Maybe Obama Should Have Listened

Or perhaps he is finally getting it (I doubt it).

Barack Obama announced yesterday that he will not go ahead with his planned troop drawdown in Afghanistan. His original plan was to cut the nearly 10,000 troop strength in half.

During a meeting with new Afghan president Ashraf Ghani Obama announced the change in plans.

He has been warned for years about cutting strength in that fragile region of the world. He went ahead with his plan to remove troops from Iraq and the lack of a strong presence there helped create the monster known as ISIS. His actions have cost the US all the gains made during the hard fought wars.

One can debate whether we should have been there in the first place but the reality is we went there and since we did we had an obligation to keep the gains we made.

Obama was warned time and again that drawing down too soon would end in disaster. He did not listen and now that region is in a whole lot worse shape then when he took office.

He thinks he is the smartest man in the room so he did not listen because he was hell bent on doing everything he could to end the wars he never supported.

I want our troops to come home as much as anyone else but I know they do not want to come home if it means losing everything they gained. Their Commander in Chief betrayed them and they don’t like it.

[note]The rules of engagement need to be eased so our fighting forces can unleash hell on the enemy. We cannot bridle our warriors and watch them die. Let them fight and eliminate the bad guys and end this once and for all. HOOAH[/note]

Perhaps he got the message and it finally dawned on him that cutting troop strength in Afghanistan when ISIS and other bad players are raising hell would not be a wise idea.

Obama is keeping our strength up in Afghanistan and now it is time for President Ashraf Ghani to step up and get his country in shape. We can help the guy but they need to work harder than they have in the past.

They cannot continue to live under the blanket we provide without taking on more responsibility.

If I recall correctly Mitt Romney was more inclined to let the Generals decide the issue though he did agree with Obama on some points. Obama was determined to take the decision himself. It seems that every time you turn around Mitt Romney was right about the things going on in the world. The MSM and liberals bashed him at every opportunity but more and more we are seeing he was right.

But how can you compete with the smartest president evah?

How’s that working out for us?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Chairborne Rangers

The Chairborne Rangers at the highest levels of the Army (including the Chief Desk Occupant Secretary McHugh) have politicized the bravery of one soldier and denied him not only the Service’s second highest award but also the Silver Star he was awarded for bravery on the battlefield.

According to a story by Aaron MacLean in The Washington Free Beacon then Captain Matt Golsteyn was awarded the Silver Star for his brave and heroic actions in combat and when he was awarded the Silver Star the powers that be indicated the award was being reviewed and would likely be upgraded to the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC).

A funny thing happened on the way to the award and that is Golsteyn was quoted in a book where he criticized the strategy in Afghanistan. The petty pencil pushers, those who send people into harm’s way and watch from afar, decided to launch and investigation into whether Golsteyn violated the rules of engagement (ROE) that led to the death of an enemy bomb maker (how is that a bad thing).

The long investigation did not result in any charges and the Chairborne Rangers could find absolutely nothing that Golsteyn did wrong but they denied the DSC. One might say they reviewed the case and decided his actions did not warrant that medal.

Fair enough BUT, the Secretary revoked the Silver Star Golsteyn was awarded for his heroic deeds.

This is all recounted by Congressman Duncan Hunter who wrote to McHugh to determine the status of the upgrade from Silver Star to DSC.

This is all petty politics by people who are more concerned with their inside the beltway cocktail luncheons and dinner parties than the welfare of the troops. The people who served with Golsteyn recommended him for the award based on what he did with them and while they were with him.

The denial of the DSC and the revocation of the Silver Star were nothing more than political moves by people whose biggest threat is a paper cut.

The powers that be don’t like the real heroes who have to fight and die pointing out that the tactics and ROE dictated by those pencil pushing powers are getting people killed and stifling their ability to prosecute and win the war.

