Project Valour IT

Ladies and gentlemen, it is once again that time of year where we all work together to solicit donations for Project Valour IT. What is Project Valour IT, you ask? It is a program that purchases laptop computers for our wounded warriors. These laptops are fitted with special software that allows our troops to communicate and to use the computer despite their serious injuries (Voice-Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops).

This year I have joined the Army team and have placed the widget so that it will show next to the first post of this page until the campaign is over (11 November 2007). While we have teams and there is friendly competition, the only real winners here are our warriors who benefit from your generosity.

I know that this is the time of year where everyone asks for some of your money and I know that there are more hands out than there are dollar bills. All I ask is that when you are looking at the list of who you wish to donate to, please consider helping our wounded warriors.

Thanks and God Bless

Big Dog