Obama, Your Rice Is Cooked

Susan Rice has been outed as the Obama administration person who unmasked the names of American citizens working in the Trump campaign/administration. The names of those folks were eventually shared with a number of agencies in the government and made their way to the media. Making those names public is a felony.

I have heard the Media wing of the Democrat Party say that naming Rice is racist, sexist, and unfair. The claim is she did nothing illegal and that this is all to take attention away from the investigation into Russia.

As you know, the Democrats are looking to see if Trump and/or his people colluded with the Russians during the last presidential election. There has been no evidence (as reported by a number of agencies) showing that collusion took place or that any person associated with Trump committed a crime. But the investigation continues because Democrats are trying to tear down this administration and have adopted a scorched earth policy.

All well and good but if they want to claim Rice did nothing wrong then neither did Trump or his people. It is not illegal to talk to people from other countries. If the claim is that Democrats need to know what the motives were and what was discussed then we need that same standard for Rice.

What was her motivation? If it can be shown that the names of Americans NOT associated with Trump were unmasked during the time in question (and at the same rate or quantity) then she was probably just doing her job. But if the only names (or a disproportionate number of them) were from the Trump associates (or Trump himself) then there is no doubt her motive was political.

As an aside, Rice requested the unmasking and saw the transcripts of the conversations. Surely she can shed light on whether there was any wrongdoing. If she did not look at this stuff and immediately report it to the law agencies then there was no wrongdoing going on.

No, you see, Rice got the information in order to have it disseminated among government agencies so that it would be leaked to the media. The Obama people (and B. Hussein Obama WAS involved) knew that there was nothing illegal but they also knew if they sprinkled the Russian stuff throughout the government it would eventually get leaked and the narrative would be that Trump and/or his people did something wrong.

So what was her motive? We know Democrats who saw the info were worried and looked for a way to spin it. They came up with the narrative that Rice did nothing wrong, was only doing her job and that it is a distraction (throw in the racist/sexist allegations and you have the full Monty).

Susan Rice needs to be hauled in and questioned under oath. In fact, Obama should be subpoenaed to give sworn testimony. Rice should be specifically asked if Obama knew of this, gave her the order or had it disseminated. Obama should be asked what he knew and when he knew it.

The noose needs to keep getting tighter until we get answers about what happened and what the motivations were.

As for the Russian probe, here are your facts and the conclusion. Russia absolutely tried to influence our election AS IT HAS DONE FOR DECADES (kind of like Obama did in Israel’s elections) but there was no collusion with anyone from the Trump campaign/administration. A number of law and intelligence agencies have stated this a number of times. Democrats keep harping on it because they have nothing else.

Donald Trump needs to go after the people who did this and he needs to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. The American people deserve to see those who broke the law in jail where they belong.

We cannot keep law and order if those in positions of authority keep breaking the law and getting away with it.

Drain the swamp right into a federal prison.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Nancy Pelosi, Drain Your Swamp

Nancy Pelosi told us how wonderful Democrats were and that when they took control they would drain the swamp and let sunshine disinfect DC. She and her cohorts rode into power on a wave of anti Bush sentiment and their claims of the Republican “Culture of Corruption.”

To be sure, there have been and are corrupt Republicans but to listen to Pelosi one would think corruption is limited to that party. Pelosi and the Democrats have their own corruption to worry about and Pelosi seems none to eager to drain her own corrupt swamp.

The ethical woes facing Democrats are piling up, with barely a day passing in recent weeks without headlines from Washington to New York and beyond filled with word of scandal or allegations of wrongdoing. NY Times

Governor Paterson of New York is mentioned in the article but he does not fall under Pelosi’s purview.

The list of corruption and wrong doing on the left gets increasingly longer each day.

And the Washington Examiner points out the dirty money in DC with its Dirty Money Archives. Look at that long list of Democrats…

But don’t ignore the Republicans on the list. Like I pointed out earlier, the problem is on both sides.

Vote them all out and we can start over…

Big Dog


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