The Misinformed Minority

The Trayvon Martin shooting did not make the national stage until the race hustlers saw a Jewish sounding name associated with the shooter. At that time the Jesses and Als of the race hustling movement started talking about a white man shooting a black kid and not being prosecuted for it. When it was discovered that George Zimmerman was Hispanic (that is how HE identifies himself) the race hustlers and their enablers in the media invented a new term, the white Hispanic.

Now that George Zimmerman has been rightly vindicated the race hustling industry has become even more unhinged. Across the nation minority groups, revved up by the New Black Panthers and the Sharpton race hustling enterprise, have gone into overdrive. There are protests, there are acts of violence and there are acts of vandalism. These things are taking place because those who thrive on racial discord are working overtime.

A Chicago church has an electronic sign in front with the message; “It Is Safe To Kill Black People In Amerikkka.”

There is a lot of opposition to the kkk in the name of our country because it is claimed that this divides us even more along racial lines and is a message of hate. The church defended the sign by saying:

The message on the sign is not a message of hate. It is a message of awakening and call to action. It is a message not intended to divide, but to cause honest reflection in order to make this country a better place for ALL.


The use of “kkk”, was done to call attention to the fact that, just as in the ‘glory days of the KKK, it appears far too often that the murder of African Americans is permitted, and the mistreatment of African Americans historically and currently is far too cavalierly considered.

Let us think about this for a moment. The church is contending that the not guilty verdict of Zimmerman is indicative of a society that far too often allows the murder of black children and that the message is not one of hate.

OK, but the majority of blacks (kids or adults) murdered in this nation are murdered by other blacks. The sign indicates that the issue here is white on black and the reference to KKK is what cements that point of view. Forgetting for a moment that the KKK came out of the Democrat Party and focusing on the reference to white hate against blacks leaves us with the reality that the church really is spewing a hate filled message and is inciting violence directed toward white people.

The truth of the matter is that Chicago is a dangerous place for black children and it is dangerous because other black children MURDER them. Greater than 90% of the murders of blacks are committed by other blacks. Chicago, a gun control city, black children are dying left and right (mostly from gunshots). Where is the outrage?

Where are messages from the church telling blacks to stop murdering each other? Where has the outrage been all these years as hundreds of black kids are murdered each year in Chicago alone?

Why is this church stoking racial discontent by implying that blacks are dying at the hands of whites when all the evidence shows otherwise?

This church and the race hustlers in this country do not care about black on black crime. They don’t really care that black kids are being murdered. They only care when the murderer is not black because they can whip the less educated and uniformed into frenzy and demand more from government. They get to justify their existence by ginning up the rare occurrence of white on black murder.

They should be ashamed of themselves and they are responsible for the violence.

Here is my message to this church and the race hustlers.


Do it for the children…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Zimmerman Not Guilty But Ordeal Not Over

George Zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY of murder and manslaughter by a jury of his peers. The evidence was presented and the entirety of it corroborates the account that Zimmerman gave from the moment he made contact with police. His account has not changed and the evidence shows his account was accurate.

There is a lot of angst over the not guilty verdict and various groups have been protesting with scattered acts of violence. The threats are there as the New Black Panthers have declared war. A number of users of social media have advocated violence but whether or not large scale violence occurs remains to be seen.

I think it is moronic to commit acts of violence against people who had nothing to do with the incident to protest what is seen as an act of violence against Trayvon Martin.

Let me make it clear, from what I saw George Zimmerman acted in self defense. If Martin felt threatened he could have continued on his way to his father’s house. Instead, he circled back and attacked Zimmerman and ended up getting shot. Zimmerman exercised what I consider remarkable restraint in that he was attacked and aten while screaming for help and only drew his firearm after Martin went for it and told Zimmerman he was going to die. Then, and only then, did Zimmerman draw and use the firearm.

It matters not how badly he was beaten. He was being beaten and it was obvious that the beating would not stop. Martin threatened his life and went for the gun. Zimmerman was completely justified in his use of force.

None of the other things matter. The only thing pertinent is that Martin attacked him, threatened to kill him and he defended himself.

