Global Warming

The White House today announced a new push to spend all of our money to solve Climate Change! OOOHHHH!!

Liberals are STILL trying to scare the public over ‘Climate Change’ – even after all those emails released in November 2009 from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) UTTERLY PROVED it was nothing but a scam – in fact, MORE emails detailing how they HID DATA were QUIETLY released in 2011 – but the GREASY LIBERAL CONMAN AL GORE STILL FLIES AROUND ON HIS CARBON SPEWING JET TELLING EVERYONE ELSE TO STOP USING FUEL OIL!

Twenty-nine (29) years ago, when the Left Wingnuts first started freaking everyone out over how Global Warming would put NYC and the coasts under water in 20 years, I (who was in College studying the environment AND computers) said “Wait a minute, computers can’t model the Earths atmosphere, it’s too complex – there are literally BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of Data Points – something is wrong with those models” – everyone said I was nuts.
My family still lives in NYC – they ARENT using Scuba Gear even though EVERY computer model said it would be UNDER WATER!!!!

What I’ve come to realize these Global Warming/Climate Change FANATICS have is a PAGAN BELIEF the Earth is Gaia, a goddess that needs to be worshiped and protected – not the Garden The Lord meant it to be.

ANTISEMITISM Is Alive And Well In The United States – And Islam Is At It’s Core

A school in Rialto, California gave an assignment to its Eighth Grade class – which asked students to compose a written debate over whether the Holocaust was
“merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain.”

The school district´s superintendent – who defended the assignment and has since received a death threat from an unknown party – is Mohammed Z. Islam.

Islam is a 14th Century mindset that can barely start a FIRE on its own, let alone create ANYTHING WHATSOEVER – for EVIL CANNOT CREATE, IT CAN ONLY DESTROY.
Everything Islam has – from the clothes they wear, the guns they shoot, to the planes they used to SLAUGHTER 3000 INNOCENTS ON 911 – they have STOLEN from the West – for Muslims are PARASITES.

ISLAM has realized they have UTTERLY FAILED – so now they are BRAINWASHING INNOCENT CHILDREN to grow up and do what Muslims are too INEPT AND BALLESS to do themselves – KILL G✡D’S CHOSEN PEOPLE.


The Party of NO

Democrats often call Republicans the Party of NO – because we oppose Barack Obama and the Liberals (sounds like a good name for a Death Metal Band) where they want to Give everything to their constituents. Even noted Republican RINO Chris Christy has called us the party of no, saying that’s not good enough – that we have to offer something to the voters.

I will admit, it makes us look bad. People call Barack Obama Santa Claus, but he’s not – he’s Monty Hall. All flash and bright colors and big gifts behind unknown laws – I mean curtains. The problem is that the current Republican leaders in Washington want to be Monty Hall too – be all flashy and glittery with gifts – to BRIBE their way into office – because that’s how they get good ratings and stay on TV – I mean, in Congress.

It’s DAMNED hard to beat someone who can give piles of MONEY and TREASURE to their minions.

But – unlike Christie – I believe Republicans should BE the Party of NO. After all, the Republican Party was formed to say NO to the Democrat Slaveowners. The current festering pile of Republican Party leaders want to give out shiny gifts – they have no MESSAGE, no RIGHTEOUSNESS to inspire people as to WHY they should vote for NO.




A Party Of One

Apparently that is as many as you need to get minority legislation passed in favor of yourself, so you can feel entitled and good about yourself, and as I understand it, this is necessary to life- it’s probably a “right”, right? I mean, if feeling good about yourself isn’t a right, it should be, because we are a minority, and we are entitled.

What bullcrap- nowadays, we have been hijacked by a plethora of “minorities” or “oppressed” peoples, each with their own litany of complaints and demands, like a spoiled child who needs his backside warmed to remind him that he is NOT the center of the universe.

This used to be the country where the majority ruled- because it makes sense to go in the direction that the most people are headed. But  we are compassionate people. We have, in the past, accommodated others who might not be of the same faith (other than Christian), of the same dietary needs, people who are, let’s face it, the minority. These are people who make the tapestry that is America much richer for their contributions.

But in recent times- say the last twenty- five years or so, we have bent over backwards to assist others in assimilation into this society, with the aim that they would begin to conform more to the majority in behavior.

Instead, we have begat a segment of society that does not care to assimilate, and doesn’t want to compromise, as if it is they, and not us , who are in the majority. What arrogance on their part. Here’s an example:

The lovely-looking restaurant and bar The Breslin begins lunch service tomorrow, and co-owner Ken Friedman (The Spotted Pig) is planning on serving alcohol despite objections from the Masjid Ar-Rahman mosque across the street. Earlier this month the mosque’s leaders called a meeting with Friedman at The Ace Hotel, where The Breslin is located, and asked, “Can you move the bar?” Friedman’s response makes us want to hurry over to The Breslin right now for a dram of Laphroaig to show our support (and drown out the voices):

I said, “This is the United States of America and we’ll do whatever the f*ck we want.” He said the mosque had suggested it couldn’t control the behavior of “a few bad eggs”; i.e., we could get a brick through our window.

These muslims sincerely believe that our citizens should conform to their standards- what gross stupidity on their part, but it does illustrate how horribly skewed our society has become when these types of “entitled” spoiled brats actually think they can do this. Our compassion at this point begins to dry up when confronted by supercilious attitudes such as these.

