I Don’t Think They Want To Make West Angry

Congressman Alan West of Florida is a great man. He speaks his mind, is well versed on issues and, as an Army veteran, he knows how to lead. He is the kind of guy that Democrats should love because he also happens to be black. The problem he has, as far as Democrats are concerned, he is a conservative.

To the left, any black person who is conservative has betrayed his race and is an Uncle Tom.

West has neither betrayed his race nor is he an Uncle Tom. He is an example of how successful anyone can be if they follow conservative principles and do not allow the victim mentality to seep in. He demonstrates that a minority does not need to be dependent on government in order to succeed.

The left is supposed to care about all people but it has highjacked the black community by making them subservient to government so it gets a little upset when some black conservative actually demonstrates that one does not need the government to succeed. It makes the left angry when they see this because they are afraid that the cat will be out of the bag. They attack black conservatives in order to perpetuate the myth that the only good place for blacks is the left. They are so vile that they attacked Condi Rice with absolutely racist pictures and statements. How dare she be conservative?

The left has attacked West as well. He is man enough to take the words and, having heard him speak, I know is quite able to take care of himself. But some moron sent a letter to his office that had white powder in it. We don’t know the ideology of the person who did it but my money is on a liberal. The left is full of terrorists (see Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers).

West wonders if it is open season on principled, black conservatives. He had something else to say and the people who are attacking him better take notice:

Let me be very clear to all reading this missive, but mostly to liberals who subscribe to this behavior, be careful of whom you are choosing to employ these tactics against…I consider myself an easy-going fella who will always engage in intense intellectual exchange. However, if you choose this path of personal attacks, intimidation, and threats you will encounter a very different Congressman. The Blaze

I think folks would do well not to piss LTC West off because he will not take crap. He will not stand for these tactics and he will come at his attackers with guns blazing.

And I will have his back.

As for the left, they can keep their “principled” liberal blacks who help keep the black community in poverty.

Bennett [a gay man], 55, claims [Jesse] Jackson ridiculed him in front of other employees and required him to perform “humiliating tasks” like escorting women to Jackson’s various hotel rooms, cleaning up after alleged trysts and packing his clothing. It also includes an allegation that Jackson asked for oral sex, according to the claim. Jackson flatly denied each claim in his response. NBC Chicago

Is there any wonder the black community is in a mess? Guys like Jackson are supposed to be the leaders of the black community and his behavior is nothing more than that portrayed in the stereotypes.

This is the kind of person the left loves while attacking a principled man like Alan West.

If Alan West had the status Jackson has (leader of the black community and civil rights activist) the black community would be in much better shape. Jackson and the Democrats have led blacks down a very bad path and now many are dependent on government for their livelihood, just the way liberals want it (have to keep the voting base).

This is why they attack people like West. Can’t let it out that all things are possible when unencumbered by government dependence.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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We Need Allen West In Congress

Or better yet, the White House

Lieutenant Colonel Allen West US Army retired is the kind of leader this country needs.

LTC West exhibits the love of country, patriotism and leadership that Obama will never have, know, or understand.

This is my kind of leader. He leads from the front and keeps his word.

Yes sir, we took that oath, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and Domestic.

Bayonet fixed and awaiting the order to charge.*

*To the liberals, this is a metaphor indicating fighting back. We have no actual bayonets fixed and ready (though we can if needed). We will do our damage in the voting booth. I wanted to clear that up so Nancy Pelosi does not have another spilled Harvey Milk moment and so the liberals will not wet themselves worried about right wing attackers. Remember, the only violence during this year’s events was started by liberals and other Obama supporters.

Big Dog

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Memorial Day

On this day, I thought I might speak about our Armed Forces- it is a day for honoring and remembering those who have laid their lives on the line and sacrificed themselves so that we might remain free. Our armed forces have a storied history, and for any naysayers who are keeping count, there have been far fewer negative incidents than the positive and uplifting stories of bravery and compassion from our men and women.

My personal experience is not first- hand, as I missed out on being drafted in 1970 by one lottery number- I was, I had thought at the time, lucky- and perhaps I was. A person can wonder about what never was forever, and not get an answer. I was prepared to go if called, but I wasn’t happy about it. I was eighteen, and had other things on my mind at the time.

Many friends of mine went, and some didn’t return. Of those that did, they returned different. War does that- killing someone makes people think, and being scared 24/7 will do that also, because even on leave, the feeling doesn’t quite leave you, or so I have been told.

Other friends chose the National Guard, because those were your choices, join or be drafted, and as our Army Generals found out, a draft doesn’t work. People have to be of the right mindset to join, and those that do make better soldiers in the long run. I find it amusing that all through the Iraq war, one friend of mine, who had grown up at the same time as me was concerned about Bush reinstating the draft. I told him repeatedly that it wouldn’t happen, but he was worried about his son, who clearly isn’t Army material.

