Swine Flu Diverts Attention

A great deal of attention has been given to the newest outbreak of the flu mostly because this is a strain that is not commonly associated with transmission among humans and there is no vaccine. While it is well and good to pay some attention to it one must wonder why all the CDC warnings and the elevations of threat levels. I certainly understand the travel restrictions but the reality is that there are only 40 confirmed US cases and no one in the US has died (as of this writing). Mexico has handled the issue fairly well and there have been just over 140 deaths in that country.

In the US each year about 36,000 people die from the flu and about 200,000 require hospitalization.

I think that the fervor over the flu is designed to take our attention away from the bad news that has come out lately. GM is getting rid of Pontiac (if you have a low mileage one put it away) and that will result in the loss of 21,000 manufacturing jobs. GM and Chrysler are preparing to file for bankruptcy and this will cause a lot of turmoil in the automotive industry. Ironically, Ford, the only one of the big three not to take bailout money, is doing OK, not great, but better than the others.

The Swine Flu scare is also a great cover for Congress who can work on passing more and more spending packages and enact things designed to give us universal health care coverage without the public debate. They can take advantage of this emergency to pass even more items to drive us ever closer to Socialism.

The Obama Administration has shown that it is a smoke and mirrors operation. They manufacture one crisis after another in order to tire people and wear them down. Then they can keep passing stuff unnoticed and before you know it, BAM, we have all these expensive things and even greater tax burdens. The economy was a crisis that we had to act upon immediately or we might not recover. Then it was not as bad as he thought. Of course, he came to that conclusion after spending a couple of TRILLION dollars to fix the spiraling economy. The stimulus will not kick in for some time. We are seeing some signs of working out of the economic downturn now. This means that things are turning around before the stimulus has had a chance to affect things. If we had done very little or nothing we would be turning around and we would have saved a couple of TRILLION dollars.

But Democrats had an “emergency” to exploit. Let us not forget that George Bush helped put this in motion. I did not agree with it then and I don’t agree with it now. I think the difference is Bush was making an honest attempt to fix things and not taking advantage of the situation. Obama is taking advantage of the problem to nationalize the banks and take over companies.

The Swine Flu, as of right now, is not a cause for alarm (just as Obama said). It is something we should keep an eye on and we should take the basic steps to prevent transmission of the disease. The number one way to do that is to wash your hands. Wash them frequently and the transmission of disease will be drastically reduced. Your mother told you to wash your hands for a reason.

The flu comes each year and makes a lot of people sick and it kills quite a few. These Swine flu reports might be sentinel events indicating a larger problem ahead. We need to keep track but we also need not lose sight of what is going on around us with regard to our politicians.

They will use this “emergency” to their advantage as long as we let them get away with it.

The CDC is tracking the outbreak and has a sign up for Swine Flu updates. There is also good information about the disease and what you can do to reduce your risk. Take the time to read it but don’t let the flu take your focus away. We can worry when it looks like this will become more widespread. Let’s keep an eye on it but let’s keep in mind that thousands get sick from the flu at any one time during flu season and they don’t go bananas like they are right now. This could certainly get worse but as it stands right now, it is a minor outbreak.

The sleight of hand artist The Amazing Obama wants you to look away.

How do the open borders folks feel now? ILLEGALS with swine flu could walk into this country at anytime undetected and spread the disease. This is what you get when you don’t uphold the law.

Big Dog

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North Korea Tests Obama

Joe Biden told us there would be a test within six months. I personally believe there will be many tests because Obama has a spine of jelly rather than steel. Every rogue nation will attempt something to see just how far they can go. Unfortunately, they will meet little resistance.

North Korea launched a rocket as part of a test. The country claims it was launching a satellite and they claimed success despite the fact that those tracking it said it fizzled out and made a splash in an ocean. North Korea, unaware of the modern world and its capabilities, expects people to believe its claim that the satellite is in space and broadcasting data and patriotic music.

Obama is upset (as is Japan because the missile went over that country). All the players are asking the UN for sanctions on North Korea. What exactly will that accomplish? North Korea is poor. They have nothing. At night they have no lights, they have little or no food and water and they live in absolute poverty. The country is already sanctioned and has been for quite some time. What more will sanctions do?

