US Has World’s Best Life Expectancy

I know it is hard to believe that the US has the best life expectancy in the world but it does and I will show how in just a moment. First, what is life expectancy?

Life expectancy is a statistical measure of how long a person will live. There are many factors like year of birth, current age, and sex but more developed nations have higher life expectancy (of course the information is only as good as the data provided).

As of 2012 the World Health Organization reports the US ranks 36th out of 193 nations with an overall expectancy of 79.8 years.

This is all wrong and the US is actually number one. No other nation can boast about having as many people alive that are over 112 years of age.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the United States has 6.5 MILLION people who are older than 112. This is according to the federal government’s own Social Security Administration. The SSA shows that 6.5 MILLION people in this nation are over 112 and a few thousand of the people have dates of birth that are prior to the US Civil War!

These 6.5 million SS numbers are active and being used each and every day for credit cards, purchases, loans, jobs, you name it. How in the name of all that is sacred could the US be 36th in the world when nearly 2% of its population is older than 112?

Now I know what you are thinking. You think that some evil doers have stolen these numbers and are using them illegally. If that is the case why does the government not go after the people using the numbers (or report them as inactive so they can’t be used)? They can track the numbers so they must know where the people using them are located and if they know where they are but have not gone after them then those folks must be using them legally, right?

Otherwise the government would have to admit that it is incapable of running this program and it is rife with fraud. That would unravel this idea that government can do it all and should run all aspects of our lives. They would never admit that, now would they?

I am sure the numbers are being used illegally but since our government has not put an end to this it must feel confident that these people are legit.

And since this has not been corrected the government must report these numbers to the WHO so our life expectancy rate can be corrected to show us the longest living people on the planet.

To do otherwise would admit incompetency and we know government can’t do that if it wants to take over every aspect of our lives.

One final thought. These are the same people who will be running your health care…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Ann Coulter Says Ignore Election Fraud

There is a big mess in the state of Mississippi where challenger Chris McDaniel lost a runoff election to incumbent establishment Republican Thad Cochran. McDaniel beat Cochran in the primary but did not surpass the threshold required to avoid a runoff. MS has an open primary so people from either party can vote for candidates of their choosing. In the runoff Democrats were allowed to vote but only if they did not vote in the original primary and they had to have the intent to vote for the Republican who won the runoff in the general election (there is no way to enforce that).

The RINO establishment and Cochran team rounded up Democrat support and published hateful information indicating McDaniel and the Tea Party were racists who would keep blacks from voting. Democrats supported Cochran in the runoff and he “won.” It appears though, as if many election laws were broken by the Conchran machine and that Democrats who voted in their primary also voted in the runoff. McDaniel is trying to investigate this but has been hitting roadblocks.

Ann Coulter, the alleged conservative pundit, says it is time for McDaniel to concede. She points to politicians who did not and were never viable again as well as those who were gracious after their fraud gilled losses who were able to have a future career.

In Coulter’s mind the goal is to win the Senate and that is a worthy goal BUT it is not so worthy as to relinquish one’s principle. Coulter is the first one to scream about Democrat election fraud and the need for voter ID but when there is RINO establishment fraud she wants people to ignore it for the greater good.

The greater good is to fight for a system that has integrity.

But the establishment folks will blow this off and then demand people come together and support the RINO candidate for the greater good of taking back the Senate.

It is important to keep in mind that Coulter was all in for Chris Christie, a RINO’s RINO and that she has not backed solid conservatives for years. She is more interested in the end game than pushing for true conservatism and if that means keeping a RINO who has a chance then take your 30 pieces of silver and move on, unite and vote R.

[note]The title of her article tells the Tea Party to learn from a liberal, Al Gore. Why not learn from John Thune or one of the others she touts as having been gracious and who lived to win another day? Only Ann can answer that but I find it an odd way to make her point.[/note]

Ignoring the blatant fraud and encouraging people to gather around one candidate might seem like a winning proposition but it is not.

Conservatives in the state of Mississippi are not happy and if the runoff results stand they will not vote for Cochran. Many Republicans in the state who are upset with the games will likely stay home or not vote in the Senate race (or more importantly will protest vote for the Democrat) and one can be certain all the Democrats who voted for Cochran to help him in the runoff will NOT vote for him in the general election.

It seems to me the Coulter and establishment plan is to ensure a Democrat gets the Senate seat in MS.

These folks, the ones who decry the large Democrat vote among blacks and Hispanics as only voting for the D, want us to do the same thing. That thing is vote for the person with the R next to their name no matter what because we said so.

Republicans have not done much when in the majority whether it be Senate or House and the only advantages of winning the Senate would be to get rid of Harry Reid and to nearly completely roadblock Obama (he still has a phone and a pen).

