Obama is a Uniter, not a Divider…not Quite

One of John McCain’s advisers made the comment that another terrorist attack on the United States would be helpful to the Republican Party. While this is completely true it is also tasteless and in bad form. Having said that, I don’t think the guy, Charlie Black, meant that he wanted to see one so Republicans could reap a benefit. I can’t speak for him but any person who wishes we get attackd again should be sent to Gitmo, oh wait, the SCOTUS said we had to release people from there. I never wish for us to get attacked but if we do I hope it is in an area where people are anti war and protest our troops, like say Berkeley.

After the comment was made a spokesperson for Barry O Bam Bam chimed in:

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “The fact that John McCain’s top adviser says that a terrorist attack on American soil would be a ‘big advantage’ for their political campaign is a complete disgrace, and is exactly the kind of politics that needs to change. Barack Obama will turn the page on these failed policies and this cynical and divisive brand of politics so that we can unite this nation around a common purpose to finish the fight against al-Qaida.” My Way News

Barry will turn the page on divisive politics. Let’s see, Barry accused the Republican Party of being racists who will launch racist attacks on him, his people claimed that people in West Virginia did not vote for him because they are racists, he did not allow Muslim women with scarves in a photo of him, and he was dismissive of Hillary Clinton’s supporters. Add to that his endless line of anti American associates (you can find them under the bus) and it is hard to see exactly how he is turning a page on divisive politics. Hopey can talk a real good game (if he has a teleprompter) but he is not new, he is not fresh and he is not some revolutionary figure. He is a political hack who has schemed for his next office as soon as he was elected. He is inexperienced and offers a resume so short it could be a fortune cookie (you have hope and change, lucky numbers 2008).

I am absolutely certain that Charlie Black does not want America to be attacked again even though he is correct that such an attack would shine a lot of light on the inadequacy of the Democrats with regard to national security. However, thanks to the job that George Bush has done here at home and our troops have done overseas, we have not been attacked and it is unlikely we will during the rest of his term. Muslims all over the world are endorsing Barry O Bam Bam and they want a man they consider a brother to be elected. They have to know another attack here would all but wipe that chance out.

No, we don’t have to worry about America being attacked in the short term, but if next year we are using the words “President Obama”, we will need to worry and worry a lot.

Big Dog

Media Gets Tough with Obama

Ever since Barack Obama came on the scene he stole the thunder from Hillary Clinton. The Clintons had experienced great media coverage for years with the media holding or burying stories harmful to the clan. That all stopped when Obama became the new darling of the media. They have fawned over him and a parody on Saturday Night Live was not far off considering how he has not drawn tough questions (until the last debate) or close scrutiny even though he says a lot about absolutely nothing. It is really bad when even Democrats who doted on the Clintons for years have turned against them, media or otherwise.

Perhaps the portrayal of the media as Obama’s toadies on SNL sparked a fire under them because the party seems to be over and it would appear that Obama has been stung by the unexpected attacks. At a speech Obama took questions and the media zinged him right off the bat asking him about the secret meeting with the Canadians that he originally denied but later acknowledged. He said the standard stump answer about not knowing or going with the information he had but it gave the appearance that he lied.

Then the media began with the Tony Rezko questions. Rezko is a friend of Obama who happened to buy a piece of property right next to him on the very same day. Rezko bought the property that Obama did not want (the seller required it to be part of the purchase) for $625,000 and then sold part of it to Obama so he could enlarge his yard. This political favor coincidence has significance because Rezko’s trial for corruption started today and Obama’s name is likely to come up. The fact that Rezko is involved in corruption and has been close to Obama is not happenstance. Obama is from Illinois and is a member of the Democratic Party that has been so corrupt that it has received its own name, Chicago Style Politics.

Obama has benefited from Chicago Style Politics and that is why, as a first term Senator, he is on top the political world. He has given the appearance of impropriety with regard to Rezko and the Canadians. Even if Obama turns out to be squeaky clean, he has acted in a fashion that appears improper and for many, perception is reality. A man who claims not to be part of the old political system and who claims to be looking to the future (which all presidential candidates say, by the way) does himself no good by looking like a politician of old. He is part of the Daley political scene and that makes him part of the past, a past that is rife with corruption.

It is nice to see the media finally stop drinking the Kool Aid and start asking tough questions.

Daily News
Daily News 2
Washington Post

Big Dog

Raven Lunatics; Attack of the Cretin Liberals

My friend Raven has written lengthy post discussing her recent adventures after she asked if a soldier suffering from PTSD when her post indicated that he was exploiting the situation by refusing help. The post was picked up by Sadly No and a few others and the bloodletting began. Moonbats came out of the closet to write some of the most vile comments directed at her. This is a popular method the left uses, they attack the arguer and not the argument. There is a lunkhead named Thinking Meat who uses the same tact except he calls everyone a liar and then continually echoes the same requests that the writer prove some assertion and regardless of the proof, the writer is a liar and a coward. I have not figured out if he is a retard suffering from echolalia or if this is a desperate attempt to attract the people he insults to his site. He must be lonely and he has never heard about that honey/vinegar attraction thing.

