Kamp Alinsky Crowd Represents Democrats

The crowd of Occupy Wall Street (and its many offshoots across the nation) is a mob. They are followers of Saul Alinsky and they are causing social unrest in hope of changing the way the nation does business but not for the best. They falsely claim they represent 99% of the country because they are not the 1% of our nation that is really wealthy. They do not represent the 99%. In fact, they represent only a small part of the 99% in this nation who are not wealthy.

But they do represent the Democrats, the Socialists, the Communists and the Islamic radicals, all of whom have endorsed their activities.

The occupy crowd around the country has been involved or implicated in a number of crimes including drug distribution, rape, and their presence seems to increase the crime rates of their occupied territory. They are supported by the aforementioned groups and that includes Democrats like Barack Obama, Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi, all of whom have stated that support.

The Democrats support these people and dare not talk about the illegal activities, the public defecation, the violence, the vandalism and the assaults on police because they do not want to lose their support. This is their base.

Contrast the FLEA baggers with the TEA Party. There has never been an arrest of a TEA Party member at a TEA Party event. The TEA Party supporters leave places cleaner than when they arrived and there are no allegations of drug use or distribution, rape or any other crime. The only allegations ever made are that the TEA Party members are racist. These allegations are all false and have been proven so many times. The allegations of using the N word toward members of Congress have been shown false and yet, the left continues to harp this lie.

The members of the left who support the degenerates in the Occupy movement have called the TEA Party unpatriotic, racist and a number of names that allude to vulgar sexual activities.

Think about it for a moment. The Democrats openly deride the law abiding and peaceful TEA Party members as un-American and racist for following the law while openly praising and supporting the Occupy members who are breaking laws left and right. The left has yet to address the drug, rape and violence criminal acts by the Occupy crowd but jumps on a racist claim about the TEA Party the moment the word is uttered.

What does that tell you about the Democrats who support the Occupy crowd?

It tells me that they agree with the crimes, they agree with the goals (if anyone in the Occupy crowd could actually give a coherent statement about the goals) and that they agree with the tactics.

The Democrats agree because the tactics come right out of Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals.

This is how radicals try to affect social change. This is what they do to get what they want and what they want is a collapse of the system, the movement to Socialism, the forced redistribution of wealth and more government involvement.

The Democrats support these people because they want the unrest. They want it to escalate and evolve into widespread chaos so that people will clamor for government to do something, anything, to stop the insanity.

And Democrats are waiting for that moment to inject more government into our lives. They will be the saviors. They will stop the insanity by imposing more restrictive rules as they move us closer to Socialism.

They have created and supported a crisis because, as they openly told us, they do not let a crisis go to waste.

This is by design. This is what the Democrats want. This is how they have trained for decades and this is the closest they have come. They are following Alinsky’s script in order to affect change.

This is the Change part of the Hope and Change in Obama’s 2008 campaign.

They think they will succeed.

They are wrong. If this devolves into social unrest the overwhelming part of the 99% in this country who are not wealthy and are not part of this mob will stop them in their tracks. Alinsky said they had to work to get a reaction. Escalating violence will get a reaction they do not like.

I have heard those who support them claim these people are being peaceful and have a right to protest. They have every right to protest but their right ends when it infringes upon the rights of others and these people are doing just that. They are hurting businesses, they are committing acts of violence, and they are breaking the law.

If they want someone to listen to them then they need to obey the law.

And staying where you are not allowed, committing rape, using and distributing drugs, urinating and defecating in public, committing vandalism and being violent are not legal acts and do not constitute obeying the law.

Let me put it in simpler terms for the liberals. You have to obey the law when exercising your right to protest.

When you don’t, you lose your right.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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God Bless The Unruly Protesters

Nancy Pelosi has nothing but praise for the astro-turf Wall Street protests and the folks participating in them. She has favored their actions by saying; “God bless them.”

“The message of the protesters is a message for the establishment everyplace,” said the House Democrats’ leader. “No longer will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.” The Weekly Standard

The former Speaker of the House has nothing but praise for the people who are breaking the law and committing acts of violence in an attempt to steal money from the wealthy in a Socialist redistribution scheme. The protesters, like Pelosi (as seen in her statement), blame Wall Street and the wealthy for the economic downturn despite the fact that this all started as a result of a burst housing bubble which was the result of Democrat policies. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) forced banks to lend money to people who could not afford to pay it back just so they too could buy a home. The government sponsored entities of Fannie and Freddie bought up a bunch of the mortgages that had been bundled together. They ended up being worthless and the bubble burst.

This all occurred as the Bush Administration tried on more than a dozen occasions to reign in these entities and what they were doing. Democrats, including Barney Frank, defended Fannie and Freddie as financially sound and said they were in no trouble at all. Frank was sleeping with the guy in charge of one of those entities so he might not have been unbiased. Regardless, these Democrats allowed this to happen and now blame it on Wall Street.

The protesters are causing trouble and breaking the law and Pelosi has nothing but praise for them. She thinks it is great that people are out to collapse our system and force redistribution of wealth.

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who called TEA Party protesters un-American. Yes, the TEA Party folks are peaceful, have broken NO laws, have not destroyed property, and have cleaned up every place they have gathered but that is un-American to Pelosi. In addition, there has been NO violence caused by TEA Party protesters.

