Would Have Been Good To Know

If Obama had not lied and had said this in the beginning it would have been much better. In other words, this would have been good to know (though many of us knew it).

“For the average person, many folks who don’t have health insurance initially, they’re going to have to make some choices. And they might end up having to switch doctors, in part because they’re saving money,” said Obama in an interview with the medical website WebMD. The Weekly Standard

[note]No one is saving any money. It is costing way more than it was sold for…[/note]

But he could not say this then because it would never have passed. He needs to say so now because an election looms in the near future and his party might take a beating for Obamacare.

See, if he had listened to the sane among us we would not have this failure of a health care law and his party might be doing better.

Here is my word to the Democrats running for reelection:

If you like your elected position you can keep your elected position, period…..

I hope many of you lose your jobs.

Though you still have hope because of the low information voters who need to be led around by their noses.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Unspoken Message From Obama To Illegals

Some time ago when Obamacare was being debated and Obama was giving his State of the Union Joe Wilson blurted out “you lie” when Obama said Illegals would not be able to sign up for the health insurance. Wilson caught hell for the utterance but it turns out that he was right.

Considering all the other lies Obama has been caught in this should come as no surprise.

At a meeting with immigrants there was concern from the group that the information they provide when they sign up would be shared with immigration to effect deportation proceedings. Obama told them not to worry because the information will not be shared. Obama made sure to tell them that the law was written so that illegals are not eligible.

He further stated that those who are here legally should sign up and have no fear that anyone in their house who is here illegally would be discovered because of the information provided.

Why would the people be worried about the information being shared with immigration if they are here legally? If they sign up and check out there should be no worry about others in their house because those folks will not be listed so they can’t be checked out.

Or will they be listed?

Obama made it clear that the information provided would not be shared. Therefore anyone, illegal or not, can sign up and have no fear of being discovered.

So let me rephrase what Obama said to them.

The law says illegals can’t sign up (wink, wink) but we won’t be checking if you are illegal or not. So have no worry and go ahead and sign up your legal (wink, wink) family members.

Joe Wilson was right when he called Obama a liar because Obama lied.

If we will not check to see if those signing up are here legally then we are encouraging the illegals to go ahead and sign up.

Yes, illegals will be able to sign up for Obamacare because while the law says they can’t we all know Obama does not support any law (or parts thereof) he does not like.

He is an absolute liar and Joe Wilson stands vindicated.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Duck And Cover Democrats

The Democrats shut down the government last October, of this there can be no doubt. I know they blamed Republicans who asked for a number of concessions including repealing Obamacare. Of course Democrats would not do that so Republicans asked for a delay in the Individual Mandate so that the people being affected by the law would have a reprieve.

Absolutely not was the response from Democrats.

The government shut down and there was uproar as Barack Obama worked to make it seem as uncomfortable as possible. We can’t have this government shut down because people depend on it (which is a problem as far as I am concerned).

[note]Interestingly, no one in DC screams that the people need the government and that it can’t shut down when it closes every time there is a bad snowstorm. The government has shut down a number of times this winter due to bad weather and no one in government had an issue with it.[/note]

But the very reprieve that Republicans were asking for, a delay in the Individual Mandate, has been granted by Imperial Leader Obama. He caught hell for all the cancellations and his lie about keeping your plan if you liked it was exposed. So Obama, who could have avoided the shutdown and the embarrassment of his lie being exposed in October, extended the Mandate. He pushed it a year down the road. He could have done that in October and the government would not have shut down so he is responsible despite what the left tells you.

But a problem happened when he extended the deadline a year. The extension could result in a nasty election day for Democrats because insurance companies are required by law to send out cancellation notices 90 days before the cancellation.

Those notices will go out about five weeks before the November midterm election and a lot of anger will be pointed at Democrats.

You see, no Republican voted for Obamacare. The Democrats used a lot of back room deals to get enough of their own to vote for it so they own it. It has been a disaster and many of them will be fighting for their political lives. The last thing they need is the cancellations that would have come out earlier this past year to start coming out just before the election. This will remind all voters that Obamacare took away their plans and give them plenty of reason to vote them out of office.

Barack Obama to the rescue.

