Another Obama Contradiction

Back when Obama was running around giving hope and change speeches he said many things and now that he is in office he has discovered it is easy to say something but very hard to actually do it. If the solutions were as easy as he made them sound then anyone could have done them. Obama discovered this with regard to Gitmo. He signed a document the day after he took office saying it would close in one year. It is still open nearly 18 months later and it is all but forgotten. The same MSM (and other liberal groups) that bashed Bush about it nearly everyday and who hailed Obama as the next messiah when he signed his little document are pretty silent about this huge failure.

When Barack Obama was a wet behind the ears Senator (as opposed to a wet behind the ears Resident) he lambasted McCain saying we did not need a commission to study the economy. Barack, we were assured, knew the problem and would fix it:

“Folks, we don’t need a commission to spend a few years and a lot of taxpayer money to tell us what’s going on in our economy,” he continued. “We don’t need a commission to tell us gas prices are high or that you can’t pay your bills. We don’t need a commission to tell us you’re losing your jobs. We don’t need a commission to study this crisis, we need a President who will solve it – and that’s the kind of President I intend to be.” CBS

We do not need a commission, we need a president who will solve the problem. So now that Barack OweBama has stifled the economy, quadrupled the debt, and failed to produce jobs what does he do? He appoints a commission to solve the problem:

President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is meeting today as part of its efforts to craft recommendations by December on how best to address America’s red-ink problem.

Mr. Obama established the commission in February, saying debt and deficits can “hobble our economy” and “saddle every child in America with an intolerable burden.” [Same article]

What happened to “we don’t need a commission?” What happened to we need a president to solve the problem?

I bet John McCain is laughing about this.

The article tries to provide cover for Obama by indicating that he tried to get the Senate to pass legislation establishing a panel that would force up or down votes on deficit reduction measures [cited article]. Poor Barry tried but was forced to appoint a commission because he could not get legislation.

Let me translate:

Barack Obama tried to get legislation passed that would have bypassed Congressional procedures and allowed up or down votes thereby passing the checks and balances (legislation he could have bent to allow up or down votes on anything) and when he could not get this liberty killing legislation he was forced to appoint a commission.

Does it matter? We did not need the legislation and we do not need a commission.

According to Owebama, we need a president who can solve the problem.

First we need a real president (God already gave us a Messiah, we need a president).

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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