The Debt Debate And Obama Lies

The debate on raising the debt limit is hitting critical mass and there are a few things that are worth noting on the issue. Talks have reportedly broken down and Obama threw another tantrum last evening. It appears he is having problems because his base wants taxes raised and they insist that it all can’t be done with cuts alone. This is, of course, pure fabrication because there is enough waste in government along with unnecessary programs to balance the budget without raising taxes. Taxes are high enough and it is important to remember that when government talks about balancing cuts with taxes that the cuts take place over ten years and the taxes take effect immediately.

Democrats are in a tizzy and Obama is acting like a spoiled child who can’t get his way. He has resorted to scare tactics to get his point across and it is probably working with some groups of people who are not as informed as they should be. Obama’s tactics are terror tactics designed to gain compliance to his wishes by terrorizing those who have become enslaved to the government. He is also using the word default as in for the first time in our history we will default on our obligations. This is malarkey. We have enough money coming in to service our debt and a default is the inability to do that so no matter how times Sir Golfsalot says it, it isn’t true. We will not default on our debt. We will, however, not be able to pay for some of the things that politicians have promised in order to get votes. We might not be able to afford some of the agencies that are either not needed or have grown way too big and need to be smaller anyway.

No matter what, we will not default on our debt.

Obama is using terror against the elderly, those enslaved to government through forced participation in the Ponzi scheme known as Social Security. Obama stated that if we do not settle this he can’t guarantee that Social Security checks go out in August. Really? We take in enough money each month to not only service our debt (which means we won’t default) but to also pay the recipients of Social Security the money they paid into a system that has been mismanaged by politicians. This should actually be a wake up call to the people who believed that government had the money to pay this obligation. The money has not been put away in a special trust fund. The money was moved to the general fund under LBJ, a Democrat, and has been spent on pet projects of politicians. They did what Bernie Madoff did and he is in jail.

Obama claims that he cannot guarantee those checks will go out but this is a lie. He can make that guarantee unless he has decided that there are other entities that need the money more, like say his union thug friends. The reality is that Obama can guarantee the checks go out and he should do that. In fact, the House should call his bluff and pass legislation that says that in the event a deal is not reached then the money must be spent to service the debt, pay Social Security recipients, and pay the military. After that they can do what they want with the rest. That would force the Senate to either side with Social Security recipients (as they claim they do) or vote against them. It would force Obama to do the same.

Republicans should stop playing games with this child and back him into a corner so that he is forced to make tough decisions. Force him to either sign it or screw over the Seniors. Force him and the Senate to make these decisions through legislation because negotiations are getting us nowhere.

Democrats say we must raise the debt ceiling in order to keep from going into default (a claim I have already addressed) but they are in a tizzy because there are no tax increases in these Republican offered bills. That brings up another point. Democrats have offered no solutions and have not offered a budget in two years. The only thing they know how to do is tax and spend. Barbara Mikulski, the gnome Senator from Maryland, is very upset that tax increases are not included in any of the plans. Mikulski is an idiot and should have been turned out to pasture a long time ago. She could not survive in the real world and the morons in Maryland keep reelecting her because she keeps giving them someone else’s stuff. Yes, this is why Babs (and the rest of the Democrats) want higher taxes. They want more of people’s money so they can give it to other people who will then vote for them. It is the same scheme that has caused this problem but she does not care.

I can understand why Obama is upset. He is in the position of having to beg Congress to do what he was unwilling to do when he was in the Senate. He must now admit to the world that the fact we are here asking to raise the debt ceiling is a lack of leadership. Those were his words when he was in the Senate and now he is forced to admit that he has been lacking as a leader. In fact, all Democrats in the Senate voted against raising the ceiling the last time and this is what Harry Reid had to say at the time:

“If my Republican friends believe that increasing our debt by almost $800 billion today and more than $3 trillion over the last five years is the right thing to do, they should be upfront about it. They should explain why they think more debt is good for the economy.

How can the Republican majority in this Congress explain to their constituents that trillions of dollars in new debt is good for our economy? How can they explain that they think it’s fair to force our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren to finance this debt through higher taxes. That’s what it will have to be. Why is it right to increase our nation’s dependence on foreign creditors?

They should explain this. Maybe they can convince the public they’re right. I doubt it. Because most Americans know that increasing debt is the last thing we should be doing. After all, I repeat, the Baby Boomers are about to retire. Under the circumstances, any credible economist would tell you we should be reducing debt, not increasing it.

Keep in mind that Democrats want to increase the debt limit by 2.5 trillion dollars which is quite a bit more than Reid discussed above. They want to push this issue past the next election so they do not have to deal with it again.