The Secretary of the Army should be ashamed of himself for allowing politics to cloud his judgement. He should be bounced out of office for tarnishing the name of a true hero whose boots he is not fit to shine.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Freedom Means For All No Matter What We Think About It

Freedom of religions and expression is for everyone no matter what others think of what is expressed…

There is an NBA player named Dion Waiters who refuses to stand for the National Anthem. He claims that as a Muslim it violates his religion. I don’t know how it could but I am not a Muslim and it is not my place to judge or interpret his religion so long as what he does in no way infringes on my rights or the rights of others.

The fact is he has a right not to stand for the National Anthem and if he chooses to exercise that right it is his business. A lot of people do not agree and have been calling him out and that is their right as well but the one thing they can’t and shouldn’t try to do is force him to comply.

This is Veteran’s Day, a day when we honor those who have served this nation. We served to protect the rights of the citizens of this great nation and that means that sometimes folks will do things within their rights that we don’t like. When they do it means veterans did their jobs and did them well.

It might not go over well that I feel this way but freedom is for everyone no matter what they choose to do or not to do so long as they don’t hurt or bother someone else. I don’t like the fact that he will not stand to pay tribute to the nation that allowed him to succeed and gave him all the opportunities in the world BUT I will die defending his right to do just that.

I think it is a dishonor to the nation when people do not stand for the National Anthem particularly when there are so many veterans who can’t stand at all BUT the reality is freedom means people get to choose things that others might not like and when they do those things without fear of punishment it affirms that our veterans have done their jobs well.

People do not have to like what this guy does (that is THEIR right) but if they are unwilling to tolerate his right to do as he wishes (in this case based on his religious beliefs) then those folks have no claim when their rights are violated.

When one of us loses our freedom we all lose our freedom…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Gets The Silent Treatment

They give him a pity clap at the end…

Perhaps it is time for the rest of society to stop applauding the empty rhetoric and incompetence….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama’s Failure In Iraq

Obama ran as a guy who opposed action in Iraq and he vowed to remove our troops from that country as soon as he could. Once he decided to leave he announced it to the world and he did not entertain ideas about leaving security forces to ensure the peace.

The man who has never run anything and who has no military experience was warned that announcing a departure date was stupid because the enemy would know when the chance of running into American forces would end. It had the end date.

The bad guys also knew that if none of our forces remained then they would be able to regroup and attack.

That has now all happened. Iraqis in many parts of the country are being attacked and murdered by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis). That group is taking cities at a fast pace and leaving murder and mayhem in its path. The decapitated heads of policemen and soldiers line the streets of Mosul as the carnage continues.

Sharia Law is being imposed and anyone who refuses or breaks the law will be murdered.

This is what Barack Obama has given the people of Iraq and it is because of his ego. He thinks the world loves us because he is in charge. He thinks all he has to do is make nice and others will do the same. The enemy knows that America does not have the stomach to recommit troops to Iraq after many years of war and it is taking advantage of our (Obama’s) weakness.

Members of Congress who fought in Iraq are wondering aloud what the point of their (indicating our armed forces) effort was if Obama was just going to allow it to disintegrate into chaos.

Joe Biden once said that Iraq was one of Obama’s great achievements. Well how great is the achievement now that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are being displaced and untold numbers are being murdered?

I don’t know what can be done for Iraq short of sending military assistance (drones and air power) but it is a good bet that we will not be sending ground troops. I am not advocating that but I know even if it were one hundred percent right to do so Obama would not. That would be admitting that his policies and what he did all resulted in failure and Obama does not admit his mistakes.

I am curious how many Democrats will be screaming that we need to do something to help those folks after spending years screaming about our involvement there and saying we needed to get out. How long before they blame George W Bush for the chaos? [UPDATE: That did not take long]

During the last presidential election debates Mitt Romney said it would be a mistake to remove all our troops from Iraq.

How many more times do his past utterances, ones ridiculed by liberals, have to come to fruition before people who worship Obama realize Romney was right and Obama was wrong?

How long before people begin to realize he does not know what he is doing?

How long before they realize the Emperor has no clothes?

How many people in Iraq will be murdered because Obama is a weak inept leader with no real experience?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
