Create A Crisis And The Exploit It

Another poor schmuck who follows Islam appears to be the latest patsy of the FBI. Amine El Khalifi, who is in this country ILLEGALLY, had made statements in groups of Muslims that the war on terror was a war with Islam and that they needed to be prepared. An informant told this to the FBI and they set up a sting in which they provided Khalifi with an inoperable weapon and an inert bomb vest.

I imagine this guy had leanings against America but it seems to me he did not necessarily intend to act upon them until the FBI planted the idea by making him think he was working with an al-Qaeda operative. I am not sure but to me it seems this is another person who might have been entrapped.

In any event, he was arrested when he went toward the Capital to carry out “his” plan.

A few days later we learn that the government will spend $7.8 MILLION to make the Capitol building a fortress. It will be upgraded so that it can be closed down quickly and the poor little Congress Critters can be locked safely inside.

Maybe, just maybe, the patsy was selected and enticed to do this so that the money could be appropriated for this and people would not question it. After all, it is a lot easier to sell this kind of expense when there was a “credible” threat. The people might not otherwise be on board with such a move.

But why would Congress want the Capitol to be fortified? Perhaps they are concerned about citizens getting fed up with them and doing something. Big Sis has already labeled just about everyone a terrorist and that means they might just do something bad.

But Congress could not appropriate that kind of money and make those fortifications by claiming that they need to protect themselves from the citizenry. Any improvements without explanation would draw the ire of folks and lead to speculation that the place was being secured against citizens.

So a plan was needed. Enter the patsy and the FBI and bang, you have a ready made reason to spend money to secure the Capitol and the public is none the wiser.

Why should those morons be any safer than the rest of us?

Amine El Khalifi was held without bail:

Magistrate Judge John Anderson said there are no conditions under which El Khalifi should be released at this time both because of the seriousness of the charge against him and because the defendant is in the U.S. illegally. CNN

I guess we now know what an ILLEGAL has to do to get Congress and the Judiciary to act.

If he was a drunk driver who killed a family of four on their way to vacation he would be out in a few hours.

Unless the family was that of a member of Congress.

Or a Judge.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Supporters Arrested In Mafia Raid

Barack Obama is a pro-union guy and the unions are pro-Obama (and pro most Democrats for that matter). The unions sent their thugs out to campaign for Obama and to beat up people who opposed him or his agenda. They are peas in a pod.

Looks like some Obama supporters were arrested in the FBI raids that netted 125 members of the Mafia crime families:

Among those arrested Thursday were union officials, two former police officers and a suspect in Italy. High-ranking members of the Gambino and Colombo crime families and the reputed former boss of organized crime in New England also were named in 16 federal indictments unsealed Thursday. [emphasis mine] Yahoo News

The mob has been part of union hierarchy for decades and some of them were weeded out in these raids but there are many more where these came from.

While Obama and his administration are busy bailing out unions left and right they are involved in organized crime.

I wonder how long it will take his Justice Department to release these guys and drop the charges.

New York Daily News

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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FBI “Finds” Terrorist

Now, I have to tell you, I’m not big on government conspiracies. Seriously, most of the time I don’t believe the crazy theories. Of course, what’s crazy or not is certainly open to interpretation. But I have to tell you, when I read this news about the “Somali-born teen,” I started to wonder.

I read carefully into the story, and I’m not sure I could find any crimes. Well, other than those committed by government, of course. And the strangest line of all is the now-standard FBI press release: “the public was never in danger, authorities said.”

Read the story carefully. The FBI provided everything. They provided the tip. They provided the fake explosives. The FBI provided the van. They provided undercover agents. The helped with the planning that was undertaken “without any instruction from a foreign terrorist organization.” The FBI even provided a test bomb that they detonated.

In other words, this 15-year old just showed up when he was asked to. On his own, it appears quite unlikely that this kid could have gotten any bombs, detonators, or anything to bomb anyone. But when the FBI gave him ideas, gave him supplies, provided him with secret agents, bombs, fake bombs, and a van, the kid says, “Ok, cool.” Then the kid goes to jail for life.

While I’m well aware that many Muslims do want to destroy America, this is yet another case where it certainly appears to me that the FBI spent millions of dollars just to make themselves look like they’re catching the evil bad guys.


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Created Terrorist?

So, all the world is abuzz with the news that a terrorist was caught in DC, planning to destroy the world some terrorist act in Washington. It’s so scary that New York City is scaring people issued a note to themselves that they need more government money are in danger.

To ensure people get scared a lot everyone understands, the reports scream mention that the man is a “home-grown terrorist,” which is much more dangerous than your average, every-day terrorist. Of course, the man was born in Pakistan, which is just like being born in Washington, DC, apparently.