In any event, I have seen some of the worst the left has to offer in the last few days. In the comments of another post that Raven wrote some jackass wished that Robert’s children (Robert of American and Proud) would get stomach cancer so that he would suffer and have to get help from the government. This all in response to the debate about S-CHIP. I don’t know about people who can wish such a thing. I find that kind of person to be the lowest form of life and not worthy of the chemicals that make up his being.

Ravens recent post has been used to indicate, in some abstract way, that Conservatives do not really support the troops. I find this to be absolutely absurd and a stretch by anyone’s imagination. People who make this kind of assertion are the same idiots who misquote Limbaugh in order to take the focus off their lack of support for America’s true heroes. Liberals stopped supporting our troops sometime around Vietnam and they have never gone back.

In Vietnam we won every battle and yet we lost the war because the Democratically controlled Congress lacked the will to stick it out. North Vietnam was on the verge of surrender and the constant bombings were taking heavy tolls. They held out because they believed that America would crumble from within because of the anti war movement and they were right. They declared themselves the winners and a lot of POWs were never released. John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Jane Fonda and countless others led protests in this country and slandered our troops. John Kerry’s testimony before Congress accused our troops of war crimes, none of which have been proven though if they were Kerry would be in jail for admitting his participation.

We had some glory days in the first Gulf war when our troops smashed Iraq quickly and our losses were few, though one is too many. There were certainly more than a few Liberals who were against the war because this group of vile people think there is never anything worth fighting for except the seats they have occupied for far too long. They will slay dragons to keep those seats but will sell out our country to avoid using its military might for just causes. The left is now engaged in the same kind of actions they embraced during Vietnam. They are protesting our troops, they are calling them murderers and they are painting the entire military with the brush tarnished by a few who committed crimes. Abu Ghraib was blown way out of proportion and people like Ted Kennedy said that Hussein’s torture chambers were reopened under new management.

Just as we had during Vietnam, we have elected leaders going to countries that are hostile to us and accusing our president and our country of doing bad things. This must be a continuance of the trend started by Bill Clinton in Russia when he was busy dodging military service. Funny, I have never heard him referred to as a chicken hawk even though he put our men and women in harm’s way a number of times. The left is so full of hatred since the false prophet of global warming lost in 2000 that they have never recovered and their hatred gets stronger and more vile every day. The people who clamor about Raven’s post and a lack of support for the troops are the same idiots who indict our men and women in the court of public opinion.

These despicable cretins can claim to support the troops but when a jackass like Jack Murtha accuses our Marines of murder before any investigation has been completed it is not hard to see what kind of support they really provide. Yes, the left provides a lot fo support but that support is to the enemies of this country. The left’s daily rants and accusations as well as their loathe of the military provides fodder for the people who want to do us harm.

Who are any of these idiots to accuse Raven of not supporting the troops or to use her post as a weapon against the right. Show me a liberal organization that collects food for the troops to send Thanksgiving Dinners to them. Show me a liberal group that provides them with air conditioners and toiletries. I do not think there are many, if any, liberals in Soldier’s Angels. What have Code Pink, MoveOn, and the rest of these Communist organizations actually done to support the troops? They protest all over and exploit our war dead in an attempt to bring our troops home in defeat. They insult a highly decorated General who has given more for this country than the lot of them combined and they continually insult the President of the United States. They call our troops killers and they say that we are wasting money in Iraq. No matter what it costs, we are not wasting money so long as it is spent in support of our troops. There is waste from war profiteers like Dianne Feinstein, another big supporter of the troops (so long as their work makes her husband money).

I have read Raven’s work and I communicate with her almost daily. I know what is in her heart and I know she cares deeply for our men and women in uniform and she would never do anything to hurt them. I know that she puts her heart and soul into her work to ensure her patients get the best care possible and I know that she is a hell of a lot better person than any of the jackasses who have been attacking her.

I would rather have Raven watching my back than any of the lily livered communist puke liberals who have been attacking her and I know that she is a better person than any of them can ever hope to be. I also know that instead of wishing cancer on their children Raven would pray for them to be well.

Recipe for happiness.
Ingredients: 1 Liberal wacko (preferably one who hopes children get cancer) and 1 rope. Some assembly required.

Big Dog

As an aside, the letter that Harry Reid sent attacking Rush Limbaugh is on auction and has a bid of over 100,000 dollars and all money earned will go to the Marine Corps – Law Enforcement Fund. Rush turned their hatred into true support for the troops. Of course, Reid will probably try to take credit for the success since he wrote the letter. So who supports the troops? Harry “we lost the war” Reid or Rush Limbaugh who used an attack on a private citizen to earn money for the troops?