It Is All About Control

I have told you time and again that the health care takeover is not about health and not about care. It is about control. It is about the government controlling our lives. The progressives have been very coy about this by veiling their arguments in faux compassion and concern for those who have no health care insurance. Everyone has access to health care, the question is, who will pay for it?

The fact that most people are happy with what they have is of no consequence to progressives and they ignored these people to revamp the entire system to “take care” of the small portion that cannot pay. There were plenty of ways to fix that problem without interfering with everyone else but those solutions would not allow the government to gain control and that is the only thing it wants.

According to Representative John Dingell:

“The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.” Breitbart [emphasis mine]

To control the people. This is what they want and now it has been verbalized by one of the enemy.

Make no mistake about it, the government wants to control each and every one of us and it has moved closer to that with this health care takeover.

If it were about a true concern for people it would take place sooner and well before Obama has to run for reelection. But until that time, the same number of people will be uncovered and will die each and every day. Of course the same number of people will die even after this is fully implemented.

Control. It is how the Marxists rule over the serfs.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Democrats Might Lose Obama’s Old Senate Seat

Wouldn’t this be a kick in the pants? It looks like it is possible that a Republican could win the Senate seat that was held by Barack Obama. There is some infighting in Illinois among politicians who wanted the seat (part of the Blago deal making) but did not get it. The seat went to Roland Burris and he is not running for reelection.

Democratic Party leaders in Washington — and the Obama White House — failed to recruit a candidate strong enough to scare Rep. Mark Kirk — the Republicans’ best bet — from the race. The only luck they had was the decision by Sen. Roland Burris — appointed by now-indicted former Gov. Rod Blagojevich to fill Obama’s remaining term — not to run to keep the seat. Chicago Sun Times

It looks like Mark Kirk has plenty of money and will make a contest of the whole thing.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if the seat held by Obama turned parties and that took the filibuster proof majority away from Harry Reid (who will likely be gone as well) and the Democrats?

Big Dog

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How Long Before It Comes To America?

The debate about the health care overhaul bill continues as more Americans voice their opposition to the plan that will allow the government to take over about 17% of our GDP. The government is interested in taking control of health care because then it will control our lives. The bill is not about health and it is not about care. Government has a couple of things in mind besides health and care.

The government wants to control your access to health care. Politicians are lying to you when they say that you can keep your plan if you like it. You can keep it until you need to change (whether you change jobs or your employer drops coverage in favor of government care) and then you will be stuck with the government plan where some bean counter gets to decide if you are treated. This is about controlling people like the government does with Social Security. The elderly are trapped in that system and are at the mercy of politicians who have spent all the money paid into it. It is going broke and there is no trust fund. Today’s workers are paying for today’s retirees. There will be no money left in the very near future.

The government will soon run out of all that Social Security money to confiscate and back with worthless paper so it needs a new source of income. You have heard them say how much money insurance companies make. The government wants to put them out of business and take that money in so it will have more to spend while rationing care.

Remember, the goal is for them to get single payer health care. Obama has said that this is his goal and that it might take 15 or 20 years but that is what he wants. Many other Democrats are on record as saying that they want single payer and that the way to get it is by passing a health care bill that they can use to get us there. This is why they are scaling back. They can say that the government option is off the table but they have said they can get things incrementally. They will get some sort of bill passed and then keep adding to it until they get what they want, complete control. Control of health care is a major way for government to gain more control over YOU.

Do we really want government types making decisions about our health? What about end of life? Do we really want government types forcing end of life decisions on us? That is what will result if we are forced to receive end of life counseling upon reaching 65 (an age where we are not old enough to draw Social Security). If they can steer us toward death then they can save health care dollars and Social Security payments.

Right now, each of us has the right to decide our end of life desires. We can decide to have food or water withheld and which medications, if any, we are to receive as well as the procedures that we do or do not want performed. Once government is involved a bureaucrat will be guiding people in that process and those who are vulnerable will be moved to taking decisions they might not actually want. Doctors will be rated by how well they are doing in this area so they will have incentive to move folks toward death.

Once health care is under government control there will be nothing stopping government from actually taking those decisions for us. They can simply pass a bill that changes health care and allows someone else to decide your end of life issues. Think that can’t happen? Look at what is happening in the United Kingdom:

In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, a group of experts who care for the terminally ill claim that some patients are being wrongly judged as close to death.

Under NHS guidance introduced across England to help doctors and medical staff deal with dying patients, they can then have fluid and drugs withdrawn and many are put on continuous sedation until they pass away. Telegraph UK

There is a pathway in the UK health system that allows clinicians to decide if a person is near end of life and then withhold food, water and medication and keep the person sedated until he dies. People can become dehydrated and get confused and be taken to the hospital where, using the pathway, it can be decided that the person is near end of life and care withheld. Sedating drugs can mask recovery so people who would otherwise recover die because the sedation keeps them from showing signs of improvement.

