Obama Invokes Reagan And Claims Support From God

Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) is out campaigning for reelection and is talking up Stimulus II. That is his new jobs bill which is as bad as the old one. Stimulus I was supposed to keep unemployment below 8% and provide all these shovel ready jobs, jobs Obama admitted were not there. His first plan spent nearly a trillion dollars and provided very few jobs. We have lost more jobs than gained since he took office and if he had not expanded the size of government there would be an even greater job loss.

The public is not in favor of Stimulus II. Most were not in favor of Stimulus I but Obama had control of both chambers of Congress so he was able to ram it through. Now that Republicans are in control of the House Obama is meeting resistance. Tyrants hate when they meet resistance because they feel that they should be able to do what they want (which is why King Barry has bypassed Congress claiming that we can’t wait for them). I have failed to find the “we can’t wait for Congress” clause in the Constitution.

The public is not in favor of this despite Obama’s claim that it is. The public does not want us to have Stimulus II because it will be like Stimulus I, a slush fund to pay off Democrat constituencies. Obama knows this and his game plan is not to really pass this because he really does not care about job creation, he cares about pinning the blame on Republicans.

If Obama cared about jobs the economy would be better. He has been claiming for three years that he is focused like a laser on jobs. If he has then he either does not want to create them or he is inept (I believe both). I will leave it to you Democrats to decide which. The fact is, he has not created jobs nor does he want to. He needs things to be bad and to get reelected so he can be unleashed for four years imposing new and ever expanding government programs to help the people. He wants to impose his Marxist beliefs and he needs it to be bad AND get reelected. That is why he is blaming Republicans.

Obama has told us, from in front of a bridge, that God wants us to pass the Obama jobs bill. Jay Carney (as in carnival barker) said that this is like the Biblical passage that Jesus helps those who help themselves. This IS NOT a passage from the Bible but I don’t hold liberals too critically in this area. They don’t read it, think religion (particularly Christianity) should be barred from everything and only invoke religion when they need to use it as a political tool, not a tool for living a good life.

Obama invokes God from time to time. I, unlike Obama, do not claim to speak for God. I don’t know if God wants the jobs bill passed though I would doubt he would want anything that takes even more freedom away and gives government more power to pass. I find it hard God would side with Obama given that Obama thinks having a baby punishes a woman, supports abortion AND murdering children born alive after an unsuccessful abortion. I just don’t see God supporting that kind of person but I don’t speak for God. I speak for me and I don’t support it.

Obama also, as he often does, invoked Ronald Reagan.

Obama also resorted to one of his favorite rhetorical tricks by quoting Reagan, who was president from 1981 to 1989, and is a hero to modern day conservatives, to decry Republican policies.

Reagan, Obama said, argued that it was “common sense” to repair bridges and highways before they needed to be rebuilt in future years at many times the cost.

“Since when do we have Republicans voting against Ronald Reagan’s ideas?” Yahoo News

The real question is, since when does Obama agree with Reagan? I know Obama did this to try and give the impression that Republicans are against Stimulus II because and only because, they are opposed to Obama and it is all politics. Republicans loved Reagan and what he did and I want to do the same thing so it must be because of me.

Yes Barry, it makes sense to fix bridges before they need to be replaced. You had that chance with Stimulus I which you said would create jobs, fix roads, and repair bridges. None of that happened on any scale to make a difference. You are playing politics.

But, if you are on board with Reagan and are not opposed to doing what he did then don’t take half steps. Don’t play politics. Use the full Monty. Reagan CUT TAXES. You and your Democrats want to raise taxes on the so called rich (though the increases will be felt by everyone) and Reagan CUT TAXES. The Reagan tax cuts stimulated the economy and allowed private businesses to create millions of jobs. Reagan’s policies got us out of the Jimmy Carter funk of high inflation, through the roof interest rates and high unemployment. Reagan reversed all of the Carter malaise and turned this country around. Unemployment went down and the economy improved. So Barry, go all the way and do ALL the things that Reagan did.

Then Republicans can get on board.

I know that Obama thinks God is in his corner and Carney thinks the Bible says Jesus helps those who help themselves. They are incorrect but since they seem intent on following scripture (just like Obama now wants to follow Reagan), let me help them and those who want government to provide for them:

“And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

And for the Obama regime as well as the OWS crowd, I offer this:
“For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” 1 Thessalonians 3:10

So what I think we have here is the Bible telling people not to depend on anyone else (including government) and to DO FOR THEMSELVES. And if they don’t, they don’t get to eat!

Beware of Obama. Marxists are inherently evil…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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A Vote Of No Confidence In Obama

The United States had its credit rating lowered because of the economic problem involving decades of overspending. The Obama regime has been a spending machine on steroids with a trillion dollar stimulus (cost of stimulus and the interest to pay for the money we borrowed) and the 2.5 TRILLION dollar Obamacare law (and billions in other hidden costs). Add this to the greater than a trillion dollar a year deficit spending and the country has been on deficit overdrive.

The credit rating was dropped on Friday after the market closed but the Israeli market and the Asian markets took hits when they opened on Sunday (our time). The US market followed suit dropping over 600 points on Monday.

Barack Obama went on the air to reassure the public and the market dropped 200 points while he was talking.

The market has no confidence in Obama and investors are selling off in order to hold cash. The crash of the US market is sending us into a second recession and Obama has no clue how to handle this.

