Raise the Limit so we can Spend Less!

The incredible political posturing continues at full-speed in the US Congress. Well, of course it does, that’s what they do. Keep that in mind when any elected politician talks — he’s a politician, and he’s not going to speak the truth. And that statement in itself is a sorry statement on the government of this country. But that is what it is, and I can do little more than point out the lies.

For example, what’s with the new trend of Republicans to demand decreases in spending in return for a higher debt limit? How does that make sense to anyone but a politician? If you’re going to spend LESS, then why do you need a higher borrowing limit? What are you going to do with that extra money you borrow, if you’re not SPENDING it?

Of course, here’s the dirty little “secret” that not one member of Congress wants you to know: the current, sitting members of Congress, the people there RIGHT NOW are 100% responsible for every single dollar spent. That’s without any exceptions. This current Congress will vote on a budget, and they get to decide what’s in that budget — NO ONE else.

So if they wanted the federal budget to be one dollar, THEY HAVE THE POWER TO DO THAT. If they want to budget to be 14 trillion dollars, they will do that.

Do not listen to any Congressman who puts the blame on anyone else for a single dollar in the budget. If the budget passed is 14.3 trillion dollars, it is ONLY because this Congress wants it to be so.


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Hoyer Says His Vote Was A Mistake As Well

If there are any doubts that Democrats do not care about the country, this should dispel them. Steny Hoyer has joined his messiah, Barack Obama, in stating that his past vote against raising the debt limit was a mistake. But was it? Obama indicated that his vote was a protest vote against the policies of George Bush. One would think that there are better ways to protest policies and one would think that a vote against raising the debt limit would be made on the principle of not incurring more debt.

Hoyer is saying the same thing. It was a mistake but he was voting against the policies of George Bush. To be clear, I do not think it is wise to vote to raise the debt limit (unless serious cuts take place) but my opposition is based on the realization that debt needs to be controlled. Obama and Hoyer voted based on spite and political posturing. They do not mind raising the debt limit, they just did not want to do so when Bush wanted them to.

Big Dog, how could you possibly know what they mind and don’t mind? Because they told me. They are both now advocating for raising the debt limit and claim it would hurt America if we do not do so. If not raising the debt limit will hurt America now then one must conclude the same thing was true when they opposed raising it. They don’t mind more debt as evidenced by their out of control spending. What they do mind is working with the other party to get something accomplished. Make no mistake, if they truly opposed it then I would be applauding them but they did not. They have situational opposition based upon who is in the White House. This demonstrates, as Obama put it, a failure of leadership.

These politicians are trying to quash any backlash they might get by Republicans (who voted for it then but oppose it now thus further showing the parties are not that different) who would use their votes and their words against them. But that ship has sailed. These two made it very clear that they opposed raising the debt limit and how bad Bush and Republicans were for even suggesting that that it be raised.

Now they must live by their words and all the claims of “mistakes” have no significance except among the unwashed Obama followers who long for the chance to touch his robe.

We all know what game is being played and we know both sides are playing it. The difference now is that America has awakened and is paying much closer attention to the financial situation in this country. Americans know we are on a path to ruin and they know that more spending is not the answer.

There are many older Republicans who were in Congress at that time who voted to raise the debt limit and now have a change of heart no different that the one Obama and Hoyer had. However, there are a whole lot of new, young, fresh faces in the Republican Party who were elected to stop Obamacare and to end the run away spending and get control of our debt. That is why they were put in office and that is what America expects them to do.

It looks to me like the Republicans (most of them, anyway) learned from the 2010 election and know they could easily be replaced if they do not do what America wants.

The Democrats, on the other hand, are slow learners and those who are running their sideshow are ignoring the results of the last election at their own peril. They were warned prior to November and they did not listen. Looks like they still have earplugs in.

The debt limit cannot be raised until we get substantive cuts. Republicans should push the Ryan Plan (though I think it could be better) as an absolute must before the limit is raised. They should require that it pass before allowing any vote on raising the debt limit. Republicans should also demand the repeal of Obamacare as part of the deal.

There are plenty of other things we could push and tie into the debt limit increase. Though Obama wants a clean bill with nothing else in it he will have to take a taste of his own medicine. He and his cohorts crammed things in Obamacare and used backroom deals and bribes to get it passed so now he will have to deal with a bill that has absolute cuts in it.

If he and the Democrats are unwilling to accept that then we can shut the place down and default on our obligations.

That would be a true demonstration of the failure of leadership.

Time to play hardball and if they don’t like it, too bad.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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