In any event, Obama now has a record and people are far less impressed with his actions as they were with the words. Some folks have figured out that it was easy for Obama to talk but acting on the words was not so easy. They figured out that he was way more radical than he led them to believe and that he is not an effective leader. In fact, it has to be troubling to Obama that Ron Paul is within striking distance in the presidential polls.

So here we have a leader who spent like there was no tomorrow on programs that cost more money and failed to stimulate saying we have to be responsible with the debt while asking us to bump the credit limit another 2.5 TRILLION dollars. They promise cuts that will take place over ten years (and we know that never happens) while taxing us immediately. And yes, the taxes will hit all of us one way or another.

What could go wrong with this plan?

Here is an idea. Balanced budget amendment to the Constitution to force them to live within OUR means. Flat tax that all wage earners pay and cuts across the board to government with the elimination of unconstitutional or unnecessary programs and departments.

Until that time we need to take a new approach to slap people like Mikulski back into reality. Obama promised that if he were to get elected it would not be business as usual in DC. With that in mind, let’s do things a little differently. We want the cuts to the budget to be IMMEDIATE and the tax increases to be over ten years.

It is OUR money and dammit, it is time they listened to us tell them how to spend it.

One thing is certain. They don’t want to cut and they want to raise taxes but on August 2nd they are not going to have much of a choice. There will be a lot more cutting than they wanted to happen and it won’t take place over ten years.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Will There Be A Post Office Bailout?

The postal service is a Constitutional item that is run by the federal government and it is run like a typical government bureaucracy, that is, there is a lot of waste and a lot of overhead and a lot of cost overrun. The kicker is that the postal service actually charges for its service and should, if run properly, be able to pay its bills. Unfortunately that is not the case. The postal service is billions in the red and has suspended its share of retirement contributions for its employees.

Will Congress and Barack Obama step in and bailout the postal service? The government already believes that it has the authority to force you to buy products. Obamacare mandates that we all buy health insurance and the Democrats stand by that generous and incorrect interpretation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. The Democrats assure us that health care is unique because everyone will, at one time in their lives, enter the health care system so it is OK, according to them, to make people buy insurance.

What would stop the Democrats from making the same argument about the postal service? Everyone at one point in their lives gets some sort of mail. What would stop Congress from forcing us to use the postal service or force us to buy a certain dollar amount of postage stamps each month? Maybe Congress will decide that in order to boost postal revenue all online bill paying activities must stop and people have to mail their bills in. Maybe they will take down the email contacts for all members of Congress and make us send them letters via the postal service.

It is not unreasonable to assume that the government could force us to use the postal system citing the Commerce Clause like it did with Obamacare.

I would not put it past them to step in and screw over the taxpayers in order to make the postal service solvent.

There is nothing that prevents the government from moving the postal service to the private sector. The Constitution says Congress has the authority to establish post offices and postal roads (which actually means they don’t have to but have the power to) but it does not say that Congress (or the government) must run the post offices and postal roads. Congress could establish the post offices under the private sector and let that company compete for business against other similar services. Congress would have oversight and a portion of the revenue could go to the Treasury.

In any event, I would not put it past the Democrats and their messiah to try to bailout the postal service by putting into place policies that would force people to use the service.

Let’s face it, we are losing more and more freedom so it is not hard to imagine this taking place.

Then again, perhaps they could start reducing the number of employees, increase the amount employees contribute to their pensions, force them to pay the same rate for insurance as the rest of the federal employees (contrary to popular opinion, federal employees pay quite a bit for their health insurance), and stop delivering mail on Saturday. They could also cut the number of post offices and consolidate routes. Greater efficiency would help the bloated system to be more solvent.

Then again, why do all that when Congress could force us to use them.

Be wary. The Socialists in our government would love to intrude even more into our lives.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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This Is No Way To Balance A Budget

Looks like the federal government is having trouble with simple math and accounting procedures. Politicians of all stripes talk about balancing the budget and living within our means but none of them have grasped the concept that if cash out is greater than cash in there will be a deficit.

Last year the government paid more out to people than it took in from taxpayers. People on some kind of government support amounted to $2.3 TRILLION. These social welfare programs cost us more money than the $2.2 TRILLION that people paid in taxes. That means there is 0.1 TRILLION dollars on the negative side and we had to spread that 0.1 TRILLION among all our other obligations. Yes, there was other income but not enough to account for the more than a trillion dollar deficit we ran last year.

We are at the tipping point where what we pay in taxes is about equal to what we pay out for social programs and this is not good. We cannot meet our other obligations with this kind of imbalance and as long as social programs are the sacred cows of the Democrats we will continue to run deficits until our entire system collapses.

