Best Possible Health Care Is In The US

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams left Canada and came to the US for heart surgery after he was told by his Canadian doctors that the heart procedure he needed would require them to break some of the bones in his chest. He consulted with a doctor in the US and decided to have the surgery in Miami where the doctors cut through the side of his chest and did not have to break any of his bones.

Williams has had to answer questions as to why he came to the US when his country offers universal health care. Williams responded that it was his heart and his choice and lamented that if he had the surgery in Canada he would have to handle claims that he got bumped to the head of the line. He put it simply when he said:

I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.

I think this statement says it all. Despite the universal health care in Canada which has been touted as an example for America to follow, this politician decided that the US system, even with its flaws, provided the best health care possible.

We need reform but not the kind Washington DC and Obama are pushing. We need to keep this country the place where people want to come for the best care possible and not some second rate place where the elderly die because they are not deemed worthy of treatment and government employees make decisions that should be between patients and their doctors.

Big Dog


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Try The Terrorists In America

The Obama Justice Department wants to try some of the terrorists in America and have chosen New York as the site. This was done with Obama’s consent but without the advice of Congress or the people of New York. There are a lot of concerns with this plan especially security, gridlock and the possibility that they will be found not guilty and released here in America. Some members of Congress are balking at the idea and there are calls to move the trial.

I say that it should be moved but it should remain in America.

The people who are in favor of having the trial here tell us that it is important to do it here to show we are a nation of laws and that holding the tirals in New York will put the accused in the vicinity of the Trade Center Towers. A nice idea but it does not display us as a nation based on justice.

I think in order to do this right we need to move the trials to Washington DC. That is the seat of power in this country and it is where our national laws originate. It is where our military leaders are located and the Pentagon, which was also attacked, is not far away. Surely there is a federal court in Washington DC.

This would absolutely demonstrate to the terrorists that they are in a place where the rule of law is important. It will also allow those who imposed the debacle on New York to be affected more intimately, like they wanted for New York.

This is a great idea. There is already a ton of security in DC and access to it is more easily controlled. It is a win, win because Eric Holder gets to reap what he has sown and the people of New York will be spared the circus.

The only rules are that Holder and all his people plus all the people in the Obama administration must continue to work there each day. They must not move their families out of the area and Obama’s kids must still go to school each and every day. In addition, either Obama or Biden must be in town while the trial is in progress.

Let’s propose this alternative and see if they still think it is a great idea.

Those of you who support the idea of having the trials in New York, how do you feel about them being in DC?

Big Dog


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Crime Will Be Down In Chicago On Christmas Eve

Crime in Chicago will be down on Christmas Eve because the government will be shut down with the exception of essential services.

The City of Chicago will be shutting down early for the Christmas holiday, as part of Mayor Daley’s plan to save the cash-strapped city money.

City Hall, public libraries, health clinics and most other city offices will be closed on Christmas Eve as those city workers are being forced to take the day off without pay. CBS 2 Chicago

Since most of the crime in Chicago is committed by the government then it stands to reason that there will be less crime.

Of course, the Chicago thugs in DC will still be committing crimes against humanity.

Big Dog


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Obama Can’t Take The Heat

Obama is a man who likes his comfort. In the winter when it was cold he kept the White House very warm, warm enough to “grow orchids.” While he appears to think little of snow, as evidenced by his surprise that schools closed for just a little of the white stuff, he did not stay out in it preferring the comfort of his warm digs. He told us that we could not keep our thermostats at 72 degrees but when it came to his own comfort he kept it nice and toasty. We were told he does not like to be cold.

Snap forward to the Summer in DC and Obama is again a creature of comfort. Yesterday’s presser was moved from the Rose Garden to the James S. Brady Briefing Room. It seems that the humidity was too high for the sainted one. Summer is only a few days old and it was too humid. Sure, the claim was that it would make the press uncomfortable but they have been through this before. The real reason was stated after the faux concern for the press. The humidity would have made unflattering video.

Now I don’t care where they hold these things because I have no interest in what Obama has to say but to change because of a little humidity says a lot about the pampered White House occupant. Our troops are living in much higher heat and humidity and they cannot change where they are for comfort.

One would think their supposed leader could weather a little humidity. What was he afraid of, a bad hair day?

