Universal Wealthcare

I would say I told you so, but I guess I just did. The House Democrats, who never met anyone they couldn’t onerously tax, have done it again, coming up with a “plan” for “Universal Healthcare” that the wealthy would almost entirely subsidize through what I would call a “pyramid” tax. Of course, these politicians are exempt, as they have their own, gold- plated care system that ensures that everyone can be as old and senile as Sen. Byrd, or function with half a brain like Teddy Kennedy. For the rest of us, not so much.

Beginning in 2011, the plan would target all income over $350,000 a year for families and $280,000 a year for individuals, Democratic sources said. The surtax would start at 1 percent, rise to around 1.5 percent for families earning more than $500,000, then step up again, to around 3 percent, for families earning more than $1 million, Democrats said.

That would raise about $550 billion over the next decade, Democrats said — about half the cost of reforms that are expected to cost about $1 trillion. The surtax percentages could rise two years later, they added, if lawmakers think additional cash is needed to cover the cost of health-care reform.


Oh- that’s right- they have put in language that could increase the taxes even more if they feel they need to siphon off more of your hard- earned money for their own venal purposes, and they will, be very sure of that- Dems spend money like drunken sailors (sorry, don’t mean to slur sailors- its just a metaphor)- but wait- some doctors say that this “healthcare” is not needed nor is it wanted, unless you want to die at the rate patients do in Canada and Britain.

If you need a heart bypass, you may wait more than a year for surgery. One patient in four dies while waiting- this saves money for Britain. One in five British patients with treatable lung cancer waits so long for treatment, that they have become untreatable by the time they see a specialist. This is another way Britain keeps healthcare costs down.

If you are in Canada, and you need an MRI, hope the government agrees. Canada actively restricts the use of magnetic resonance imaging. in fact, and has fewer MRI machines per capita than Hungary, South Korea, or the Czech Republic.

An estimated 60% of Canada’s radiology equipment is outdated, some of it so old that replacement parts are no longer available. Canadians often come to the U.S. to get the testing they cannot get in Canada.


That is a 25% death rate for heart patients, and a 20% rate for lung cancer patients. The United States does better, and we do it with state of the art machines, not rationed care. 

The House Dems hope that with this tax upon tax upon tax idea they have, that they can still have their cake and eat it too, with regards to the state of healthcare, but when the government gets into your business it’s never good.

The top federal tax rate currently stands at 35 percent, but Democrats have vowed to raise it to 39.6 percent next year, when cuts enacted during the Bush administration expire. Combined with other federal tax adjustments, the surtax could leave most taxpayers with annual incomes more than $350,000 facing top federal rates of at least 45 percent, said Robert Carroll, a senior fellow at the nonprofit Tax Foundation.

“One has to decide whether the health-care reform package they’re talking about is worth imposing such high tax rates on the most productive members of society,” Carroll said.


That’s right, the most productive members of society–  and you need to ask yourself if they want to continue to carry everyone’s water at such an over- taxed rate. I would not- heck, if it was me, I would be looking at brochures of Belize, or perhaps Costa Rica, where our money has some true buying power.

The big problem is that a lot of the earners who actually make $350,000 and more are small businesses- many of them have been in construction, and they do their taxes on a personal 1040- which makes them responsible for everything their company buys and sells, unlike corporate taxes. So these people bear the burden of their company, while they personally do not actually make that same amount of money they have to declare, so they actually are unfairly taxed.

If you gross, as a company, $350,000- well, some of that money goes to wages for your workers, some for equipment repair, or purchase of new equipment, some for insurance, some for gas and other transportation costs. Whatever is left, and that might be 60- 70% of the gross, is the owner’s share- take the onerous taxation into account, and the owners of a small business may only actually make 20- 30% of the gross, and yet his taxes are based on the gross amount. This is not right.

“In the middle of a serious recession, with unemployment nearing double digits nationwide, the last thing we need is a tax increase on small businesses, which will cost the American economy even more jobs,” said Michael Steel, spokesman for House  Minority Leader John A. Boehner (Ohio).


The Democratic majority has chosen this way, the way of excessive taxation, simply because it is easy for their limited intellect- they don’t have to try and strain their brains to find a truly equitable way to do this healthcare reform, they just institute more taxes. So easy- so wrong.

This is a blueprint on how to kill initiative and hard work.
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It Would Be Funny If Cher Died

Not funny as in comical or humorous but funny as in ironic. Cher, the talented singer and actress, states that Republican rule almost killed her. While babbling about how smart and wonderful Barack Obama is Cher wonders why anyone would want to be a Republican.

Cher basically says that there is no reason to be a Republican unless you are a rich Christian. She questions how the poor and protected groups (minorities and gays) could have anyone who would want to be a Republican.

Jammie Wearing Fool remarks that Cher sounded like a cult follower while describing Obama and states that it would be amusing if Cher dropped dead while Obama was president.

I think it would be funny as in an irony. I don’t wish death on her but if she drops dead in the next four years we can say that Republicans almost killed Cher and the Democrats finished the job…

Cher is an airhead. If she had a brain she would walk backwards.

After reading the sappy praise she spewed for Obama it appears to me that she wants a different kind of stimulus package from her exalted leader.

In another bit of irony, one of Cher’s big hits was a song titled Halfbreed. And then came Obama, in fulfillment of the scripture…

Big Dog

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Natural Disaster Deaths Increase, Blame Global Warming

Natural disasters killed more than 220,000 people in 2008 making Mother Nature more deadly than the war on terror. The number of natural disasters was lower in 2007 and the “experts” are blaming the disasters on, what else, global warming.

Natural disasters killed over 220,000 people in 2008, making it one of the most devastating years on record and underlining the need for a global climate deal, the world’s number two reinsurer said Monday.


