Gun Runner Holder Keeps Trying To Control Us

Eric “The Red” Holder is determined to take guns away from law abiding citizens. He and Crazy Uncle Joe Biden keep saying they want common sense reforms but are really only interested in making it nearly impossible for people to own guns.

These two morons along with the rest of the anti American anti gun progressives have been working hard to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms. The latest tactic is to develop technology so that a firearm can only be discharged by its owner. This involves tracking devices as well as electronics that keep the gun from operating unless the person with the gun has a bracelet on that allows the gun to fire.

So what we have here is a scheme to be able to track firearms (and therefore their owners). Imagine how this will play out if the technology ever comes to be. The government can have manufacturers of the bracelets install something that would allow them to be centrally deactivated. Sure, that sounds great so if there is a school shooter they can deactivate the firearm. However, government could send out a signal and deactivate all firearms in the event of civil unrest. Sure, that sounds like a great plan.

[note]There would be no need to deactivate a firearm or worry about mass shootings if all people constitutionally carried. This is about control and nothing more.[/note]

This is a non starter. They will end up spending millions to see if they can do this (probably to enrich their friends) and people will not comply. We will find ways to deactivate the devices and there are certainly enough older firearms that do not have these things.

Let me repeat; WE WILL NOT COMPLY.

If they want common sense reforms then they need to get out of the way and the Federal Government needs to make it clear that ALL states must have Constitutional Carry (The 2A applies to all states so enforce it). What that means is if you are not prohibited from owning a gun (felon, mentally ill, etc) then you can carry the gun either openly or concealed. PERIOD.

I also note that tracking guns did not work out too well when Holder was busy gun running into Mexico. The only tracking bracelet that should involve Holder is the one he is forced to wear as a condition of his arrest. Of course the old fashioned kind of “bracelets” should be on his wrists as well…

The tree of liberty is parched…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Affirmative Action For Bad behavior

I have had many issues with the way schools discipline children. Many schools jump right to suspension or expulsion for the most minor infractions when a whole host of other, more suitable, punishments are available. I have seen this applied to many children who misbehaved regardless of their skin color. Zero tolerance policies are certainly a factor in these punishments but often the school jumps to the toughest punishment when other options are available.

What does Eric Holder want to do about this? Well, one would think he might want to revamp the entire system so that children are judged on the merits of their individual case and not by a one size fits all standard but one would be wrong.

[note]I do not think the Attorney General should be involved in school issues and am not saying he has a responsibility here but since he thinks he does I address it from the point of view that if he is going to do something one might think it would be this…[/note]

Holder says that too many black kids are being suspended so he wants schools to stop doing that. He wants fairness in the punishment arena (which means being less strict on black kids) or schools might just face “strong action”.

The problem here is that the way punishment is handled in schools does not only affect black children nor are those children singled out because of color. All kids are affected by bad policy.

Eric would rather schools ignore the bad behavior of black children or treat them differently when they do something wrong. He seems to think punishing children who misbehave crates a pipeline from school to jail.

The pipeline from school to jail is created by a black community (which is what Holder is concerned about) that has a high incidence of single parent families, poverty and government dependence. The real issue is that children who are chronically bad are not being disciplined at home and Holder seems to want them not to be disciplined in school (or to have their punishments greatly reduced).

To Holder having children go unpunished for being bad is the way you teach them to be responsible adults. This seems to be a recurring theme for liberals as many engage in bad behavior and are rewarded.

There was a school district in Florida that did not punish black kids for being bad. The edict was put out to stop because too many black kids were being disciplined (like Holder claims). One young man was very bad in school and was in trouble a number of times. He was not disciplined very much because he was black and the school did not want to have bad statistics on the numbers of black kids disciplined.

That young man was named Trayvon Martin and think we all know how things turned out in his story…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Eric Holder And Civil Rights

Valerie Jarrett, the Communist running the White House (and you thought Obama was doing that?), has stated that Eric Holder will keep his job. She said that he is resilient and has the confidence of Barack Obama so these scandals will not force him out.

