Bella Pelosi and the Birds

Screecher of the House Nancy Bella Pelosi went on a four day trek to Iraq so she could stay in a safe place and get a “good idea” of what was going on there. If Barbara Boxer believes that Dr. Condi Rice does not understand the price of war because she has no children then how is Bella able to assess the war since has has never served? I guess the fact that she served tea as the home maker for her rich hubby makes her qualified.

Pelosi arrived home to find an uninvited guest. A black bird had somehow gotten into her house (probably because of global warming) and had knocked a few things over. Bella and someone else spent an hour chasing it around before they caught it and let it go. I do not believe this story and I think it is a complete fabrication to cover up what really happened.

My belief is that one of the bats from her belfry is no longer there.


Al Franken to Run

I know when you read that you assumed it meant he would run from someone he ticked off but he is going to run for a Senate seat in Minnesota. Franken will quit his radio show on Valentine’s Day and start working on his campaign. What? Oh, for those of you who did not know, Franken has a show on Err Amerika, a defunct Liberal radio station that is bankrupt and has no listeners.

Franken, who has a hot temper and likes to break bad with people, has tried many things that he was not particularly good at. He was a writer on Saturday Night Live and sometimes appeared in the skits. He is not very funny and he is supposed to be a comedian. He left comedy and wrote a few books that basically insulted people and called them liars. If that is successful writing there are a lot of moonbats at the Daily Kos who have a potential future (once they remove their tin hats). Then Franken went into radio on Err Amerika and he has failed at that. There are more people watching Andy Griffith reruns than listen to his show. Hell, there are probably more people who think Jerry Garcia is still alive than listen to his show. In any event, he is turning to politics.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

He had better hope he reaches more people than his radio show did or he might be listed as “others” on the election night ticker. Franken is not what this country needs in Congress but I guess he figured he sucks at everything else so he might as well try to get into the loser club. He likes to tell folks he will be the only New York Jew in the race who grew up in Minnesota. I think he got that slightly wrong. He will be the only New York Jewish Putz…


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Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Perception is Reality

Barack Obama is a very liberal person even though people believe he comes off as centrist. Obama has a hard time agreeing with Conservatives because of a deluded blindness he has. He believes that Liberals base things on fact and reason:

“The arguments of liberals are more often grounded in reason and fact.” Examiner

Nothing could be further from the truth. liberals base everything on emotion and on their belief that they are the chosen ones who should lead all people. The Liberals believe in Global Warming and yet as many scientists oppose the idea as support it and no one, not even Al Gore, has come up with definitive proof that it is happening or that man is responsible if it is. Liberals believe that it is murder to put a convicted killer to death but a right to kill an unborn child. Liberals believe that the terrorists who want to kill us would be much friendlier if we just sat down and talked to them.

Liberals believe that guns commit crimes and that the people who use the guns are just victims. Liberals believe that any mention of God is wrong and not protected under the First Amendment but that the same Amendment allows newspapers to print classified information. Liberals believe that this is George Bush’s war and that he started it. They also believe that the people who attacked us were freedom fighters and it is our fault they did so.

Liberals believe that Bill Clinton shares no blame for the terrorist attacks after eight years in office and that George Bush shoulders all the blame after just eight months in office. Liberals believe that Bill Clinton was telling the truth when he said that we had not heard of al-Qaeda or bin Laden and that there was no reason to go after him and also believe him when he contradicts himself and says he came the closest to getting bin Laden.

If this is all fact and reason then America needs to dismiss Obama right now. He has been rated 95% liberal and he believes that Liberals base things on fact and reason. So far, I have seen absolutely no facts and no reasoning in anything that Liberals have said or done.

Here is a fact to chew on. Liberals would be happy to see us lose the war.

Smoldering Body in LA

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Police responding to a call for a rubbish fire found a smoldering body of what appeared to be an African American woman in her 30’s. The cause of death has not yet been determined but the dead woman was issued a warning by the local police in advance of California’s proposed law against smoking in public.

LA Times
LA Times

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Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

To Protect and Serve

I am in no way a supporter of the anti-war crowd. I believe they are destructive to our nation and they give our enemy resolve. I do, however, believe that they have the right to protest and I will die defending that right regardless of my distaste for their message. A group of nine protesters was arrested for protesting around courtyard pool inside the Rayburn House office building. They were throwing flowers and reciting the names of our war dead. They were arrested because there are laws preventing protests inside Federal buildings in the DC area. This is fine, there are rules that must be followed when exercising First Amendment rights.

What I have a real problem with is the way different groups of protesters are handled. These people, who by all accounts were not hurting anything or anyone, were arrested while the group on Saturday was allowed to vandalize the steps of the Capitol. The Capitol Police stood by and watched as people defaced the property and they arrested absolutely no one. It would seem that if they were going to excuse any behavior it would the behavior of the peaceful protester. The ones who were damaging property should have been arrested. What do we pay the Capitol Police to do? If we are only paying them to watch crime we can get cameras and film it and save the taxpayers a great deal of money.

I can not stand those who protest against the war but the First Amendment is the second most important one we have (without the Second there would be no First) so they should be allowed to peacefully assemble within the limits of the law. However, when they go out of their way to confront the police or to antagonize the opposition voice and when they damage property they should be arrested.

The police indicate that on Saturday they used “measured crowd control practices.” I hope if a crown of terrorists (other than the anti-war type) attacks the Capitol they do a little better job.

Fox News