Change I Don’t Believe

Barack Obama ran his entire campaign on the theme of hope and change. He told us it was change we could believe in. He is not in office yet and already I see change but it is not change I can believe in, it is change I just can’t believe. However, he did tell people he was going to change things but he failed to mention if that change would be good or bad. Here is some change that I don’t think will be good:

  • A nominee for Secretary of State that is extremely conflicted. Her husband is a former president and he receives money from around the world. How effective will she be working to do her job and keeping her husband’s money train running?
  • A nominee for Director of the CIA who has absolutely no background in the intelligence field. In these perilous times, is that the kind of change we need?
  • The governor of his home state tried to sell his vacated Senate seat. The Senate now has a person that the Democrats and Obama did not want.
  • Hillary’s soon to be vacated seat is being pursued by Caroline Kennedy, who Obama supports. She has never held a job much less public office. Her claim to fame is her name, her money, and the fact that her father was a president who was assassinated.
  • His choice for Homeland Security has not even been able to get an emergency plan for her state squared away. How will she take care of an entire country?
  • His choice for Commerce Secretary had to withdraw to fight corruption charges.
  • His choice for Treasury Secretary did not pay his taxes even though he received money to do so and signed papers saying he would. This was explained as an oversight and blamed on a lack of knowledge. Is this the kind of person we want watching over our treasury?
  • He is proposing the largest spending package in our history claiming it will help fix the economy. If spending was the cure for the economy it would not be in bad shape because George Bush did nothing but spend for the last eight years.
  • He has broken promise after promise. He is realizing that it is easy to say it on the campaign trail but actually doing it, once in office, is very difficult.

While Obama has been lauded for some of his other picks it is safe to say that he has filled his administration with Clinton retreads and he has put people of questionable integrity or who are completely unqualified in important positions. I imagine the MSM and Obama toadies will not criticize him the way they did President Bush when he put unqualified people in charge. Good job Brownie. Where are the trolls who infest this place criticizing Bush for things like this? Probably in the Kool Aid line.

I should not be surprised that Obama has selected unqualified people for positions. He is not qualified for the position he will soon hold. He has never been in charge of anything and his claim to fame is being a rabble rouser. He spent little time at the national level before he launched into his run for the presidency. The only good thing is that once he is done as president there will be nowhere else for him in government. He can fly around with Bill Clinton with his hand out.

This line up is a disaster waiting to happen and the ones who will suffer are the American people.

When the next 9/11 happens these people will make the Keystone Cops look like the Special Forces.

Big Dog

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Politics As Usual For President Elect Hope And Change

Change is on the way. You are the change we need. We need hope and change. This is our time and the time for change is now. With this mantra Barack Obama waltzed into the national scene. He portrayed himself as a regular guy, an outsider to DC politics as usual. The unfortunate reality is that Obama is a typical politician and there is no change in the future.

This guy touts the public education system and is beholden to the teacher’s union. However, he sends his daughters to private school and he did this long before he was elected on 4 November. Then he tapped the leader of public schools in Chicago (a basketball buddy) to be his head of education. The leader of the same school system he would not send his own children to.

Obama made sure he parlayed his Senate seat into a job for his wife where her salary more than doubled. He used questionable methods to have opponents removed from ballots so that he faced no opposition and he has nuanced his answers so that there would be no gotcha moment. Even people who cover for him have learned the Obama nuance as did Hawaii’s director of health, Dr. Chiyome Fukino:

“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” KITV-ABC

Notice he never said Obama was born here, or that he is a citizen. He only states that the birth certificate is on file in accordance with state policies and procedures. This could mean that it is filed properly but more likely means that it is there in accordance with Hawaii policies that allowed foreign births to be registered in that state. This is nuance that the left has used as official word that Obama is indeed a citizen. Nowhere in that sentence does Dr. Fukina say that he affirms Obama is a citizen. Smart move because if it is discovered later that he is not, well that could mean jail time.

In any event, the average guy Obama and his change from the norm is on vacation in Hawaii. He is staying at a place that costs more to rent for one night than the monthly mortgage of most people (well most responsible people. Those who benefited from the Community Reinvestment Act might have mortgages that high).