I have heard the opinions about shooting down the rocket. I was not opposed to that idea. I figured we could track it and if it looked like a threat we could shoot it down. As it stands right now, we know North Korea has a way to go because its rocket fizzled out. However, if the satellite had made it into orbit I would have been more inclined to shoot it down then. That would have really burst their bubble.

We should recover it and see what the payload actually was. As for sanctions, they will not work. The UN has no testicular fortitude and the people there will be lining up to find a way to get rich by ignoring the sanctions. Oil for food and all that. Besides, the UN is not interested in punishing bad countries. That organization is much happier when it goes after good countries and leaves the bad ones alone. How many times do we have to see them blame Israel for the attacks against her to realize that?

In any event, if this is the big test then I think it is not much of one. Iran will have nukes before long and then we will see how the sainted one responds. He will have to decide what to do with a nuclear Iran while he is removing nuclear weapons from our arsenal.

Big Dog

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Pitchforks Pointed At Obama And Congress

Barack Obama had the most powerful CEOs of the financial world in his office last week and he had this message for them. I won and I am going to tell you how to run your business. The days of huge salaries are over and you had better get in line or there will be hell to pay.

The CEOs tried to demonstrate why salaries are what they are and how they are competing for top financial talent but Obama would have none of it. He informed them that his administration is the only thing standing between them and the pitchforks.

What Obama fails to realize is that the pitchforks are aimed at him and Congress. People are fed up with government. Real Americans are not concerned about how much money a private company pays its workers. That is a contract between the employers and those employed and the government has no right to stick its nose in. The companies that received bailout money might have to listen but there are problems with that as well. Many financial executives were forced to take the money even though they did not need it. This was to prevent the public from losing confidence in those on unsound footing. If everyone took it then the public would believe it was an across the board problem and not single out only certain businesses.

These people need to pay the money back and tell Obama to pound sand. Any company that Obama tries to interfere in needs to tell him to mind his own business. It is not the government’s business to decide how much a company or its employees should make. The people who think that salaries of private business should be capped are the ones who sit on their cans collecting from those who produce. They are jealous and think they are entitled to money that is not theirs.

Businesses are not obligated to show social concern or to do things for the good of mankind. They are in business to make money and are only accountable to stockholders. Money is earned as the result of a person’s work and that money is used in exchange for the fruits of someone else’s labor. We exchange our money for goods produced by others and they do the same. Money has no value to producers if it is confiscated and redistributed to those who produce little. They have nothing to exchange for it and as long as we give it away for nothing we will get more of nothing for our money. Money has value to both parties when they are exchanging it for goods. Money only has value to one side when it is given away. Those who have their salaries capped will have little incentive to work harder and produce more.

We know, Obama won. It is obvious that he won and even if someone did not know it he would be sure to tell them. The reality is that just because he won it does not mean people have to agree with him or do what he wants. We are free to oppose him any way we want because no matter what else happens and no matter that he won, he works for us. We DO NOT work for him.

The beauty is, he works for those of us who did not give him the job. He works for me, I do not work for him. I pay taxes and I have a say in how they are spent. They are not to be spent on the whims and crisis management of a rookie and his toadies.

Never let a crisis go to waste. The real crisis is that this country put a Socialist in office and we are rapidly going in the wrong direction. Let’s not let this crisis go to waste. Work to get rid of all the waste in government and that includes the waste in the White House and the waste in the Capitol.

Obama won, but America lost.


Big Dog

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Blame The Economy On The Whites

Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva blamed the economic problems on white people with blue eyes. According to this racist jackass it was only white people who were running the banks and caused the problem because they thought they knew so much but showed how little they really do know.

And this jackass bases his assessment on the fact that he knows no people of color who run banks. Now that is a smart way to come to such a racist conclusion.

