All Hail King Obama

Barack Obama has been frustrated over the economy that he has failed to fix. He is flummoxed because he has pushed a Socialist agenda and ended up getting slapped down in the midterm elections. He is looking for a reelection that probably will not happen and he is frustrated. He is particularly upset that he has to deal with a Republican controlled Congress.

He is so upset that he has accused Republicans of failing to act on things that he could not get done when his party controlled both chambers and when he did not need one single GOP vote to get things passed. He needs a bad guy in order to get America back on his side (or so he thinks).

So after spending nearly a trillion dollars that did not stimulate and did not create jobs, Obama wants to spend 400 BILLION more to do what the first stimulus could not. He and his apologists have said that the Stimulus was not intended to grow jobs right away (in contrast to their claims before it was passed) and that job growth would occur later on (which happens to be about this time period). So if it was supposed to help by now, why do we need another Stimulus package?

Well, Obama introduced his second stimulus because he does not want it to pass. He wants Republicans to block it so he can blame them for all the problems that he caused. There is an election to win so Obama is playing the game. The problem he has is that a lot of Democrats oppose the second stimulus. There are quite a few Democrats in the Senate who are up for reelection next year and they are worried they will be voted out of office. Given that they took a beating in 2010 they already know another is possible so they opposed Obama’s second stimulus.

This has not stopped Obama and the Democrats from blaming Republicans. Harry Reid blames Republicans as his Democrats block it in the Senate. Obama blames Republicans as his party votes against it. Obama needs to keep blaming Republicans because that is the narrative. That is the plan, that is how he plans to fight to keep his job. He can’t let people know that his own party opposes his bill and that the Senate, which is controlled by his party, can’t get it passed because his Democrats do not support it.

He is now pushing on to plan B. Obama will continue to blame Republicans but he has directed his people to scour a report and identify those items which he can act on administratively in order to avoid Congressional involvement. Obama wants to do whatever he can to bypass the Congress and get his second stimulus in place. Obama wants to know how he can do things in a fashion that would conflict with our Constitution and our way of life.

He will blame Republicans and he will say he needed to do this because they were obstructing him. He will claim it was necessary and that he was looking out for you.

And you can bet that when it fails he will blame it on the very people he bypassed.

We went from a Republic to a Monarchy with King Barack ignoring a coequal branch of government in order to push an agenda.

We need to get rid of him and his enablers in 2012 or the American experiment will be marked a failure as we progress to a Socialist country.

Our Founders are spinning in their graves.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Hurry Up, I Need To Give My Speech

Barack Obama ignored the rules of the House and Senate and said he wanted to give an address to a joint session on September 7th, the day Congress gets back to work. It was logistically impossible because the invite needs to come from the Congress and it needs to be approved by both chambers. The Congress gets back at 1830 on the 7th and it takes time to pass such a resolution. Not to mention that it takes about three hours to properly sweep the Capital for a presidential visit.

Obama did this under the guise that he needs to get right on this jobs issue. It is of utmost importance and he needs to get on it right away. He has been in office for over two years and has been claiming all that time that he is focused like a laser on jobs and the results have been disastrous. Couple this with the fact that he went on vacation for about two weeks and that he has given a number of speeches about jobs and one has to wonder why he absolutely had to have a joint session on the 7th.

That night there is a Republican presidential debate and Thursday is opening day of the NFL season. Obama decided that he would rather take the spotlight off the Republican debate rather than interrupt the start of the NFL season. The White House was gracious enough to say the network holding the debate was free to move the time to accommodate the important address to a joint session of Congress. How nice…

The Speaker of the House sent a letter indicating it would be logistically impossible to have the joint session on the 7th so Obama capitulated and took the 8th instead.

This was an amateur political move by Obama because he was hoping to take some of the attention away from the folks from which his challenger will come. I am glad Speaker Boehner told him to pick another night but I think if they could have done it they should have. It would make Obama look small and, if the Republicans pushed the start of their debate back, they could watch Obama and then hammer him while the speech is fresh in people’s minds.

As it is he has demonstrated that he has little regard for protocol and that he believes he should be able to speak and make it so.

