Joe Biden’s Tempest Of Fecal Proportions

Tempest of fecal proportions – to wit, a sh*t storm

Joe Biden is in some deep doo doo and it is so bad that many, including his onw VP, are looking to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him. Democrats are not likely to do that just now but they have been planning it all along. You see, they have known that Biden suffers from dementia. He had cognitive decline long before he ran for the presidency. The left has to be careful and try to phase his decline in or the public, those who actually think, will know that the Democrat Communists were well aware of the issue and ignored it to get rid of Trump,

Let us not forget that fraud played into the equation. There was massive fraud that put Biden in office by stealing a landslide victory from Trump. No matter how many people tell you it was free and fair, it was no such thing.

Biden is really out there. He said they planned for the things going on in Afghanistan right now. Those things going wrong were, according to Biden, factored into the equation. So Biden wants you to believe he knew the Taliban would take over in 11 days, and that the stranding of tens of thousands of Americans and the loss of billions of dollars of sophisticated equipment were all part of the equation and they figured it would be this way.

If so we need new leadership from the president all the way through the morons in State and the Pentagon who allowed this to happen. Biden is out of his depth and it appears as if Milley and Austin are barely treading water. They all need to be replaced.

How many Americans will be brutally murdered in Afghanistan? When that happens their murders will be used as propaganda rallying cries by the Taliban. They will crow they beat America.

They did not beat our military, they beat the morons in the civilian leadership under that loser Biden. In other words, blame the suits, not the boots.

There are a lot of offers for counseling for military members who are distressed at the turn of events in Afghanistan. This bothers quite a few real heroes who gave their all for this mission only to have Biden mess it all up.

Biden is demented and needs to be replaced.

Hell, Joe Biden can hide his own Easter eggs….

America is in turmoil and the mess was brought to you by the people who run the swamp. They just had to get rid of Trump. If you are one of those people then you deserve whatever happens to you. I hope you live a miserable four years under demented Joe.

Kamala will be no better but it will be fun hammering her every time she does something. Yes Kamala, we will pin lots of sh*t on you.

God bless America because we will need it.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Schmuck’s Disease

Well, Arlen Specter, the former Pennsylvania Democrat turned Republican turned Democrat, also known as Mr. Convenience, issued his latest bit of stupidity, when he proclaimed to Bob Schieffer, in an interview, that Jack Kemp might not have died if it were not for the Republican Party and their agenda. Mr. Specter said, ” If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. And that research has saved many lives, including mine.”

What an asinine statement- I know, I am a cancer survivor also, and the cancer I had is particularly deadly- malignant Melanoma- so I am intimately aware of the limits of cancer research, but dementia must have set in in Arlie’s brain, if he believes that government could have done more and done it more efficiently. Some cancer responds to treatment, some does not, an unfortunate fact.

Government does NOTHING well, except create little entitlement monkeys who believe they are essential to the running of the government. Proof of this statement is Arlie himself, who believes that he is so essential to government that switching parties will have no effect on his position.

Judging from his outrageous statement, he has been standing way too close to Joey Biden and his mouth. This might be amusing except that these are the people that someone actually elected to office. Don’t look at me- I wouldn’t have elected them to clean my toilet.

I used to flinch when Bush would get words and statements wrong- even though it was amusing, it was so bad- but this- this misspeaking phenomenon is endemic with this whole liberal party. Just think what this box of fools will look like when and if Al Franken comes to the Senate- oh the laughs we’ll have, watching the rest of the Senate, which has an ego the size of Alaska, try to rein in someone as foul as Al.

Add to that Arlie and Teddy (I got away with murder) Kennedy, and there’s a three ring circus right there. Is Arlie going to blame Teddy’s death on the Republicans also, rather than the liters of scotch he has consumed in a drunken stupor that has lasted at least since he allowed Mary Jo to drown? It’s truly a wonder his cancer wasn’t pickled. What about Senator Byrd, the “reformed” white supremacist- when he dies, is that part of a Republican plot? Come on Arlie Boy, get real, or is that just not possible in your world?

Let’s get a few things straight here- everybody dies- that’s just a fact.

The government never makes things better- that’s just a fact.

And Arlen Specter, along with several of his cronies, has dementia. It is very obvious that there is no “there” there, when you speak of Arlen Specter’s mind.

That’s probably just how the Barama wants them- brainless.

Big Dog

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That Nutty Greenspan

It’s not enough that Alan Greenspan, the guy who was asleep at the wheel of our economy when we plowed into the bad mortgages and credit crisis, doesn’t know enough to stay in the old folks home and play checkers, now he feels like he knows anything about the illegal immigration situation. Saying that the illegal work force is a ” safety valve” for businesses as demand for workers rises and falls, he advocates an amnesty plan for the 12 million illegal aliens among us.

“There is little doubt that unauthorized, that is, illegal immigration has made a significant contribution to the growth of our economy,” Greenspan said.

What he did not say, probably because the only contact he ever had with an illegal alien was to watch them cut his lawn, was that illegal aliens severely depress the wages of every other American who might think of taking that job. They undercut the wage structure of any industry they touch, and the quality of that industry suffers also. I know because I have been a carpenter and woodworker for over thirty years, and have seen the devolution of the building industry, from the carpentry, to the landscaping- all of these trades have suffered, not been made better by the introduction of illegal workers,

So now this geek who got the economy so wrong that our grandchildren will be paying for his mistakes feels that he can chime in? Well, it’s true that every body has an opinion, but why any newspaper would waste ink on his demented musings is just beyond me, unless it is something that reinforces what the Great Barama said, in which case the newspapers are all over it like white on rice.

