Terrorists Speak While Patriots are Attacked


Columbia University has decided that Iranian President Ahmadeinejad will be allowed to speak at the university and will have a question and answer session. Ahmadinejad will deliver a speech that is described as controversial. He will probably talk badly about President bush while telling the students how good Americans are but are being led by a bad man, as opposed to this guy who is determined to wipe Israel off the map. He will discuss his views on the Holocaust (he says it never happened) and he will certainly try to enlighten those students who decide to attend. The Dean of Columbia said that he would give Hitler a platform if he were alive and in New York. The only thing I want to know is if the students who attend Ahmadinejad’s speech will riot and chase him off the stage and if they do, will they be arrested (or tasered)?

You see, this very university invited the founder of the Minutemen in to speak and a bunch of students attacked him and he had to leave via a side door. The students then unfurled a banner that read No one is ever ILLEGAL in both Arabic and English. They then chanted yes we could in Spanish. The Republican club invited Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist and they never really got the chance to hear him speak because Columbia students showed once again that speech is only free if it is what they want to hear. I would be interested to see how the Republican club handles Ahmadinejad. I would like to see them give him the same treatment and then dare the school to do anything about it since it set the precedent with Jim Gilchrist.

Ideally, the students would stay away from the speech and Ahmadinejad would talk to an empty room but since there are many liberal students with mush filled heads there will no doubt be a lot in attendance. I really would like to see this get out of hand in the very same fashion that it did when Gilchrist spoke. I want to see the Dean and his people explain the situation especially if they handle it differently than they did in the past.

Perhaps it is fitting that Ahmadinejad is speaking at Columbia. Ahmadinejad is from a country that does not allow free speech to its citizens but he loves to come here and exercise free speech to Americans and Columbia, much like Iran, does not allow free speech if the message does not agree with the liberal prattle that they teach.

What say young Republicans? How about tearing the place up a bit. Even attending and shouting down this jackass would be a good thing and it would be nice to see if Columbia uses the University of Florida method to quiet those in dissent.

Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

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Jena 6 Held Up As Victims Because of Race

There is no doubt that racism still exists in this country just as it does all around the world. It is important to note that the racism comes in all colors and there are black racists who do bad things to whites just as there are the other way around. We just do not hear about injustice against whites any where near as much as we hear about it against blacks because whites do not have their version of Jackson and Sharpton nor do they have the NAAWP marching in protest.

In Jena Louisiana there have been racial tensions at school and those tensions culminated in six black kids beating a white kid unconscious. This all started when black kids sat under a tree where white kids normally hang out (I know, you can’t make this stuff up). The next day there were three nooses hanging from the tree and the school suspended three white kids. There were no charges because there is no law that says they cannot hang nooses from trees. The school might have viewed it as a problem but the law sort of likes to allow people to exercise their right to free speech (which has been expanded to expression as in burning the Flag). Tensions ran high and there were several fights at this school between white kids and black kids. There are no reports that any of these fights resulted in serious injuries or horrific beatings. Nor are there any indications that any of the students, of any color, were suspended because of the fights.

The Jena 6 as they are known, beat a white kid in December and they beat him until he lost consciousness. Five of these six kids were arrested and charged as adults with attempted murder. The charges were reduced for four of them and the sixth was booked on charges as a juvenile and that is a sealed record. This leaves us with Mychal Bell, the kid all the ruckus is about. Bell was charged as an adult and he could have received 15 years in jail but his conviction was thrown out because the court ruled he should have been tried as a juvenile because he was 16 years old when he savagely beat his victim.

Bells’ request to be freed while awaiting his appeals review was denied and this is why everyone was in LA marching and protesting. These folks, led by the race baiting poverty pimps, believe that justice is different for blacks and whites. They believe that Bell was arrested and received a high bail because he is black and that no white kids involved in any of the fights have been arrested. I will remind the reader that there is no indication that any kid, regardless of color, was arrested prior to the incident involving Bell. There is also no indication that any fight led to a beating as sever as the one in this case.

The only thing that I will agree with in this case is that the people involved should have been tried as juveniles. I still have doubts that this would have appeased anyone, especially the groups that use race to excuse criminal behavior. If Bell had been charged as a juvenile and received 3 years in a juvenile detention center the same people would have been chanting “What do we Want? Justice. When do we want it? Now!” in the streets because this poor kid received a punishment that a white kid did not get. I must remind the reader, once again, no kid of any color committed a crime this serious.

So what do we have? A kid who has had a conviction overturned because he should have been tried as a juvenile, a decision that I do not disagree with. They could charge him with attempted murder or assault or whatever they want as a juvenile. He could have been convicted as a juvenile and he could have gone to jail as a juvenile, all of which would have sparked the same kinds of protests.

