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Obama Takes Obamacare Off The Table

obamacaredelayBarack Obama and all of those who support the health care law that bears his moniker know it is a bad law. They forced it upon us even though a majority of the nation did not want it. They forced it through in order to take control of even more of our lives and to take away our free choices under penalty of law.

Obamacare came with problems for Democrats who voted for it willingly or were bribed into voting for it. In the 2010 midterm elections the Democrats lost the House of Representatives and it was, in large part, because of Obamacare. Many Democrats found themselves unemployed because they supported it.

Large parts of that law are scheduled to take place prior to the 2014 midterm elections and the Democrats are worried that certain mandates will have a similar effect.

Barack Obama has decided to delay the implementation of the employer mandates until after the midterm election [though there is some question as to whether he has the authority to do so or if Congress must be involved because he is changing a law] so that the Republicans will no longer have the unpopular mandates as a weapon to use during campaigns.

Make no mistake, this delay has nothing to do with allowing businesses time to comply. Failure to comply would mean more revenue to the government. The reality is that this is a political nightmare and the delay is solely for the purpose of politics. It is to take it off the table so that Democrats can win reelection.

If Obamacare is so wonderful then why is Barack Obama delaying a major part of it until after the election?

He is doing so because he knows it is unpopular and might cost Democrats seats. He is not doing it to help business and he is not doing it to be a good guy because he does not care about that.

If this were not about politics then he would not do it around an election and he would have delayed the INDIVIDUAL mandate as well. You see, individuals still have to comply on time.

Obama is worried about business owners (where the money is for donations and campaign ads) and not about the individuals who do not have the money and clout of business owners. He knows his followers will still support him and is not really worried about them. He is concerned that the businesses that will take a huge hit for a large number of employees (as opposed to one person taking a hit) will oppose Democrats with their resources.

Once again, if this was all lollipops and unicorns then he would be touting it and making sure it was displayed in all its glory.

It is despised and Obama wants to remove it from the discussion.

Keep this in mind as the campaigns heat up.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Unions Sour On Obamacare

The Democrat supporters in the labor unions supported Obamacare and helped Obama and his minions get it passed. The law is a disaster and costs a heck of a lot more than advertised. Nancy Pelosi said it had to be passed to see what was in it and now that it has passed what we see is horrible. It will not work, it will cost a lot of money, it will not cover everyone as advertised and it will cause the rest of us to pay a lot more for insurance (and that was not supposed to happen either).

It will also cost people who thought they were getting free health care.

Many unions and other Democrat supporters were granted waivers. Friends of Barry were able to get an exemption from Obamacare. But a lot of supporters did not get waivers and are now getting bitten by the law they supported.

[note]AARP did not like it and they were big supporters. They applied for, and got, a waiver. I recommend people ditch the AARP and join the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC).[/note]

It looks like a bunch of labor unions that supported Obamacare, support they do not regret because it helped Obama, are unhappy about how it affects them and their members. One labor union wants the law repealed (or completely overhauled) while others just want changes that will benefit them.

I say screw them all. They supported it and they must either live under the law or work hard to get it repealed. NO SPECIAL EXEMTIONS OR CHANGES. They do not deserve special treatment from the law they supported. They must live by it like all of us or get it completely repealed.

No more of this good enough for you but not for me stuff.

You unions don’t like the way this affects you? Well neither do we and we don’t want to be forced to comply while you get special treatment.

Time to completely repeal this monstrosity or bend over and grab your ankles.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare Needs More Money – SURPRISE!

Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass it to see what was in it and Obama promised it would not add costs (I think he said it would bend the cost curve down) to the budget. Looks like Pelosi was right because we have been finding all kinds of bad things that no one knew about now that the monstrosity has been passed.

Obama was wrong when he said it would not increase costs. It is more likely he lied in order to create a new crisis that must be solved with more money because that is how progressives work. They create a problem, come up with a solution and when that solution causes more problems they develop solutions to the newly created problem. Those solutions involve more money and bigger government (and more problems). It is a never ending cycle.

Democrats are blaming Republicans for everything under the sun (even though the Democrats caused the problems) in hopes of retaking the House in 2014. But secretly Democrats are worried they might lose the Senate, in part, because of Obamacare.

The Democrats are vulnerable in 2014 because Senate seats in red states are up for reelection and many red state citizens are not happy with Obamacare. The costs continue to rise and every day a new item is found that people do not like.

Max Baucus (D- MT) has stated that Obamacare will be a train wreck if it is not implemented properly (and all indications are that it is not) and he has seen the writing on the wall. He has decided he will not run for reelection and the thinking is that his seat will turn Republican. Many other Democrats face similar circumstances and will be in trouble.

Republicans will hang Obamacare around their necks (remember, not one Republican voted for it).

Harry Reid has recently concluded that Baucus is correct and is saying that more money is needed to properly implement Obamacare. So there you have it, the monstrosity that is Obamacare needs MORE of our tax dollars in order to be implemented. The bill was touted as costing fewer than a trillion dollars (900 billion) but many people who looked at it stated it would end up costing in the neighborhood of 2.5 TRILLION dollars. Looks like we are approaching that level.