Jarrett said:

“Eric never loses sight of what he’s there for,” said Jarrett. “He’s there to be the chief lawyer for the United States of America and to make sure that all of our rights are protected, and to defend our country, to make sure that he is an advocate for those whose civil rights have been infringed upon–anyone whose rights have been infringed upon. And there are people all around the country who are counting on him to be the attorney general. And so yes he is resistant, and he is tough, and he is strong, and he is perfectly capable of defending himself, and he is an outstanding attorney general, who enjoys the full confidence of the president of the United States.” Weekly Standard

There is no doubt that Holder knows what he is there for. He is there to exact revenge on Obama’s enemies. He is there to ignore the crimes of minorities and to suppress conservatives. Let us not forget that Jarrett was the one who said that once they won the election (the 2012 election) there would be payback and they would be taking revenge on people.

Holder is part of the team doing that. He is trampling on the First Amendment (and several others for that matter) and he is going after conservatives, period.

If he was truly an advocate for civil rights then he would be balls to the walls to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal. The civil rights of many conservative groups (as well as other groups opposed to Obama) were violated by the IRS. Can anyone show me where Holder has gone after anyone involved? Is Holder seeking indictments of those who broke the law?

Jarrett is right in one respect. There are people around the country who count on him. The Obama Regime is counting on him to continue exacting revenge and those who have been wronged by government are counting on him to uphold the law and punish those who broke it.

Guess which group is getting his attention?

Eric Holder is a racist, partisan hack who cares not about the people who have been harmed if they are people who either do not look like him or hold the same political philosophy as he and his cronies in the Regime. We saw it with the New Black Panther Case and we are seeing it now.

Holder is one of the people involved in the criminal activity. How can he be looking out for our civil rights when he is busy violating them?

I think Jarrett is correct that Holder will not go anywhere. He can’t because there are still a bunch of rights he has not trampled on.

Holder leads the Department of Just-Us and that is why Obama supports him….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


With Friends Like Obama…

If there was ever any doubt that the Obama Regime is anti Israel one need look no further than the recent disclosure of secret Israeli information that the Obama folks allowed to happen. Obama pretends to be a friend of Israel but he is a Muzzie sympathizer and would love to see the Israelis get smacked around by the enemies surrounding the tiny country.

The Israelis have plans for a top secret military installation that the Obama Regime promised to build. The facility would house a ballistic missile defense system, the Arrow 3. In what many might consider an act of sheer stupidity (I think it was deliberate) the regime published an open request for bids on the 25 million dollar project.

This allowed the secret details of the project (which included more than 1000 pages of details) to be seen by anyone and that includes Israel’s enemies.

As one might expect, the Israeli military (and by extension the government) is not happy about this:

If an enemy if Israel wanted to launch an attack against a facility, this would give him an easy how-to guide. This type of information is closely guarded and its release can jeopardize the entire facility.


This is more than worrying, it is shocking. [unnamed official] McClatchy

It should come as no surprise that this happened because the Regime is anti Israel and because these morons can’t keep anything secret. Why on Earth the Israelis would want the Obama Regime involved is beyond me. Israel should have worked directly with contractors and kept the leaky regime out of things.

Well, another leak of secret information has occurred. Do you suppose Eric Holder will use this to illegally obtain more information from the press?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Media Matters At Holder’s Department Of Sharia

The Department of Justice, led by racist Eric Holder, has had a remake of its website and gone are the Red, White, and Blue. Yes, the waving American flag has been replaced with the Black and Gold similar to that seen in the Muslim flag. It is interesting that as Muslims attack American Embassies and burn our flag while raising the al-Qaeda flag, Holder has abandoned the American flag for what looks like association with the Muslim flag.

Was this a not so subtle change to appease the Muslims or was it a more concentrated effort to remove America from AMERICAN Justice?

I don’t know and we may never either because no matter what the reason for the change, the Department of Sharia run by Holder will use Media Matters to put out the appropriate narrative.

Internal DOJ emails indicate that the communications staff there collaborated with Media Matters for America (a left wing propaganda firm) to stop or spin stories about various scandals in the Holder Department.

The scandals there are many. Fast and Furious and the cover-up. The death of Brian Terry and the cover-up. The New Black Panther voter intimidation case and dismissal by Holder. All these things are criminal and involve Holder but he has been happy to use Media Matters as a research arm and propaganda distributor.

[note]Was it not the left who claimed Paul Ryan’s tactics were like the Nazi propagandists?[/note]

So we might never know if the Sharia Department under Holder changed the website to be Muslim compliant or if this was something that was planned for some other reason because no matter what, Media Matters will ensue the proper propaganda is distributed.

We need criminals in jail and adults running the country and we need it soon.

If these amateurs get a second term running this nation we will surely fall.

End the Obamanation in November!

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
