Campaign Fuhrer, Sieg Hill

Sieg Hill

The race for the nomination in each party continues through this weekend in the lead up to Tsunami Tuesday where 21 states will cast their ballots. The NYT says that campaigning is furious over the final weekend. They must mean there is a lot of furor because of the races. However, the picture on the front of the Drudge Report made me think of a different Fuhrer. That picture, shown to the right, is a glimpse into the future if Hillary becomes the leader of America, or the formerly free world.

Hillary’s outbursts and demands for loyalty are well known as are the consequences of showing less than a complete and total lack of support for her. People are shunned from politics, embarrassed, belittled, chewed up and spit out when they dare to cross “The Leader.” Hillary stands for socialism and I would not be surprised if, a few years into her term, we don’t have school kids standing with similar salutes. They will be chanting Sieg Hill, Sieg Hill while the Fuhrer tells them how to be good little Socialists.

When they discuss campaign furor they are talking about everyone. When I hear furor I think fuhrer, because they are talking about Hillary.

“Sieg Hill, Heil Hillary, Sieg Hill”

Is Edwards’ Bus a Campaign Omen

John Edwards, who put all of his eggs in a basket named Iowa, decided to launch a 26 hour tour around the state in order to talk to the voters again prior to tomorrow’s caucus. While in route to an event his bus broke down and the candidate and his staff had to scurry to get into vans and dash off to the event. They were more than 45 minutes late in reaching a group of people who did not appreciate the tardiness. Of course, anyone can be excused for a mechanical breakdown.

However, in the big picture, the bus is symbolic of Edwards and his ideas. Both are tired and broken down. Edwards espouses big government with increased taxes in order to enact more social spending programs. Americans, who are already over taxed, would pay even more under an Edwards Administration. The same can really be said about all the Democratic candidates because they all want higher taxes (they say it is on the rich but then they define rich to include many people who are anything but) to pay for universal health care, an idea that has failed in every country in which it has been tried, despite Michael Moore and his propaganda film to the contrary. Hillary claimed that America could not afford her ideas and she is right.

The Edwards bus is really be symbolic of the Democratic contenders because even though they talk change and fresh ideas, their views and desires are old plans that have been part of the Democratic play book for decades and they, like the bus, are broken down and useless.

Edwards put a lot in Iowa where he has been campaigning for the last four years and a stroke of bad luck might sound the funeral dirge for his campaign especially since Obama seems to be firing on all cylinders. It will be interesting to see if he can rebound and have a strong showing tomorrow. If he loses Iowa and has a poor showing in New Hampshire we might see him with a one way bus ticket home.

Well, at least his car is working well enough to chase ambulances…

LA Times

Big Dog

Others with similar items:
Outside the Beltway, Blog @, Rosemary’s Thoughts, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Nuke’s, third world county, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Right Voices, Stageleft, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Defending Hillary

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I cannot stand Hillary Clinton. I have never met her and yet I have this genuine hatred for her and all she stands for. Not only does she rub me the wrong way but her habit of lying and manipulating is off putting and in my mind she is Satan in the flesh. However, on the rare occasion that I find she is being treated unfairly or that something is not fair I feel that I should weigh in on the side of what is right.

There is a story in The Politico that discusses an email sent by a Clinton staffer to some number of other staffers. One of the recipients replied that it was racist and disgusting and that was all that was done. The email in question is about Obama and his supposed Muslim connections. The email, which has circulated for years, is about Obama being a covert Muslim who will bring Islam to America. Though I personally do not trust Obama the email has been debunked quite some time ago. Besides, if he turned out to be a covert Muslim he could not get much done without the approval of Congress and he might find America looking to impeach him. Regardless, the email was sent and now there is some question as to whether this was deliberate. For the record, The Politico is just reporting on the story.

I do not know if this was a deliberate attempt by people in the campaign and I do not know if Hillary was aware of it. What I do know is that it was discovered and that the person who originally sent it has resigned. While it happened in her campaign it is impossible for her to know about every email and what is done at the lowest levels around the country. It happened and was taken care of. I think Hillary would say the same thing. I only wish she and her fellow Democrats used this kind of fairness when they ignore their duties (like passing a budget and fixing the AMT) to launch countless investigations that rarely pan out and waste time.

Having said all this, we might learn at some time in the future that Hillary had something to do with the whole thing or that she knew about it well before it was made public (like Bill’s countless affairs including one involving a blue dress). If that is the case she will be done. It would be her scream so to speak and it would cause damage from which she could not recover.

Regardless, this could not have come at a worse time. Hillary just stated she was going to get dirty and go after her opponents and indicated that it would be “fun.” Now wonder there are some who think she had a hand in it.

I wonder if it is “fun” right now over at Camp Hillary?

Big Dog

Others with similar posts:
Outside the Beltway, Blog @, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Adam’s Blog, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.