“This continues the long-term trend we have been observing. Climate change has already started and is very probably contributing to increasingly frequent weather extremes and ensuing natural catastrophes,” Munich Re board member Torsten Jeworrek said. Breitbart

There have been natural disasters for centuries but now they are the result of global warming which is the culprit in every calamity that takes place.

The news is not all grim though as some believe that 2008 will be the year that man-made global warming was disproved. The world has been cooling and many scientists are bucking the trend and denying global warming. Polar ice caps have not melted in any huge fashion and the oceans have not risen. One of the ice caps is getting bigger.

As an aside, even if the ice caps melted they would not raise the level of the water because they displace water equal to their volume.

Many scientists point out that sunspot activity influences the temperatures and the sun has not had sunspot activity for weeks. Thus, temperatures are colder.

This has not stopped the global warming zealots who claim that the colder temperatures are a sign of global warming which would mean that when it is warmer the temperatures are leading to global cooling. No sane person would think that and certainly the global warming adherents do not. They blame everything, hot or cold, on global warming.

Al Gore has gotten very rich by perpetrating fraud on the American public and the world.

Fortunately, people are seeing through this myth and are beginning to buck the trend. That is good news because we cannot afford the measures the warming crowd wants to impose especially since they will not help.

But, until they completely shelve the global warming myth it might prove a good excuse for anything that ails you. Sorry your honor, I was driving drunk because of global warming…

Big Dog

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Wal Mart Worker Dies In Stampede

Today, the day after Thanksgiving, is known as Black Friday because this is the day many merchants hope will put their books in the black. It is a day that abnormal people get up early, or stay in line all night, to save $30 dollars on a TV or to be the first to get one of the 3 new gizmos the store has in stock (which will never satisfy 200 people who desire it).

When stores offer a few items as first come, first served there is bound to be trouble. Last year a few people were wounded or killed when stores held contests to see who could get in first. When stores offer a great deal on a few items and attract hundreds then the mob mentality takes over. People act stupid and others get hurt.

In Long Island, a Wal Mart worker was trampled to death by about 200 people who “bum-rushed” the store as soon as the doors opened. Instead of acting like civilized people and entering in an orderly fashion, they swarmed the place with no regard for others. Unfortunately, and unidentified 34 year old worker was in the path of the insanity and he was crush under the combined weight of greed.

The store was eventually closed but people walked by the emergency workers who were performing CPR on the victim. Some stood around and took video on cell phones. Most did not allow their disregard for human life get in the way of a bargain.

Nothing Wal Mart (or any other store) sells is worth standing in line overnight to get and none of it is worthy of the stupidity that cost this person his life.

These people might enjoy their Christmas presents but there is at least one family that will never see Christmas the same again.

NY Daily News

Big Dog

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Arianna Huffington Drinks The Party Kool Aid

Arianna Huffington wrote a piece about last night’s debate and shock of all shocks, she thought Palin was outclassed and lost. This should come as no surprise because Huffington is a far left lunatic liberal who used her MA in economics to earn a lot of money by marrying a rich oil man (say it isn’t so). Yep, she used her economic degree to gain money by divorcing her rich husband. She is kind enough to let him blog at her left wing nuthouse. She is an opportunistic liberal as well. Her bisexual ex hubby was a Republican and she ran as an Independent to try and beat Governor Arnold. She was a lousy candidate (as opposed to Palin) and she dropped out. She worked to stop the recall election putting her desire to stop RINO Arnold Schwarzenegger ahead of the state’s needs. He won despite her efforts.

Huffington writes:

Watching the debate at a Fortune women’s conference, I asked Meg Whitman, the co-chair of McCain’s campaign, what she thought of Palin’s performance. “Good enough,” she said. But good enough for what, exactly? After Thursday night, the only thing Palin proved herself good enough for is starring in her own reality show. Watching Biden and Palin on the same stage was like watching a tennis champion walk onto Centre [sic] Court at Wimbledon only to find himself facing an over-eager amateur from the local high school. The only subject on which Palin displayed superior knowledge was when she corrected Biden on the proper delivery of “Drill, baby, drill!” Christie Hefner thought Palin’s sex-tinged twist on the chant should be appropriated for a commercial. Perhaps for Viagra. My patience with Sarah Palin is waving the white flag of surrender.

Notice the outright sexism where Palin’s “sex tinged twist” would be good for a Viagra commercial. Was not Huffington in a snit during that recall election because of claims that Schwarzenegger has sexually harassed young women in the past? Imagine if during that campaign Arnold had said that she was better suited to doing Victoria’s Secrets commercials.

Huffington equates this debate to a tennis match so let’s keep that going. This match was like the Billie Jean/King Bobby Riggs battle of the sexes match. Palin kept attacking with hard shots and Biden committed a bunch of unforced errors. The newcomer to national politics kept pace with the crafty old veteran and was able to either return his best shots or parry them with evasive maneuvers.

Palin won, game-set-match.

I don’t know what debate Huffington was watching but the truth is that Palin could have been on stage by herself with a cardboard cutout of Biden and the wingnuts would have said that she lost. They are so deranged and have so much hatred that they refuse to see anything but bad in people from the other side. They have a failed political ideology that espouses murder of the unborn and they believe that those of us who do not agree with them are stupid rubes who don’t know any better. The Vatican refers to them as the party of death. Regardless of what Huffington says, Palin did well and Biden was not as good as he needed to be.

If Huffington knows so much how did she fail to be elected Governor in a state that is full of liberals? She might have helped California out with that economic degree of hers.

She could have erased the deficit by raising money the way she made hers.

On her back. Tennis at Wimbledon is played on the grass…

Big Dog