The place where Obama is staying rents for $2500-$3500 a night and features 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, a pool and a spa. Now this might not seem like much. I mean, he is going to be the president of the US and he needs his Kennebunkport. Or, as his followers might suggest, a fortress of solitude.

What makes this a situation of politics as usual is that the listing for the place has been removed after the AP reported the details of it. Now it might be a matter of security but one would assume that if this were the case it would have been removed before he got there. Also, Oahu is an island and it is not too terribly difficult to guard a man who is staying on a private estate.

It is more likely that Obama did not want the unwashed masses who are losing their jobs because of Democratic failure to see him living the life of luxury. It would not be proper to have the people see The One living high on the hog in such bad economic times.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing but typical political maneuvering. There is no change in that and this is nothing more than politics as usual.

But hey, they got a great shot of of Obama with his shirt off. That should give the left something to fawn over for a while. I can see Chris Matthews’ leg getting all tingly over this.

Big Dog

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What Obama Said About Hillary; Forget It Now

During the never ending Democratic primary Barack Obama and his toadies took every opportunity to disparage Hillary Clinton. They knocked her claim to foreign policy experience and they dismissed her time as First Lady in her claim to decades of experience. To be certain, I dismissed her claims as well but I still maintain that position. I will say that she has a hell of a lot more experience than Obama but nowhere near what she claimed.

The Obama folks though, want you to forget about what they said. They want you to ignore their claims that Hillary had no experience and they want you to ignore their near daily attacks on her with regard to her experience (though they also claimed she would be more of the same because she was a DC insider. How can you be and have no experience?). They want you to forget this now because The One has selected her to be Secretary of State.

They will now tell you how much experience she has and how great she will be for his administration. Obama and his people frequently mocked Hillary’s claim of foreign policy experience and now they want to put her in a position that requires more foreign policy experience than the president. The AP is reporting on this very issue which is amazing given that prior to the election no news organization (if you consider the AP such a thing) would consider such questions of the Messiah.

It wasn’t too long ago that Barack Obama and his advisers were tripping over one another to tear down Hillary Rodham Clinton’s foreign policy credentials. She was dismissed as a commander in chief wanna-be who did little more than sip tea and make small talk with foreign leaders during her days as first lady.

“What exactly is this foreign policy experience?” Obama said mockingly of the New York senator. “Was she negotiating treaties? Was she handling crises? The answer is no.”

That was in March, when Clinton was Obama’s sole remaining rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Now, Clinton is on track to become Obama’s secretary of state.

And, unsurprisingly, the sniping at her foreign policy credentials is a thing of the past. My Way News

This should surprise no one but it will hit the left hard because their thought processes are not based in reality or logic. They base everything on emotion which is why they supported The One. They felt good about voting for a black man, they felt good about change though change was never defined and they felt good about hope even though that is not proper mission planning. The reality is, the left will ignore the past statements just as their Dear Leader wants them to do.

The left might ignore the change of position on Hillary’s qualifications because many of them liked her and would have voted for her had Obama not been the predetermined candidate courtesy of the MSM and the DNC. But the change is only one in what will be a long string of changes. Obama started the primary way left to appeal to the base, he moved center left during the general to appeal to moderates and Independents and now that he has won he will ignore most of what he promised.

He will bring change but only in the fact that he will change what he promised to do when he had to pander for votes. Now that he has them he will do what he needs to do to stay in office and to get reelected.

Some say that Obama’s first term will be Bush’s third. That will drive the left bonkers because Obama and the left claimed that would be the case if McCain were elected. Whether it is or not, he will not be delivering the change he promised.

I once heard someone say that Obama’s promises come with expiration dates. It would appear that his assessment of Hillary came with one as well.

Big Dog

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Obama Back Peddling On Change

Barack Obama has been hailed as the second coming of the Lord himself and is the messiah to the Democratic party. He arrived on the scene with his mantra of Hope and Change and people lined up to get a second helping of Kool Aid. Barack Obama promised everyone that, if elected, his administration would bring change to Washington and that there would be no more of the business as usual.

Obama is so set on change that when he was in the primary campaign against Hillary Clinton he said that she would be more of the same. He said that electing Hillary would not amount to change because she was part of the old Washington establishment. No one except Obama himself would amount to change because all the others have been part of the problem in DC and you should only pick them if you want more of the same.