Coulter is a gifted writer and I like her books. She has a way with words that really brings her points home. But she is a typical Northeastern Republican whose idea of conservatism is in line with the establishment view of middle of the road, go along to get along, anything to win an election mentality. This has not worked and it will not work.

We tried it their way and we have Barack Obama and the twits on the left who are ruining this country with assistance from the RINO establishment. We have not won big using their plan.

We won big when the Tea Party became involved and that is how we took the House. We lost the Senate because the very same establishment types who tell us to circle the wagons around their candidate refused to do the same with candidates who beat their sacred cows. Some of those folks were not the best candidates in the world but they were not the establishment types and if their primary victories got rid of establishment types then all the better no matter what the eventual outcome.

Would it be great to get rid of Harry Reid and roadblock Obama? You bet but not if it means sacrificing integrity.

Ann, a real Republican (and more importantly a conservative Republican) wins on his own merit. If he needs to pander to Democrats then it means his message is more in tune with them than his own party. It is pretty much the same as when liberals run as middle of the road to win the general election and then canter left after they win. You have pointed this out in the past.

Thad moved left (or promised the Holy Grail) to garner Democrat support in a primary about Republicans. His message was not strong enough to garner the support of his own party. The entire process was rife with fraud and that is as infuriating as his appeal to Democrats.

Your advice though, is to suck it up, remove our pants and bend over so long as we support Thad in his quest for continued RINO mediocrity.

Sorry but I don’t work that way and I think you will find that neither do those who were screwed over by Thad.

I am not a citizen of Mississippi but I am willing to bet there are enough Republicans there who will ensure Thad does not win reelection should the results of the fraud filled runoff hold.

No problem though Ann. You can just write another book about the mob mentality of the left that has crept into the RINO establishment.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare: Disaster by Design

Obamacare is designed to raise costs, cause cancellations and to put the health care system into chaos. It is not, despite any other claims, designed to improve things and it is not designed to make sure people without insurance get it. No, it is designed to fail but to do so in a way that makes it look like they really, no really, tried to make it work. It is designed this way so that Obama and his progressive cronies can push us into a single payer system where government completely controls the health care system.

This has been a dream of progressives for decades and now with the anointed one in office they are working overtime to ensure they get it.

Remember, Obama has always been an advocate for a single payer system with all its wealth redistribution schemes and health care rationing. Obama stated many times that he prefers single payer but he knows that he can’t get there all at once. It will take time.

Enter Obamacare. This fiasco was pushed through and it was designed to overload the system so that it will fail. It must fail but it must only fail after as many systems are in place to allow the easy transition to single payer. This is the entire game plan and it is what was intended from the start.

Obama and his progressive allies know that Americans would never give up their freedoms willingly so a direct assault would have ended in failure. The plan with Obamacare is to take things one step at a time until single payer looks like the last best hope for our system.

[note]“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf[/note]

In other words, Obama will wreck the system and then give us the only solution to save it and that solution, surprise, will be the single payer system that he has always wanted.

And many American morons will fall for it, will demand it and then will live their lives as chattel. They will be the property of the government an entity that will decide who gets what treatment and when. In a few decades we will be in line with countries that have second rate health care because Obama wanted it that way.

The fix is in. Obama pushed for Obamacare (a term he liked until it polled badly) and he made sure that the right members of Congress were paid off in order to secure votes. He got his Democrats to pass Obamacare and he did it without ONE Republican vote (Democrats own it). He needed it passed so he could push for single payer.

Obamacare is a bust. The issue with the website is just the tip of the iceberg. The system is heavy with regulation. It is extremely costly and it is not working the way they said it would. Obama and his minions lied to us to keep the disaster moving so he can get to the point of no return where single payer will be the only solution.

If you like your plan you can keep it, period. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period. This will lower your costs by $2500 a year. This will provide insurance to the millions who are uninsured.

The problem is these are all lies. Obama and his Democrats KNEW these were lies. They had to keep telling them so people would not revolt before the point of no return.

Now we are getting there. About 1.6 million people enrolled in Obamacare but nearly 1.5 million of them actually signed up for Medicaid. This will rapidly increase the costs the federal and state governments pay and it will bankrupt the system. Obamacare is designed so that the healthy young pay high premiums to subsidize the less healthy elderly. If millions of people (those healthy young) are enrolling in Medicaid then there is no money coming in to subsidize the elderly. Boom, the system blows up and Obama rides in with single payer to rescue us from the disaster he caused in the first place.

There is an excellent article in the New York Post by Michael Tanner that describes this. Another article in National Review by Andrew McCarthy explains the scheme to get us to single payer.

Both articles lay bare the myth of Obamacare’s intentions and show the dark truth that it is a very costly scheme to push us to single payer.

Obama might be a lot of things (and most of them are not nice) but one thing he is not is stupid. He knows what he is doing.

