The Hysteria Continues

I read the other day, I think it was at Drudge, that a college professor was leaving the United States and moving her family to Italy. She indicated that she was leaving as a result of the election. She indicated that more than 50% of the population was uneducated, just did not understand what was going on. She stated that she was moving so her children could get a better education. Her remark was that they could not get a good education in America.

Well now there you have it. A liberal college professor, who is responsible for teaching, admitted that American children do not get a good education. Perhaps this person could explain how it is that she was not doing her job. She was getting all that money to teach our kids and she says they will not get a good education. Perhaps it is because college professors spend their time bombarding our children with their mindless liberal prattle instead of teaching them something.

She is throwing in the towel. She had to quit because her candidate lost. Most people would not quit but I understand why she did. The article said she was from France. The only thing the French know how to do is surrender.

I say let her go and have her take all the tenured professors at the institutions of “higher education” with her. Then we can put some people in the colleges who actually teach. I think she had it wrong. The minority of the voters who turned out were not informed. They were the uneducated. They were lead around by Kerry like the sheep they are. I hope all of her kind get on a plane and go. Then there will be less uneducated voters in the next election.

UPDATE: I found the link to the article. It was at ABC News.

They Just Keep Proving Our Point

The folks on the left are really out there. They have been talking about the Kerry loss everyday and they keep coming up with excuses. The strange thing is that this has divided us even more because of the outright hatred that they promulgate. This week we have heard that all the Jesus freaks voted for Bush. We have heard that the people in the red states are not as smart as those in the blue. Now they are saying that those in the red states pay less taxes than the blue states and that the red sponges off the government getting more than they pay in.

I have said that it stands to reason the blue states pay more in taxes. If you look at them it is not hard to figure that this is where a lot of very wealthy people live. The whole left part of California voted blue and we know the bulk of the millionaire stars live there. Look at New York. Of course a great deal of wealthy people live there in the money center of our country. The interesting thing is that the left would have you look at the states and use the color as an indicator. I say to look at the county by county map for a better picture. Many blue states are overwhelmingly red except in the most heavily populated areas.

The data for the 2004 election is not yet available because some areas are continuing to count votes. They are also waiting for Dan Rather to call Ohio. I took the data from the 2000 election, which has a very similar county by county profile (and probably more red this time). Bush won 2463 counties in 2000 and Gore won 675. This equates to 78% and 22% respectively. So if we go by the argument that the blues pay most of the taxes we can conclude that most of the taxes are paid by 22% of the country. The rest of the taxes are paid by 78% of the country. This is what they are, in essence, saying.

When Bush cut taxes there was this big outcry about tax cuts for the rich and that the wealthiest people were not paying their fair share. Why should the rich get a tax cut. Many on the right tried to point out that 20% of the taxpayers paid 80% of the taxes. The map and the donks arguments about taxes make this case quite easily. So, now we have established that the wealthiest pay most of the taxes and therefore, are entitled to a return of some of what they paid in.

We also need to look at something else. If the Bush tax cuts only helped the rich why are the less affluent people, those in the red states, paying less taxes than the rich. If the red states are getting more than they are paying in does not it stand to reason that the rich are paying the lion’s share. Is not this what John Kerry said he would do and that Bush would not? Kerry said he would only tax the wealthiest Americans. These numbers make the case that this is already happening. In addition, the tax cuts have helped the 78% of the people in the middle class (red states) and are working as intended.

The last thing I would point out is that the donks have shown their true (blue) colors. They have been crying that the middle class is paying too much in taxes and that Bush has only helped the rich. This mindless tripe spewed from Kerry’s mouth all through the campaign. Now that the donks have lost the election the left is crying that the people in the red states are a burden and do not pay their fair share. As usual they have been exposed for the hypocrites they are. They might think those in the red states are not bright but I argue they were smart enough to see what Bush has done for them and what the donks would have done to them. That is why they voted George Bush in for four more years.

Dereliction of Duty; a book review

I just finished Dereliction of Duty by Lt Col Robert “Buzz” Patterson. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in how the Clinton White House ran. Patterson was the Air Force Aide to President Clinton for 2 years. This highly professional officer tells first hand how Bill Clinton compromised the security of the United States by:

Allowing Osama bin Laden to live or remain free by not capturing or killing him when he was given several chances.

Losing the nuclear launch codes.

Sending the military on over 40 missions that stretched the limits of the service. This while downsizing all the forces and reducing their combat equipment.

