Is It Really Worth All That? Kerry Loss Deemed a “Blast”

I heard that some guy went to Ground Zero where the World Trade Center Towers use to stand and committed suicide. It appears this person was distraught that Kerry lost the election. The first thought I had was that Michael Moore finally did something worth while but it turns out it was not he.

You can read the story here. The question I have is was the election worth this? I would have been devastated if Bush had lost. Not for me but for the country. I know how bad it can get with the wrong leader and I know Kerry was the wrong person for the job. Having said that, I can tell you that if he had won I would not have committed suicide. I lived through the debacle of the Carter presidency and I lived through the years of the Clinton White House that did nothing except make our country weaker. I also know that no matter who occupies the White House it is only for a maximum of eight years. You can screw a lot up in eight years if left unabated but that is why we have three branches of government.

I feel sorry for the family of this person. I do not feel sorry for the guy himself. He did a totally selfish thing that those left behind will have to deal with. I am sure he had a history of mental illness and this election was a trigger for much deeper problems.

Michael Moore listed 17 reasons not to slit your wrists after the Bush victory. I will say that it would be OK if Moore just slit his wrists. I will also say that if you follow Michael Moore and believe what he says then you are not far from the state of mind that caused this fellow in New York to swallow the barrel of a shotgun.

Mike Hersh Denonstrates the Problem with Donks

The election is over and the results have finally been tallied. Now the republicans will get back to the business of running the country while the left analyses the election to death to figure out why they lost. I believe they will not find the answer anytime soon. The left is so confident that they are correct and everyone else is wrong they will not be able to see that they are out of touch with most of America. Take Mike Hersh and the ding-a-lings over at his site. You have seen posts from me in the past that show how this guy will do anything to get Bush out of office. He has told so many lies I think he is beginning to believe them. In addition, he does not want to hear any dissenting opinions. He does not have the ability for anyone to comment at his site so the only way to communicate is by email. Problem is, he edits your email and then publishes it with a condescending rant on how you are some kind of inferior jerk and he has “destroyed” you and your argument. Then he blocks your email from his server so it gets returned. Sounds like little penis syndrome to me, but that is his problem.
Let’s take a look at the analysis from the “intellectuals” at Mike

Bev Harris, Executive Director of Black Box Voting writes: Our organization has taken the position that fraud took place in the 2004 election through electronic voting machines. We base this on hard evidence, documents obtained in public records requests, inside information, and other data indicative of manipulation of electronic voting systems. What we do not know is the specific scope of the fraud. We are working now to compile the proof, based not on soft evidence – red flags, exit polls – but core documents obtained by Black Box Voting in the most massive Freedom of Information action in history

Here is a ding-a-ling named Bev Harris telling us they know voter fraud took place. They have taken the position that fraud took place and they have soft evidence. How about the fraud toward republicans. All those who were denied in Chicago, the voter fraud capital of the country. How about the votes in the machines in Philadelphia before the polling places opened. How about the large number of republicans who had to vote on a provisional ballot because their names were mysteriously removed from the rolls. If any fraud took place it went both ways. I have a novel idea. If you guys are so worried about voter fraud why do you fight requirements for photo ID to vote? Perhaps it is because it would make it harder for you guys to cheat. I think it is amazing that you need an ID to get on a plane or to cash a check but not to vote. You want reform in this country let’s start with voter reform and close the loopholes the donks have exploited for years. Remember, 10 out of 10 dead people vote democrat.

Here is something else from moonbat central:

Jodi Schmidt writes: Remember, Kerry won more states than Gore did. Bush’s media-pimped “man date” is confined to a razor-thin and questionable Ohio “victory” and a few million votes concentrated in Texas and the whiter parts of the South. Don’t let our enemies dictate our agenda.