But, to justify their salaries calm the fears of people, the FBI has assured everyone that no one was ever in danger, because the only people that talked to the terrorist were FBI people. In other words, the plot was created, manufactured, planned, and put into play by the FBI. And they found someone who followed their instructions and took some pictures. In other words, this guy may never have had any intentions of doing anything to anyone — until the FBI showed up and asked him to. And he is being held without bail and is going to be prosecuted with “classified material” — which means this guy is never going to be seen or heard from again.

But hey, at least that $400 kazillion dollar Homeland Security Budget is showing results, right?


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Global Justice Initiative? Are you Kidding?

The FBI has been quietly re- jiggering the rule of law regarding terrorism, as it has begun to Mirandize terrorists at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. This is ridiculous, to say the least- the FBI has no business in the middle of a war, and treating combatants as if they were garden variety burglars is asinine- just the completely wrong application of justice.

 The FBI and Justice Department plan to significantly expand their role in global counter-terrorism operations, part of a U.S. policy shift that will replace a CIA-dominated system of clandestine detentions and interrogations with one built around transparent investigations and prosecutions.

Under the “global justice” initiative, which has been in the works for several months, FBI agents will have a central role in overseas counter-terrorism cases. They will expand their questioning of suspects and evidence-gathering to try to ensure that criminal prosecutions are an option, officials familiar with the effort said.

Though the initiative is a work in progress, some senior counter-terrorism officials and administration policy-makers envision it as key to the national security strategy President Obama laid out last week — one that presumes most accused terrorists have the right to contest the charges against them in a “legitimate” setting. 

The approach effectively reverses a mainstay of the Bush administration’s war on terrorism, in which global counter-terrorism was treated primarily as an intelligence and military problem, not a law enforcement one. That policy led to the establishment of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; harsh interrogations; and detentions without trials.

Treating terrorists with kid gloves is just the wrong approach-we can see how well this worked for Clinton, when he bombed an aspirin factory, thinking it was a terrorist bomb- making center- or the times he misfired trying half- heartedly to get bin Laden. Oooops. His bad. But then, he was kind of occupied at the time with blue dresses and kneepads. The FBI, otherwise known as the feebs, should be concentrating on the tax troubles of all the democrats, but I can understand why the dems want the feebs out of the country- anywhere but near Capital Hill, where there are true criminals. No, instead of leaving overseas operations to the CIA, the FBI is going into unfamiliar territory, which will make their job that much harder.

Regardless of where any bad guy is caught, we want the bureau to be in a position to put charges on them,” the official said, adding that the Bush administration’s emphasis on CIA and military operations often marginalized the FBI — especially when it came to interrogating suspects.

Like others interviewed for this article, the official spoke on the condition of anonymity because no one has been authorized to discuss the initiative publicly. “We have no comment on it at this time,” FBI Assistant Director John J. Miller, the bureau’s chief spokesman, said when asked about the initiative.

The CIA has been marginalized, and wrongfully so- they have been the boots on the ground versus the FBI, who will now have to rely on the CIA’s contacts, and that’s going to hurt the flow of information. All this talk of torture has been a red herring- in the first place it is “enhanced discomfort”, and was used on three people, total. In the second place, these are people who do not play by any set of rules, and if we handicap ourselves, we will lose. I will say this again- We Will Lose. Anybody with a lick of common sense will recognize this fact. 

When you go into a fight, you go in to win. If you are fighting fair, you are using a losing strategy. Rules are great for parlor games, and football, but if your opponents are cutting your heads off, it is time to get real.

IA spokesman Paul Gimigliano said the agency would continue to play a central role in interrogations and counter-terrorism operations — using techniques approved by the U.S. Army Field Manual– in conjunction with other U.S. agencies.

Behind the scenes, some intelligence officials are resisting a broader criminal justice role overseas for the FBI, contending that it could inhibit the flow of intelligence if their own agents, or foreign governments, believe top-secret sources and methods might be disclosed during criminal prosecutions.

Two senior U.S. officials said efforts are being made to ensure that intelligence-gathering and law enforcement efforts proceed side by side. They stressed that the CIA and military would continue to play pivotal roles, particularly in gaining strategic intelligence against terrorist groups and thwarting future attacks.

Yes, I am sure, with all the turf wars in the past, that the CIA, the Military, AND the FBI will get along swimmingly. After all, haven’t they always? You know, there is a reason that the CIA is forbidden from domestic operations- the FBI should be forbidden from overseas operations, simply because it makes sense- you have a territorial familiarity  that goes along with your principal duties, and I can guarantee that the CIA knows the streets of Kabul much better than the FBI, and should be in the lead.

But that wouldn’t suit Husseins’ New World Order, now would it? I believe it is time to rename Hussein FUBAR- because this is what he wants to do with our country,

Next, he’ll send Andy Griffith and Barney to Pakistan- oh joy.
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