Blow By Blow Is Blow To Hillary

Poor old Hillary Clinton just can’t catch a break. The feminist relic swallowed, er, sucked it, er stood by her man, the man she depended on for her career, as he was fooling around with a young lady just a few years older than his daughter. She weathered the storm and was rewarded with a seat in the Senate as a carpetbagger in New York.

She ran for the presidency, a position that was supposed to be hers, and was beaten by an upstart with no experience. She was humiliated by a guy who would have been getting her hubby coffee just a few years prior (his words, not mine).

She was rewarded for her eventual support (or was she kept in check) when Barack Obama appointed her as Secretary of State. She finally left that job after she had a hand in the murder of four Americans in Benghazi.

She claims to be enjoying life but she is planning for her run at the White House in 2016. She will be close to 70 when that election rolls around and if she is going to make a move that is the time for her to do it.

And she will.

Or will she?

You see, Hillary can’t catch a break. He longtime aide married a cretin Congressman who had to resign from office after being caught sexting with other women. He is now running for Mayor of New York and damn it all it was discovered that he had continued to sext with young women after he resigned and after he claimed it was all over and behind him.

How is Hillary affected? Well the Weiners and those who support him are comparing Weiner’s wife Huma to Hillary when she stood by her man after he helped an intern study for her oral exams. Hillary and Bill are not real happy about this because it brings all the old tawdry dalliances to the forefront. It reminds people (or informs those who were too young or not yet born) that Hillary is a shady character as is her husband.

But, that might not be so bad. Weiner is a flash in the pan and if he goes away so does the focus. If he wins it won’t matter much and the comparisons will soon be forgotten (or maybe not).

But Hillary still can’t catch a break. The Enquirer has an audio tape from the Bill and Monica affair. It is a tape that Monica made for Bill and it is sexually suggestive. Bill is not heard at all. The tape is strictly Monica trying to set up another meeting with Bill for some more social interaction.

The Clintons and many others who knew about the tape thought it had long ago been destroyed. The evidence of the affair (tapes, love notes, etc) were supposed to have been destroyed. Bill makes no mention of the affair in his Presidential Library and All Night Nudie Bar.

But someone made a copy and it has surfaced. Perhaps Ms. Lewinsky released it for her 40th birthday which hit last week. They grow up so fast. It seems like just yesterday she was crawling around the White House on her knees…

Anyway, the tape will bring more of the past back to the present and some folks are claiming this could derail Hillary.

I know she can’t catch a break (though she caught a better break than the four Americans whose lives she allowed to be snuffed out and she caught a break in being pretty much left alone about it) and this might be bad for her but…

The 2016 election is a long way off. If this was going to be a damaging item it should have been saved for the campaign. Instead it has been released now. There is plenty of time for this to play out and then be forgotten by the low information voters.

Hell, if Hillary is still deemed worthy of the White House after the corruption and anti American life she has led then this audio will not make much difference.

However, if this audio survived the clean up perhaps there is more evidence out there that will surface over time.

Make some popcorn folks. The election is over 3 years away and there will be lots of mud thrown around before the season ever heats up.

Unless, of course, Obama declares himself King and refuses to abdicate…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Americans Are Entitled To Answers Mrs. Clinton

Hillary Clinton once said this after being accused of trying to divide America when she waved a newspaper with the words “Bush Knew” displayed:

“We have a responsibility to ask for information, and I think that is not only appropriate but necessary. You know, nobody is more entitled to answers to these questions than the people of New York, and I take that responsibility very seriously.” CNN

Imagine how torqued Clinton would have been had Bush asked; what difference does it make?

Clinton was all about the responsibility she had to ask questions when she could attack the sitting president for political purposes but she is more than a little reluctant to give any information regarding the attacks in Benghazi that left Americans dead.

A recently released report shows that Clinton lied to Congress about certain things that took place and the report shows that the White House was involved in coordinating the response over the issue (and lied about it).

Obama and Clinton were negligent in their duties and the result was dead Americans. We cannot get straight answers and the matter seems to be of little importance to Clinton or Obama.

I have said it before; these people do not care about American lives. They only care about pushing their radical socialist agenda and turning America into a third world nation.

They look at dead Americans in Benghazi as an inconvenience and dead children in Newtown as political pawns to be used to push an anti gun agenda.

They are despicable people who should be in jail.

So Mrs. Clinton, Congress has a responsibility to ask for information and the American people, and most certainly the families of those slain in Benghazi, deserve answers, HONEST ANSWERS, to those questions.

Don’t think we will forget about this when you take your next run for the Oval Office.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Wealthy Clintons Want You To Pay The Bill

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I am not a fan of taxing the rich more to pay our bills. The wealthy in this country pay most of the bills and suffer the biggest burden for the spending of our government while 47% of wage earners pay no federal income taxes and many of those get back money they never paid in (redistribution of wealth). Progressives are big on having the rich pay the bills and they work hard every day to raise taxes on the wealthy but only on the wealthy who are not politicians. The political class thinks the taxpayer should foot the bills for them as well.

Case in point, Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton ran for the presidency in 2008 and she lost to Barack Obama. Clinton amassed a lot of debt during that time and has yet to pay all of it off. She still owes just over three-quarters of a million dollars. The Clintons have over 100 million dollars and Bill earns at least $250,000 each time he gives a speech but they have decided that they should not write the check for her debt even though it would not dent their personal fortune. Hillary’s campaign still has over 600 thousand dollars in the bank so she could settle a large part of this debt with money that was already donated (and pay the rest out of her personal fortune) but the Clintons do not want to do it that way.