This does not take away the sadness of a lost life. Trayvon Martin was a misguided young man who was involved in drugs, crime and violence but he was a living being whose life was cut short by a terrible decision on his part. It is sad that he was killed and my thoughts and prayers go with his family who must bear the burden of his death for the rest of their lives. My prayers also go with the Zimmerman family as their lives have been forever changed as well.

Zimmerman will be investigated by the Department of Justice for a race crime or a hate crime. While I have no doubt the government could convict a turtle if it tried I think the journey will be long and the outcome hard to achieve.

The family might pursue a civil case for wrongful death.

In either case the information about Martin, information that was suppressed in the Zimmerman trial, will likely come to light. Martin’s drug use, his criminal behavior, the possession of stolen property, the contents of his phone, his school records and all other aspects that the Florida court would not allow will likely be used to defend Zimmerman in any other case (Zimmerman’s attorneys should make this stuff public now before any other court suppresses it).

Martin was no choir boy. He was a troubled young man who liked to indulge in purple drank (two of the ingredients for it were in his possession when he was shot), marijuana and booze. He was prone to fighting and demonstrated this on a number of occasions.

[note]As an aside, there was testimony from the prosecution’s star witness that Martin told her it was halftime of the NBA All Star game and he was going to get snacks (ingredients?). Martin was shot just before 7:17 pm. The NBA All Star game started at 7:30 pm. How was it halftime of a game that had not started?[/note]

Even if no other cases against Zimmerman are undertaken he will forever live looking over his shoulder. There is a bounty on his head and someone will likely take the chance to murder him. No matter where he goes he will be hunted by those who have no respect for the justice system in this country.

He will be hounded by the race baiters who will stir up trouble in order to justify their existence.

If Martin was Hispanic and Zimmerman black there would have been no national uproar. Tens of thousands of black children are murdered by other blacks and there is no uproar. There is no call for riots (which is true when blacks murder whites).

I think the jury reached the correct verdict. I am happy they did not bow to pressure or worry about civil unrest if they acquitted (though they were sequestered and might not have grasped the scope). I am happy they viewed the evidence and did not allow emotion to outweigh fact.

Trayvon Martin took a decision to attack George Zimmerman when a number of other options were open to him. He chose a person who had a gun (unknown to him when he attacked) and who eventually used it to protect himself.

As unfortunate as it is the Martin family will have to come to terms with the reality that Trayvon took a course of action that resulted in his death.

The right of self defense should never be denied. The left will tell you that you do not need a firearm and that you should call the police if there is a problem.

Zimmerman was on the phone with police and they were on the way. They arrived after the incident took place.

Just like they did in Newtown.

When seconds count the police are minutes away. If Zimmerman had waited he might be the one dead and Martin would be on trial.

And you can bet the reaction of the media and the race baiting community would be a lot different.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hotter Than Hell In Vegas

Well, Satan’s spawn Harry Reid is from Nevada…

The temperatures in Vegas have hit 115 degrees for several days and at least one person has died from the heat. Is this global warming? Should we have a carbon tax to keep Vegas from frying?

Nah, Nevada is the home of Harry Reid and Vegas is Sin City so it is only right that it is hotter than Hell. The people who voted for Reid deserve to burn in Hell and it looks like they are getting a head start.

I am not too concerned that it is hot in Vegas.

That might be because I am not in Vegas but the way I see it our troops in the Middle East put up with high temperatures all the time and they have no choice in the matter. The folks in Vegas can suck it up and stay someplace cool until the temps go down a bit though it might not hurt to boot Reid out.

Or they could ask Al Gore to come speak about global warming. Seems that everytime he schedules one of those talks it gets cancelled by snow…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Poor Pay More, Deservedly So

When Obama and his band of merry thieves were out pushing socialized medicine down our throats the supporters were elated at the prospect of free health care. Make those nasty rich people pay for my health care. Pay for my birth control as well because this is my right!

There is no such thing as a free lunch and, as Obama’s favorite Imam (ahem, Pastor), Jeremiah Wright, might say the chickens are coming home to roost.

It looks like the poor will be hit particularly hard by Obamacare. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the poor will pay more.


