Not Voting is a Vote!

I know there are many liberals out there who are not enchanted with John Kerry. They do not like him and they feel there were better choices for their party’s nomination. Now they are walking around in a haze because they do not want to vote for Bush but they can not stand Kerry. The donks break down in to two categories this year. The yellow dogs who would vote for Hussein if he were registered as a democrat and the anybody but Bush crowd. The first group will never vote Bush and the second will vote anybody but Bush. They are just sick about having to vote for Kerry.

Fear not my little donk friends. You do not have to vote for anyone if you do not want to. Not voting is a vote in and of itself. You are saying neither candidate by not voting.. Yes it is true, not voting is an expression that you are not satisfied with either person so you opt out. No one will hold it against you and you do not have to compromise your ideals by voting for someone you do not want in there. Take my word for it, don’t vote and you will feel better.

News Tid Bits

I am getting ready to watch my Ravens play football. I thought I would get a few news items on the blog before I vegetate in front of the game.

The New York Times is reporting that Bush has a Higher IQ than does Kerry. Well, they did not exactly put it that way. They said:

To Bush-bashers, it may be the most infuriating revelation yet from the military records of the two presidential candidates: the young George W. Bush probably had a higher I.Q. than did the young John Kerry.

You will notice that the Times put their own spin on it to soften the blow. They say Bush probably HAD a higher IQ. Well, someone should tell the NYT that IQ is generally not something that changes over time. Of course, like ABC, NBC, and SeeBS, they are in Kerry’s back pocket and they can’t bare it that their elitist Perrier drinking, snob does not have as high an IQ as the president, who they always refer to as dumb.

Well, I have always felt Kerry was not bright. I felt he was crafty. How could a person go to Vietnam, get a chest full of medals in 4 months, come home and protest causing more harm to our fighter and POW’s, run for and win public office and not accomplish anything in 20 years and think he would get this past the public. These items have been addressed but Kerry spins everything to his advantage with innuendo and lies. He has not released all his military records. He said he did but the Navy says he did not. I wonder just what he is hiding? How about the young LT(jg) got a sexually transmitted disease while in the Nam? How about he had a less than honorable discharge because of his anti-war activities after he came home? I do not know if these are true but these would be the kinds of things a man aspiring to be president would want kept hidden. Well, maybe not the STD part. Most Kerry supporters are the Clintonites and the hippies of the 60’s who believed in free love and all that. They probably look at a good case of the clap as a battle wound. Perhaps this explains the Purple Hearts?

Terry McAuliffe (DNC) and Ed Gillespie (RNC) were on meet the press today. They both claimed, as expected, their candidates would win decisively on election day and that we would know the winner that day. McAuliffe stated that we would know early. Perhaps he tipped his hand with regard to what was reported earlier. Kerry plans to claim victory early regardless of what the polls show. He will do this to keep republicans from going to the polls. This is an overt method of disenfranchising the Bush supporters. So remember what I have said all along.


The MSM and Kerry have plans to steal this election. The only way to keep that from happening is to win and win BIG. We can win big by going to the polls regardless of what they are doing in the news. I do not care if they say Bush or Kerry is up by 50 points get out and vote. Do not let Kerry laugh at the stupidity of people who left the polls only to hand him the victory.

We must stay the course and we will win. Kerry might be able to pull the wool over his supporter’s eyes. He might be able to spin yarns about his service and the time after. He might be able to fool some in to believing he actually does anything in the Senate, but by God he will not fool Bush supporters in to not voting.

Stay the course and fight the good fight and we will win.

Cher and Eminem Spout Off, Show Intelligence

Pop diva Cher and Rap bad-boy Eminem, aka Marshall Mathers, have opened their mouths and inserted their collective feet in giving their opinions about the upcoming presidential election.
Cher’s rant appears to have come from a woman with too much booze, drugs, or both in her system.

Cher warned clubgoers to fight Bush, before “it’s too late”:

“All the gay guys, all my friends, all my gay friends, you guys you have got to vote, alright? Because it would only be a matter of time before you guys would be so screwed, I cannot tell you. Because, you know, the people, like, in the very right wing of this party, of these Republicans, the very very right wing, the Jerry Falwell element, if they get any more power, you guys are going to be living in some state by yourselves. So, I hate scare tactics, but I really believe that that’s true.”

“I think that as Bush will, if Bush gets elected, he will put in new Superior Court judges, and these guys are not going to want to see gay pride week.”

Cher declared that Abraham Lincoln “looks like Kerry on a crappy day.”