Friedman notified police of the threat, but just to show he’s not a hard-hearted man, that it’s not all dollars and cents, he agreed to put a curtain over the windows so devout Muslims wouldn’t be corrupted by the sight of infidel inebriation. But the curtain hasn’t arrived yet, so over the weekend he actually taped paper over the windows to hide a gay wedding. A volunteer at the mosque says city law forbids serving liquor within 200 feet of a place of worship and that “not more than 200 feet is between the mosque and the bar.”

But Ace Hotel developer Andrew Zobler tells The Observer, “The law is clear that in order for that to apply it has to be an exclusively dedicated house of worship, and at their space they have both residences and a restaurant, so basically, because of those uses the law allowed there to be a bar within 200 feet. Everyone was aware of that when the liquor license was granted.” And Friedman adds, “They can threaten, but they can’t really stop us.” Yeah, heh, what are these devout, pissed-off Muslims gonna do?

What are they going to do indeed? One never knows, but the greater question is who the hell do they think they are? Granted, I would never think of wandering into their mosque sipping a bottle of Bushmills Black label (although I have heard that it is a rather out of this world experience when you sip enough), because I do care somewhat about their sensibilities- at least enough to be polite, but when spoiled people try and dictate their whims to the majority, they begin to act like children in need of discipline, or worse, like liberals.

The solution to either is the same- slap the snot out of them- it will set them on the road to sanity, and in twenty years or so, after they have grown, they will thank you for that guidance.

And perhaps they will have a mature outlook with which they deal with people.

And, for God’s sake not whine so much about non existent “rights”.

If you want rights, look in the Constitution.
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Stupidity To The Left, More Stupidity From The Left

Oh Boy! How’s that stimulus working out for all you Americans out of work? Seen any “created” jobs lately? Not many, unless you are Chinese- they are getting a large part of stimulus cash to make wind turbines and sell them to the “Gwai-loh”, or barbaric Americans. That’s right, instead of keeping the manufacturing jobs of building the wind turbines and blades here at home, where jobs would actually have been created, (can’t have that- how are you supposed to keep people believing that they are victims, if you help them?), the administration has chosen to send all that money and jobs overseas, where it helps us not at all.

A consortium of Chinese and American companies announced a joint venture Thursday to construct a massive 600-megawatt wind farm in West Texas, using wind turbines manufactured in China.

$1.5 billion wind farm would be funded largely by Chinese financiers, with an assist from the United States government in the form of loan guarantees and grants from the federal stimulus package.

“This wind farm project came about thanks to the openness of the United States for investments in the field of renewable energy,” said John Lin, the chief operating officer of Shenyang Power Group, an industrial group in China focused on renewable energy projects.

No, actually the project came about because our feckless leader is a traitor who lies as easily as waking up- all of these jobs could have stayed here in the US, but since we (actually Nobama’s administration) owe China sooooooooooooooo much money, the pressure was applied, and everyone in the WH began learning Mandarin- all the better for talking whilst being bent over and driven to Shanghai by the Chinese.

“Created or saved jobs”- the big lie. There are no jobs created here by this venture- certainly no manufacturing jobs. I would think the unions would be howling with outrage- they certainly would if this was done by Dubya. But since they have been getting stroked by the WH for the last several years, like lizards rubbed on the belly, it may take them awhile to wake up.

According to a recent article in The New York Times by Keith Bradsher, China required 80 percent of the materials used to construct its first solar power plant earlier this year come from China.

Foreign manufacturers of wind turbines have struggled to gain entry into the Chinese market, Mr. Bradsher reported.

Well, in this instance, it is not the Chinese market that we are trying to “enter”- it is our own, and we should be able to do this better, with more innovation, and keep the jobs at home. We could do this, but noooooooooooooo.

Instead, (perhaps because all the WH loves Mao) the Chinese get the lion’s share of the work. And as for jobs, well, I will let this article say it all-

The project would mark the first instance of a Chinese manufacturer exporting wind turbines to the United States market, according to the vice mayor of the city of Shenyang, Yang Yazhou, who spoke at a news conference announcing the joint venture.

The farm is to be built on 36,000 acres in western Texas — an exact location was not specified — and will use 240 2.5-megawatt turbines manufactured in China. Construction is expected to begin next March. The project will create an estimated 300 temporary construction jobs, and 30 permanent jobs.

300 temporary jobs and 30 permanent jobs. Somehow, I believe if we were manufacturing these turbines ourselves, there might be more than just *30* permanent jobs. That is not very many, even by the White House’s dubious accounting methods of “saved” jobs. And you know that a bunch of the 300 temporary jobs will go to illegal aliens- that’s a given, considering who is in the White House.

All in all, this deal benefits a select few, most of them either Chinese, or the leeches in the administration, like Jeffery Immelt, the CEO of GE, who gets a cut of this deal. 

The turbines for the Texas wind farm, although slated for construction in China, will use technology from the United States and Europe, including a turbine designed by German wind power manufacturer Fuhrlander and gear box design by General Electric.

Yes, in most logical societies, Jeffery Immelt’s being inside the WH should disqualify him and/ or his company from deals involving him and the government- a conflict of interest, you see. If this was Haliburton and Cheney, the howls of outrage would be heard coast to coast, but not from this liberal crowd- they can’t see the hypocrisy here.

When it comes to liberal hypocrisy, they are blind, deaf, and dumb.
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