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Vaccine Round Up Star Date 2021.308

My Take: Anyone who forces children to get the Covid vaccine should be charged with crimes against humanity. More children will die from the vaccine than from the virus, mark my word. The government does not care if your child dies. In fact, government does not care who dies so long as they continue in power and push their agendas. If they cared then they would not have sent tens of thousands of elderly to nursing homes while infected with Covid. If you allow your children to be poisoned with this stuff you should be labeled an unfit parent. God forbid your children should die you will have no one to blame but yourself.

1. Dr. Ben Carson agrees with me. Dr. Carson said that children are at very little risk from the virus and should not be forced to get these vaccines. He indicated that the children were being used as test subjects and called it a very big experiment. There is no reason to vaccinate children. The vaccine does not prevent the spread of the virus and natural immunity is best. Many children have had Covid so they are safe. Just leave the children alone.

2. Why are they targeting children? The executives at the big pharma companies need more money. These people like fancy planes, huge boats and mansion like homes and they can’t get that if they do not make taxpayers pay for shots that are mandated. In addition, the people in government who were involved in the development of the vaccines like to live in style so they need to have mandates so they can get their cut. They enjoy the money associated with bouncing back and forth between the pharma companies and government. They are not concerned with the health of you or your children. They only scream follow the science when it is convenient for them. The CDC, Centers for Deceit and Corruption, are not on your side. Those folks are there to make a buck and carry out government mandates.

3. Two young children in Texas have been negligently vaccinated with three times the dose allowed for children. In addition, they were vaccinated before the vaccine was approved for people their age. One of the children had adverse reactions to the vaccine but appears to be doing better. We have had far too many stories of people getting the Covid vaccine when they went for another vaccine and now we have children being given shots they are not supposed to get at a dosage that is intended for adults. I hope these kids are OK. I also hope the nurse who gave this to them suffers some consequence for the negligence.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
