And Now Hillary Becomes Religious

As I predicted post election, Hillary Clinton has become an evangelical conservative. Blogs for Bush has a post about an interview that Hillary gave. Here is some text from that interview (for a church based newsletter):

“I always take time to worship God in as evangelical a way as is feasible, given time and location constraints. As you know, I consider myself an evangelical Christian, really a Christian conservative, if you want to know the truth, so it’s nice to be ‘home’ again in the South, which I really consider my quote-unquote home even though I live in New York most of the time. Well, Washington, D.C., most of the time, actually, but if I’m not there I’m in New York, of course, but always thinking about being here, in the South, , where I shared so many wonderful evangelical . . . moments and . . . events.”

This came from the Blogs for Bush post. It is interesting to note how many times Hillary mentions EVANGELICAL. She has shared many evangelical moments and events. How many of those events included the Christian like acts of aborting babies, partial birth abortions, lying to investigators about dealings in White Water, and the list goes on and on. I wonder how evangelical it was for her to participate in Vince Foster’s assisted suicide.

I digress. Right after the election I made the prediction in a post at Blogs for Bush that Hillary would suddenly become a religious person. I said she would take on what ever demographics won the election. She has started and this can only mean she has covertly begun her run for the White House. I strongly recommend the book Dereliction of Duty by Lt. Col Buzz Patterson. This will give you a chilling insight into a Hillary White House. I know the election is four years away and we are savoring our victory but it is not too early to get started defeating the next would be king.

By the way, to the military folks out there who are up for reenlistment. I commend you for your service and appreciate your commitment. If I were you, I would re-up for four years or less. That way if Hillary does make it to the White House you can get out before she takes office. You do not want to be in the military if she makes it.

As an afterthought, it is interesting to note that Hillary was so set to be a New Yorker so she could win the Senate seat. Now she tells us that the south is really her home. Amazing how many in the south are conservative, evangelical Christians. This just shows that she really is a carpetbagger and that she will say anything to get elected.

The Left Uses Jesus to Make a Point?

Not too long ago I posted about a man who, distraught over the election, committed suicide at ground zero in New York. I made the point that the election was not worth it and if Bush had lost, I would have been upset, but not so upset that I would have taken my life. I related that the man had to have had a history of mental illness. Turns out this was the case and the guy might have used the election as an excuse for his long planned demise. I got a comment to that site by Ann Nonamous (witty, don’t you think). This is what “Ann” had to say:

It is too bad that you have to pick on someone that gave their life for what they believe in. Kerry actually did not lose, the election was stolen again.
Perhaps you should think about your lack of ‘liberal’ qualities. After all, read the New Testament and you will see that Jesus Himself was a liberal.

Here we go with the stolen election. When will these donks realize that the people voted for the person they wanted as President? There is no credible evidence that the election was stolen. Frankly, I am getting tired of the crying.

“Ann” wants us to believe this guy gave his life for what he believed in. Ann, this guy TOOK his life. He did not give it for anything. It is strange that you guys on the left criticize our soldiers, the ones who ARE giving their lives for what they believe in, but raise people like this up to the level of a hero. This person commited an act of cowardice. He took his life in a selfish act without regard to how it would affect the people who loved him. Please Ann, don’t give this guy any more credit than he deserves (asuming that he deserves any at all).

Interestingly enough, this donk chooses to use Jesus as an example for liberalism. Read the New Testament I am told as if I need a donk to tell me how to learn religion. I will say that Jesus was greatly liberal in his care for people and his desire to make the World better. He died for our sins and that is a pretty selfless act. Jesus showed the kind of liberalism the democrats use to espouse. Now they are a group of people who want to give everything to everyone so that people become ever dependent on them. Since my donk reader invoked the name of Jesus, presumably in an attempt to say Jesus was liberal and would have wanted Kerry, let me make a few points.