So much for bending that cost curve down.

Obama was wrong, or he lied. Either way we are stuck with paying more for a law that will not do what it claimed. It will not save us money, it still leaves millions uninsured, people can’t keep their doctors, there will be death panels, and illegals will be covered by the law.

Yes, it is a progressive monstrosity. Like Social Security, it is a progressive plan designed to enslave people to government and will end up costing more than claimed (by design).

It is good that Democrats could lose the Senate but that will only solve one problem. It will keep Obama in check for his last two years (but it will give him another entity to blame) but having Republicans in charge is no solution to our problems either. We have had that and we ended up with problems.

We need to have a complete overturn of Congress. The Senate can’t happen all at once because of the way they are voted on. We can solve part of the problem by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment and go back to how our founders wanted Senators installed, by appointment from the states (not the people). That will take a while and is not likely to happen at all given the Amendment process.

However, WE can vote them out every two years until we turn the upper chamber over.

We can also get rid of EVERY member of the House in one fell swoop.

All it takes is for the people to take back the country.

We can do it but we need to put country above party and ensure we hold ALL politicians accountable. Remember, they think they are better than you. As they discuss more money for Obamacare they are working on ways to exempt themselves and their staff members.

The country needs an enema to flush the toilet floaters out of DC.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Businesses Seeking Relief From Obamacare

Anyone with a brain knew Obamacare would cause problems. The law and the regulations implemented to enforce it are cumbersome and do nothing to help. The cost of the program has risen since it was enacted (they lied about what it would cost) and the downstream current of the law has caused the cost of private insurance to go up. The DHHS has admitted that because of Obamacare insurance will cost much more.

Businesses across the nation are appealing to the government for relief from the costs of this law. Specifically, businesses in states that have refused to bow down to big government are the ones asking for relief. They need help because the SCOTUS shot down the Medicaid requirement. The SCOTUS ruled that states could not be compelled to participate in the expansion and a number of them have decided not to do so.

This means that businesses will have to foot the bills and if any of their employees end up in a state exchange the employers will have to pay $3000 for each employee who joins.

This means a lot of businesses will end up in financial trouble. Some will likely end up closing their doors or they will fire enough people to get under the 50 employee mark where Obamacare is applicable.

It certainly sucks to be in the position in which these businesses find themselves but they should not get any kind of relief. If they are given relief then the costs will be shifted to everyone else. Those of us who pay taxes are already paying for the law and those who benefit from it. We are footing the bill for everyone else and if we have to cover the cost to these businesses then we will be paying even more.

It is not my job to provide health care dollars for someone else. It is my job to take care of me and my family. This is true of anyone who knows what responsibility is. Yes, we need programs in place to cover the absolute poorest among us and those who absolutely cannot afford health care BUT there are not many of those people out there.

Those who can afford cell phones, multiple cars, satellite or cable TV, expensive clothes and the newest modern gadgets can pay for their own health care insurance.

Anyone who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and/or drinks a few beers or other drinks could quit doing so and use the money to buy basic health insurance. Give up the cell phone and the satellite/cable TV and they could buy a better plan.

It is about responsibility and choice.

As for the businesses, if they do not feel the pain and if their workers do not feel the pain then they will never learn. Anyone affected who voted for Obama and his minions voted for this to take place. Those who did not vote for him are, sadly, collateral damage in the war on the people waged by government.

They were all warned and now they are finding out that their decision (or the decision of the low information voters) comes with consequences.

Let them live with their decisions or the decisions of others. If their business cannot thrive in a state that has refused the Medicaid expansion then these businesses are free to move to states that have.

Or they can fire any of their employees who voted for Obama until they get down to 49.

Then they can ignore the law and their former employees can deal with the change they voted for.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Obamacare Will Add More Than One Dime

When Democrats were ramming Obamacare through Congress they assured us that it would bend the cost curve down and that health care would cost less money than it does now. They assured us that the private insurance companies had caused runaway costs and that Obamacare was the answer.

They claimed it was a wonderful plan. It was so wonderful that the Democrats had to bribe some of their own members and lie to others (on no federal funds for abortion) in order to get them to vote for passage. After it passed it was so wonderful that Democrats granted thousands of waivers to their friends. All those folks who supported Obamacare and pushed for it to be passed promptly applied for, AND RECEIVED, waivers so they would not have to participate.

Conservatives and Republicans (not one in the same) argued that adding millions of people to the health care rolls (ironically, nearly as many will be uninsured under Obamacare) would increase costs. The excessive regulations and the free reign given to the Secretary of the HHS all but ensured Obamacare would cost more.

Barack Obama said that it would not cost one dime more (everything with him is one dime probably because of all the dime bags he bought in the past). He told us that he would not sign a bill that added one dime to the deficit.

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future,” Obama told a joint-session of Congress in September 2009. “I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.” National Review

In all fairness, none of his programs add one dime. They add lots more…

According to the CBO, Obamacare will add 6.2 trillion dollars to the deficit.

That is 62 TRILLION more dimes….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

