Al Qaeda On The Run – Toward Us…

Four years ago Barack Obama assured us that the terror group Al Qaeda was on the run. Because Barack the Almighty had focused on them they had been vanquished. This all falls in line with the self projected image of Barack Hussein Obama being a tough guy when he took credit for killing Osama bin Laden. A side note here, the US military killed him. Obama was playing golf when the good guys were working hard to get OBL and only left the golf course long enough to watch real men at work.

Keep that golf thing in mind because it will come up again in regard to terrorism.

Anyway, Obama told us that Al Qaeda was on the run and his regime effectively removed the words “War on Terror” from our vocabulary. Can’t have the US insulting Obama’s kin now can we?

Al Qaeda is on the run BUT it was that terror group credited with the Benghazi attack and subsequent murder of four Americans (and the cover up that followed).

This past weekend 22 US embassies in the Middle East were closed and a global travel alert was issued because of a “specific threat.” First of all, if the threat was specific why close all those embassies? Unless it was specific to the extent that all of them were targets why would we need to close them all? Why issue a GLOBAL travel alert for a SPECIFIC threat?

The kicker here is that the specific threat, one described as more specific than any going back to before 9/11/2001, is a threat from Al Qaeda.

You got that? The reason we closed 22 embassies (and now that closure has increased from one day to a week) and issued a global travel alert is because a group of terrorists that Obama said is on the run has issued a specific threat.

Evidently on the run has a different meaning to Obama than it does to the rest of us. You see, to most of us if the enemy is on the run it means they are running AWAY from us. They are defeated or degraded so much so that they cannot effectively fight so they are running away.

To Barack Obama it must mean that the enemy is strong and running TOWARD us because it is strong enough to force us to close 22 embassies and issue the travel alert.

Make no mistake about this, Barack Obama touted his street creds about Al Qaeda many times, particularly during the last presidential campaign, and he gave the impression through his speeches that we had beaten that terror group. Even if his idea of on the run is different than ours he did not explain that difference so he led us all to believe that we were winning.

Obama talked about the demise of Al Qaeda 32 times since the Benghazi attack. Yes, Al Qaeda, the group Obama said was on the run four years ago attacked the compound in Benghazi. So they were not on the run then and since then Obama has talked about how that group, the group that murdered Americans, had been decimated (which is an incorrect use of the word*) even though it is evidently strong enough to cause mass chaos for our embassies and our travel.

I will not fault this regime for exercising caution because of the threat. If there is a threat it must be taken seriously and whatever actions are necessary must be executed. I take exception to all this being done in the shadow of Obama’s many claims that he had defeated the group causing the problems.

[note]The cynic in me thinks that Obama is using a red herring to take focus away from all the scandals that are not phony as he would have you believe.[/note]

I also take exception to a regime that refused to exercise the same amount of caution in Benghazi. If it had listened to requests for more security and granted those requests our people would have stood a better chance.

But how could he? He was in the middle of a campaign and needed to fool people into thinking he was making progress. He had told people Al Qaeda was on the run so he had to act like it was.

Our citizens were fodder to cover his ineptness so he could get reelected.

Now that he does not have to worry about running again he can close all the embassies and issue all the alerts he wants. It matters not if his claims about Al Qaeda have turned out to be untrue.

He is already in office and his sycophant media will not call him on the lies.

As for the golf I told you to keep in mind? Obama played golf when our troops were going after OBL.

Yesterday, amid the embassy closings and travel alert Barack Hussein Obama took it so seriously that he, you guessed it.

Played golf…

*Decimate: though many dictionaries have relented the word means to reduce by one tenth. Annihilate, obliterate, or slaughter are better choices if the intention is to convey something has been drastically reduced. Or one could simply say drastically reduced…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Far Does The IRS Scandal Reach?

The IRS is guilty of targeting conservative groups. Of this there is no doubt and when this is said and done a number of people should land in jail. The IRS deliberately targeted groups to help Barack Obama get reelected and it released tax information to people who could use it to attack Romney and his supporters.

These are the facts in the scandal and they are not in dispute.

We know that Harry Reid made claims that Romney paid no taxes. We do not know if this is true or not but where did Reid get his information? We know that Austan Goolsbee, Obama’s economic adviser, accused the Koch brothers of not paying corporate taxes. Where did he get his information?

