People Vote With Their Feet

New York has lost residents whose income amounts to almost 46 BILLION dollars as people vote with their feet to avoid taxes. New York has lost millions (if not billions) in tax revenue because people got tired of forking over their hard earned money to pay for ever increasing social programs and union payoffs.

New York saw a net outflow of about 1.3 million people, about half of whom moved to Florida. Yes, Florida has nicer weather but, more importantly, it has no state income tax and it has no estate or inheritance tax.

New York is not the only state that has seen a decrease in population as other heavily taxed states have lost citizens as well.

Additionally, Florida is not the only state that has seen an inflow of people. The states of Arizona and Texas, both low or no tax states, have seen an increase in residents particularly from California.

People who are able to move from high tax states do so. Those who will not move are either unable because of finances or their jobs or are on the welfare rolls.

From 2000-2010 the states of Texas and Florida have seen a net increase of nearly a million people each, many of whom left their high tax states for tax relief.

Yes, the people have figured that they can’t effect change at the ballot box so they must vote with their feet and move to where they get to keep more of the money they earn. You can only rob people so many times before they decide to pack up and go.

Maryland is seeing this kind of movement as it continues to raise taxes on everything possible. The Democrats in charge, led by Martin O’Moron, think the money belongs to them and that the people should be happy they get to keep some of it.

This will continue to happen until the states change their positions. Look at what Scott Walker is doing in Wisconsin. He brought them to fiscal sanity (and the liberals want to remove him and go back to the losing policies that caused their problems).

We can’t vote with our feet at the national level unless we give up citizenship and that is not an option, at least not for me. The change there must come at the ballot box and we must replace Obama, the liberals and the RINOs.

It is November or never.

Until then, look for Texas and Florida to keep gaining Congressional seats while New York and California continue to lose them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The New Black Pansies; The Real Racists

There is uproar over the shooting of Trayvon Martin. The facts in the case are not out yet but George Zimmerman has been presumed guilty in the court of racist public opinion. Trayvon is the rallying cry for the race hustlers who are looking for a race war. Each and every day a lot of black people are murdered, mostly by other black people, and those murders go unmentioned by the race hustlers. They really don’t care that blacks are being murdered by other blacks. They especially do not care when whites are murdered by blacks.

George Zimmerman was portrayed as a white and then a white Hispanic by the MSM in order to ramp up racial tension over a case that would get little attention if Zimmerman were black. The race hustlers have flocked to Florida and they want Zimmerman arrested. They have not presumed him innocent as is our custom. They believe he is guilty and should be arrested, end of story, facts and investigations be damned.

Members of Congress, those charged with upholding our Constitution, have declared Zimmerman a murderer and guilty and have demanded he be arrested. These demands are coming from the racist Congressional Black Caucus.

The race baiters want racial tensions going onto the November elections. They want to stoke divisiveness. How many of these people who demand justice have gotten involved in the crime in Baltimore where a white man was beaten, molested and robbed by a group of blacks?

None, because it does not fit the narrative.

The New Black Pansies are out in full force and they have called the shooting of Martin a racist act against the poor black man. While they are decrying this alleged racism they are busy calling white people crackers and honkies. In addition, the pansies (yes I call them that on purpose) say it is time to suit up and boot up and to riot and kill crackers and honkies. This is the video of their racist rants.

The movement was supposed to be 9 April so that never happened. Sounds like a lot of hot air because they understand if they suit up they will get a boot up their asses.

Perhaps if they stayed in school and learned something then basic math would not escape them. The entire black population accounts for about 14% of the total. The entire non black is all the rest and the white (or honky cracker) population is greater than 50% so just by simple math these morons are outnumbered. When one considers that most black folks are not racists and want nothing to do with this stupidity the numbers are even worse.

Hell, all the white hunters in the southern states would be far too many folks for the Pansies to take on.

I am not calling for violence and I do not want to see violence. I figured I had to put that out there because some liberal will read this, ignore the Pansy’s call for violence and say I am inciting violence. This is how liberal’s minds work (or don’t) so I figured I would let them know. There will still be one who accuses me of inciting violence.