Pelosi called these folks un-American while she praises those who are violent law breakers. To her, the astro-turf Wall Street flash mobs and their spin offs across the country are American heroes.

This shows you what America is to Pelosi and the rest of the Socialists. Those who follow the laws, assemble according to their First Amendment rights and peacefully protest larger, out of control government are un-American while those who trash the place, fight with the police, commit acts of vandalism and engage in violence are to be blessed by God.

The left is engaging in violence and the politicians and their liberal supporters in the media and Hollywood are encouraging those acts. The people in these mobs are taking their cues from their political leaders who want the disruption and violence. It gives them a new crisis they cannot let go to waste.

These people are going to be very sorry if they bring their violence to main street America where Bible and gun clingers who have no tolerance for such stuff reside.

The National Guard put an end to this kind of mob violence in an incident at Kent State a very long time ago. It is time for the police to exert such force on those who commit acts of violence in the name of Pelosi (and Obama) and her Socialist agenda. That would put an end to the madness.

If these folks want to protest peacefully then they have the right to do so. When they cross that line they need to be smacked down and they need to be smacked down hard.

Remember this ladies and gentlemen, if this gets even more out of control and the police or others get hurt or killed, Nancy Pelosi gave them her blessing. If they cause mayhem they do so with the approval of Nancy Pelosi and others who astro-turfed this and are encouraging it (Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, etc).

It is time to make these people live according to the rules and the laws. If they refuse then they need to be smacked down.

And Pelosi needs to be held accountable for giving them her blessing (and by extension, her permission) to act like animals.

Two other points. Obama’s rhetoric could spark violence and his people are protesting the entities that gave a lot of money to him in 2008.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Domestic Terrorists?

US Attorney General Eric Holder is worried about

the alarming rise in the number of Americans who are more than willing to attack and kill their fellow citizens.

I have to agree. There are way too many Americans willing to commit crimes against other Americans. Oh, you don’t think he was talking about THOSE Americans?


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Mexican Mayor Wants US To Keep His Trash

Looks like a mayor in Mexico is blaming the US for the rash of drug cartel violence along the border and in border towns in Mexico. Seems that the US, evil as they are, deports criminals back to Mexico once they have served time in a US jail for their offenses. Rapists and murderers have been deported and this does not sit well with a particular Mexican Mayor and a group of Mexican lawmakers.

Hey Mexican authorities, screw you. Who cares if you are upset. Did you ever stop to consider that the felons came here from your crappy country and committed felonies against OUR people? American citizens were victimized by your trash and our judicial system had to deal with them. Then when they have served their time we send them back to you where they belong and you have the nerve to get upset about it.

Your country has been teaching people how to sneak into the US and how to avoid capture. You print publications to assist them in illegally entering our nation. Then they come here and commit felonies and we send them home and you are not happy.

Who the hell do you people think you are?

I have a suggestion for you. Clean up your own country and quit sending your trash over our border and we will not be forced to send it back.

Perhaps we could end this for you by sending some of our well armed folks across the border to kill all the drug cartel members and then station them on the border to shoot anyone entering illegally.

Perhaps we should send you people a bill for the costs this nation has incurred as a result of your aiding and abetting criminals.

These morons need to be in Gitmo.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Voter Intimidation OK If You Are A Black Panther Supporting Democrats

The leader of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Malik Shabazz, says that Attorney General Eric Holder was right when he dropped the issue of voter intimidation that was engaged in by two New Black Panthers last November. Shabazz said that the two had been suspended and that the whole uproar over the case being dropped is nothing more than a Republican witch hunt.

Oh really?

Let me lay this out for the mouth breathing moron. Voter intimidation is a crime and it matters not that the two involved were suspended. If a star NFL quarterback is caught on tape raping a girl the case does not get dropped because the team suspended him. That is because, like voter intimidation, rape is a crime.

Holder dropped the case because it was a political favor and he was helping out a black organization that supports Democrats.

The Democrats cried foul and claimed voter intimidation because a police car was parked outside a polling place in Florida during the 2000 election. The presence of a police car is not intimidation but two fatigue clad men wielding night sticks is. A police car should have been parked outside that polling place in Philadelphia.

Imagine if the KKK showed up at a polling place and they had night sticks and threatened people. Suppose they said that they were there to ensure that the people did not vote for a black man.

Eric Holder would not drop those charges and Shabazz would be screaming racism and voter intimidation and I doubt he would buy any argument that the KKK had suspended the offending Klansmen. Voter intimidation is a crime no matter whether you are wearing a hood or from the hood.

Democrats don’t seem to see it that way. In 2004 Michael Moore said he was going to have video cameras around to film voter intimidation and there was a phone number for people to call and report it. These two knuckledraggers were caught on film intimidating voters and Moore has remained silent. No one on the left has called these guys out.

Shabazz is an idiot and his organization is not very different than the KKK. The only real difference is the color of the people they hate.

I am glad I live in a place where morons like the Black Panthers (or the KKK) would never think of showing up at a polling place and intimidating voters. They know they would get their guts stomped out.

So I have an open invitation for them to show up at our voting place to try their carp.

Even Eric Holder will not be able to save them then.


Big Dog


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