Goolsbee and the White House had claimed they got the information from publicly available sources (Forbes and the Koch website) but those sources did not have that information. Now that the IRS scandal has broken Goolsbee has piped up to claim that it was a mistake and the info came from an article.

Why did he chime in now when the issue was not mentioned since the original false claim? Perhaps it is because Goolsbee is worried about getting snared in the IRS scandal. Is it because this will be traced back to Obama?

It is likely that Barack Obama had knowledge of what was going on. Whether he directed the IRS to break the law is not yet known but he probably knew where the information was coming from. Hell, his campaign was using the information so it requires the willful suspension of disbelief to think he did not know. This tactic is classic Obama.

This is why all the wagons are circling. The people involved are trying to protect Obama from being caught up in all of this.

Congress can investigate all of this and it can appoint a special prosecutor to look into it but if it wants to end this fast it needs to find the low level people involved and threaten them with serious jail time. These people might be Obama sycophants but I doubt any of them want to go to jail for him.

Goolsbee is covering his rear so he should be on the hot seat as should the people at the IRS all the way up to Lerner. Threaten these people with the full might of the government and the judicial system and they will begin to sing.

There are plenty of scandals that show America elected a criminal to run the country. His shady deal with terrorists (he was either running guns through Benghazi or he planned to have our Ambassador kidnapped so he could negotiate a deal to swap the Blind Sheik and look like a hero before the election. The plan went south when two Seals refused to stand down) led to Americans being murdered and he should be impeached for that. In any event this 3 am phone call will derail Hillary in 2016.

The IRS scandal hits a broader audience because it targeted everyday citizens for political purposes. A government agency was used to intimidate Americans and help Obama win an election. Despite the moron liberals who are happy it took place the overwhelming number of people in this country find the whole thing distasteful. Most people here do not like the IRS and give it no sympathy.

The public trust has been violated and there are a lot of people involved in the violation. We need action on this. We need Obama impeached, we need the IRS abolished and the tax code simplified, and we need everyone who was involved in this to be sent to jail.

Then we need to deal with Benghazi and the DOJ violation of the First Amendment right of the press.

No matter what, we must have answers and we must have justice.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


That 3 AM Phone Call Revisited

During the 2008 presidential election Hillary Clinton put out an ad about a 3 am phone call. In it something bad happens in the middle of the night and the viewer is left with the impression that if there is a middle of the night (3 am) emergency we want Hillary to answer the phone. I imagine she has experience answering late night calls with Bill as her husband…

In any event, the ‘who is best to answer the call’ contest began with Clinton and Obama each claiming to be America’s next best hope for late night emergencies.

Obama won that contest as voters decided that he was the one to lead. He was the one they had been waiting for, in Obama’s words…

It now turns out that neither of them has the qualifications to do anything more than answer an emergency phone call. Whistleblower testimony shows that Americans were in danger and made calls that might have been answered but were not acted upon. It appears that Obama blew off the calls so he could get some sleep for a next day fundraiser and Hillary answered the calls and gave no decisive orders that involved saving our people.

As a result of the inept leadership four Americans are dead.

Obama’s response to his phone call failure is to blame it on a video, claim that they could do nothing and tell other lies in order to win reelection. Clinton’s response; what difference does it make now?

There are interesting story lines with regard to the murder of our diplomats. The Secretary of Defense said we did not send help because we could not get there in time. How did he know that? The attackers did not broadcast their intentions. The fight went on for hours and hours. We had military units ready to launch and they were told to stand down (several times).

Our military answered the 3 am phone call for help and were ready to go. The people who told us they were the best qualified to answer the phone kept them from going.

Let us assume for a minute that we did not think our military could get there in time to help. Would that be reason enough not to send them at all? If Obama had sent all available assets as soon as he knew what was happening this whole ordeal would not be an issue even if those assets did not get there in time. It would be evident that we made every possible effort to save our people but could not get there fast enough.

As it stands now it looks like they decided that either we could not get there or they did not want to send them there so they just said the hell with it and sacrificed the lives of our countrymen.

Imagine if a house in your neighborhood (or your house) was on fire and it was pretty well engulfed in flames. How would you and your community respond if you called the fire department and told them that your house was on fire and that it was pretty well engulfed and they told you that since they probably could not get there in time to put out the fire before the house was consumed they were not going to bother showing up?