Here is a moonbat saying there is no mandate because the victory was a razor thin, questionable vote in Ohio. Hey moonbat, perhaps you should pay attention to the world. First of all, Bush won more counties than in 2000. If you look at a county by county map you will see George Bush won thousands of them compared to Kerry’s hundreds. Kerry won populated areas of large metropolitan areas. In California, he only won the very western part. The rest of the state voted Bush. The western most part just has most of the population. The victory in Ohio was only questionable to the donks. John Kerry conceded because he knew there was no way to win. Believe me, if there was any chance at all of showing fraud or reversing the Ohio vote Kerry would have never conceded. He knew he could not prove fraud especially since it did not exist. It is amazing that the moonbats would accuse people in the various states of cheating. These are hard working people who just want to get it right. Are there people who do bad things? Sure, like voting for old people by pushing the Kerry button without asking who they want to vote for. This was reported and is on record but Hersh and Moore and the rest of the conspiracy theorists do not point this out. Another thing. Why are you not questioning the vote in Pennsylvania or New Hampshire? They went for Kerry and NH was a smaller margin than Ohio. If you want to be fair shouldn’t we have a look at that one. Or are you saying that it is only questionable when Bush wins? Those others must be right because only insane people voted for Bush. Get real and get over it. This moonbat also refers to the right as “our enemies.” I have always been of the mind that we are not enemies just adversaries. I guess this shows how the left thinks. Thing is, they were willing to float the idea that France, Russia, and Germany wanted Kerry. They let us know how he spoke to many world leaders (also proven to be a lie) and they wanted him in there. Arafat, the terrorist leader of Palestine, endorsed Kerry. Well, Ms. moonbat, you got your wish. We DID NOT let our enemies dictate our agenda.

I also commented recently how Hersh keeps saying we are going to have a draft. This is untrue and I debunked his assertion in an earlier post. He is trying to stir up bad feelings. When I was a kid we called his kind sore losers. If you want to read more about the draft go to the Urban Legends Post.
Mike Hersh writes: Millions of voters failed the test of citizenship, in part because Republicans lie so effectively and the media refuse to do their jobs. For example, Dick Cheney threatened Americans saying a vote for Kerry was a vote for a devastating nuclear attack in our cities. Those most familiar with real al Qaeda attacks rejected Cheney’s indefensible threats. Ground Zero for 9/11 – New York City, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia and even Northern Virginia supported the Democrats. Still, Cheney’s vicious campaign worked by exploiting fear of terrorism elsewhere.

Republicans created and benefited from a massive information vacuum through dishonesty and immorality. Media irresponsibility helped maintain this fog of deceit. In this environment, the Democrats failed as teachers. The Republican method rests on manipulating misinformed people, and making sure they remain misinformed and pliable. While Democrats try to educate the electorate, Republicans try to trick voters and – failing that – to deny voting rights. Democrats have to knit together facts honestly into a compelling narrative. It should be easy. In the end, the truth always beats lies.

Get this. Because people voted for Bush they failed the citizenship test. This must include the military members who voted overwhelmingly for Bush. Well twit boy, perhaps you would like to tell a bunch of our American heroes they failed. I’ll bet it will take you a month to get all the boot prints out of your rear end. The republicans were very good at lying and playing fear. Let us think about this Hersh. Who was it that said all his military records had been released when they had not? Who was it that said he was in Cambodia but then had to say he was not? Who was it that said the missing explosives could be used to level buildings and bring down airplanes? Now I ask you why you have not pointed out these lies of Kerry and the fears he raised about explosives that were missing before we arrived and had been gone for over 18 months? There are many examples of Kerry lies on the campaign trail but you chose to ignore them. You have ignored the fact that Kerry was a traitor and should have been tried for treason. You have ignored the fact that documents linking him to Hanoi have surfaced. You have ignored the story that indicates Kerry most likely received a dishonorable discharge for collaborating with the enemy. So who is it that really needs to be educated? I would also challenge you to show one instance where the republicans were immoral. Why were you not so enraged when Clinton was immoral? You make the claim that the media is biased toward Bush. What planet are you from? Rather ran phony documents and the NYT and 60 Minutes were in cahoots to run the explosives story, that they knew was old and false, just before the election to hurt Bush. ABC had its memo informing the staff that they did not have to treat the candidates fairly and that they could be more harsh on Bush. The MSM never investigated the stories I alluded to above. When Fox called Ohio for Bush the Kerry folks got on the phone and called the other networks and told them not to call it. They listened. Stolen Honor was protested and lawsuits were threatened against theater owners who showed it but the same thing never happened with F9/11. Amazing how you can look at the same things as the rest of us and arrive at so many wrong conclusions. This has been a problem of the left for a long time. You argue from a position of emotion rather than using logic.