Obama looks smaller each and every day.


Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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A Roundup Of The Insane

Media to Obama’s rescue

The Media Wing of the Democrat Party is in full fledged help Obama mode. Obama went to the airwaves today and said his last plea for us to contact our officials has provided overwhelming response. He did not indicate what the percentage of people opposing his ideas is, but nonetheless he said it and then said to keep doing it as if he intends to listen to what the people want. He also said for people to Tweet about it. So a New York Times reporter got on Twitter and asked if there was a special hashtag people could use to show their support of Obama and against the Republican plans. The White House readily agreed and did it.

At 10:55 a.m. the Times’s Jennifer Preston suggested that administration flacks should create a hashtag for tweeting Democrats to jointly target Republicans who are now trying to pass their own debt ceiling plan.

At 11.04, the White House’s press shop announced a new hashtag for Democrats to use when targeting GOP members of Congress. The message read: “@NYT_JenPreston People responding to POTUS shld use #compromise. As he said, it is ‘time for #compromise on behalf of the American people’” The Daily Caller

Yep, the media looking out for the folks. Ooops, I mean the Media Wing of the Democrat Party aiding and abetting in the crimes…

Poor Obama is not getting any sleep.

Valerie Jarrett said Obama is not getting any sleep over this whole budget issue. Boo fricking hoo. He is probably not getting sleep because if the mess goes into the weekend it might ruin his golf game.

How about all the people who don’t get sleep because they lie awake at night worrying about getting a job or paying their bills. How about the folks who worry about the massive debt the US continues to accumulate? How about those who worry their children will be slaves to government debt?

I don’t feel sorry for Obama. He asked for the job and this is what goes with it.

If you want to discuss not getting sleep we can take him to Iraq or Afghanistan where he can sleep in the desert worrying about a shell landing on him. Or we can take him on patrol and see if he loses sleep worrying about stepping on an IED.

No sleep indeed, poor baby.

The TEA Party Terrorists?

William Yeomans of Politico has a hit piece out calling the TEA Party folks terrorists who are out to hurt people over this debt limit issue. For a party that does not like the word terrorist or terror they sure use it a lot. The true terrorists in this issue, if we are to accept Yeomans’ definition of terrorist, are those who want to continue to raise our debt limit, who want to impose more taxes, who want to enslave our children to government and who are playing games with our country and its strength. Those people are in Congress and come from both parties. The TEA Party members of Congress are the ones who are looking out for our welfare (as in safety and not handout programs) and who want to get control of government spending. The terrorists are entrenched in the White House and the Congress and they are not the TEA Party folks.

Yeomans is another in a long line of liberal morons who do not understand that we are on an unsustainable path. He is of that ilk that does not care as long as he gets his…

But, but, but, its for the children. How come people like Yeomans will scream it is for the children when they want to pass some BS plan that spends money and increases government control but when our children are (or will be) actually harmed they don’t care?

Obama Stimulus Anemic

We were supposed to get big gains from Obama’s trillion dollar stimulus but it looks like we don’t have the jobs and the economy is in a rut. The GDP growth for the First Quarter was revised down to a mere 0.4% (Fourth Quarter last year was revised down as well) and the GDP growth for the Second Quarter is in at 1.3% (will this be revised down as well) so it is obvious that the stimulus is not, shall I say, stimulating. I know the Obama apologists will say that this was expected and it is a blip and all that but the article clearly indicates that economists had expected higher numbers. Growth for the last few years is being revised down.

Economists had expected the economy would show signs of perking up by now with Japan supply constraints easing and gasoline prices off their high, but data has disappointed. CNBC

I said it before and it bears repeating; spending money to solve a debt problem is like trying to cure alcoholism by drinking more booze. Don’t they understand or are they trying to kill us off?


Obamacare Will Increase Health Care Spending More Than If We Did Nothing

Obama and the Democrats who rammed Obamacare down our throats told us that the program would bend the cost curve down and control the cost of health care in the US. Those evil insurance companies were gouging people and the costs are just too darned high. Da, da ta da, government to the rescue.