Obama is set to announce another extension of the mandate and the sole reason is so that the cancellation notices do not come out prior to the election. It is already unconstitutional for him to change the law as he has done over 20 times but now he is playing political games with this change. There is no reason for the extension to be granted except to provide cover for vulnerable Democrats.

The constant changes from Obama have caused problems for insurance companies because they need a stable environment in order to assess the cost of coverage and to adjust premiums. In the ever changing Obamacare world they are unable to run their businesses. Here is what they should do. The law requires them to send the notices no later than 90 days but as far as I am aware there is no restriction on sending them out earlier.

These companies should send out the notices so that they reach people prior to the election. People need to know what lies ahead before they vote.

Of course, people need to be responsible too. They know that millions were dumped from their plans and they know that Obama lied when he told them they could keep them if they liked them so they need to understand that the extension only delays the inevitable.

Regardless of when the extension ends they will still lose their plans. They need to understand that Obama is only doing what he is doing to help Democrats avoid defeat in November.

Remember, these politicians only care about you when they want your vote. Once you put them back in office they will screw you every way they can. Dump them in November and get some fresh blood in there to shake things up and ensure your interests are taken into consideration.

It is amazing to me Obama has the nerve to claim that Putin is violating International Law when Obama is busy breaking American law.

Send him a message and cripple him in the next election. We might not be able to get anything passed because he has a veto pen BUT we can make him a true lame duck who cannot force his agenda on an unwilling population.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama And Fighting Old Battles

PictureDuring the State of The Union Address last night Imperial Leader B. Hussein Obama misstated the truth, fudged figures and told outright lies. He pulled out some of the old plays in trying to appeal to Americans who can either trust Obama or what their eyes see. On the subject of Obamacare he had this to say:

I don’t expect to convince my Republican friends on the merits of this law,” he said. “But I know that the American people aren’t interested in refighting old battles… Politico

Obama wants us to believe that a new law that is just being implemented is an old battle and he wants us to believe that Americans don’t want us to fight the battle. The reality is that nearly 65% of Americans do not like the law, millions have been dropped out of perfectly good insurance, millions more have been added to Medicaid and the law is costing way more than advertised. It is also true that Obama lied about the number of people signing up and that many of those who have enrolled are the ones who had their insurance cancelled because of the law. Couple this with the fact that few of the young are signing up and it is easy to see that disaster is looming.

We can beat the Obamacare horse to death but Obama and his toadies will keep pushing it. The only way to let them know how we feel is to get rid of every politician who voted for it.

But something else was quite interesting in the Obama lie fest last night. While Obama was telling members of Congress and the American people that he is an Imperial Leader who will legislate via his pen and Executive Orders he mentioned gun control. He plans on doing what he wants via EO and against the Constitution.

Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say “we are not afraid,” and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook. Guns Save Lives

If Barack Obama truly believes that Americans do not want to fight old battles then he should give up his fight to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms. That battle was fought and settled a little over 222 years ago (15 December 1791) when the Second Amendment was adopted as part of the Bill of Rights (the Bill of INDIVIDUAL Rights). That certainly qualifies as an old battle. A battle which was not only won but resulted in a right protected by inclusion in our Constitution which, as the alleged Constitutional Law professor should know, is the Supreme Law of the Land.

Obama wants you to believe that a four year old law that is still being implemented is old news, an old battle that Americans do not want to fight. At the same time he expects you to believe that firearms ownership is some new thing and that the battle over it must be fought. I have to believe that Obama knows better but he is a socialist and he knows that an armed society is a free society and he cannot tolerate freedom for the serfs. He can’t get away with imposing his will on us if we are able to resist the tyranny. He needs to make it as tough as possible (he would prefer total disarming) because he needs to be able to CONTROL us. Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.

No Executive order and no law will stop gun related violence because people who use guns to commit violence DO NOT OBEY THE LAW. If banning something or making it harder to get worked then we would not have a problem with people using heroin in this country.

Obama makes that case himself without even realizing it. In the quote above he said that things needed to be done to stop more tragedies in movie theaters, shopping malls and schools. ALL of the places he mentioned are gun free zones. People are not allowed BY LAW to have guns there.

If gun control laws worked then no shootings would take place at these places BUT BAD GUYS DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW.