The former Ms. Bono and and about fifty other names, spoke to a few hundred people at a gathering that was suppose to have about a thousand. Perhaps this half baked performer does not get it. People do not want to hear what she and the other entertainers have to say about politics. They should go on stage and perform and keep their opinions to themselves.
Of course, being the liberal elitist she is, Cher blamed the poor turn out on the people who arranged it. Cher has had all that plastic surgery. Perhaps they could take her back in and get her mouth sewn shut.
Read it here

Now for Eminem. This stellar member of society, opens his mouth and out comes the f word. I am not opposed to the f word and I actually like his music (most of it) but he does not paint a picture of intelligence when every other word starts with an f.

Here are a few great comments from this political genius:

He jumped the gun, and he f**ked up so bad he doesn’t know what to do right now.

Bin Laden attacked us and we attacked Saddam. We ain’t heard from Saddam for ten years, but we go attack Saddam. Explain why that is. Give us some answers.

Now I don’t hold it against Mathers for expressing his opinion. But here is a guy that does not draw the connection between Hussein and terrorists. Just like Kerry, he does not get it. And all this talk about people getting killed and us attacking Iraq. How do we listen to his moral stance on a war when he is on six years probation for assault (does not sound too peaceful to me). I also believe there have been instances involving him and weapons. Perhaps Mathers should clean up his own house before he worries about taking on the daunting task of U.S. foreign policy. Eminem, a piece of advice. George Bush won’t tell you how to write music or rap if you don’t tell him how to run the country.

To his credit, Mathers admits he would like to see Bush out of office but is not sold on Kerry. He is still undecided.

Read the article here.

October Surprise

There are rumors starting to surface that the Washington Times will print a story on Monday that will be damaging to John Kerry. Sources are indicating that a story will hit the front page Monday and deal with something about foreign policy and Kerry’s truthfulness.

Other than that there is no indication as to what the story is about but many blogs are indicating that the story is going to be a bomb. We will have to wait and see what this is about. I do not want to speculate because the stories about the Times piece are very preliminary and not a lot of information is being disseminated. I am sure that if and when any story breaks the blogosphere will come alive with activity.

This is a heads up to make you think of all the things it could be. I personally think this would have to be something new because the MSM has given Kerry a pass on about everything. In addition, this had better be concrete so there will be no backlash on the republicans because no matter who is responsible for the story if it is bad it will stick to the people on the right.

One other thing of which you can be sure. If everyone on the web is buzzing about a potential story breaking, you can bet Kerry and his people are aware also. They might not know the content but they know there is a buzz. I would imagine that Kerry could probably find out what the content is. After all, there are no secrets in DC. Kerry will spend plenty of time this weekend minimizing any damage expected from the story. Keep your eyes and ears open because this could get interesting.

I also have to think that this must be pretty good to release it 8 days before the election. I would expect any surprises to be released just before the election to keep the affected party from having time to respond. Perhaps with all the early voting that is being allowed they want to reach people before they actually cast their ballots.

Of course, there is the possibility that this is a bunch of hype and it will be anticlimactic. Hell, I would not be surprised if the donks leaked the story info to get it built into a fury so when it comes out it will appear “not that bad.”

I will keep my eyes on the target Sunday to see what comes out and comment then.

Some ideas? If you have any thought about what the story is about, comment here and we will see who is closest to correct.

Interview with Ace Ventura, Pet Detective

A little humor to take your mind off the bad things in life…

As you know, John Kerry went goose hunting in Ohio. Kerry decided to show everybody what a regular guy he is by pandering to the gun owners and hunters in America.

We caught up with Ace Ventura, Pet Detective to ask him about the goose hunting expedition.

Us: Mr. Ventura, a lot has been made about John Kerry and those geese he allegedly shot. Can you give us your impression about Kerry and his hunting escapades?

Ace: You have read in the papers that John Kerry went hunting and shot at least one goose. (swwuuuuuuth, Taking deep breath) What you wouldn’t read about is how John Kerry lost his mind, dressed up in camouflage, grabbed a shotgun and headed for the woods only to be met by a bunch of reporters who he banished from the hunt while he walked into the woods with his band of brother hunters and a dog by his side with high expectations of shedding his image of a gun grabbing liberal senator from Massachusetts who voted for every form of gun control and supports the group PETA only to emerge with three or four dead birds carried by others while he cradled his shotgun avoiding most questions.(swwuuuuth, Taking deep breath)
That man is an imposter, that’s not John Kerry, John Kerry hates guns!

Us: Thank you Ace

There you have it. Ace Ventura debunks another Kerry myth.