Future Generation Bankruptcy Plan Nears Passage

Barack Obama’s Future Generation Bankruptcy Plan is closer to passage as the Senate and House agreed on a final bill. After some fireworks over who gets to spend more on what, the Democrats agreed to a bill and hope to have it on Obama’s desk by President’s Day. Reports are that no Republicans were involved in the negotiations. This bill belongs entirely to Obama and his Democrats so when it fails the blame belongs entirely to them.

Early word is that the concessions made to get three Republicans in the Senate to support it have been negated as those items previously removed were put back in. The three traitors, Snowe, Specter, and Collins, will see their work undone so they sold their souls for nothing. All of them need to be removed from the GOP and we need to ensure they are defeated in the next election.

As for the plan, it will spend a TRILLION dollars on a plethora of Democratic pet projects but create very few jobs. The economy will not be stimulated and we will pass on TRILLIONS of dollars in debt to people who have not been born yet. We have The Greatest Generation, Generation X, the Baby Boomers and now we will have Generation Broke.

The plan is carefully crafted to show results during next year when these people are pandering for votes but it is unlikely that the results will be very positive. Inflation will rise and the dollar will be worthless. Soon we will need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread.

This is nothing more than Carter II and Obama will soon have unemployment and inflation that rivals that failed president. The coming misery index will make Carter look like a day at the beach.

It would appear as if America is about to hit rock bottom but that is what we need before we can dispense with these cockeyed schemes that have failed every time they have been tried. We need to have this kind of outcome so that we can, once and for all, put an end to government intervention.

Of course, there could be quite a bit of civil unrest before all is said and done. People in Kentucky are pouring bourbon on the steps of the Capitol to protest a tax increase on the booze. It is not the Boston Tea Party but it has the same purpose.

I wonder how long it will be before we are spilling blood?

If it gets real bad we can always declare open season on liberals. That would be a great stress reliever and loads of fun. Let’s start with Olberdouche just because it would be so satisfying.

Folks, it is going to get bad. When it does just remember that Obama and the Democrats brought you the misery. They will try to blame it on George Bush but this belongs entirely to them.

Write it all down and put it away for when your great great grandchildren are born. They will be Generation Broke and Generation More Broke and they will want to know what we were thinking. The should at least know that not all of us were insane.

They need to know about the failed presidency of Barack Obama because the history books will not discuss it.

Big Dog

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