fuel efficient or electric automobiles, by moving to alternative fuel sources and by changing how we do things so that we do not produce carbon.

Of course while they expect us to radically change our lives for an unproven theory (one designed to extort more money from us) they have no intention of living the way they want us to.

Hillary Clinton gave a speech today outlining her plan to address global warming and after she left she got on a private jet that burns hundreds of gallons of fuel an hour and has a huge carbon footprint.

Clinton wants people to believe she is just like them. She was, after all, broke when they left the White House. She thinks people are idiots (and she is right when it comes to those who support her or liberal policies). She is nothing like the rest of us. While we are working hard to make ends meet she is jetting around on private airplanes that leave tons of carbon in the air. She does this while screaming about global warming caused (in the minds of liberals) by excessive carbon.

The sad part is that Hillary is not alone. Nearly every liberal who screams about global warming jets around in private planes and is transported by limousines that are often left idling so they stay cool or warm.

We can’t have liberals being uncomfortable, now can we?

Hillary says one thing and does another.

It is obvious she was born with a silver foot in her mouth…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will Anyone On The Left Hold Hillary Accountable?

Hillary Clinton is a typical progressive who, like her former boss, believes the ends justify the means and that anything she does in pursuit of liberal ideology is OK. How dare anyone try to hold her accountable. Is this some kind of vast right wing conspiracy?

[note]In true liberal style Hillary blamed a vast right wing conspiracy for the uproar over her husband’s inability to keep his private parts off other women. Liberals always blame others.[/note]

Clinton used a private email server to conduct business when she was the Secretary of State. There is no doubt whatsoever that she did this to avoid scrutiny and so that she could scrub the emails before they were ever released. She circumvented (and more likely broke) the law so she could not be held accountable for what she wrote.

There were 18.5 minutes of erased recordings in the Nixon tapes (and there is evidence that was an error by the secretary) and he was forever branded a crook. Hillary has done much worse and she has defenders from the left who claim this is much ado about nothing.

Yes, there are those who are using servergate to derail her as the front runner but the fact she is still a frontrunner says a lot about what liberals are willing to allow in order to keep power and to keep big government growing.

Hillary asserted that she did not break any laws and that she made sure her emails were addressed to at least one State Department email address so they could be captured and archived.

Turns out that this is not true (shocked face) as it has now been disclosed that she sent information to others working with her to their PRIVATE email addresses which means those items were not archived.

My good friend Alan West reports on this here.

In addition to Hillary breaking the law there are additional concerns that her server was not secure and that it was vulnerable to many attacks. There is evidence (though no one has confirmed) that a hacktivist group successfully infiltrated her server. Images of emails allegedly sent by her have been released to the interwebs.

She lied about many things and I am willing to bet (I am certain enough to say I know) she discussed sensitive, and likely classified, information through her private address.

The next place Hillary occupies should not be the White House. It should be a cell in a federal penitentiary.

How fitting it would be if the wife of Bill Clinton ended up in a penal institute…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hillary Clinton – Eugenicist

“I prefer the word Progressive, which has a real American meaning, going back to the Progressive Era at the beginning of the 20th Century.
I consider myself a modern Progressive
Hillary Clinton, 2007 Democratic Debate.

The American Progressive Eugenics movement started in the 1920s, promoted by the American Left. Undesirable races were discouraged from breeding, most ‘genetically fit’ contests were held at County fairs, and those with low IQs were STERILIZED – All told, some 60,000 Americans were STERILIZED by the decrees of state governments.

Do you think it can’t happen today – sorry people, the US Supreme Court has already ruled on it – it’s LEGAL.

“We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for the crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, US Supreme Court Justice

Those laws are still on the books – hidden away with nondescript names such as ‘Hygiene Laws’.

Quotes from Margaret Sanger, one of the founders of the American Progressive Eugenics Movement:

“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

“The undeniably feebleminded should indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind,”

“[blacks, immigrants and indigents]…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning… human beings who never should have been born.”

“The undeniably feebleminded should indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind,”

“Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan…”

‎”Eugenics is the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems”

Remember, this is the founder of Planned Parenthood – and HILLARY CLINTONS HERO!!!

“I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision… when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.” Hillary Clinton

What EVERYONE has forgotten is – the Nazi Nuremberg Racial PURITY Laws were inspired by those regulations!!!!!
Hitler STUDIED the American Progressive Eugenics movement!

The Liberal Academia has SANITIZED the historical record and has REMOVED all references of the word ‘Progressive’ from the Eugenics main stream historical records – so now Hilary can use the bright shiny ‘Progressive’ label without the Democrat SHEEP realizing what’s happening!!!!!