We are also at the point where the protesters want him released pending his appeal hearing. He can be released at any time. He is not being held without bail, he is being held on $90,000 bail. That might seem excessive (considering OJ’s was only $35,000 more than that) but the judge took into account the kid’s CRIMINAL RECORD which includes, dare I say it, arrests for battery and damage to property. How many is not mentioned but the plural of arrest indicates more than one. I do not see how this kid is not getting justice when the appeal process worked and his conviction was overturned and he can get out as soon as he posts bail. The protesters and their race baiting leaders want this kid released as if nothing ever happened. The judge has set a bail and all they have to do is meet that bond. If the kid goes to court they will get their money back. They only forfeit it if he fails to show.

I know, there are those among us who see this as a problem and that these poor folks cannot come up with $9000 (the amount needed to hire a bondsman which is lost no matter what) or the entire amount which will be returned if he appears. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as well as the NAACP all have $90,000 that they can put up to get this kid out of jail, if getting him out is truly their goal. Instead of marching around inciting even more hatred in this already divided community, one of these guys could have said; “I will put up his bail and get him freed until this can all work out in the court system.” Instead, this incident was used to get more face time for the race baiters and to distort the reality of the situation.

Everyday people get arrested for crimes they supposedly committed and everyday bail is set and those people are unable to raise the money so they sit in jail until their trial. If the race baiters do not want to put up the bond and if the judge does not want to reduce it then the kid can sit in jail until he goes to trial. It is no different than for many other people who get arrested.

Why did this get so much attention? Because someone made race an issue in a crime. Every time there is a racial component the race baiters come out in full force to talk about how racist America is. The MSM goes to great length to report every detail of any crime that involves whites doing something bad to blacks and nearly all these things are investigated as “hate crimes” (one of the dumbest things ever devised). When blacks commit horrific crimes against whites they are hardly covered and there is not hate crime investigation regardless of the brutality of the crime. Those distinctions are reserved for a small class of people who has convinced itself that everything wrong in their race is because of racism.

Mychal Bell committed a crime and regardless of what color he is he has to be held into account for that crime. As for these other alleged incidents, show me evidence where a black kid was beaten unconscious by a bunch of white kids and that nothing was done. Then I will discuss the racial component. Until then, a kid with multiple arrests is being held on bond. When he pays it, he can get out of jail.

It is obvious that this kid is not so sugary sweet and wonderful based on his record. Dr. King said judge based on the content of character not the color of the skin. Take away this kid’s color and he got what anyone who has multiple arrests would get for beating a person unconscious. I think he should have been tried in juvenile court but I doubt his color was what determined that and it was turned over on appeal which is how the system is suppose to work when something was wrong in the legal process.

If they really want Bell out, all they have to do is put up his bond. Then again, that does not give them as much sensational press as protesting in the streets.

My Way News

Big Dog

Obstructed View; Manilow won’t Work with Hasselbeck

Barry Manilow, an aged singer who is 30 years past his prime, was scheduled to perform on the daily gab fest known as “The View.” Barry has gotten his panties in a wad because Elisabeth Hasselbeck is on the show and she has committed the most terrible crime of all, having conservative views. Barry does not like conservative views so he decided that he would not be on the show. I think this is pretty childish and demonstrates once again how liberals are not about open discussion. They only believe in tolerance so long as one espouses their views. Dissenting opinions or, gasp, conservative views are taboo.

I was not aware that they were having Manilow on the show to discuss politics. I thought he was going on to promote his album Greatest Songs of the 70s. Like the singer, the album (CD) is 30 years past its time and, unless one wears polyester suits and disco dances, should be avoided at all costs! Anyway, what was he afraid of? If he does not like her couldn’t he just sing his song, answer a few questions and then be on his way with the knowledge that he got a lot of publicity for his snooze-fest album? This 64 year old relic said this of Hasselbeck; “I strongly disagree with her views. I think she’s dangerous and offensive. I will not be on the same stage as her.” I imagine this twit found Rosie to be charming and informed. If anyone is offensive it is Rosie who is, according to her childhood recollections, only dangerous to herself.

I wonder if Barry did this to generate more publicity than he might not have otherwise gotten? It is more likely that he is afraid of Hasselbeck and worried she might kick his decrepit butt all over the place. It is obvious to me that this liberal has no guts, he is a coward, the same kind of loser that kids in high school probably beat up for fun. Contrast this with Bill O’Reilly who went on the show and had a discussion with all the gals including Rosie. Bill was not afraid (though he is about a foot taller than all of them including Manilow) and he handled himself well. I know he finds Rosie offensive but he still went on the show. Imagine how it would have played out had he canceled for the same reasons Manilow did.

