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The Left is Pathetic

There is a site that has pictures of people apologizing to the rest of the world for the results of the election.
First of all, who gives a damn what the rest of the world thinks? This is America and we call our own shots. I do not hear anyone from other countries apologizing when their leaders do things their people do not like. As far as I am concerned they can jump in the ocean. I think these hateful Americans at this web site are really misguided. Hateful? Yes, they called us dumb, stupid, immoral, and said we hate America. Just read some of the signs. I have this to say to all the people in the pictures. GET A LIFE. Quit whining like a bunch of school girls and suck it up. Your man lost and that is that. Those of you who indicated you would like to leave please do. If you do, please denounce your citizenship and promise not to come back.
Now for a few of the pictures:

A couple upset with the lack of success of the gay marriage issue.

A man who should not have disgraced his uniform.


And a European who is ashamed of her heritage and does not know basic grammar.


Like I said, this is pathetic. I could not care less what the rest of the world thinks about our election. They should worry about getting their own houses straight before they worry about us. The other pathetic thing is a lot of these people were begging not to be hit by terrorists. Cowards! They actually imply the terrorists should hit the people who voted for Bush. What a sad state of affairs. These people obviously have very small brains. The site is located here.

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My Attempt to Steal the Election

Now that the election is over I can tell you how I did my part to steal the election. Yes, I am afraid I was a bit dishonest. Prior to the election there was a big push by an organization called vote pair. They hatched a scheme to reallocate votes for John Kerry. It worked like this. People who lived in battleground states, who were voting for a third party candidate, and Kerry supporters in states where Bush or Kerry were expected to win easily registered at their site. They then paired voters from those entries. The scheme is that the Kerry supporters would vote for the third party candidate in the heavily Kerry or Bush states and the third party supporters would vote for Kerry in battleground states. This reallocation of votes was suppose to help both by giving the third party candidates enough votes to get federal matching funds and help Kerry win the election.

I read about this and I felt it was improper. If you want to vote in a battleground state you should move there. I saw this as an attempt to bypass the electoral college. So I immediately signed up as a third party supporter (Nader) and said I was from Pennsylvania. PA did not turn out to be much of a battleground but it was when I signed up. Also, I live in Maryland and picked PA so I would have an idea about the place in case someone was bright enough to test the veracity of my claim.

Lo and behold I was paired with some guy named Mike in the great state of Utah. I got an email from him and he was excited. I told him how I was ready to vote for Kerry as long as he voted for my man Nader. Then, on election day I voted for George Bush happy in the knowledge that Mike wasted his vote. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

Now, for all I know he voted for Kerry but in any case it stopped vote pair from getting an extra, reallocated vote for Kerry. I find it strange that with all the conspiracy theories and whining by Michael Moore and others, that this was never mentioned as an attempt at voter fraud. I guess in retrospect, given Moore’s idiocy, I really don’t find it that strange. By the way, I highly recommend the book Michael Moore is a Stupid Fat White Man. It is a good book and exposes the fraud he is a party to each and every time he does a crocumentary.

Mike in Utah, I hope you are not crushed by Kerry’s defeat. I also hope you will consider correctly participating in the voting process the next time around. You were caught in a clandestine operation that involved more than just me. Ahh, the power of the internet.

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The Hysteria Continues

I read the other day, I think it was at Drudge, that a college professor was leaving the United States and moving her family to Italy. She indicated that she was leaving as a result of the election. She indicated that more than 50% of the population was uneducated, just did not understand what was going on. She stated that she was moving so her children could get a better education. Her remark was that they could not get a good education in America.

Well now there you have it. A liberal college professor, who is responsible for teaching, admitted that American children do not get a good education. Perhaps this person could explain how it is that she was not doing her job. She was getting all that money to teach our kids and she says they will not get a good education. Perhaps it is because college professors spend their time bombarding our children with their mindless liberal prattle instead of teaching them something.

She is throwing in the towel. She had to quit because her candidate lost. Most people would not quit but I understand why she did. The article said she was from France. The only thing the French know how to do is surrender.