The facts are clear. The New Black Pansy Party is gearing up for a race war. They want to riot and they want to kill crackers. That is what they said and I always believe you take people making such claims at their word.

Eric Holder refuses to arrest these folks for their terroristic activities and Big Sis over at DHS refuses to take them on. We all know that if some white supremacist group was out setting bounties on a black guy, calling them racist names and threatening to riot and kill blacks the DHS and the DOJ would be out in full force. Big Sis would label them terrorists and they would be in jail.

But the racists in the Pansy Party are allowed to make threats and to put a bounty out on an American citizen.

What will happen if a black guy murders a white guy and a bounty is placed on his head?

Do I need to answer that for you?

Nah, you already know.

Remember Obama’s racist pastor? He is on the news again for his racist rants. He misinterprets the Bible and makes false claims and he blames whitey for all the troubles in the world. Obama listened to this guy for twenty years and this guy is a racist. You know what they say about the company you keep…

Hold on folks because the ride is going to get bumpy. If the Black Pansies start trouble in Florida there will be lots of folks with firearms ready to stand their ground.

It will not end well for the Pansies.

Has it begun?

A message?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Democrats Plan To Win – Cheat

The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to win next Tuesday but things are still looking rough and they are likely in for a long night. But that is not to say they are throwing in the towel. They have an ace in the hole, or up their sleeves, as it were.

They plan to cheat. There is no other way to put it, they plan to cheat.

We already have evidence in the Florida Governor’s race. Alex Sink broke the rules to which she agreed in her debate and read a note from her make-up person. Candidates signed an agreement not to get notes during the debate but during a commercial Sink’s make-up artist brought her an electronic device with a message from an aide.

Sink read the message instead of shooing the person away and telling her it was against the rules. Sink only addressed the issue after she was outed by her opponent, Rick Scott.

Then we have early voting, where in several states the machines have been doing things to benefit Democrats.

In Nevada the polling machines already have Harry Reid’s name selected when the voter puts a voting card into the machine. This is one way to steal the election, program the machines to select the candidate the Democrats want.

Nevada is not the only place. In Craven County, North Carolina, the machines select the entire Democrat ticket when voters slect the button to vote the entire Republican ticket. Voters who select the button to vote the Republican party are seeing the screen come back with all Democrats selected. This happened several times after a voter cleared the screen and tried again.

Cheating and stealing elections is their specialty. In the Democrat party the dead and the illegals are allowed to vote right alongside the felons.

After Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, and John Murtha died, they were removed from the rolls of Congress and placed on the voter rolls in Chicago.

That is how they roll so watch out for cheating and check your ballot several times before submitting it.

And be sure to report all suspected voter fraud.

I also recommend using a cell phone video to record the problem so you have proof (Check to make sure it is legal to record there).

UPDATE: No wonder Nevada is able to cheat. The voting machine technicians are SEIU. They are in the bag for Reid and the Democrats. If it is shown they cheated there will be hell to pay. We can either do it the right way or we can do it the hard way…

UPDATE 2: Dems try to deceive voters in PA

UPDATE 3: Democrat union official discusses being involved in voter fraud. What a surprise.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Burning Korans And Muslim Prayers

There are plenty of things going on in our country that involve the cult of Islam and its so called message of peace. In the name of peace this cult stones women, hangs homosexuals and cuts off the heads of people with whom it disagrees (but not yet in America). The Islam apologists will tell you that these things are extreme and do not represent Islam but that is a lie. The people committing these things are representatives of Islam. They are done on behalf of Islamic governments. These things are done as part of the main stream Islamic cult.

So we allow these very people to keep creeping into our culture and imposing their will upon us. In Hartford, City Council Meetings will now begin with a Muslim prayer. This would not be a problem if the Council started with Christian and/or Jewish prayers and the Council decided to add Muslim prayers. That would only be fair.

But in this case, the Council meetings did not begin with any prayers at all.