It is not a leap to say that we could go from mandatory counseling (the word shall means it is mandatory) where people are guided to death to a system where the decisions are made for them. It will not matter if the decisions are in the best interest of the patient and it will not matter what the patient or his family want because the government will mandate the decision.

The UK has had government run health care for a long time but this pathway has only been around since 2004. This means that government changed the health care delivery to include a pathway that takes end of life decisions away from the patient and the patient’s family.

Once government gets its claws into the flesh of health care it will continue to dig deeper and deeper until it runs everything and makes all the decisions. Remember, Obama has appointed people to positions that will decide for you. They are people who have long histories of advocating allowing people to die rather than extending lives. They have histories of advancing Euthanasia. They are on the record stating that the elderly will have to deal with their fate. They are on the record as wanting to advance principles where life is given unequal value based upon age and condition. The elderly, handicapped and mentally ill are not worth as much to them as the young and healthy.

Is this what we want in this country? Do we want government controlling health care and our lives? Do we want the government to have the power to decide if we live or die? Do we want a complete overhaul of the system so that we can include the very small percentage of people who have no insurance?

If this were about health care and reform then Obama would have voted for reform all those times he had the chance in the Senate. He did not want reform and neither do the rest fo the Democrats. They want control. If it were about fixing what is broken then they would not be scrapping what works and replacing it. They want control.

It is time to wake up America. Do not let them pass any kind of health care overhaul. They will work to add to it and take control of your life.

Stand up and be counted.

Your life depends on it.

Big Dog

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Senator Cardin Does Not Get It

Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland was involved in a Town Hall meeting and was asked by a person about health care and why the government would fine him if he did not get a policy. Robert Broadus laid it out for Cardin:

“I decided not to get the health insurance. That’s working out for me because I’m able to save that extra money and give it to my family members and use it on myself. Senator Cardin, I want to know are you going to tell me an individual…that I have to buy health care or else you’re going to fine me $2,500 every year I don’t get it? Our founding fathers assured us we have a Bill of Rights and I want to see you uphold that,” Broadus said in an increasingly emotional voice and to scattered applause. WUSA9

Cardin’s answer was a scary one because he basically stated that the guy would have problems if he had a serious medical condition. This could be true but Cardin made it sound as if the guy was a freeloader who would not make arrangements to pay his bill.

Cardin responded by asking Broadus what would happen if he became sick, broke a bone, had a car accident and ended up in an emergency room.

“You don’t pay. You are part of the population that shifts its costs over to a person who does pay, and they’re paying for you,” Cardin said.

Explaining how hospitals have often to absorb those costs, Cardin said many hospitals would chose simply to leave the community.

“I just think the overriding public interest is to require you and everyone in this country to have health insurance,” Cardin said.

Cardin said that it was in the public interest to require everyone to have health insurance. Why? Cardin’s lame excuse about hospitals and individuals who pay absorbing the cost falls flat. Hospitals and people who pay already absorb a great deal of cost. Hospitals also absorb the cost of government run Medicare and Medicaid. The government sets rates and never reimburses the total cost. This is one reason that patients have a plethora of tests and procedures. It is done for two reasons. The first is to prevent a lawsuit for some undiscovered problem and the other is to jack up the bill so the reimbursement is higher.

Additionally, with government run health care or a public option, if you will, everyone pays the bill. Well, the people who pay taxes pay the bill. There is no difference between the cost being spread out in the case Cardin describes and the cost being spread out among the populace in order to cover everyone.

There are plenty of ways to solve this problem that do not involve the government getting involved. Government does not have any money and it does not make money. Government extorts money from people who produce and then redistributes it to those who don’t. Washington DC only consumes, it does not produce.

Cardin is out of touch with reality because he is like the rest who want complete control over our lives. They already hold the elderly hostage with Social Security and Medicare and now they want to expand their reach to hold everyone hostage.

It is all about control over our lives and nothing more.

Big Dog

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Hillary Can Control Bill

In a recent ABC interview the involvement of former President Bill Clinton was addressed by Hillary. She indicated that any statements he made were not intended to be offensive. Then Cynthia McFadden asked Hillary if she could control Bill.

Her response was; “Oh of course.”

How is it we are supposed to believe that she can control him when she could not do that in all the years since they met? She sent her father and brother to Arkansas (before they were married) while she was away to keep him from sleeping around and there have been countless women who admitted to having consensual affairs as well as those who claimed to have been raped by him. Then, of course, there was Monica Lewinsky and that whole ugly affair. Despite their denials and defamation of Gennifer Flowers she turned out to be telling the truth when Bill admitted to having an affair with her. Despite his denials and cover up by Hillary, the Lewinsky affair turned out to be true. Even though he denied it and his people tried to portray her as a star struck kid, she turned out to be the one telling the truth.

So tell me, how is is she can control him when she has failed to do so since the time they met?

ABC Political Radar