I say let her go and have her take all the tenured professors at the institutions of “higher education” with her. Then we can put some people in the colleges who actually teach. I think she had it wrong. The minority of the voters who turned out were not informed. They were the uneducated. They were lead around by Kerry like the sheep they are. I hope all of her kind get on a plane and go. Then there will be less uneducated voters in the next election.

UPDATE: I found the link to the article. It was at ABC News.

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They Just Keep Proving Our Point

The folks on the left are really out there. They have been talking about the Kerry loss everyday and they keep coming up with excuses. The strange thing is that this has divided us even more because of the outright hatred that they promulgate. This week we have heard that all the Jesus freaks voted for Bush. We have heard that the people in the red states are not as smart as those in the blue. Now they are saying that those in the red states pay less taxes than the blue states and that the red sponges off the government getting more than they pay in.

I have said that it stands to reason the blue states pay more in taxes. If you look at them it is not hard to figure that this is where a lot of very wealthy people live. The whole left part of California voted blue and we know the bulk of the millionaire stars live there. Look at New York. Of course a great deal of wealthy people live there in the money center of our country. The interesting thing is that the left would have you look at the states and use the color as an indicator. I say to look at the county by county map for a better picture. Many blue states are overwhelmingly red except in the most heavily populated areas.

The data for the 2004 election is not yet available because some areas are continuing to count votes. They are also waiting for Dan Rather to call Ohio. I took the data from the 2000 election, which has a very similar county by county profile (and probably more red this time). Bush won 2463 counties in 2000 and Gore won 675. This equates to 78% and 22% respectively. So if we go by the argument that the blues pay most of the taxes we can conclude that most of the taxes are paid by 22% of the country. The rest of the taxes are paid by 78% of the country. This is what they are, in essence, saying.

When Bush cut taxes there was this big outcry about tax cuts for the rich and that the wealthiest people were not paying their fair share. Why should the rich get a tax cut. Many on the right tried to point out that 20% of the taxpayers paid 80% of the taxes. The map and the donks arguments about taxes make this case quite easily. So, now we have established that the wealthiest pay most of the taxes and therefore, are entitled to a return of some of what they paid in.

We also need to look at something else. If the Bush tax cuts only helped the rich why are the less affluent people, those in the red states, paying less taxes than the rich. If the red states are getting more than they are paying in does not it stand to reason that the rich are paying the lion’s share. Is not this what John Kerry said he would do and that Bush would not? Kerry said he would only tax the wealthiest Americans. These numbers make the case that this is already happening. In addition, the tax cuts have helped the 78% of the people in the middle class (red states) and are working as intended.

The last thing I would point out is that the donks have shown their true (blue) colors. They have been crying that the middle class is paying too much in taxes and that Bush has only helped the rich. This mindless tripe spewed from Kerry’s mouth all through the campaign. Now that the donks have lost the election the left is crying that the people in the red states are a burden and do not pay their fair share. As usual they have been exposed for the hypocrites they are. They might think those in the red states are not bright but I argue they were smart enough to see what Bush has done for them and what the donks would have done to them. That is why they voted George Bush in for four more years.

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Dereliction of Duty; a book review

I just finished Dereliction of Duty by Lt Col Robert “Buzz” Patterson. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in how the Clinton White House ran. Patterson was the Air Force Aide to President Clinton for 2 years. This highly professional officer tells first hand how Bill Clinton compromised the security of the United States by:

Allowing Osama bin Laden to live or remain free by not capturing or killing him when he was given several chances.

Losing the nuclear launch codes.

Sending the military on over 40 missions that stretched the limits of the service. This while downsizing all the forces and reducing their combat equipment.

Failing to react to the numerous acts of terrorism directed against the United States.

Lt Col Patterson exposes the hatred Bill and Hillary had for the military. He shows how Clinton was often out fund raising instead of leading and all at the expense of the taxpayers. Patterson also shows how racism was alive and well in the Clinton White House and how prominent blacks like Jessie Jackson looked down on minority help. This book is a must read and will quickly dispel the lies the left has spun about the Clinton Presidency.

Hats off to this fine American for telling the truth. Perhaps Michael Moore can read this so he will know exactly what his man Clinton was really like.

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