Would you stand for that? Probably not and even though your mind might tell you the house was going to be a total loss your heart would leave doubt. You would always ask if anything could have been saved if they had just responded.

While I am in the camp that believes we should have sent forces to help as soon as we knew and would not support any other decision I could have at least listened to the other point of view if Obama had not lied about it all. I can’t see any reason he could give to justify NOT sending help but at least he would be on more solid ground if he told us the truth when he explained it.

Instead, he and Hillary worked hard to cover up their inability to lead by lying to us. They called this a spontaneous demonstration over a video rather than a terror attack even though they knew right away that it was terror and not a video. They knew it was well organized and that their refusal to beef up security resulted in the attack and eventual murder of our people.

So they decided to cover it all up. They have been obstructing people trying to get to the truth and have exacted revenge on people who dared to step forward with it.

The 3 am phone call placed by those in danger did not get a busy signal and it did not get anyone qualified to help.

It reached people who place their agendas and their political aspirations ahead of human life.

And the message it sent was loud and clear;

Obama and Clinton are not qualified to lead…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Who Is This Ben Gazi Fellow?

The excrement will hit the fan today as whistleblowers testify about the Obama cover-up regarding the attacks in Benghazi. Obama and his minions knew that it was a terror attack almost immediately but blamed it on a video. That story continued for weeks as America tried to understand how four of their fellow countrymen were murdered.

The facts in the case will show that Obama did not send help, that those who were ready to go help were told to stand down and that it was all covered up. The probable reason is that Obama was running for reelection and part of his platform was that al Qaeda was on the run and he was beating terror back. In other words, Obama lied in order to win reelection.

I can’t imagine that the low information voters have any idea about this particularly since the Obama stenographers in the Main Stream Media have been spinning stories and covering for him and his people. They are particularly focused on protecting Hillary Clinton so she can run for the presidency in 2016.

Low information voters are not aware of many things. 40% of people surveyed did not know the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was a law and most Americans in that low information group think gun crime is up even though it has decreased 39% since 1993.

Many of them still think Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house and a lot still think Obama has some secret stash of money he can dole out to them.

So I doubt many of these people know what happened in Benghazi or will understand the implications of Obama’s actions. Most will think that Republicans are just trying to attack Obama based on baseless accusations because that is what the MSM will tell them.

Richard Nixon resigned because of a cover-up after the Watergate break in. No one died as a result of the activities that ended the Nixon presidency.

Obama is directly responsible for the death of four Americans and he is responsible for the cover-up that followed all so he could win reelection.

I don’t know if his presidency will survive the aftermath of the issue though some are predicting this will end it for him.

I do know that if he is forced out of office we will be stuck with Joe Biden (unless he is involved in the cover-up) and that is not good for America. Biden could not pour water out of a bucket if the directions were written on the bottom.

In any event, the aftermath of all this will substantially weaken Obama and probably end any hope Hillary has for becoming president.

Time will tell…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Americans Are Entitled To Answers Mrs. Clinton

Hillary Clinton once said this after being accused of trying to divide America when she waved a newspaper with the words “Bush Knew” displayed:

“We have a responsibility to ask for information, and I think that is not only appropriate but necessary. You know, nobody is more entitled to answers to these questions than the people of New York, and I take that responsibility very seriously.” CNN

Imagine how torqued Clinton would have been had Bush asked; what difference does it make?

Clinton was all about the responsibility she had to ask questions when she could attack the sitting president for political purposes but she is more than a little reluctant to give any information regarding the attacks in Benghazi that left Americans dead.

A recently released report shows that Clinton lied to Congress about certain things that took place and the report shows that the White House was involved in coordinating the response over the issue (and lied about it).

Obama and Clinton were negligent in their duties and the result was dead Americans. We cannot get straight answers and the matter seems to be of little importance to Clinton or Obama.

I have said it before; these people do not care about American lives. They only care about pushing their radical socialist agenda and turning America into a third world nation.

They look at dead Americans in Benghazi as an inconvenience and dead children in Newtown as political pawns to be used to push an anti gun agenda.

They are despicable people who should be in jail.

So Mrs. Clinton, Congress has a responsibility to ask for information and the American people, and most certainly the families of those slain in Benghazi, deserve answers, HONEST ANSWERS, to those questions.

Don’t think we will forget about this when you take your next run for the Oval Office.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