Jesus is all powerful. If he wanted Kerry to win he could have made it so. I would like this donk to answer this:
Would Jesus be happy with the group of liberals who support abortion on demand and even allow the practice of partial birth abortion? I think that even liberal Jesus is against that one. Would Jesus want men to marry men and women to marry women? The Bible calls this an abomination so I think that liberal Jesus is against that one too. I think the libs would try to make the argument that Jesus was a peaceful person and would be against the war. Perhaps, but Jesus’ father believes in war. He inspired David to lead an Army against God’s enemies. The people we are fighting use the name of God (Allah) to commit terrible crimes. God is on our side in this one.

This donk ignores the fact that many things are better for a lot of people. Home ownership is up. The inflation rate is steady and the economic numbers are pretty good and without a lot of government intervention. Jesus did a lot for people but let us remember that God helps those who help themselves.

I think it is amazing that the group of people who lambast the red states for being religious zealots who elected Bush are the same ones trying to invoke the name of Jesus to make a point for their twisted version of liberalism. Listen up donk, try some soul searching and look at the brand of liberalism you believe in. Look at the horrible things you want to allow to happen. Then reread the Bible and tell me how it is Jesus would have supported your views.

Idiot Linda Ronstadt Opens Her Big Mouth…Again

The problem with all these actors and singers is that they are not happy just entertaining. They all think that because they are famous the world wants to hear what they have to say. We had Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Cher and Eminem telling us their political views and how we should vote. Ms. Ronstadt had problems at one of her concerts because she assumed people wanted to hear her lack of intelligence. She, like Bette Midler, subjected people who shelled out a lot of hard earned dollars to their political diatribes before concerts.

Now, Ronstadt is showing her lack of intelligence again. She states:

“I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this
war. They don’t know anything about the Iraqis, but they’re angry and frustrated
in their own lives. It’s like Germany, before Hitler took over. The economy was
bad and people felt kicked around. They looked for a scapegoat. Now we’ve got a
new bunch of Hitlers.”

I am sure this bimbo couldn’t find Iraq on a globe if it was the only country labeled with a name. She talks about this bad economy. Has she even looked at the economic numbers? Does she know what she is talking about. And what is this Hitlers remark? Perhaps she needs to move out of this country to a place where she will be treated better by kinder people, like say North Korea.

This is a woman who supported Michael Moore and dedicated songs to him in her concerts. I can not understand what goes through the minds of these idiots. She can not be satisfied just living off the money she makes and leaving other people alone. She has to tell us what is on her mind. Where else but America can a 58 year old has been singer get so much attention. I guess since she probably does not sell as many records as she use to (who wants to see an old, out of shape has-been?) so she has to make political statements to draw attention to herself.

I long for the day when all these so called super stars keep their opinions to themselves and just practice their craft. What a novel idea that is….

Read the article.

Guest Book Back On Line

My guest book was off line for a few days. I checked it out a few days ago and some company had hijacked it. Everything pointed to their web site. It was a mess and from what I could tell it affected a great deal of people who use the guest book service that I do.

Anyway, I took it off line for a few days to see if it could be straightened out. I did not want anyone trying to sign it and having a problem. It is up and working well at the present.

Please take a moment to leave me a message.

Dr. Condi Rice is a Victim of Liberal racism

Ever since George Bush announced the nomination of Dr. Rice to be the next Secretary of State the liberal left has been out in full force trying to discredit her. There have been hate filled racist cartoons drawn showing her as a stereotype of a black woman. I can not believe that this has happened and I can not believe that there has not been an uproar.

I am willing to bet that if these cartoons were directed toward a democrat there would be a public outcry about the mean spirited republicans. Dan Blather and his ilk would be all over this. Have any of those media elitists come out against these cartoons? No, and don’t hold your breath waiting for them.

This is actually kind of sad. Here we have the democratic party, the self proclaimed party of the little guy. The same party that promises the world to minorities and then takes them for granted. The party that is all for women’s rights and the civil rights marches of the 60’s. The same group is now a party of bigots who are defaming the good name of well educated person who just happens to be black. The sin she has committed is that she is conservative and works for George Bush.

Shame on the left. One day real soon they are going to go just a bit too far and they are not going to like the consequences!