By George, Bin Laden Was Responsible

Don Surber has a post up describing who was resonsible for the bloodshed in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was not George Bush as the left has contended for nearly seven years. You know, Bush lied people died, no blood for oil, blah, blah. I know that it will be hard for the 1960s dope smoking retread hippies to actually grasp this concept but the co-founder of al-Qaeda does not blame George Bush for the bloodshed. I know that when the Berkeley moonbats are sipping their lattes and reading their Communist newspapers they will choke on their tofu if anyone draws their attention to who is really to blame.

According to the guy who helped bin Laden found al-Qaeda (among others), Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, Osama bin Laden is the one responsible for all the bloodshed. Sayyid Imam al-Sharif reveals all this in the book he wrote while in prison in Egypt. So get ready moonbats and other America haters because this is what he said:

“Every drop of blood that was shed or is being shed in Afghanistan and Iraq is the responsibility of bin Laden and Zawahiri and their followers.”

Oh snap, that is going to hurt in the morning. George Bush was not responsible and his efforts are actually bearing fruit as this bad guy gives his assessment on 9/11 and other acts of terror:

The 9/11 attacks? “Ramming America has become the shortest road to fame and leadership among the Arabs and Muslims. But what good is it if you destroy one of your enemy’s buildings, and he destroys one of your countries? What good is it if you kill one of his people, and he kills a thousand of yours? That, in short, is my evaluation of 9/11.”

Fifth Column attacks from people who migrate to Britain and other nations? “If they gave you permission to enter their homes and live with them, and if they gave you security for yourself and your money, and if they gave you the opportunity to work or study, or they granted you political asylum,” then it is “not honorable” to “betray them, through killing and destruction.” Don Surber

As Surber points out, the reason they no longer mention the global war on terrorism is because we may have won. The statements of the co-founder of al-Qaeda is certainly persuasive with regard to the idea.

In any event, bin Laden is the one responsible for the bloodshed. Not George Bush or anyone else. The moonbats in the Drive By Media and the moonbats at places like the Daily POS had it wrong all along.

Their BDS did not allow them to see otherwise. But then again, they are part of the problem and not part of the solution so what should anyone have expected…

Big Dog

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Looks Like George Bush Had It Right

At times it seemed like George Bush was the only person talking about Iran and its quest for nuclear weapons. Iran had worked for two years secretly enriching Uranium while the country was supposed to be in diplomatic talks about the enrichment. All that time they assured the world they were not enriching Uranium.

Bush leveled sanctions on them and called for UN action. No one was listening and the left in America equated it to fear mongering and they were taking bets on when Bush would go to war with Iran. That never happened but Bush continued to sound the alarm. Then an intelligence report came out indicating that Iran had stopped enriching Uranium some time ago. That piece of news, though it flew in the face of logic and reality, was accepted by the left as absolute proof that Bush was looking for an excuse to pick a fight with Iran. As if their constant attacks on our troops and the fact that the explosive devices killing our troops were provided by that peaceful little nation would not be enough.

Well now, looks like the reports of the death of the Iranian nuclear program were greatly exaggerated. The UN today stated that Iran had enough enriched Uranium to make a nuclear weapon. Since they launched a rocket into space I think it is a safe bet that they have the means of delivering that weapon just about anywhere.

The new figures come in a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, released on Thursday. This revealed that Iran’s production of low enriched uranium had previously been underestimated.

They might have underestimated the amount but they were way off on the time as well. These fools and the Kool Aid drinkers on the left were convinced that the intelligence report had it right and that Iran had ceased its production. Right, our intelligence has never been wrong before now has it?

One person who did not underestimate was Bush. He kept saying that Iran was well on its way and he was right. All the morons who questioned his intelligence or motives are now the ones eating a big fat helping of crow.

This is Obama’s problem now but seeing how he said that Iran was a little country that posed no threat to us it will be hard to take him seriously. Couple that with the fact that he wants to rid the US of nuclear weapons (his goal is the world but I somehow don’t think Iran is interested) and it is not hard to see an attack in the future. The appearance of weakness invites attacks and Obama is sending our lip glossed invitations.