I have friends who went into the Navy- one still can’t tell me anything about his tours in a sub. Others went Air Force, and one was a Marine who was a LRRP for two tours- now he was scary, despite the fact that he weighed 145 pounds soaking wet. I once saw him take out three people at a pool table who were harassing him. Him I did not want for an opponent. We became fast friends, however- and a truer friend I have never had.

So the Draft Army became the Volunteer Army, and since has gone through several stages of shrinkage and growth, as politicians diddle with the Armed Forces, and, depending on the politician’s beliefs and prejudices, our Armed Forces have prospered or learned to do with less, but all the time have endured and protected us wherever they have been sent.

This is a magnificent force, one that has accomplished many positive things, and when you include the National Guard in the mix (as you must), these men and women have helped us at the cost to their lives and indeed at times, their families. They have been there to fight our battles, and they have been there to help in our disasters.

They are, indeed, our national treasure, one without whom we would be nothing.

Today, we should all feel pride, as well as humility, as we honor those who have fallen in all of our wars, as well as those who have come home to help make this country the best it can be.

Even though many of us disagree in the direction of this country, we should not disagree about the worth of the men and women in uniform, nor of their rightful place in our society.

Take a moment today and say thanks to a vet.


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The Army Of Won

Barack Obama has been busy mobilizing his drones to get out and “encourage” people to sign pledges to support him and his budget. This is a nothing more than a huge waste of time. What does signing a pledge actually mean? A person who did not want to be bothered could sign it and then just do what he wanted. Look how many people filled out multiple voter registration cards just to keep from being bothered by ACORN.

It seems to me that Obama and his minions have a long term goal in mind. Like the Borg (from Star Trek, The Next Generation) the Obamabots move from area to area sucking more people into the Obama Army until they have overwhelming numbers. Then they can compel people to do what they want trough the use of force. As the Borg would say, resistance is fyootile.

Think this is far fetched? Think the Obama folks are peaceful people who only want to encourage those already enamored with the MEssiah to step up their support? Well, you would be half right. According to the Birmingham News the Obamabots have their marching orders:

Those who gathered at Kelly Ingram Park in downtown Birmingham were urged to enlist others who share Obama’s vision and to stay away from trying to convert naysayers.

“We’re looking for supporters,” said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event’s organizers. “We’re not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.”

They intend to keep encouraging Obama supporters until they have strong enough support, or an army, to fight. It is quite clear they intend to fight as soon as they have an army. That is a good tactical move but they will be asking for trouble if they think the Obama storm troopers can get support by fighting.

I know that the libs will read this and tell me that the person meant fight as in a good debate but they could do that without the army. One forms an army when one is looking for more than a verbal fight.

The national security force and the Obamabots will be the brown shirted jackboots who try to compel compliance and support.

Join the resistance because resistance is NOT fyootile.


Big Dog

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Stephen King Pulls a John Kerry

During the last election cycle John Kerry told students that it was important to get an education or you would end up in Iraq. This was obviously an insult to the troops but Kerry dismissed it as a botched joke. Perhaps he meant to tell a joke but the Freudian slip told his inner feelings. Given his total disregard for the Vietnam vets with whom he served, it is not hard to see why people believe he meant what he said.

Stephen King, the liberal author, has insulted our troops in a manner that is Kerryesque. King told people that it was important to learn to read and that if you could not read then your options were the “Army and Iraq, something like that. It’s not as bright.”

What this maggot said is that the Army is full of people who cannot read. The members of our military (he said Army but he meant all services) are not bright enough to read so they end up in in the military and places like Iraq.

I know a whole lot of people in the military and everyone I know can read. Most of the people I know can read and comprehend as well or better than Mr. king. Some of the people I know in the military have published technical work that required a bit more than for King to write fictional novels. Quite a few of the people I know in the military have written articles for magazines, newspapers and many have blogs. All of these require the ability to read and write. And while King thinks that people do not have to be as bright to get in the military, I would like to see him fly a plane or a helicopter. I would like to see Stephen King operate an M1 tank or a Patriot Missile battery. I would also like to see him perform the miracles our medical folks do.

Stephen King is a half witted liberal who has lived in a protected world where he can run around and discredit those with whom he disagrees. He is an ungrateful twit who has the freedom to say what he wants because of the men and women of the armed forces who protect our country and our way of life. Stephen King is not fit to carry the boots of any member of the military and all of them will always be a cut above him and his kind.

Mr. King, the members of our military are quite capable of reading and I am sure that many of them helped make you rich by buying and reading your books. However, if you believe that they are unable to read perhaps they should stop buying your literature and maybe they should stop selling it in the exchanges.

Interestingly Mr. King, you chose to insult our troops when none of them were around. Maybe we can get a few of them to go to your next book signing and see if you would be as forthright. Considering where you have your head, at least you will be able to read your own book when they get done with you.


Big Dog

Others with interesting items:
Rosemary’s Thoughts, A Blog For All, Right Truth, Kodera’s Korner, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.