The problem is America is bent over holding her ankles while he is doing it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


New York Plan Shows Why NOT To Go There

Governor Cuomo of New York will launch an ad campaign in other states touting the benefits of locating businesses in the Empire State. Cuomo’s ads will air outside New York and feature the voice of actor Robert DeNiro telling folks that New York is on the rebound.

The first problem with this is that the state is using money from the federal disaster aid sent to help those who were impacted by Hurricane Sandy. That money is supposed to help those people restore their lives and rebuild their properties. While many are still without a home or power the governor is taking money meant to help them and using it to lure business to the state.

This seems like a criminal act and should be investigated. The money sent to the state came from taxpayers all over the country and was designated for use in helping victims of the hurricane. Using it for any other purpose is wrong. Why would any business want to relocate to a place that does this kind of thing?

The next issue is the environment in New York. New York is a high tax state. Many wealthy people and a number of businesses have left the state because of its high taxes. Why would a business want to move to New York when states like Florida and Texas offer more tax friendly environments?

It is also important to note that New York is not a state where freedom is honored or protected by the politicians in charge. New York City has a mayor who thinks he should dictate how much salt and trans fats a person can eat and what size sugary drink they can consume. The state has recently enacted restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws (on top of already restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws) that infringe upon the rights of law abiding citizens.

Why would any business want to go to New York knowing that the government there does not uphold the Constitution?

While it is true that some business owners might be anti gun and welcome that environment it is important to note that if the state is willing to ignore the Constitution with regard to gun rights then it will feel free to ignore other constitutionally protected rights. Once a business assumes all the costs involved in moving it will be held captive to a government that has no problem raising taxes and infringing on rights.

Businesses should consider tax friendly and freedom loving states instead of New York.

And Cuomo should be investigated for improper use of federal tax dollars.

Be wary business owners. The lure will be filled with honey but the result will be full of manure…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What Does The B In EBT Mean?

It appears, from the recent news, that the B in the Electronic Benefits Card actually stands for Bar, Booze or Booty because quite a few EBT cards are being used at bars, strip clubs and liquor stores. But, but, these folks can’t use those cards for such things because the cards are for essentials like food, formula and diapers.

Well that would be the case if we only issued the cards to people who were in need. If we issued them to the truly needy to meet their essential needs and not to people who have it quite good and have learned to game the system then we might have something that works.

Instead, we issue these cards to people who have figured out how to get cash with them and then use the cash to buy items that are not allowed. We issue them to people who drive nice cars, have smart phones, wear the nicest clothing, have jewelry that is top notch and who have wads of cash probably from jobs that are paid under the table so as to keep those benefits coming.

I have been to the store and witnessed people using the EBT card for food (really nice and expensive food) and then pulling out a wad of cash to buy a carton of smokes. I am not talking a few twenty dollar bills I am talking a wad of cash that would put a drug dealer to shame. These folks (and I see them often, not rarely as some would suggest when claiming there is no problem) then go out and get into a very expensive car to take all their free goodies home.

I realize there are plenty of people who might have these nice things and an EBT because they are foster parents and the money is for the children under their care. I have no problem with that and am sure I could tell the difference. The folks I see are gaming the system as they have been taught to by generations of welfare and generations of liberal policies that take from one group and give to another thus enslaving those folks to their masters in government.

These folks become dependable voters because they will vote for the people who promise them more “free” stuff.

Barack Obama and his minions will scream about raising taxes on the rich and claim that spending is not the issue but the reality is that we have billions and billions of dollars in waste because government is inept and can’t keep track of these things. Government is not interested in finding this waste because it likes people being subservient to it. This is why the government wants to take our firearms, to enslave all of us and not just the welfare class of low information voters who feel they are “entitled” to what they get.

We need to go through each and every case and decide if the people on welfare should actually be. We need to check and if they have suspicious EBT use. We need to get a list of their assets and see if they have expensive stuff. If so then they do not need welfare.

People with actual needs would continue to get welfare as would those who care for foster children. They are the folks these programs were designed to help and we need to make sure they are the only ones that get the help.

Before you liberals scream that the elderly is the biggest class of people on welfare because of Social Security or Medicare keep in mind that while these programs need to be reformed to exclude those who should not be getting those benefits, those who paid in really are entitled. They paid for this on a promise the government would use the money to care for them. If government had not spent the money on other things there would be plenty of it to pay those who receive the benefits. Well, there would be if we got rid of those who scam the two systems with phony claims for disability and other such things the system was never designed to pay for.

In any event, we need reform of everything and we need it now. No debt ceiling increase, no tax increases and lots of spending cuts.


How long before those of us paying taxes stop sending you the money? We had excessive taxation and attempts at gun confiscation in the past. The result was the birth of the USA.

What will the next result be?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