One day a nuclear weapon from Iran will cause death and destruction in the world.

When it does we should execute those who failed us.

Big Dog

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Tribute To George Bush

Today at noon George Bush will hand over the reigns of power to his successor. This is a time honored part of American culture that separates us from most of the world. We do not have coups in the US, we have elections and the winner takes control from the current leader despite their differences. It is done with manners and dignity. That is much more than I can say for the way George Bush has been treated these past eight years.

I will miss W. Sure there are things he did that I did not agree with and there are mistakes that he made. No leader has ever been mistake free and no matter what choices the leader of our country takes, about 50% of the population will be pleased and the other 50% not. Even though I did not agree with him all the time there were plenty of things he got right and there are a number of things with which I agree.

He might be unpopular but the things he has done are being justified by his successor. Gitmo will likely not close down any time soon because the new guy is finding it as difficult to find homes for the residents as Bush did. Our troops will remain in Iraq until at least 2012. They won’t be out today or even in 16 months despite what was preached. The wire tapping that was such an issue is being embraced and will likely continue as will many of the terror fighting tools Bush put in place. History is beginning to vindicate him as his successor finds that things look differently from the inside and decisions are made to not quite undo everything we have worked to achieve.

President Bush inherited a recession and he is leaving with one. He warned on at least 17 occasions that Fannie and Freddie were troublesome but his warnings fell on the deaf ears of those consumed with their own greed. He bears some responsibility for what took place but there is enough blame to go around despite what his detractors say.

George Bush failed us when it came to immigration reform. He and John McCain (a Democrat-lite) working with Ted Kennedy tried to force amnesty on this nation. We were expected to accept the people who broke our laws and reward them with citizenship. The public uproar was finally heard and a border wall was promised. We have yet to see the wall but we will get more bills favorable to illegals. Fortunately, Bush will not be involved.

George Bush was also responsible for moving toward the center rather than staying right and exercising strong conservative principles. He spent a lot of money and government grew. He had help from the Republican majority that was willing to go along to get along. People decided if Republicans were going to act like Democrats then they might as well vote for the real ones.

Perhaps though, the thing that stands out the most in this presidency is the tragedy that occurred on 9/11. On that fateful day hijacked airliners were flown into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. Only the devotion to an idea bigger than self allowed people on Flight 93 to prevent a hit on the Capitol or the White House. I have often stated that Congress would be behaving much differently if that plane had hit the Capitol. It is a weird kind of irony that the people who took the decisions that enraged radicals enough to attack us were spared by the selfless people on Flight 93 while 3000 in New York, who had nothing to do with our foreign policy, perished.

George Bush rallied this nation and for a brief time we were one again. We all felt the pain of the families affected by the attacks. We were all praying for the rescue workers and those who were affected by the biggest attack on our country in its history. We all wanted action taken to find who did it and to make them pay. Bush was the one who sounded the rally cry. He was the one who brought us together and he was the one who went after those responsible. We can debate the actions and whether they were the right ones or what could have been done better but there can be no debate about the President’s resolve.

George Bush is a pretty straight shooter. He says what he means and he means what he says. He believes that his word is his bond and he genuinely cares about people. I know many of his opponents (and I use that word out of kindness) will disagree but they suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome.

I am not bothered by the way he mispronounces words or stumbles at times when trying to express himself. The fact is that when push comes to shove you can count on him. I would much rather have a man such as he in my corner than a smooth talker who has his own interests at heart. I want a person I know I can count on when the chips are down and I know Bush is such a man. I have heard that a friend is someone who will bail you out.

A true friend will be sitting next to you cut and bruised laughing about the whole thing. Bush would be sitting next to you because he would have your back regardless of the consequences.

George Bush is a religious man who used his religion to guide him. He never turned his back on his religion or its leaders for political gain. Perhaps it is because he is of faith that he does not have questionable religious leaders who hate this country.

I will miss George Bush but admit that after eight years it is time for a changing of the guard. Whether or not the change is good will be seen but the worry will no longer be George Bush’s. Now is the time for him to go do what he wants while enjoying what time he has left on this planet in the country that he loves. I know he counts himself as truly blessed because he was born in the United States of America, the greatest country on the face of the Earth.

