American Jews Voted Against Israel’s Interests

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that National Union chairman Ya’acov “Ketzele” Katz sent a letter to Rahm Emanuel telling him not to forget his Jewish roots. This comes after Emanuel had an exchange with an unidentified American Jewish leader in which:

Katz claims that in a private meeting with the unnamed leader, Emanuel said, “In the next four years, there will be a peace agreement with the Palestinians on the basis of two states for two peoples, and it does not matter to us who is the prime minister.”

Isn’t that just wonderful? Who is the United States to tell Israel there will be a two state solution when Israel opposes that? The United States has no right to tell another country what they will and will not do. However, this administration is anti Semitic and does not have Israel’s best interests at heart.

Obama pals around bowing to Kings and rubbing elbows with Muslims while ignoring Israel and his Chief of Staff is right there with him.

Katz should not be surprised that an American Jew like Emanuel would turn his back on Israel. Many American Jews have done the exact same thing. It was well known that Obama was no friend of Israel and he indicated that things would be done differently should he happen to win. It should have been blindingly obvious by the company Obama kept (and still keeps) that he was anti Semitic. He is friends with Louis Farrakhan as is his former Pastor Jeremiah Wright and both preach hatred. Farrakhan definitely hates the Jews and blames all the world’s ills on them. Obama has people working for him who are not in favor of doing anything to help Israel. The writing was on the wall during the campaign.

And yet, American Jews voted in huge numbers for Obama. The Jews in Israel did not want him to win but those who live here, by and large, voted for him which means they voted against Israel. Not all Jews voted for Obama but I know many who did and the statistics show they went for Obama in huge numbers.

So why would Katz think any differently about Emanuel? Why would he believe that reminding Emanuel of his Jewish roots would make a difference? The people in Obama’s administration are anti Israel and into appeasing the Muslim thugs who want to wipe that country off the map.

I guess he only meets unconditionally with our enemies.

Think Obama cares about Israel?

Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs is reporting:

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday canceled his plans to attend the upcoming AIPAC summit, after it became clear that US President Barack Obama would not meet him during the conference. [originally reported in the Jerusalem Post]

Obama was busy last week shaking hands and playing kissy face with Hugo Chavez whose government has been accused of anti-Semitism. The way Chavez pals around with Iran and other Middle Eastern countries should cause concern for all Venezuelan Jews.

Looking past that one has to ask why was Obama able to make nice with the thugs in South America but can’t make time for Netanyahu? Why can Obama go on his apologize for America tour in Europe but not meet with Netanyahu? Why is it he can bow down to Middle Eastern kings and hob nob with Muslim leaders but he cannot meet with Netanyahu?

Israel has always been a good friend to the United States and she remained our friend while Bill Clinton was whizzing all over them and telling them it was raining. Israel has always counted on US reciprocation of that friendship.

Unfortunately, they are not seeing that with the Obama administration.

Big Dog

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Hugo Chavez Insults Obama

The blowhard from Venezuela is at it again. It appears that he is not happy with how Obama is handling things here in OUR country (which actually aligns him with a lot of people here) and Chavez has decided to enter into the thing Obama likes best; that being diplomacy. The tin horn dictator called Barack Obama an ignoramus because Barry had the nerve to say Hugo exported terrorism.

Seems ole’ Hugo expected something different from his fellow Socialist and long standing member of the National Socialist Party.

I don’t care for Obama but who is this fat slob to call the leader of our country names? I did not like it when he called George Bush Satan and I don’t like him insulting Obama either. I don’t agree with much of what Obama stands for but his criticism should come from within by people who actually have some standing in this country.

It is only fair to stand up against Chavez in this incident because I did the same for Bush. Unlike the left who prayed Bush would be killed and applauded Chavez when he insulted him, I take offense. Not many on the left defended President Bush but I am sure quite a few, like say Sean Penn and Cindy Sheehan, are not too happy with their buddy Hugo.

I think Chavez could die of something close to lead poisoning and the world would be a better place.

Big Dog

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