Look, the man is older than some layers of the Grand Canyon- you could carbon date him. But that doesn’t impart any wisdom to him, on the contrary, I feel that he has lost his mind. He looks like Walter Matthau with glasses and none of that warm, “grumpy old man” feeling.

And he is supposed to know the economy, but look where we are now, largely because of him. He left when all of this economic situation got out of hand. He DID know when to make an exit- but now he comes back saying that illegal aliens can save the economy? I guess that means, just let them in, and watch them as they patch the mortgage crisis, weed around beds of bad securities, and remodel our country, all without a green card.

Give me a break! I have written in the past about the situation regarding illegal aliens, and my mind sure hasn’t changed, and for all of those who feel that this is a good thing, you have not worked next to them , or seen them take your job, or that of someone you know. When you have no real idea, you need to shut your mouth until you know what you are talking about. It’s one thing to think about this problem in an abstract fashion, as an exercise in logic or ethics, quite another to feel the impact in your wallet, and see friends that you have known a long time get “two-ferred”- a term that means the employer gets two illegals for the price of the man he just fired. It’s not pretty, and it would still hurt if the two men were legal, but they are not.

So Alan Greenspan had better take a seat and some more medication, because he is on untenable ground ethically and realistically on this question.

Do we need a new law? No. We just need to enforce the laws we have now, but Barama doesn’t want to do that- he just wants to do half of that. The O just wants to see employers in handcuffs, not employees in hand cuffs. Why? Because the employers have money that the Liberals can suck up, while engendering the gratitude of the new, larva- like potential voters, little pupating Demicratitos in training. Yes, soon they will learn to suck the blood of the working man- they have already begun, gobbling up the social services that were intended for our citizens, and depreciating our housing values by moving eighteen people into a home, and parking their cars all over the yard and street.

It used to be, once upon a time, that incoming immigrants assimilated into the existing culture. No one ever thought of “Italian as a second language”, or changing street signs into German or Chinese to make them easier for the immigrants. No. These people came here wanting to be Americans, and while they might be proud of their old country, they knew first and foremost, they were American. Not so with this latest batch, many of whom refuse to learn English, instead, asking Americans “why don’t you learn Spanish?” Why? It is not the language of this country, it is the language of that failed country that you fled, so shut up and learn English- it will get you a better job, trust me.

No one really likes someone who refuses to learn the language of the host country. It’s rather rude.

Big Dog

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The Pandemic of Liberalitis

Day One-Today, another subject, Person S. succumbed to an inexplicably virulent strain of Liberalism, and fell to the floor twitching uncontrollably, talking in a rambling fashion about class warfare, hiking taxes and controlling the “dumb racists and rednecks” that they claimed were running the world. The preliminary diagnosis is Liberalitis, complicated with Murtha’s Syndrome, an apparent virulent variant of Tourette’s Syndrome.

Only when presented with a teleprompter, was the subject able to enunciate a lucid thought, and the subject appeared to calm somewhat. This condition is still being evaluated at this time, as the subject has sealed himself in a pod where the metamorphosis will be completed. Evaluation will continue.

Day Two- Subject awoke screaming “Stimulus! Stimulus!” so we were forced to trank him in order to strap him down for observation. He is still foaming at the mouth, moaning, “Master, Master- I serve you- I shall sleep at your feet, and worship the Marine One you fly in on.”- There was more, but we are still having the translators work on it. We believe the language to have some proto- Hawaiian or African roots. It’s really too early to tell. Poor creature. He’s obviously lost his soul.

Day Three-Subject S. appears to be calmer for the moment, but rapid eye movement from side to side betray his madness. He speaks of a “Super- Majority”, and how he will bring about the End. There is also an obscure reference to thirty pieces of silver- how odd. Now he’s singing J-E-L-L-O, and yelling something about “Betrayal you can believe in”. I fear his mind has been consumed in self delusion, and we are too late to help this wretch. We can only observe, and pray to God to help preserve his immortal soul from the One Who Prattles Overmuch.
We are afraid that we might not have the strength or skill to draw him back from the Dark Lord.

Day Four-All our skill has proven futile- Subject S. has given his soul to the One in exchange for not having to actually go into the real world and face Life After Politics, apparently a horrendous fate for a man with no skills and very limited intelligence, combined with the natural tendency to have severely atrophied and shriveled morals, caused by the overuse of ethical waffling. Oh- lets not forget Murtha’s Syndrome.

The case is hopeless, common sense can not be restored- we have tried mightily, but in the end, political survival and rampant equivocation has overcome morality, common sense, and an intelligent choice.

Nothing more can be done for this poor soul- we shall have to let him loose and hope he finds his way home, and that his crippling dementia doesn’t make him keep veering to the left, perpetually going in circles.

It’s probably for the best that Subject S. has already emasculated himself. We could not, in good conscience, allow this DNA into the gene pool. Now, we have to keep attention to the spreading of Liberalitis, and its toxic effects on civilization as we know it. Our very survival may, in fact, rely on our vigilance in curbing this vicious virus, as it could spread through the population quickly, converting many of us into non- working entitlement monkeys, who will wantonly suck all money from the few who can resist this virus and continue to work.

If you are feeling as if people owe you a living, and that you should earn as much as your boss, if you begin to believe wacky things that have no roots in the real world, you are hallucinating. Stop where you are, go to the nearest lamppost, and slam your head into the post until you feel pain. This should take your mind off of ridiculous theories and faulty logic. See your nearest parent. Talk with them. They CAN help.

You CAN get through this. You do NOT have to be like Subject S.

Big Dog

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