I served under George Bush until my retirement and it was my honor to serve under him in his capacity as Commander in Chief. I knew that no matter what the mission and no matter what the orders, he was behind us 100%. He cares deeply about the men and women of the armed forces and they know it.

If we were in a tight spot would I follow George W Bush?

Through the gates of hell and back. I’d walk through the fires of hell carrying gasoline to accomplish whatever mission he gave. Despite his failings, he earned that.

It will take a bit more than hope to earn that same amount of commitment.

So Mr. Bush, enjoy your retirement. You earned it as you now pass the torch that illuminates this Republic. You kept us safe and you never wavered from doing what you thought was right even if it was not the popular decision. You were not perfect but you stayed the course and many in this world owe a debt of gratitude to you. Those who follow will soon see how difficult it is to lead from the front.

Talk is cheap. Action comes with a price.

Good luck and Godspeed.

Big Dog

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Oh No, One More Second Of George Bush

The liberal left cannot wait until George Bush is out of office and their savior, Barack Obama, takes the helm of state. They have never supported Bush and have done everything they could to oppose him and make it difficult for him to lead. Now they are counting the seconds until he is out of office.

Looks like they will have to count just one more. In a cruel twist of fate, the official timekeepers have added one more second (a leap second) to this year. This will realign the official clock with the rotation of the Earth. The bad news for the liberals is that George Bush will be in office one more second.

For those who said they could not tolerate him one second longer, too bad. You are going to have to.

But don’t worry little moonbats, once your president takes office he can change time for you while he is changing water into wine (or for him talc into cocaine) and feeding the masses with fishes and loaves.

If you ask me, you all should get him to use his divine powers to conger up some more toilets because there will only be about one for every 6000 of you who go to his inauguration. You guys are smelly enough without having soiled clothing.

Oh well, just wear Depends and all will be wonderful. Wait until the sainted one is speaking before you let loose and you can attribute that warm feeling you get to his comforting words.

The great thing is, whatever Obama is saying will be equal to what is filling your diapers…

One more second of George Bush. I know that will drive some of you over the edge. Just remember, cut your wrists lengthwise….

Yahoo News

Big Dog

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Bush Comes Under Fire In Iraq

President Bush went on a secret trip to Iraq as a farewell tour and he was attacked while there. A reporter from one of those backwards countries there called Bush a dog and threw his shoes at the president. Bush ducked the first shoe and the second sailed past his head. The president waved off a Secret Service agent who was moving in to remove the president.

The soles of shoes are the nastiest of insults in that part of the world. The shoes were intended to be the nastiest of insults but only demonstrated that the guy throwing them is a sissy who could not hit a target from 12 feet away. Probably explains why they prefer bomb vests.

There were a few comments from the left wing moonbats indicating that it was too bad the guy missed, he should have thrown an IED, and he should have put a hand grenade in the shoe. There is no restraint when it comes to the hatred of the left toward George Bush. Perhpas the left sides with the reporter because they too are a bunch of sissies who could not hit anything.

Now I know that if this had happened to Barack Obama there would be similar comments from the fringe of the right. There are fanatics on both sides (though the fanaticism of the left seems to run across the entire spectrum) but the reaction would be much different in this case.

The left would read similar comments about their messiah and they would start whining about how mean the right is and how all they think about is killing people. Terry Bisson, the science fiction writer who goes by Thinking Meat, is always ready to point out how un-Christian like any right winger who talks about killing is. Discuss killing someone who desperately needs it and Bisson is immediately there to discuss how deranged the right is. He is not alone as many of the loons on the left do the same thing.

But where are these paragons of virtue in this instance? Have any of them called the moonbats who wished the attack had been more lethal any of the names they love to spew at the right?

Of course not. They have different sets of rules for the wackos on their side.

While I believe there are many people in this world that should be removed from it in short order (like people on death row and terrorists) I would never want to see the president of my country harmed regardless of which party he represents.

It was interesting to see the video. The president has pretty good reflexes.

Too bad this did not happen to Hillary. Then she would be telling the truth when she said she came under fire. Well, at least more of a truth than what she told in the past.


Big Dog

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