But a funny thing happened on the way to sainthood. After Obama had won the primary nomination he started to do things that were contrary to what he had been preaching for nearly 2 years.The kooks on the left who supported him were beginning to get a little worried but they continued to support him because they knew he was only moving to the middle in order to get elected, or so they thought. Though it is true that liberals always pretend to be moderates in order to get elected (they cannot get elected adhering to their far left philosophy), Obama seems not to have returned to his far left roots, at least when it comes to his selections.

The whole “no more DC as usual” shtick began to unravel when Obama selected Joe Biden to be his running mate. Biden has been in DC for 36 years so he is well embedded in the ways of DC. He is in no way an example of change. He is not new and he is not the “change we need.”

The nervous left embraced Biden because he has experience. The left knows that Obama has a paper thin resume and that he is in way over his head. They are worried that they are getting someone who has no idea what he is doing but they were so desperate to win that they placed this desire above the welfare of the country. So the left gives Obama a pass on Biden with regard to change because he has experience.

After Obama won the general election he started picking people to serve in his administration and no one he selected was new. All of them have DC experience and nearly all of them are retreads from the Clinton administration. Obama promised change but he has not demonstrated that which he preached.

Obama has even opted to keep the current Secretary of Defense much to the disgust of the left who do not view anything Bush as change. But the selection that sums it all up is the one of Hillary to be Secretary of State. Obama said that Hillary was part of the problem, old school, an insider and not an agent of change. So he selects her to be part of his administration.

For those of you who actually believed this hack. For those of you who were wandering around like a zombie repeating Hope and Change. For those of you who thought things were going to be different and that Obama was going to keep his word. Here is what he had to say about change:

“What we are going to do is combine experience with fresh thinking,” Mr Obama said at his third press conference in as many days. He said he would be foolish, at such a “critical time in our history”, to pick people who “had no experience in Washington whatsoever”.

He added: “What I don’t want to do is somehow suggest that because you somehow served in the last [Clinton]administration you are barred from serving again.” Times Online UK

Barack Obama ran for 2 years on the idea that we needed to bring change to DC and that the same old ways would not work and now he is saying that it would be foolish who had no experience in Washington. Sometimes, out of the mouths of babes comes a nugget of wisdom. While the left is upset that Obama is not bringing change they are ignoring the fact that he called them all fools.

He said that it would be foolish to pick people who had no experience in DC. Barack Obama has no experience in DC. He has worked 143 days there and he has accomplished next to nothing. Obama has no experience whatsoever.

But he had enough to fool all the suckers who voted for him. Change?

Right and I have this bridge I am interested in selling…

Big Dog

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Where Is The Change In Clinton Part II?

Barack Obama ran a two year campaign for the presidency with a chant of hope and change and a claim that he is a Washington outsider and that he will change the way things are done. Change is on the way, he has chanted for the past two years. He lamented about the way business is done in DC and how he will change all that. No more business a usual. A lot of people bought this load of bunk but just as many voted for him to cleanse their souls of white guilt or because he is black. In any event, how much change is this so called “outsider” bringing?

During the primaries Obama said that Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton were part of the problem in DC. They were part of the business as usual network and electing them would bring more of the same. Then, after he won the primary, Obama picked Biden to be his Vice President. Biden has been in the Senate nearly as long as Obama has been alive and yet this is the best Obama could come up with for “change.”

Now that he has won the presidency, he is looking to make Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State. If the reason we needed to vote for him was because Biden and Clinton were part of the problem, how does putting them in these positions actually result in any “change?”

Obama’s cabinet will look like Clinton redux. He has selected Eric Holder to be the Attorney General. Holder is a “veteran” DC lawyer and served as Deputy AG in the Clinton administration. How exactly is it change to put a DC insider and past Clinton crony in this position?

As Obama gets deeper and deeper into the process of vetting people to serve in his administration a large number of seasoned political insiders and people who served under Clinton are being mentioned. It looks like Obama will have very few outsiders (if any) in his administration of change. Tell me again how change is on the way…

After selecting so many Clinton retreads for his administration the only thing Obama will have to do is bring Monica Lewinsky on as an intern.

Guess that can’t happen. She blew any chance she had at getting back in the White House. Too bad. He might have liked having her on his staff.

Big Dog