Excuse me, I had to laugh. They thought the evil rich would take it in the shorts while they received another government provided (read taxpayer provided) hand out.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that Obamacare is going to make health care unaffordable to a shockingly large number of poor people — many of them single and childless. This should come as no surprise, though: The burden of regulation falls all too often disproportionately on the relatively poor, especially the working poor — the very people this law was supposed to help. Obamacare, sadly, is merely the latest and most painful hit from the regulatory onslaught of Washington, diverting resources that could be better used to address larger and more immediate risks. Washington Times

I am sure there will be some mad rush to correct this. Politicians will scream bloody murder and there will be a push for some single payer system to take out the disparity. Why, it is just unfair to make the poor pay more.

Well hell, government caused it. They should have read the bill before they passed it but Pelosi said it had to be passed to see what was in it.

So now that it has passed we are seeing more and more things that are a nightmare.

The poor will be hard hit but that must happen. Pain is a great teacher and unless it hurts them a lot they will keep doing stupid things like supporting the redistribution of taxpayer money.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Betrayal Of Trust

There is a lot of uproar right now about sexual assaults in the military. This has gotten the attention of members of Congress and the top brass of the military. Unfortunately, the response is the same as it has been for the past two or three decades.

The response is to have well publicized hearings where people are degraded and then promises are made that it will improve. This has happened in every major case since at least the Tailhook case. They always promise to improve. They always promise that they will get on it and make it better. They make the promises and put into place a bunch of nonsense and feel good measures.

But things never really change. This time there are stand down days and mandatory training directed at all workers, civilian and military, the huge majority of whom are not and have never been involved in a sexual assault.

The solution to the problem is to hold those who engage in such behavior accountable. Therein lies the rub. You see, in today’s society we lack responsibility and we lack accountability. This comes from the president on down as evidenced by his constant blaming of everyone else (particularly George Bush). The other side of the coin is that no one holds him (the Limbaugh Theorem) or any other officials accountable.

People need to act responsibly and when they don’t they need to be held accountable. Society has abandoned this idea. When a shooter murders a bunch of people we do not hold that person accountable. We blame guns and then punish the millions of gun owners who had nothing to do with the crime.

In these sexual assault cases in the military we blame the environment and then preach to those who have not done anything wrong.

Hold those who are found guilty of sexual assault accountable by punishing them. In addition, if someone makes a false claim and that is found out the person making the false claim should receive the punishment the accused would have gotten had he actually committed the crime.

There are other ideas that are directed at solving the problem but they are moronic at best. Deebow at Blackfive explores one such solution and puts it much better than I could hope to.

Sexual assault in the military is a betrayal of trust. The person assaulted has placed trust in another member of the military and that trust is betrayed by a person to whom an allegiance has been formed. It is a violation of the very core and foundation of teamwork and it is despicable.

Members of the military are a very select subset of the population. They are people who have vowed to put their lives on the line to preserve our country and our way of life. The training in the military brings these very unique people together and teaches them to put others and their nation above themselves. We place our lives in each other’s hands and we expect that our backs will always be protected.

When someone in the military is sexually assaulted by another service member that sacred bond, that trust, has been violated and is more painful and more damaging than an attack by our enemies. We would not stand for an enemy attack on our service members and we work hard to prevent such things. Why would any member of our armed forces attack another member this way?

Right now there is a case going on at the Naval Academy where three members of the football team are accused of sexually assaulting a female midshipman who got drunk at a party. It appears as if she was punished (for getting drunk) while they were allowed to remain on the team. The spotlight on the incident seems to have sparked the current investigation.

If these men raped this woman then they should go to jail for a very long time. It does not matter how drunk she was because that is not and never will be justification for what they allegedly did. If she violated some rule by drinking or getting drunk then the Academy can deal with that separately. But when she was drunk her comrades let her down. That was when she was most vulnerable and that is when they should have protected her. They should have ensured she got home safely.

If what they are accused of is true then they turned their backs on a fellow midshipman and let her down. They did not have her back and they violated the trust she had in them as comrades in arms.

It is criminal that they very people she trusted caused her harm. In the military we are a family and we are supposed to protect each other.

These men are accused of doing something to her that they would never allow to happen to their sisters.

Anyone who does this is a cretin and is unfit to wear the uniform of this nation.

We are better than that my brothers and sisters in arms and if you don’t feel that way then it is time for you to pack your stuff and GTFO.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