We need to have serious reform of our temporary social programs so that there is no incentive to stay on them and we need to reform Social Security and Medicare so that benefits stabilize and the programs are eventually privatized so people can have a real return on their investments. We need to stop implementing programs that end up making people slaves to the government at the expense of the people actually paying taxes and end this cycle of ever increasing deficits as a result of poorly run social programs.

While Barack Obama is running around the country (ignoring the victims of the terrible storms in the South) to raise money for Democrats (and his reelection campaign) he is also giving speeches about the budget. His only answer is to raise taxes on the wealthy when this could never, ever solve the problem even if 100% of their wealth was confiscated.

Repeal the current tax system, implement a flat tax system (for everyone) with no loopholes, reduce corporate tax rates and close the loopholes in that system and completely revamp social programs while cutting out unnecessary programs and we can get back to sound fiscal footing.

Unfortunately, Obama seems to have been surfing instead of attending class as he suffers from the same knowledge deficit as those who think we can manage by spending more than we take in.

A hand up, not a handout…

In a related story, the government is on pace to hit the debt ceiling by next week. No Easter recess for them…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Two Steps Forward, Four Back…

The federal government is patting itself on the back for the so called largest budget cuts in history and while Barack Obama is taking credit for the deal, the deal is not worth mentioning. Te Republicans were looking for 61 billion dollars in cuts and they got 38 billion. Democrats were looking for much less and were unwilling to waiver on cuts to the murder factory known as Planned Parenthood. While the government was busy haggling over a few billion dollars and ultimately cutting 38 billion, the debt jumped 54 billion dollars.

That is right, the entire deal was wiped out and 16 billion more in debt was added to the mix while they were busy debating the issue.

We absolutely need the largest cuts in history and they need to be a hell of a lot more than 38 billion or even 61 billion. Had republicans been successful in getting 61 billion they would have a net gain of 7 billion. This is no way to run a budget.

No entity can run deficits forever without failing and governments are no different. Our Founders realized this and preached the virtue of paying off the bills. They ran deficits but made paying them off a priority.

Now, of course, it is different. Our government is hell bent on providing everything to everyone and it has succeeded in creating a class of people who rely entirely on government to exist. These people cost us more and more because they contribute little or nothing to the equation. This is not the America our Founders envisioned.

People need to go out and work. They need to be productive members of society and realize that if they produce they will live better lives than by sitting around waiting for the government to deliver a check once a month.

Our government needs to recognize its limits, the limits placed on it by our Constitution, and it needs to live within those limits. That means providing the services for which we the people chartered it and nothing more.

Then, and only then, can we start to realize the prosperity our Founders dreamed of when they gave us the gift of freedom.

While freedom isn’t free, enslavement to the government costs a lot more than can be imagined in money, honor and dignity.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Once Again They Ignore Reality

Nancy Pelosi had something to say about the anti net neutrality rule voted on in the House on Friday. She said she did not think it was going anywhere. Imagine how Pelosi would have reacted if the Republicans had said that even though the House voted for Obamacare it was not going anywhere and then they decided to ignore what took place. Republicans are using legal methods to defund and repeal the albatross. Pelosi and her cohorts just ignore laws, procedures and the will of the people.

They have ignored a judges’ ruling on drilling moratoriums and they have ignored the ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Here is how Pelosi sees it:

“No one should be guarding the gate on the Internet,” Pelosi said. She said despite the House vote, the resolution isn’t likely to gain support in the Senate. “I don’t think this bill is going anyplace,” Pelosi predicted. National Journal

Funny, but politicians want to give Barry Obama an Internet kill switch and they want the government to be able to control the Internet, reportedly in the event of an emergency. However, her tune changes when she says that no one should be guarding the internet.

As far as I am concerned, companies provide access to the Internet and people pay for it (which might be considered guarding it by some). If those companies want to restrict certain access or control what goes on over their networks then it is their business.

The last thing we need is government intervention in the use of the Internet and we certainly do not need politicians controlling the Internet via kill switches or anything else.

I know that the Internet provides instant information (a lot of it wrong) and that does not bode well for people like Obama, Pelosi, Reid (and most other politicians) who like to say one thing at one event and a totally different thing at another. A hundred years ago communications were slow and these things were attributed to misquotes or miscommunication.

Today we have them in their own words and we can use those words against them. They do not like it one bit.

To control the people the government controls things like their health care and their communications.

What better way to get us closer to Socialism than to stifle messages they do not like. Remember, if government can decide how the Internet operates then it can decide what is on it and who can post to it. It can also decide who can access it.

Very dangerous indeed.

Pelosi is a moron.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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