In fact, these kinds of laws make it easier for criminals because they know that only law abiding people will follow the law and that there will be no armed opposition. You know I am right on this and you know that Obama is wrong.

Obama’s hometown of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation and people get shot there all the time. Maryland enacted tough gun laws last year and one person a day has been shot in Baltimore since the first of the year.

Gun control does not work and we will not stand for it.

We settled that issue 222 years ago after fighting the tyranny of our overlords.

That battle is old and the issue is settled. The last thing Obama wants or needs is to start a new battle on this issue.

[note]Obama mentioned guns once in his SOTU. He mentioned them a lot in last year’s SOTU. This is an election year and Democrats do not want to be saddled with a gun control fight when they know it is a losing issue for them. Obama is not up for reelection so he can push his Executive Orders while giving Democrats cover. He is also using EOs because he can’t get Congress to agree even when it is NOT an election year.[/note]

There are far too many armed citizens who will do what Obama and most other politicians refuse to do.


Molon Labe

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obamacare: Disaster by Design

Obamacare is designed to raise costs, cause cancellations and to put the health care system into chaos. It is not, despite any other claims, designed to improve things and it is not designed to make sure people without insurance get it. No, it is designed to fail but to do so in a way that makes it look like they really, no really, tried to make it work. It is designed this way so that Obama and his progressive cronies can push us into a single payer system where government completely controls the health care system.

This has been a dream of progressives for decades and now with the anointed one in office they are working overtime to ensure they get it.

Remember, Obama has always been an advocate for a single payer system with all its wealth redistribution schemes and health care rationing. Obama stated many times that he prefers single payer but he knows that he can’t get there all at once. It will take time.

Enter Obamacare. This fiasco was pushed through and it was designed to overload the system so that it will fail. It must fail but it must only fail after as many systems are in place to allow the easy transition to single payer. This is the entire game plan and it is what was intended from the start.

Obama and his progressive allies know that Americans would never give up their freedoms willingly so a direct assault would have ended in failure. The plan with Obamacare is to take things one step at a time until single payer looks like the last best hope for our system.

[note]“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf[/note]

In other words, Obama will wreck the system and then give us the only solution to save it and that solution, surprise, will be the single payer system that he has always wanted.

And many American morons will fall for it, will demand it and then will live their lives as chattel. They will be the property of the government an entity that will decide who gets what treatment and when. In a few decades we will be in line with countries that have second rate health care because Obama wanted it that way.

The fix is in. Obama pushed for Obamacare (a term he liked until it polled badly) and he made sure that the right members of Congress were paid off in order to secure votes. He got his Democrats to pass Obamacare and he did it without ONE Republican vote (Democrats own it). He needed it passed so he could push for single payer.

Obamacare is a bust. The issue with the website is just the tip of the iceberg. The system is heavy with regulation. It is extremely costly and it is not working the way they said it would. Obama and his minions lied to us to keep the disaster moving so he can get to the point of no return where single payer will be the only solution.

If you like your plan you can keep it, period. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period. This will lower your costs by $2500 a year. This will provide insurance to the millions who are uninsured.

The problem is these are all lies. Obama and his Democrats KNEW these were lies. They had to keep telling them so people would not revolt before the point of no return.

Now we are getting there. About 1.6 million people enrolled in Obamacare but nearly 1.5 million of them actually signed up for Medicaid. This will rapidly increase the costs the federal and state governments pay and it will bankrupt the system. Obamacare is designed so that the healthy young pay high premiums to subsidize the less healthy elderly. If millions of people (those healthy young) are enrolling in Medicaid then there is no money coming in to subsidize the elderly. Boom, the system blows up and Obama rides in with single payer to rescue us from the disaster he caused in the first place.

There is an excellent article in the New York Post by Michael Tanner that describes this. Another article in National Review by Andrew McCarthy explains the scheme to get us to single payer.

Both articles lay bare the myth of Obamacare’s intentions and show the dark truth that it is a very costly scheme to push us to single payer.

Obama might be a lot of things (and most of them are not nice) but one thing he is not is stupid. He knows what he is doing.

The problem is America is bent over holding her ankles while he is doing it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