Perhaps he never heard of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who protested and worked to get loans for people of color. These were loans they could not afford and that would never have been made had banks not been forced to abandon safe practices under the threat of protest and claims of racism. I know there were plenty of people of all races who borrowed more than they could afford but the race baiters do not fight for them. Regardless, they were part of the problem and they are not bankers no matter what color they are.

Perhaps the Brazilian jackass has never heard of Congresswoman Maxine Waters or her husband Sidney Williams. Williams is a banker and Water used her office to try to get him bailout money. Williams is definitely black, or a person or color, of NOT white with blue eyes.

I am pretty sure there are plenty of bankers of color and I am sure many of them ran their businesses ethically just as many white, blue eyed bankers did. There were a lot of things that caused the problems and I am certain that it was not solely a bunch of white, blue eyed guys.

Perhaps president jackass does not know any bankers of color because his country is not as diverse as the US.

Considering George Bush supported an International Monetary Fund bailout of Brazil in 2002 it is hard to say that the white guys are all the problem. This is especially true when one considers that Brazil’s problems were the result of corruption in its financial system.

I guess the corruption, failed judicial system, and need for a bailout in 2002 were the fault of blue eyed white guys as well?

And don’t you white guys with brown or green eyes think you are off the hook. First they came for the blue eyed white guys and I said nothing….

Big Dog

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The Crisis Isn’t That Bad After All

Barack Obama was Chicken Little with regard to the economic downturn. He said it was a crisis and that we needed to act now or we might not be able to recover. He told Congress that they had to act now to pass his bill because time was of the essence. They passed it quickly, without reading it, and then he waited four days to sign it. So much for time being of the essence.

It is well known that Rahm Emanuel said that they could not let a crisis go to waste. He said a crisis was the time to push through things that you would not usually be able to get. And that is exactly what the Democrats have done. Barack Obama has spent a trillion dollars on a pork laden “stimulus” bill that does little to create meaningful, long lasting jobs, and it does little to stimulate the economy. The slide downward of the stock market is evidence of the lack of confidence in his policies.

But there was a good crisis to use and after they spent a trillion dollars that has yet to be earned, they passed an omnibus bill to clear up what they neglected last year. The bill had 9000 earmarks in it which means they wasted even more money. The crisis was there and they needed to get their pet projects out there before things started to recover. Once the crisis is over they might have trouble getting all that they want because the public will be more attentive.

Looks like Obama must have gotten all he figures he will be able to because he told executives at a Business Round Table that the crisis is “not as bad as we thought.”

It is not as bad as HE and HIS Democrats said it was. Most others recognized that it was bad but that it was not as bad as past recessions and that we could recover without spending a future generation’s wealth. Obama sounded the crisis klaxon and spent a lot very quickly to get what he wanted. Interestingly, he had this to say:

“I don’t think things are ever as good as they say, or ever as bad as they say,” Obama added. “Things two years ago were not as good as we thought because there were a lot of underlying weaknesses in the economy. They’re not as bad as we think they are now.”

As bad as THEY say? You were the one saying it was bad Barack. A lot of us knew it was not as bad as you were saying and that the hype was designed to get what you wanted even if it was not in the best interests of this country. You, Mr. Obama, were the one screaming that the world was ending and using FEAR, a tactic you criticized Bush for, to get what you wanted. It certainly seems as if you thought it was as bad as they said because you sure acted like it.

I hope this little confession of yours hits home with the mindless drones who hang on your every word. In case they have trouble let me help them.

If Obama screams about crisis in the future and says we need to act now or that if we wait we might not be able to recover, IT IS NOT AS BAD AS HE IS MAKING IT SOUND.

By his own admission he does not think things are as bad as people say they are. Apply the same standard to him and when he says things are bad, it is a crisis and that we must act now just remember that it is not as bad as he says.

It wasn’t as bad as he made it out to be when he was pushing for trillion dollar spending and it will not be as bad as they say when they are looking for another stimulus.

Keep in mind, they need a crisis to get what they want without having to use pesky little things like procedure. They manufactured the crisis part of the economic downturn for political gain and they will do it again when they want to spend more of our children’s and grandchildren’s futures.

Crisis management is the hallmark of Obama and his administration.


Big Dog

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