Their Plan B is to impeach Bush. Good luck folks. He has not committed an impeachable offense. I guess you were just as adamant about Clinton being impeached for his antics in office. Oh yea, Clinton was a democrat so he did not do anything wrong. Well donks, if Clinton had not been so preoccupied with his sextraciricular activities perhaps he would not have emboldened the terrorists to attack us. We are mopping up the mess he left by being passive towards attacks on our nation.
Mike Hersh is an idiot. He has a self esteem problem that requires him to show the rest of us how stupid we are. He probably has a mental illness because he is always talking about conspiracies against the nation by the Bush family. Hersh, I know you think your liberal ideologies make you superior to those of us on the right that are too stupid to get it. Perhaps one day you would like to get in a ring with me, right against left and we can see how well your side does. I’m just kidding, my mother taught me not to pick on the weak.

They Just Can’t Accept Defeat

There were quite a few unhappy people in America on the 3rd of November. It is OK to be unhappy. Sometimes things in life do not go the way we want. We conservatives were taught that life isn’t fair. We take setbacks and use them as incentive to do better, to achieve more, to win.

The people depicted in these PICTURES could not accept the fact that George Bush was reelected. They are from California and they do not like Bush or the middle of the United States. Rather than publish the pictures I posted a link because some of these cretins have used, shall I say, colorful language on their posters. I would not want these to just pop up in case you have children near by.

Enjoy looking at the moonbats in full glory. Then realize we have won this battle but we have a long way to go. We need to keep up the pressure to ensure the people who represent these over achievers are not elected to any office.

Remember, 4 years goes by quickly and Hillary Clinton will be the next one in the hopper. My prediction: She will win the nomination and pick Barak Obama to be her Vice President.
It is not too early to work on her defeat.

Mike Hersh Cries Again!

Mike Hersh has been crying since the election. This is the guy who has been hard on President Bush since the 2000 election. He has it in his mind that Bush was not elected despite the count, and recount, and recount, etc. He is even saying that George Bush stole this election! This is from his site:

Despite promises to fight for every vote, Kerry rolled over and let Bush get away with stealing another election.

He is of the mind that John Kerry should have contested Ohio and fought for every vote. Hey Mike, he could not win. It was a mathematical impossibility. He would have needed every provisional vote that was cast and even Stevie Wonder could see that wouldn’t happen.

This guy claims that Bush is bad but he is nothing more than a partisan hack. He did not care who won as long as it was not Bush and it was a democrat. This guy thinks Bill Clinton was the best president we have ever had. I can tell you that all through the election he has been talking Kerry up and saying how we need to beat Bush. This is from his post election commentary (emphasis mine):

Sen. John Kerry tried to straddle and finesse too many important issues, and inexplicably halted his campaign for critical weeks during the summer. His choices and tactics failed to deliver. He rolled over to right wing crimes and dirty tricks. He betrayed the voters in Ohio and elsewhere without a fight. In the end, Kerry was an unworthy choice, as I’d feared from the first.

Here is a guy admitting that while he was telling you to vote for Kerry he had doubts about Kerry’s worthiness. How can you trust a person who wants to remove President Bush and replace him with someone who is UNWORTHY? If this guy represents the democratic base the they are in trouble.