Failing to react to the numerous acts of terrorism directed against the United States.

Lt Col Patterson exposes the hatred Bill and Hillary had for the military. He shows how Clinton was often out fund raising instead of leading and all at the expense of the taxpayers. Patterson also shows how racism was alive and well in the Clinton White House and how prominent blacks like Jessie Jackson looked down on minority help. This book is a must read and will quickly dispel the lies the left has spun about the Clinton Presidency.

Hats off to this fine American for telling the truth. Perhaps Michael Moore can read this so he will know exactly what his man Clinton was really like.

All Aboard! Time to Put Up or Shut Up

Well, well, well. The libs are out in full force because they lost the election. I seem to remember that a bunch of them said they were going to leave the country if GWB won again. He won so start packing. Here is you invitation:

Subject: Cruise ship opportunity!
A Great Carnival Cruise Offer
We at Carnival Cruise Lines didn’t forget that a lot of entertainers had
promised to leave the country if George W.Bush were to be re-elected

With that in mind, we have a Special Offer for those who still want to keep
their promise!

Attention: Would Alec Baldwin, Rosie O’Donnell and her wife, Ed Asner,
Janeane Garafalo, Whoppi Goldberg, Al Franken, Michael Moore and his
personal groomer, Cher and her vocal therapist, Phil Donahue, Rob
Reiner(apparently still a “meathead”), Barbara Streisand (who has a nose for
these outcomes), Jane Fonda, as well as the entire staffs of the LA and NY
Times and anyone else who made that promise, please dispose of all US assets
and report to Florida for the sailing of the Funship Cruise, “Elation,”
which has been commissioned to take you to your new vacation homes in

You may opt to be dropped off in Somalia or Iraq.

The Florida Supreme Court will sponsor a Farewell Parade in your honor
through Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties prior to your cruise.
Please pack for an extended stay… at least four more years.
Note: Since you advocate strict gun control, you may not bring any, but then
with Jane Fonda along you won’t need any.

Staffing your voyage is Bill Clinton as captain, Al Gore as cruise director,
Gray Davis as Entertainment Director, Purser Terry Heinz Kerry hopefully
will be kept somewhere below decks away from the media.

Monica Lewinsky as the “Cigar and Cigarette Girl”,
Entertainment by the Dixie Chicks and Bruce Springsteen, and John Kerry will
be our Life Guard in consideration of his past experience in pulling people
out of the water. (Unless he decides at the last minute not to go). He is
advocating the elimination of the game “shuffleboard” in favor of his new
game he calls “waffleboard”. Be sure to pack your flip flops as you will
need them!! while playing.

Ted Kennedy will double as Bartender and Director of Emergency Procedures
and as a buoy as required.

Rev. Al Sharpton will provide inspirational services, and Ex-Congressman
Gary Condit as intern coordinator.

If you have any questions about making arrangements for your homes, friends
and loved ones, please direct your comments to Senator Hillary Clinton. Her
village, paid for by the United States, can raise your children while you’re
gone, and she can watch over all your money and your furnishings until you

“Bon Voyage!!!”

Is this a great country or what? It’s called Freedom of Speech.

Is It Really Worth All That? Kerry Loss Deemed a “Blast”

I heard that some guy went to Ground Zero where the World Trade Center Towers use to stand and committed suicide. It appears this person was distraught that Kerry lost the election. The first thought I had was that Michael Moore finally did something worth while but it turns out it was not he.

You can read the story here. The question I have is was the election worth this? I would have been devastated if Bush had lost. Not for me but for the country. I know how bad it can get with the wrong leader and I know Kerry was the wrong person for the job. Having said that, I can tell you that if he had won I would not have committed suicide. I lived through the debacle of the Carter presidency and I lived through the years of the Clinton White House that did nothing except make our country weaker. I also know that no matter who occupies the White House it is only for a maximum of eight years. You can screw a lot up in eight years if left unabated but that is why we have three branches of government.

I feel sorry for the family of this person. I do not feel sorry for the guy himself. He did a totally selfish thing that those left behind will have to deal with. I am sure he had a history of mental illness and this election was a trigger for much deeper problems.

Michael Moore listed 17 reasons not to slit your wrists after the Bush victory. I will say that it would be OK if Moore just slit his wrists. I will also say that if you follow Michael Moore and believe what he says then you are not far from the state of mind that caused this fellow in New York to swallow the barrel of a shotgun.