So we have two options here. Either Obama is totally clueless and is in way over his head or he is doing this on purpose. Obama is an student of Alinsky and of the teachings of Cloward and Piven and their strategy to take down our system. I know what I think but I will leave it to the Obama toadies to decide if he is doing this on purpose or he is clueless and in over his head.

Here is a hint; I think it is a bit of both.

All is not lost for some folks. It looks like a friend of Obama and enemy of the US made a huge sum of money on the downgrade. I imagine there are a lot of Obama friends doing well with the inside information…

As this situation gets worse expect the Obama regime to do more of what has not worked thus far.

As Obama and the career politicians in DC blame this on the TEA Party and engage in the finger pointing games the country moves closer to worse times. Inflation, high interest rates, a down stock market, high food and gas prices and increased unemployment await us and these clowns are pointing fingers. The blame game is not the way to fix problems. Let the public put the blame, the politicians need to work on solutions.

Unfortunately, the career politicians are not interested in helping us. The two parties are busy sniping at each other but working hand in hand to stay in power and enrich their lives at our expense.

The TEA Party politicians are the only ones that made promises and kept them. They are the ones with plans to keep our house in order and get us back on sound financial footing. If we had adopted their plans we would not have been downgraded and would have some breathing room.

Instead, we followed the plans of people who are increasingly seen as not having the consent of the governed or as Pat Caddell calls it, pre-revolutionary.

It is going to be a bumpy ride for a while on the Obama roller coaster. After all, he promised us fundamental transformation.

He might get more than he bargained for.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Looks Like A Double Dip Just Like I Said

From The New York Times:

It has been three decades since the United States suffered a recession that followed on the heels of the previous one. But it could be happening again. The unrelenting negative economic news of the past two weeks has painted a picture of a United States economy that fell further and recovered less than we had thought.

I said last year that we would hit a double dip in the second half of this year. Looks like I was right…

And we will get hit with a double whammy. The 7 trillion dollars in new debt and the downgrade of our credit rating. The White House is preparing for it. Looks like Obama will get his tax increase after all. A drop in the bond rating is the same as a tax increase for all Americans. Obama said so…

So now we can all pin the tax increase on Obama.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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This Is No Way To Balance A Budget

Looks like the federal government is having trouble with simple math and accounting procedures. Politicians of all stripes talk about balancing the budget and living within our means but none of them have grasped the concept that if cash out is greater than cash in there will be a deficit.

Last year the government paid more out to people than it took in from taxpayers. People on some kind of government support amounted to $2.3 TRILLION. These social welfare programs cost us more money than the $2.2 TRILLION that people paid in taxes. That means there is 0.1 TRILLION dollars on the negative side and we had to spread that 0.1 TRILLION among all our other obligations. Yes, there was other income but not enough to account for the more than a trillion dollar deficit we ran last year.

We are at the tipping point where what we pay in taxes is about equal to what we pay out for social programs and this is not good. We cannot meet our other obligations with this kind of imbalance and as long as social programs are the sacred cows of the Democrats we will continue to run deficits until our entire system collapses.

We need to have serious reform of our temporary social programs so that there is no incentive to stay on them and we need to reform Social Security and Medicare so that benefits stabilize and the programs are eventually privatized so people can have a real return on their investments. We need to stop implementing programs that end up making people slaves to the government at the expense of the people actually paying taxes and end this cycle of ever increasing deficits as a result of poorly run social programs.

While Barack Obama is running around the country (ignoring the victims of the terrible storms in the South) to raise money for Democrats (and his reelection campaign) he is also giving speeches about the budget. His only answer is to raise taxes on the wealthy when this could never, ever solve the problem even if 100% of their wealth was confiscated.

Repeal the current tax system, implement a flat tax system (for everyone) with no loopholes, reduce corporate tax rates and close the loopholes in that system and completely revamp social programs while cutting out unnecessary programs and we can get back to sound fiscal footing.

Unfortunately, Obama seems to have been surfing instead of attending class as he suffers from the same knowledge deficit as those who think we can manage by spending more than we take in.

A hand up, not a handout…

In a related story, the government is on pace to hit the debt ceiling by next week. No Easter recess for them…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Graph Projections

So, I’m out reading various economic news reports of the day. I’m watching some people predicting the end of the world, and others (mainly government sources) describing how wonderful the economy is. As I was looking, I came upon the chart below on this web site. The site isn’t important, just the chart — created by the government. Take a look:

The dotted vertical line 2010. To the left is past data, to the right is future, “projected” data. I notice two trends that, to me, really make this graph nothing but propaganda, despite its dire predictions:
1. The red line: Notice in the past, at no point does the line ever once go down. It evens out one time, but clearly, this line has always increased in the past. Why, then, in the future predictions, does it take a very sharp downturn? This is government spending. It has historically always increased. What makes these chart-makers think for even a second that it will suddenly decrease? I don’t buy that for a minute.

2. The blue line: Notice how historically, this line moves up and down over the years, in gradual amounts. Notice recent years show a strong downward trend. Then note for future projections, it takes a huge upward spike, and then continues at a high angle for 10 years. Once again, history shows one pattern, but projections show a radically different pattern. Again, this chart seems quite silly.

Claim what you want, as government does, but this just gives me more reason to completely distrust any numbers or data coming out of government.


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