Here twit boy even brings up the idea that the Republicans will bring back the draft.

know this is hard to believe, but it’s true. The Republicans want to restart mandatory military service. We know this as “The Draft.” The Republicans do not respect our all-volunteer military. Even though it’s the mightiest fighting force ever seen in history. Even though that’s all we needed to win the Cold War.

He cites HB 3598 from the 107th Congress in 2001. There is a link on his site to this bill. What he neglects to tell anyone is that this bill dies. It was sponsored by 2 republicans (just as Bush took office and BEFORE 9/11 or the GWOT) and one of the sponsors withdrew his support. The bill died. Here is what I found:

Enlightened minds in Congress?:On the 20th of March 2002, Representative Ron Paul sponsored and introduced House Congressional Resolution 368. Expressing the sense of Congress that reinstating the military draft or implementing any other form of compulsory military service in the United States would be detrimental to the long-term military interests of the United States, violative of individual liberties protected by the Constitution, and inconsistent with the values underlying a free society as expressed in the Declaration of Independence
Unbelievable good news!: One of the bills co-sponsors has withdrawn his support for this piece of legislative garbage. On the 11th of April 2002, Representative Curt Weldon withdrew his support for the bill
This bill is dead and you will notice that it was deemed that a draft would be detrimental to the long term military interests of the US. Perhaps we should ask Mike Hersh why he picked this to try and scare the public, especially the draft aged people. It would be more interesting to hear Hersh explain why he neglected to inform his readers that the DEMOCRATS introduced bills (one Senate, one House) to reinstitute the draft. All the sponsors were democrats, ALL OF THEM. They did this in the election year to hurt the President but the Republicans called for a vote on the bills and they were soundly defeated. The sponsors even voted against the bills. Hey Hersh, why did you leave this out. George Bush said there would not be a draft. Like him or not when he says something he means it.
Mike Hersh is a sore loser and he is bad for this country. I am glad that we live in a free society where he can speak his mind, I just wish he would learn when not to speak. He is a LIAR and he will say anything to push the liberal agenda. He is full of crap and anyone who believes him needs help.
Mike, go find that POS Michael Moore and crawl under a rock with him. You two can swap lies with each other.

Time to Reflect

The election has been over for two days. I had intended to comment sooner but I had some connection problems.

Looking back over the last year or so I have a few observations about what took place and the historic victory of our President.

First we need to address Michael Moore. This loudmouth did everything he could to derail the President. His hack job of a movie was a pack of lies designed for one thing; to help remove the President from office. The night before the election Moore wrote a nasty article and he said good-bye to the President. On Wednesday, that article was no longer posted on his site. It would seem that the man who wants things out in the open did not want his errors left out there for everyone to see. This blowhard needs to crawl back under his rock. Moore, I want to say this directly to you. In 2000 you and your ilk called President Bush illegitimate and stated he was not elected. You said he did not have a mandate. Well take a good look. He won by over 4 million votes, took many states handily including Florida and Ohio. He won the election despite the crap he had to endure from the likes of you. And now fat boy, the President has a mandate and there is no doubt that he was elected. So shut your piehole and move on with your miserable life. Folks, if you are still in doubt about this POS then look at his web site. He wrote “My first thoughts after the election:”
And then he listed the names of all the dead military members fighting the war on terror with a picture of President Bush made up of the pictures of those war dead. Moore, perhaps someone should teach you what respect for the dead is. Perhaps you should be taught what it means to actually fight for something.
Ladies and gentlemen, this jerk just wants to make movies and then make money off those willing to pay for them. Don’t waste your money. I bet in the next six months he has a crocumentary out with all the film he shot on election day talking about how the election was stolen. Moore, I want you to charter a plane and put your liberal buddies Streisand, Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Puff Diddily, Cher, Eminem, the Dixie Sluts and anybody else not happy here and fly to France. They will be happy to have you and your kool aid drinking friends.