Barry, Looks Like We Made It to a point where liberal men are afraid of conservative women (think Edwards and Coulter). I don’t imagine you will be missed. It is not like they Can’t Smile Without You. Even Now, there are people laughing at the cowardice and insanity of your childish behavior though some of the idiots commenting on the original story are abusive of Hasselbeck. Don’t worry about a gig though, maybe the Copacabana needs a washed up singer. If not, there is always American Idol and their annoying practice of employing washed up singers to coach the kids.

I still cannot figure out why Elisabeth stays on this show. Maybe it is the only work she can find but hell, her husband makes good money in the NFL. Why on Earth would she work where the women act like men (Rosie) and the men like women (Manilow)? She should try to find work where it is easier to distinguish the men from the women.


Big Dog

Patton’s Words no Longer Ring True

In the movie Patton, George C Scott delivers Patton’s speech to the Third Army. The colorful speech was toned down so as to allow a PG rating for the movie and not to offend the sensitivities of some Americans. The speech is awe inspiring and is a battle rally cry for the troops but in it, Patton (through Scott) makes a statement that he believed to be true, and at the time it was. The portion from the speech is:

When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. Now, I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.

At the time Americans had not lost a war and that is because we had generations of people who understood that some things are worth fighting for. Unfortunately, while America was growing up it bred liberals who think that there is nothing worth winning except the next election and the only fighting that needs to be done is to keep an elected office. Patton was not aware that several decades after his speech the Democratic Party would lead America to defeat in Vietnam, a defeat Patton would never have allowed.

Patton believed that the very though of losing was hateful to Americans but he never met John Kerry, Jack Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Wayne Gilchrest. If Patton were alive today he would have a stroke watching these so called leaders actively working for defeat and not finding it hateful at all. It seems that certain Americans no longer admire winners unless, of course, it is they who are winning office.

Jack Murtha, the unindicted co-conspirator in Abscam, declared today that the Democrats would pick up 40-50 seats in 2008 because of the war in Iraq. Murtha, who is not man enough to carry Patton’s toilet paper, espouses defeat and ensures that the difficulties in Iraq will ensure his party more seats. Murtha wants to tie the next defense appropriation to a withdrawal date. I have the time line for him, we will leave when we win. As for gaining seats, it does not matter because if the war is still going on the Democrats will not stop it. They might espouse defeat as a matter of winning elections but they will not allow defeat on their watch because, despite the liberals that Patton would have despised, most Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser (though Massachusetts still tolerates Kerry).

Patton, though eccentric, was a genius for war and knew how to win. He must be rolling over in his grave at the America he once fought so valiantly for. It is just too bad Patton is not still here to unload on these cut and run Democrats and RINOs. I would love to watch him being grilled by Congress.

I would pity those poor bastards. By God I really would.

Big Dog

Moonbats Deface Vietnam Memorial

The Gathering of Eagles came together as a group dedicated to protecting the memorials from vandals. Of course this group cannot be there 24 hours a day and that is why there are park police officers. The moonbats failed to deface any memorial while the Eagles were present because they lack the guts to try anything when a superior force is present. This cowardice was displayed by them when a person or persons defaced the Vietnam Memorial with a petroleum based substance thus staining a tile into which it was absorbed.

The unfortunate thing is that the responsible parties undoubtedly call themselves Americans and state that they support the troops. This support, after all, is why they are fighting so hard to bring them home. The question is, if they support the troops then why would they deface a memorial to the very people who died preserving their right to protest? This act of cowardice shows that these people are far from supporters and they are not patriots despite their protestations whenever we question their patriotism. It must be asked so I will do it. Can I question your patriotism now?

It is no secret that this country is deeply divided and the war is one area where there are deep divisions. This is all part of the process of freedom and thinking people may debate the issues as sane, civil folks. What is not acceptable is for people to deface the monuments that have been erected to honor better people than the people who defaced this wall will ever be. It is not acceptable for any group to deface property because they disagree with issues facing this country and any person who does this is a low life cretin who should be removed from the human race. One thing is certain. The people who did this did so as a covert act because they knew that they were breaking the law. They never would have gotten away with this had Eagles been present because they would have been shipped home in a couple of boxes after we tore them apart. The slime that did this should be hanged, drawn, and quartered and the public should be allowed to watch as they are disemboweled in the public square.

The Eagles will be in DC next weekend and there will be quite a few who are highly peeved at this. I would suggest that the moonbats keep their distance and leave the memorials alone. Anyone caught defacing one will only be able to be identified through DNA records when the Eagles are done with them.

There are pictures over at the Free Republic

Before some moonbat or troll takes me to task for assuming this had to be a moonbat, keep in mind that those who truly support the troops would NEVER do this even if they are unhappy with the war. There is no doubt in my mind that a left wing looney did this but in the unlikely event that I am incorrect, I will certainly apologize.

To the cretins who did this; we will be there Saturday. Care to fess up to your acts and show us that you are not really a bunch of cowards?

Eagles Up!

Big Dog