Big Dog

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The Obamination Continues

Looks like the Obama express is sailing as smoothly as the Titanic. The Obama administration suffered a few setbacks in the past few days. These would be setbacks not including the dropping stock market that has lost about 3000 points or so since Obama was sworn in and over 6500 points (half of its value) since the Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007. The collapse happened after Democrats were in control. Make no mistake, everything that has happened since 1/20/2009 belongs to Barack Obama.

It is interesting that Obama is hell bent on destroying this country all in the name of making it a bastion of Socialism. He is attempting to tax the “wealthy” in order to redistribute the money to those who are not wealthy. It is exactly what he told Joe the Plumber he would do.

Obama hit a snag on taxes because Republicans oppose his tax increases and Democrats are not happy with the removal of some itemized deductions. They worry (rightly so) that it will lead to fewer donations to charities. They are correct, it will. Obama is also attempting to do things that will cost everyone more money in taxes. He wants to impose these environmental rules such as cap and trade which will drastically increase the cost of many industries. Those costs will be passed on to the consumer who will be paying a back door tax increase. The Obamabots including Geithner are still making the claim that there will be tax cuts for 95% of familes. 40% don’t pay any to begin with.

I want the Timmy Geithner tax plan. I don’t want to pay any taxes and I don’t want to be bothered by anyone telling me to pay them until Barack Obama selects me to be in his administration. Geithner is in charge of ensuring people don’t cheat on their taxes. That is like making Bill Clinton the chaperon in a girl’s dorm or Ted Kennedy the designated driver. [My Way News]

No Voting Rights for DC

The Democrats have been trying to get voting rights for DC. Yes, the people who live there have the right to vote but they have no representation in Congress or should I say they have no representation that can vote. The people of DC have been complaining about this for a long time and it looked like the vote on it might happen. It would have been overturned because it would be unconstitutional but that has never stopped the Democrats in the past. DC is not a state and only states have representatives.

This bill was pulled. Why would they do that? Was it because they realized it was in violation of our Constitution? No way. They pulled it because Blue Dog Democrats said they could not vote for the bill because it contained a back door gun control law. I told you the liberals were trying to impose gun control and they are slipping it into everything. The Blue Dogs were worried that the NRA would use the vote to give them all failing grades and they would lose their reelection bids in their fairly conservative districts. So much for principle. I would have respected them if they opposed it because, say, it was unconstitutional.

Here is how to solve the problem. Introduce an amendment and see if it can be ratified. It would take forever and I doubt it would pass but that is the appropriate way to handle this kind of issue. They could also make it illegal for DC to have residents. All folks would have to move to Virginia or Maryland or anywhere for that matter. That way they would not be taxed without representation.

That would be a bit harsh but we could do it without moving too many folks. Why don’t we follow the Constitution and make DC 10 square miles (Article I Section 8). The excess land can be moved back to the states that provided it and the tax base would belong to the states.

Who am I kidding? Why would Maryland or Virginia want to take on that kind of mess.

Regardless, DC is not getting a vote in Congress. Good. If they want the representation then they need to do it the right way and let the people decide via the amendment process. [Human Events]

The Russians have the same definition of bipartisan as the Democrats

Barry Obama said he believed in discussing things. He vowed to talk to leaders of hostile nations without precondition. He is a man who believes in diplomacy. Unfortunately, his idea of diplomacy is to bend over and grab his ankles. The US was to put a defensive missile shield in Poland. Russia opposed that and threatened to put offensive weapons in the region.

The Evil Won said he wanted to look into it. Poland did not want the missile defense to go away and Russia did not want it in the area.

Obama sent a letter to the Russian leader saying he was willing to put a stop to the missile defense if Russia would help the US with regard to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Russia’s leader said that Obama’s willingness to nix the missile shield amounted to positive signals but that there would be no haggling. In other words, he said that the solution is we don’t put up the missile shield and Russia continues working with Iran to develop its nuclear capabilities.

The Russians are like Democrats. Bipartisan is when you do things the way they want. Obama just got slapped like punk kid. If I were he the missiles would be heading to Poland tonight. Obama will just end up giving in.

Did anyone tell Obama that the Russians have been helping Iran? [Deutsche Welle]

Not a real good past few days. The Dow continues to drop faster than Bill Clinton’s trousers and it would appear as if the government is going to need even more money to stimulate because the first batch spent is not doing very much (surprise) and people are really fed up. The Evil One’s approval ratings are dropping and he is meeting resistance within his own party.

He will be smoking unfiltered Camels by next week.

Big Dog

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