To Mr. John Edwards. You need to take your self serving butt back to private life. Go on out and sue a bunch of doctors over frivolous stuff so you can cry about how much health care costs. When you lost the election two good things happened. You were denied the White House and you were not in the Senate any more. America will not forget how you acted during this campaign and she will not forget how you have abused the system and screwed doctors to make your self a fortune. On a more personal note, I heard today that your wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. I will keep her in my prayers and I wish her the best in her treatment. I pray she has successful treatment and a speedy recovery. I hope, for her sake, you can find a doctor that is not afraid of lawsuits to treat her.

To the Main Stream Media. You guys backed a loser. You were in the tank for Kerry and you were let down. This is what happens when you sell your souls to the devil. Dan Rather and his phony documents, all the negative reporting, the bias. It was all amazing and it pained me to see once proud networks that had ethical standards stoop down low and play partisan politics. You will be no more to me than the transcription service for the democratic party. I will get my news from other venues. I only hope that you sink so low that you are replaced by fair and balanced reporting.

To Fox News. Thanks for providing fair and balanced reporting. You always had people from both sides on and you gave them equal respect. Your views are more right than center but you provide opposing view points. I can’t stand Alan Colmes but I am glad you have him on to provide balance to the show. This is what reporting should be.

To the rest of the Hollywood crowd. Those of you who think you speak for the rest of the public. Keep your mouths shut. Keep your opinions to yourself. We out here in the real world find it hard to take advice on morality and social issues from drug and alcohol abusers who have had a thousand abortions and as many marriages. Those of you who cry for peace in Iraq while shooting war movies and other films of violence to make money have no credibility. We do not want you to tell us what we should and should not do when you are out bad mouthing our country and supporting those who would do us harm. Perhaps one day the liberal coast of California will crack off and fall into the ocean. You can float out on your own little island and fight over who gets to be king. By the way, if you feel the Earth cracking, invite Michael Moore over for drinks…

To Ms. Traaaaaza Heinz. You need to get therapy, and lots of it. It is amazing that you have not been slapped into oblivion. You fit the mould of the liberal elitist. You are rich so you think everyone is entitled to your opinion. I am glad you are not going to the White House because the nation needs a First LADY, and you do not fit the bill. Every time you open your mouth you sound like a drunken sailor. Please, do us a favor and shut up.

To Terry McAuliffe, Joe Lockhart and the rest of the DNC talking heads. Now will you shut up and go home? We are tired of seeing you on TV spouting off lies about this and that. Terry, you need to get back to rehab, or the joint, or where ever it is you slither around. Please do us all a favor and get out of politics.

To John Kerry. Senator, you ran a nasty, divisive campaign. You deserved to lose. Your past caught up with you and you finally paid for the things you did at other people’s expense. You had ideas about being President since you were a young lad and your whole life has been a calculated plan to get that prize. Along the way you hurt a lot of people. The most unforgivable thing you did was turn your back on your fellow service members and cause them harm and grief. You broke the trust the warfighter must have in his team and you were a traitor to your nation. You helped the enemy and that was a sin. It is amazing you ever made it this far with the things you have done. Many others have had to call it quits over lesser offenses but you kept getting a pass. Mr. Kerry, that was God’s way of bringing you down a notch. He knows about you and your self-centered ways. He knows what you have done in the name of power and he was not happy. He let you get to the edge, right to where your prize was within reach, right to the edge, so close you could tase it and then he snatched it away from you. You have been smitten by the Almighty. I will give you credit for one thing. You had the decency to concede the election early. I understand the need to look at the numbers closely before making a decision. It was a close election and a once in a lifetime chance. No one should fault you for waiting to see what your options were. After you assessed the situation you saw you could not win so you had the decency to concede and did so graciously. Perhaps this will help heal some of the wounds you have inflicted along the way. I can never forgive you for what you did to our service members but I will thank you for bowing out gracefully.

This has been a great election with results that are best for the country. The people above are why the democrats are in bad shape. A once proud party is in ruins because of the way they act and the company they keep. This election was a mandate. Look at the number of seats the republicans picked up. The American public has spoken, now it is time for the donks to listen.