Don’t Criticize Obama

Throughout the campaign no one was allowed to criticize Barack Obama. The first time an unkind word was uttered the claims of racism were made. Now I admit that some of the stuff said about him was ridiculous and deserved to be addressed (though I doubt most of it was racist) and I only wish his followers had been so quick to defend Sarah Palin the same way. Instead, idiots like those at the Daily Kos made up stories about Palin and her daughter and questioned who her last child really belonged to. It was disgusting but that was just politics. Obama’s family was off limits but Palin’s was fair game. God help the person who had unkind words about The Sainted One because that person was branded a racist. That still takes place even though he could not have won if a lot of whites did not vote for him.

After Obama won, the left sent out the messages that we all needed to get along. They said we should give him a chance and that we are all one country. He will be the president and we should work with him to make America better. Obama said we are not a red states or a blue states, we are the United States.

Of course, the same people who said we should work together are the ones who worked against George Bush and Republicans for the last eight years. These are the people who called him a Nazi, a chimp, and still want to see him prosecuted for war crimes. These are the people who did everything they could to keep OUR country from being successful but now want us to come together to make OUR country successful. Obama was one of the most partisan Senators (in his very short tenure) and opposed EVERYTHING President Bush wanted. Now tell me how we are a United States when the people who say we are are actually the ones who have been dividing us for nearly a decade.

This has gotten so bad that schools will not allow students to say bad things about Obama. A Superintendent in Ohio sent a memo indicating that people should watch what they say:

“Inappropriate comments that may make other students, staff or families feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in school or on the bus will not be tolerated,” Superintendent Kevin Bright said in an e-mail sent to parents Monday, Jan. 12.

The district, he said, expects students and staff to show respect for President-elect Obama and the incoming administration, as well as President Bush and the outgoing administration, and recognize that “while the election is a competitive process, our nation’s greatness is displayed when all sides come together for a united country.”

I give this guy credit for including an idea that what is said about Bush should be tempered as well but where was this guy for the last eight years? Did he send memos out telling people not refer to President Bush negatively?

Probably not and why should he. This is America and we have a right to say things even if others do not like it. In reality, I don’t much care if people are offended. I am not saying that I would say something to deliberately insult a person (wow lady, you are really fat). That is unkind and ill mannered but there is nothing wrong with expressing opinions. Students should have the right to say what they dislike about Obama (or Bush or anyone else) just as they are able to express satisfaction with these same people.

I imagine that it would be OK for a kid to say that Obama was going to fix America but if another kid said that it was a lot of campaign rhetoric it would be offensive.

I am glad I am not in school in this day and age.

Let me rephrase. There are a lot of teachers who are glad I am not in school in this day and age.

Kids, express yourself no matter what side of the equation you are on. Just do it with class and with manners that would make your mother proud.

Dayton Daily News

Big Dog

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4 Responses to “Don’t Criticize Obama”

  1. Barbara says:

    People in America, who have the wisdom to see what Obama really consists of should speak up, and I for one will. He is an arrogantly proud man who refuses to prove he was born in America. He is a liar, as he is not a christian as he claims as he believes in gay marriage(people will eventually see that)and he believes in abortion and killing babies that have survived an abortion. He is going to tax the American people until we cannot survive and we are doomed if he goes to socialized medicine. He also plans to attack our pensions when he fixes Social Security. He will take our guns away, but the criminals will still have them. These things were done to the Jews before the Holocaust. What he and the Democrats did to Sarah Palin is only the beginning of an example of what he plans to do to us. HE IS POWER HUNGRY AND HIS WIFE IS EVEN WORSE. I wish I could see him in person and tell him to his face what I think about him. We are supposed to pray for our President, but I have to be honest and say I find this difficult when I know what he is really like. People look at him and see the Messiah. I look at him and see the devil

  2. victoria says:

    I totally agree with Barbara. I read something on World Net Daily by Joseph Farah, “That’s why I do not hesitate today in calling on godly Americans to pray that Barack Hussein Obama fail in his efforts to change our country from one anchored on self-governance and constitutional republicanism to one based on the raw and unlimited power of the central state. It would be folly to pray for his success in such an evil campaign.” That is why all I have been able to pray for is that somehow there is a miracle and he changes his beliefs.

  3. Liberty Card says:

    I think if we spend all our time criticizing B-HO, we will lose again and again.

    We need to rise up with a loud voice and say what we stand for, where we want this country to be – not lament over where it’s going.

    When we do that, B-HO and the Liberals will have to defend their ideas, not their personalities, not their feel good platitudes, and Americans will reject them just like we did in ’94.

  4. chicago ray says:

    Victoria Barb, Big Dog all fine comments I second and third, Obama is a lying and cheating Halfrican Usurper who hijacked the presidency as an imposter and should be eventually removed from office and hopefully this is done as soon as possible to limit the damage he can adn will do to the reoubluc that may or may not be reversible/

    Liberty makes a fine point too, “I think if we spend all our time criticizing B-HO, we will lose again and again.” so a fine line must be toed to try and awaken the Obama mesmerized who must be deprogrammed and brought back from the obama twilight zone which they presently occupy