The Council announced Tuesday that it has invited local imams to perform Islamic invocations at the beginning of the Council meetings in September.

Though meetings don’t regularly begin with any form of prayer, an email from the Common Council called it “an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters.” NBC Connecticut

The meetings did not start with any form of prayer and these yahoos decided to add Muslim prayers as an act of solidarity. I am willing to bet that if someone had recommended Jewish or Christian prayers they would have scoffed at the idea and cited separation of church and state. But they need to be one with Muslims. Wouldn’t it have been better if they left it as it was and offered NO prayers?

As 9/11 approaches people do not need reminders of the way Islam infiltrates a society and takes it over. France will cease to exist as a French country in about 50 years as Muslims take over and the French, who have failed to reproduce at a rate necessary to sustain the population, become extinct. England will suffer that fate one day as well.

So as we prepare to commemorate 9/11, a pastor in a Florida church is planning to have a bonfire and he will burn a lot of Korans in that fire. This has outraged the Muslim world as Muslims protest around the world. It has involved military leaders who claim the act will incite more violence on our troops. This might all be true but the pastor has every right to exercise his First Amendment right to free speech. If this country allows people to burn our Flag then people can damn sure burn a book that was written by a child molesting false prophet.

Now I don’t personally think it is the best thing to do and I would not do it. It might incite violence but that is a minor concern because everything incites violence with Muslims. They get their sheets in a wad over everything and then go around killing people. I think that it is insensitive and shows disrespect to a large number of our fellow Americans who happen to be Muslims and who try to live a good life each day and who have respect for others. This act might offend people that we should not be offending.

Does this pastor have the right to burn the books, yes he does. Should he? I don’t think so.

[note]The State Department calls the plan to burn Korans un-American. What could be more American than exercising our First Amendment rights? Funny, ever hear the State Department call the Westboro Baptist Church un-American?[/note]

I know though, that all the liberals and those who support the Ground Zero Mosque will support this pastor and say that he should indeed burn the Korans because he has that right. They should let the Florida church know that it does not matter how insensitive it is and who is bothered by it because it is a right.

This is what the supporters of the GZM say to us. We only ask that it be moved farther away from Ground Zero but they will not. They have a right to put it there but should they? And should the pastor burn the Korans?

The left will say yes, that is if they are consistent in their arguments.

I have been consistent with mine.

As an aside, I know how to keep them from building that Mosque. Pour pig’s blood on the ground. I think someone should apply to open a dog kennel next door to it.

All in the name of tolerance and diversity, you know.

As for burning Korans, as far as I am concerned, go for it. I will care when the people offended by this reconsider the GZM.

Until then, let them get upset and kill each other.

UPDATE: Ann Coulter expressed it much better.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Its Official, Crist Is A Liar

Three weeks ago in a Fox News interview, Charlie Crist of Florida was asked five times if he was going to run as an Independent in the Senate race. Five times Charlie Crist answered “No”. He looked into the camera and said that he was running as a Republican and that he would run as one in the Senate primary.

Today Crist is expected to announce that he will run as an Independent in the Senate race. There is a good chance that he will win because the Democrat is a weak candidate and the voters in that party might decide the only way to get someone who thinks the way they do into the Senate is to vote for Crist.

This departure, especially after five consecutive denials, should cause any Republicans who were considering voting for Crist to reevaluate their positions. He cannot be trusted. How can anyone listen to anything he says or promises and believe that he is telling them the truth?

It is time for conservatives and Republicans in Florida to move over to Marco Rubio, the only real conservative in the race, and leave Crist behind. I would also think that it would be only fair for those who donated to Crist to ask for their money back. He took it when he was running as a Republican and today he will leave the party.

A piece of advice to Mr. Rubio. Get the footage of the interview Crist gave where he said that he would not run as an Independent and make a campaign ad out of it.

Washington DC needs people who are concerned about the country and will work to make it a better place. America does not need self serving people who think only of themselves.

We have enough of them in DC already.

Fox News

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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