By 2007, seven years after leaving the White House, the Clintons had earned a combined $109 million (£73 million) through speaking engagements and bestselling memoirs. Even so, apparently they would prefer American voters to settle Mrs Clinton’s remaining $771,000 debt rather than paying it themselves. Times Online UK

Instead, they want voters to pay off the debt for them. Bill Clinton is offering a day with him in New York to a person selected from those who donate to settle Hillary’s debt. People are urged to donate as little as $5 to get a chance to be picked to spend the day with Bill. This is reportedly the second time such an offer has been made (I guess he is not as hot a commodity as he thought) as Bill works to get others to pay his debt.

This is typical of progressives. They love to spend money but they do not like to pay the bills with their own money. They would rather get money from others to pay their bills.

When Bill was president and, later, Hillary a Senator, they loved taxes and making the rich pay. Bill Clinton said he did not feel he was taxed enough (though he has not sent more money to the government, which he could do) and he and his wife love the idea of taxing the rich to pay the bills. They just don’t want rich people to have to pay the bills if they are the rich people in question.

I have a suggestion for the Clintons that would erase their campaign debt.

Take the money the campaign has in the bank and add it to enough of your personal wealth to pay the bill. Then write a check to pay it off.

You get the responsibility of paying your own bills, your creditors get their money, and the people do not foot the bill for what you spent.

Progressives love to spend other people’s money.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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More Government Nonsense

I imagine that US Embassies around the world require the finest dishes so that when they entertain people from around the world they do not look like a bunch of slackers serving wine in paper glasses. So I can certainly understand the need for the embassies to have fine crystal glasses in which to serve beverages.

I can’t understand why we need to spend 5.4 MILLION dollars on such glasses. It would seem to me that we could get some kind of bulk discount for buying that much crystal.

Secretary of State Clinton’s State Department has ordered the glasses and the kicker is that the order will not benefit any American business. The small business through which they were ordered turned around and subcontracted to get them from an overseas company.

There is a company in the US, right in Clinton’s “native” New York that makes glasses to the specifications required but they will not receive the money.

Instead 5.4 MILLION US taxpayer dollars will go to a company in another country.

Though this is not part of the stimulus it would seem that contracting an American company to provide them would help shore up the business and provide workers with job security.

It is obvious that people in government do not think when they do things.

How else can anyone explain such a boneheaded move? I guess no thinking is required when you are spending money that is not yours…

And Democrats accuse Republicans of outsourcing jobs overseas…

New York Post

Big Dog


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What Obama Said About Hillary; Forget It Now

During the never ending Democratic primary Barack Obama and his toadies took every opportunity to disparage Hillary Clinton. They knocked her claim to foreign policy experience and they dismissed her time as First Lady in her claim to decades of experience. To be certain, I dismissed her claims as well but I still maintain that position. I will say that she has a hell of a lot more experience than Obama but nowhere near what she claimed.

The Obama folks though, want you to forget about what they said. They want you to ignore their claims that Hillary had no experience and they want you to ignore their near daily attacks on her with regard to her experience (though they also claimed she would be more of the same because she was a DC insider. How can you be and have no experience?). They want you to forget this now because The One has selected her to be Secretary of State.

They will now tell you how much experience she has and how great she will be for his administration. Obama and his people frequently mocked Hillary’s claim of foreign policy experience and now they want to put her in a position that requires more foreign policy experience than the president. The AP is reporting on this very issue which is amazing given that prior to the election no news organization (if you consider the AP such a thing) would consider such questions of the Messiah.

It wasn’t too long ago that Barack Obama and his advisers were tripping over one another to tear down Hillary Rodham Clinton’s foreign policy credentials. She was dismissed as a commander in chief wanna-be who did little more than sip tea and make small talk with foreign leaders during her days as first lady.

“What exactly is this foreign policy experience?” Obama said mockingly of the New York senator. “Was she negotiating treaties? Was she handling crises? The answer is no.”

That was in March, when Clinton was Obama’s sole remaining rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Now, Clinton is on track to become Obama’s secretary of state.

And, unsurprisingly, the sniping at her foreign policy credentials is a thing of the past. My Way News

This should surprise no one but it will hit the left hard because their thought processes are not based in reality or logic. They base everything on emotion which is why they supported The One. They felt good about voting for a black man, they felt good about change though change was never defined and they felt good about hope even though that is not proper mission planning. The reality is, the left will ignore the past statements just as their Dear Leader wants them to do.

The left might ignore the change of position on Hillary’s qualifications because many of them liked her and would have voted for her had Obama not been the predetermined candidate courtesy of the MSM and the DNC. But the change is only one in what will be a long string of changes. Obama started the primary way left to appeal to the base, he moved center left during the general to appeal to moderates and Independents and now that he has won he will ignore most of what he promised.

He will bring change but only in the fact that he will change what he promised to do when he had to pander for votes. Now that he has them he will do what he needs to do to stay in office and to get reelected.

Some say that Obama’s first term will be Bush’s third. That will drive the left bonkers because Obama and the left claimed that would be the case if McCain were elected. Whether it is or not, he will not be delivering the change he promised.

I once heard someone say that Obama’s promises come with expiration dates. It would appear that his assessment of Hillary came with one as well.

Big Dog

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