Oops, looks like the cost of health care in the US will increase drastically under Obamacare and this is according to reports from within.

And let us not forget that Pelosi told us this monstrosity would create 400,000 jobs. I have not seen them.

These are just a few of the things going around today that should send chills down your spine. The government is out of control and being led by a Socialist who is intent of having centralized government and changing America from the freedom loving country to a slave state where we all work for the feds.

Fundamental transformation anyone?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Cross Post – Al Ramirez Considering Running For CA 36th District

This is cross-posted from the site of my dear friend Kender:

Al Ramirez, who we last saw running in the primary against Cary Fiorina to unseat Barbara Boxer is considering a run for California’s 36th District. Many times in the last election I heard Fiorina was the best candidate possible as she had the most appeal to independents and could self fund, which turned out to be poppycock. Fiorina was beaten soundly by Boxer and in fact, statewide elections walloped the GOP here in California.

Why? Several reasons. California has a large Hispanic population, and frankly the GOP cannot win without their support. Al Ramirez brings the support of the Hispanic community. The GOP, as has been pointed out ad nauseum, must also appeal to voters under 50. Al Ramirez is under 50 and will appeal to the demographic. Even though he is under 50 Al Ramirez is just the kind of American Success story the California Republican Party (CRP) should be backing in this race. But more about Al Ramirez and his success story later. The final thing the GOP needs to do well here in California is to win in Los Angeles County.

That’s a hard thing to do, for several reasons. The county is largely Hispanic for one thing, and Hispanics tend, for some reason, to vote democrat when the vote is for a person and conservative when the vote is for an issue. Witness the last election. Even though democrats stormed Sacramento handily, the propositions on the ballot went heavily in favor of the conservative wishes. The Hispanic vote had a lot to do with that, just like it had a lot to do with Prop. 8 a couple of years back.

As I said earlier, Al Ramirez is the American Success Story. Frank DeMartini over at RedState has worked with Mr. Ramirez and has a great article on this as well here and you can read more about the accomplishments of Al Ramirez here.

Al Ramirez brings is the right person at the right time in the right place. I for one would like to see the CRP throw their weight behind him so we can take back the 36th District and turn this state around.

Follow Al Ramirez on twitter and facebook.

Always happy to help get the word out…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.


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Then Why Should The Rich Pay Social Security?

Social Security is a bad program that has gotten worse over the years. It is designed to keep people enslaved to the government by taking money from them while they earn and then giving them a small retirement when they end their working careers. This deprives them of the opportunity to save and invest the money on their own, a step that would actually allow them to earn much more money and allow them to say what is done with it.

The Supreme Court has ruled that no one has a legal right to Social Security benefits. This is a bad decision but it looks like it will play out that way in the long run. Social Security is broke and there is no reasonable way to fix it. There will be no money left for those who are paying today.

A Democrat Policy Group is recommending that Social Security be fixed by denying payments to those who are wealthy when they retire. If you have the brains to put money away and save for retirement and happen to do well then you might not get the benefit that you paid into for all of your working career.

In what world is this fair?

Why should the rich pay into Social Security (or a person who is not particularly wealthy during his working career but saves a lot) only to be denied the money when they retire? What rule allows for the confiscation of a person’s money and then the redistribution of that money to others?

Why should the rich pay into Social Security? To top it off, the plan calls for higher Social Security taxes and raising the income level (the cap) on which it is collected. Why would people pay into this knowing full well that they would not get anything when they retire?

Most Democrats oppose this plan while some Republicans favor it or some variation of it. Who the hell do these people think they are?

As for me, I don’t need them to pay me Social Security. All I want is for them to send me a check for the money I have paid in (and I don’t even need any interest on it) and for them to stop taking Social Security out of my check. I will be more than happy to invest the money myself and I will live quite well in retirement. I am also sure the people who are actually rich (and even those considered rich by the government) would be happy to do the same.

I am not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I just work hard for my money and I save some of it for the future.

Others would do well to follow that example.

The members of Congress would do well to learn from that as well.

Class warfare is here and they are stoking the fire. Keep it up and things will get ugly as the rich find other things to do with their money.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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